unknown 2cae258f75 wl2126 - ndb - fix last unhandled part of read_multi_range
reading sorted multi_range with several range-scans

  Delete: ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.hpp
  Delete: ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.cpp
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  Remove NdbResultSet
  1) Fix a = 3 -> a= 3
  2) Impl. last part of wl2126
     ordered "multi ordered scan"
2004-12-07 15:15:49 +01:00

623 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
* testDataBuffers
* Test getValue() of byte arrays:
* - using application buffers of different alignments and sizes
* - using NdbApi allocated small (<32) and big (>=32) buffers
* Verifies fixes to tickets 189 and 206.
* Options: see printusage() below.
* Creates tables TB00 to TB15
#include <ndb_global.h>
#include <NdbMain.h>
#include <NdbOut.hpp>
#include <NdbApi.hpp>
#include <NdbTest.hpp>
#include <NdbSchemaCon.hpp>
// limits
static int const MaxAttr = 64;
static int const MaxOper = 1000;
static int const MaxSize = 10000;
static int const MaxOff = 64; // max offset to add to data buffer
static int const MaxData = MaxSize + MaxOff + 100;
// options
static int attrcnt = 25;
static int existok = 0;
static bool kontinue = false;
static int loopcnt = 1;
static int opercnt = 100; // also does this many scans
static int randomizer = 171317;
static int sizelim = 500;
static int xverbose = 0;
static void printusage() {
<< "usage: testDataBuffers options [default/max]"
<< endl
<< "NOTE: too large combinations result in NDB error"
<< endl
<< "-a N number of attributes (including the key) [25/64]"
<< endl
<< "-e no error if table exists (assumed to have same structure)"
<< endl
<< "-k on error continue with next test case"
<< endl
<< "-l N number of loops to run, 0 means infinite [1]"
<< endl
<< "-o N number of operations (rows in each table) [100/1000]"
<< endl
<< "-r N source of randomness (big number (prime)) [171317]"
<< endl
<< "-s N array size limit (rounded up in some tests) [500/10000]"
<< endl
<< "-x extremely verbose"
<< endl
<< "Tables: TB00 .. TB15"
<< endl
static Ndb* ndb = 0;
static NdbSchemaCon* tcon = 0;
static NdbSchemaOp* top = 0;
static NdbConnection* con = 0;
static NdbOperation* op = 0;
static NdbScanOperation* sop = 0;
static NdbResultSet* rs = 0;
static int
ndberror(char const* fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char buf[200];
va_start(ap, fmt);
BaseString::vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
ndbout << buf << " --" << endl;
if (ndb)
ndbout << "ndb : " << ndb->getNdbError() << endl;
if (tcon)
ndbout << "tcon: " << tcon->getNdbError() << endl;
if (top)
ndbout << "top: " << top->getNdbError() << endl;
if (con)
ndbout << "con : " << con->getNdbError() << endl;
if (op)
ndbout << "op : " << op->getNdbError() << endl;
return -1;
static int
chkerror(char const* fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
char buf[200];
va_start(ap, fmt);
BaseString::vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
ndbout << "*** check failed: " << buf << " ***" << endl;
return -1;
// alignment of addresses and data sizes
static bool isAligned(UintPtr x)
return ((x & 3) == 0);
static bool isAligned(char* p)
return isAligned(UintPtr(p));
static unsigned toAligned(UintPtr x)
while (! isAligned(x))
return x;
static char* toAligned(char* p)
while (! isAligned(p))
return p;
// byte value for key k column i byte j
static int byteVal(int k, int i, int j)
return '0' + (k + i + j) % 10;
// tables
static char tab[20] = "";
static struct col {
char aAttrName[20];
AttrType aAttrType;
int aAttrSize;
int aArraySize;
KeyType aTupleKey;
bool nullable;
NdbRecAttr* aRa;
char* buf;
int bufsiz;
char data[MaxData];
} ccol[MaxAttr];
static int key = 0;
// independent test bits
static bool alignAddr; // align our buffer addresses to 4x
static bool alignSize; // align data sizes to 4x
static bool useBuf; // use our buffers for output
static bool noRandom; // do not randomize sizes and offsets
static int testbits = 4;
static int
makeSize(int i)
int n;
if (noRandom)
n = i;
n = i * randomizer;
n %= sizelim;
if (n <= 0)
n = 1;
if (alignSize)
n = toAligned(n);
return n;
static int
makeOff(int k)
int n;
if (alignAddr)
n = 0;
else if (noRandom)
n = k;
n = k * randomizer;
n %= MaxOff;
if (n < 0)
n = -n;
return n;
static int
testcase(int flag)
ndbout << "--- case " << flag << " ---" << endl;
sprintf(tab, "TB%02d", flag);
alignAddr = ! (flag & 1);
ndbout << (alignAddr ? "align addresses" : "mis-align addresses") << endl;
alignSize = ! (flag & 2);
ndbout << (alignSize ? "align data sizes" : "mis-align data sizes") << endl;
useBuf = ! (flag & 4);
ndbout << (useBuf ? "use our buffers" : "use ndbapi buffers") << endl;
noRandom = ! (flag & 8);
ndbout << (noRandom ? "simple sizes" : "randomize sizes") << endl;
int smax = 0, stot = 0, i;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "- define table " << tab << endl;
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
sprintf(c.aAttrName, "C%d", i);
if (i == 0) {
c.aAttrType = UnSigned;
c.aAttrSize = 32;
c.aArraySize = 1;
c.aTupleKey = TupleKey;
c.nullable = false;
} else {
c.aAttrType = String;
c.aAttrSize = 8;
c.aArraySize = makeSize(i);
if (smax < c.aArraySize)
smax = c.aArraySize;
stot += c.aArraySize;
c.aTupleKey = NoKey;
c.nullable = true;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "-- column " << i << " size=" << c.aArraySize << endl;
c.buf = toAligned(;
c.bufsiz = sizeof( - (c.buf -;
ndbout << "tab=" << tab << " cols=" << attrcnt
<< " size max=" << smax << " tot=" << stot << endl;
ndb = new Ndb("TEST_DB");
if (ndb->init() != 0)
return ndberror("init");
if (ndb->waitUntilReady(30) < 0)
return ndberror("waitUntilReady");
if ((tcon = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(ndb)) == 0)
return ndberror("startSchemaTransaction");
if ((top = tcon->getNdbSchemaOp()) == 0)
return ndberror("getNdbSchemaOp");
if (top->createTable(tab) < 0)
return ndberror("createTable");
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (top->createAttribute(
) < 0)
return ndberror("createAttribute col=%d", i);
if (tcon->execute() < 0) {
if (! (tcon->getNdbError().code == 721 && existok))
return ndberror("execute");
ndbout << "using " << tab << endl;
} else {
ndbout << "created " << tab << endl;
top = 0;
tcon = 0;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "- delete" << endl;
int delcnt = 0;
for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
if (op->deleteTuple() < 0)
return ndberror("deleteTuple key=%d", key);
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (i == 0) {
if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
} else {
if (con->execute(Commit) < 0) {
if (con->getNdbError().code != 626)
return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
} else {
con = 0;
op = 0;
ndbout << "deleted " << delcnt << endl;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "- insert" << endl;
for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
int off = makeOff(key);
if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
if (op->insertTuple() < 0)
return ndberror("insertTuple key=%d", key);
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (i == 0) {
if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
} else {
memset(c.buf, 'A', c.bufsiz);
for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++)
c.buf[j + off] = byteVal(key, i, j);
if (op->setValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off, c.aArraySize) < 0)
return ndberror("setValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
if (con->execute(Commit) < 0)
return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
con = 0;
op = 0;
ndbout << "inserted " << key << endl;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "- select" << endl;
for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
int off = makeOff(key);
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "-- key " << key << " off=" << off << endl;
if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
if (op->readTuple() < 0)
return ndberror("readTuple key=%d", key);
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (i == 0) {
if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
} else {
if (xverbose) {
char tmp[20];
if (useBuf)
sprintf(tmp, "0x%p", c.buf + off);
strcpy(tmp, "ndbapi");
ndbout << "--- column " << i << " addr=" << tmp << endl;
memset(c.buf, 'B', c.bufsiz);
if (useBuf) {
if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off) < 0)
return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
} else {
if ((c.aRa = op->getValue(c.aAttrName)) == 0)
return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
if (con->execute(Commit) != 0)
return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (i == 0) {
} else if (useBuf) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < off; j++) {
if (c.buf[j] != 'B') {
return chkerror("mismatch before key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, 'B', c.buf[j]);
for (j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
if (c.buf[j + off] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), c.buf[j]);
for (j = c.aArraySize + off; j < c.bufsiz; j++) {
if (c.buf[j] != 'B') {
return chkerror("mismatch after key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, 'B', c.buf[j]);
} else {
char* buf = c.aRa->aRef();
if (buf == 0)
return ndberror("null aRef key=%d col%d", key, i);
for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
if (buf[j] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), buf[j]);
con = 0;
op = 0;
ndbout << "selected " << key << endl;
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "- scan" << endl;
char found[MaxOper];
int k;
for (k = 0; k < opercnt; k++)
found[k] = 0;
for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
int off = makeOff(key);
if (xverbose)
ndbout << "-- key " << key << " off=" << off << endl;
int newkey = 0;
if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
if ((op = sop = con->getNdbScanOperation(tab)) == 0)
return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
if (sop->readTuples(1))
return ndberror("openScanRead key=%d", key);
col& c = ccol[0];
if (op->load_const_u32(1, key) < 0)
return ndberror("load_const_u32");
if (op->read_attr(c.aAttrName, 2) < 0)
return ndberror("read_attr");
if (op->branch_eq(1, 2, 0) < 0)
return ndberror("branch_eq");
if (op->interpret_exit_nok() < 0)
return ndberror("interpret_exit_nok");
if (op->def_label(0) < 0)
return ndberror("def_label");
if (op->interpret_exit_ok() < 0)
return ndberror("interpret_exit_ok");
for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (i == 0) {
if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, (char*)&newkey) < 0)
return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
} else {
if (xverbose) {
char tmp[20];
if (useBuf)
sprintf(tmp, "0x%p", c.buf + off);
strcpy(tmp, "ndbapi");
ndbout << "--- column " << i << " addr=" << tmp << endl;
memset(c.buf, 'C', c.bufsiz);
if (useBuf) {
if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off) < 0)
return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
} else {
if ((c.aRa = op->getValue(c.aAttrName)) == 0)
return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
if (con->execute(NoCommit) < 0)
return ndberror("executeScan key=%d", key);
int ret, cnt = 0;
while ((ret = sop->nextResult()) == 0) {
if (key != newkey)
return ndberror("unexpected key=%d newkey=%d", key, newkey);
for (i = 1; i < attrcnt; i++) {
col& c = ccol[i];
if (useBuf) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < off; j++) {
if (c.buf[j] != 'C') {
return chkerror("mismatch before key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, 'C', c.buf[j]);
for (j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
if (c.buf[j + off] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), c.buf[j]);
for (j = c.aArraySize + off; j < c.bufsiz; j++) {
if (c.buf[j] != 'C') {
return chkerror("mismatch after key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, 'C', c.buf[j]);
} else {
char* buf = c.aRa->aRef();
if (buf == 0)
return ndberror("null aRef key=%d col%d", key, i);
for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
if (buf[j] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), buf[j]);
if (ret < 0)
return ndberror("nextScanResult key=%d", key);
if (cnt != 1)
return ndberror("scan key=%d found %d", key, cnt);
found[key] = 1;
con = 0;
op = 0;
for (k = 0; k < opercnt; k++)
if (! found[k])
return ndberror("key %d not found", k);
ndbout << "scanned " << key << endl;
ndb = 0;
ndbout << "done" << endl;
return 0;
NDB_COMMAND(testDataBuffers, "testDataBuffers", "testDataBuffers", "testDataBuffers", 65535)
int i;
while (++argv, --argc > 0) {
char const* p = argv[0];
if (*p++ != '-' || strlen(p) != 1)
goto wrongargs;
switch (*p) {
case 'a':
if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
attrcnt = atoi(argv[0]);
if (1 <= attrcnt && attrcnt <= MaxAttr)
goto wrongargs;
case 'e':
existok = 1;
case 'k':
kontinue = true;
case 'l':
if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
loopcnt = atoi(argv[0]);
if (0 <= loopcnt)
goto wrongargs;
case 'o':
if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
opercnt = atoi(argv[0]);
if (0 <= opercnt && opercnt <= MaxOper)
goto wrongargs;
case 'r':
if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
randomizer = atoi(argv[0]);
if (1 <= randomizer)
goto wrongargs;
case 's':
if (++argv, --argc > 0) {
sizelim = atoi(argv[0]);
if (1 <= sizelim && sizelim <= MaxSize)
goto wrongargs;
case 'x':
xverbose = 1;
return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS);
unsigned ok = true;
for (i = 1; 0 == loopcnt || i <= loopcnt; i++) {
ndbout << "=== loop " << i << " ===" << endl;
for (int flag = 0; flag < (1<<testbits); flag++) {
if (testcase(flag) < 0) {
ok = false;
if (! kontinue)
goto out;
return NDBT_ProgramExit(ok ? NDBT_OK : NDBT_FAILED);
// vim: set sw=4: