mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 01:33:10 +01:00
1149 lines
32 KiB
Executable file
1149 lines
32 KiB
Executable file
# ======================================================================
# MySQL server stress test system
# ======================================================================
# The system should perform stress testing of MySQL server with
# following requirements and basic scenarios:
# Basic requirements:
# Design of stress script should allow one:
# - To stress test the mysqltest binary test engine.
# - To stress test the regular test suite and any additional test suites
# (such as mysql-test-extra-5.0).
# - To specify files with lists of tests both for initialization of
# stress db and for further testing itself.
# - To define the number of threads to be concurrently used in testing.
# - To define limitations for the test run. such as the number of tests or
# loops for execution or duration of testing, delay between test
# executions, and so forth.
# - To get a readable log file that can be used for identification of
# errors that occur during testing.
# Basic scenarios:
# * It should be possible to run stress script in standalone mode
# which will allow to create various scenarios of stress workloads:
# simple ones:
# box #1:
# - one instance of script with list of tests #1
# and more advanced ones:
# box #1:
# - one instance of script with list of tests #1
# - another instance of script with list of tests #2
# box #2:
# - one instance of script with list of tests #3
# - another instance of script with list of tests #4
# that will recreate whole database to back it to clean
# state
# One kind of such complex scenarios maybe continued testing
# when we want to run stress tests from many boxes with various
# lists of tests that will last very long time. And in such case
# we need some wrapper for MySQL server that will restart it in
# case of crashes.
# * It should be possible to run stress script in ad-hoc mode from
# shell or perl versions of mysql-test-run. This allows developers
# to reproduce and debug errors that was found in continued stress
# testing
use Config;
if (!defined($Config{useithreads}))
die <<EOF;
It is unable to run threaded version of stress test on this system
due to disabled ithreads. Please check that installed perl binary
was built with support of ithreads.
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use IO::Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $stress_suite_version="1.0";
$opt_sleep_time = 0;
$opt_mysqltest= ($^O =~ /mswin32/i) ? "mysqltest.exe" : "mysqltest";
@mysqltest_args=("--silent", "-v", "--skip-safemalloc");
# Client ip address
$client_ip=~ s/\.//g;
%tests_files=(client => {mtime => 0, data => []},
initdb => {mtime => 0, data => []});
# Error codes and sub-strings with corresponding severity
# S1 - Critical errors - cause immediately abort of testing. These errors
# could be caused by server crash or impossibility
# of test execution
# S2 - Serious errors - these errors are bugs for sure as it knowns that
# they shouldn't appear during stress testing
# S3 - Non-seriuos errros - these errors could be caused by fact that
# we execute simultaneously statements that
# affect tests executed by other threads
%error_strings = ( 'Failed in mysql_real_connect()' => S1,
'not found (Errcode: 2)' => S1 );
%error_codes = ( 1012 => S2, 1015 => S2, 1021 => S2,
1027 => S2, 1037 => S2, 1038 => S2,
1039 => S2, 1040 => S2, 1046 => S2,
1180 => S2, 1181 => S2, 1203 => S2,
1205 => S2, 1206 => S2, 1207 => S2,
1223 => S2, 2013 => S1);
%test_counters=( loop_count => 0, test_count=>0);
$SIG{INT}= \&sig_INT_handler;
$SIG{TERM}= \&sig_TERM_handler;
GetOptions("server-host=s", "server-logs-dir=s", "server-port=s",
"server-socket=s", "server-user=s", "server-password=s",
"stress-suite-basedir=s", "suite=s", "stress-init-file:s",
"stress-tests-file:s", "stress-basedir=s", "stress-mode=s",
"threads=s", "sleep-time=s", "loop-count=i", "test-count=i",
"test-duration=i", "test-suffix=s", "check-tests-file",
"verbose", "log-error-details", "cleanup", "mysqltest=s",
"abort-on-error", "help") || usage();
usage() if ($opt_help);
$test_dirname.="-$opt_test_suffix" if ($opt_test_suffix ne '');
print <<EOF;
if ($opt_stress_basedir eq '' || $opt_stress_suite_basedir eq '' ||
$opt_server_logs_dir eq '')
die <<EOF;
Options --stress-basedir, --stress-suite-basedir and --server-logs-dir are
required. Please use these options to specify proper basedir for
client, test suite and location of server logs.
stress-basedir: '$opt_stress_basedir'
stress-suite-basedir: '$opt_stress_suite_basedir'
server-logs-dir: '$opt_server_logs_dir'
#Workaround for case when we got relative but not absolute path
if ($opt_stress_datadir ne '')
if (! -d "$opt_stress_basedir")
die <<EOF;
Directory '$opt_stress_basedir' does not exist.
Use --stress-basedir option to specify proper basedir for client
if (!-d $opt_stress_suite_basedir)
die <<EOF;
Directory '$opt_stress_suite_basedir' does not exist.
Use --stress-suite-basedir option to specify proper basedir for test suite
if ($opt_stress_datadir ne '')
if (-d $opt_stress_datadir)
die <<EOF;
Directory '$opt_stress_datadir' not exists. Please specify proper one
with --stress-datadir option.
if ($^O =~ /mswin32/i)
$test_dataset_dir=~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
if (!-d $opt_server_logs_dir)
die <<EOF;
Directory server-logs-dir '$opt_server_logs_dir' does not exist.
Use --server-logs-dir option to specify proper directory for storing
#Create sub-directory for test session logs
mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname), 0, 0755);
#Define filename of global session log file
$stress_log_file=File::Spec->catfile($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname,
if ($opt_suite ne '' && $opt_suite ne 'main' && $opt_suite ne 'default')
$test_suite_dir=File::Spec->catdir($opt_stress_suite_basedir, "suite", $opt_suite);
$test_suite_dir= $opt_stress_suite_basedir;
if (!-d $test_suite_dir)
die <<EOF
Directory '$test_suite_dir' does not exist.
Use --suite options to specify proper dir for test suite
foreach my $suite_dir ($test_suite_t_path, $test_suite_r_path)
if (!-d $suite_dir)
die <<EOF;
Directory '$suite_dir' does not exist.
Please ensure that you specified proper source location for
test/result files with --stress-suite-basedir option and name
of test suite with --suite option
foreach $test_dir ($test_t_path, $test_r_path)
if (-d $test_dir)
if ($opt_cleanup)
#Delete existing 't', 'r', 'r/*' subfolders in $stress_basedir
rmtree("$test_dir", 0, 0);
print "Cleanup $test_dir\n";
die <<EOF;
Directory '$test_dir' already exist.
Please ensure that you specified proper location of working dir
for current test run with --stress-basedir option or in case of staled
directories use --cleanup option to remove ones
#Create empty 't', 'r' subfolders that will be filled later
mkpath("$test_dir", 0, 0777);
if (!defined($opt_stress_tests_file) && !defined($opt_stress_init_file))
die <<EOF;
You should run stress script either with --stress-tests-file or with
--stress-init-file otions. See help for details.
if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file))
if ($opt_stress_tests_file eq '')
#Default location of file with set of tests for current test run
$tests_files{client}->{filename}= File::Spec->catfile($opt_stress_suite_basedir,
$tests_files{client}->{filename}= $opt_stress_tests_file;
if (!-f $tests_files{client}->{filename})
die <<EOF;
File '$tests_files{client}->{filename}' with list of tests not exists.
Please ensure that this file exists, readable or specify another one with
--stress-tests-file option.
if (defined($opt_stress_init_file))
if ($opt_stress_init_file eq '')
#Default location of file with set of tests for current test run
$tests_files{initdb}->{filename}= File::Spec->catfile($opt_stress_suite_basedir,
$tests_files{initdb}->{filename}= $opt_stress_init_file;
if (!-f $tests_files{initdb}->{filename})
die <<EOF;
File '$tests_files{initdb}->{filename}' with list of tests for initialization of database
for stress test not exists.
Please ensure that this file exists, readable or specify another one with
--stress-init-file option.
if ($opt_stress_mode !~ /^(random|seq)$/)
die <<EOF
Was specified wrong --stress-mode. Correct values 'random' and 'seq'.
if (open(TEST, "$opt_mysqltest -V |"))
print "FOUND MYSQLTEST BINARY: ", $mysqltest_version,"\n";
die <<EOF;
ERROR: mysqltest binary $opt_mysqltest not found $!.
You must either specify file location explicitly using --mysqltest
option, or make sure path to mysqltest binary is listed
in your PATH environment variable.
#Adding mysql server specific command line options for mysqltest binary
$opt_server_host= $opt_server_host ? $opt_server_host : "localhost";
$opt_server_port= $opt_server_port ? $opt_server_port : "3306";
$opt_server_user= $opt_server_user ? $opt_server_user : "root";
$opt_server_socket= $opt_server_socket ? $opt_server_socket : "/tmp/mysql.sock";
$opt_server_database= $opt_server_database ? $opt_server_database : "test";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--host=$opt_server_host";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--port=$opt_server_port";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--user=$opt_server_user";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--password=$opt_server_password";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--socket=$opt_server_socket";
unshift @mysqltest_args, "--database=$opt_server_database";
#Export variables that could be used in tests
print <<EOF;
TEST-SUITE-BASEDIR: $opt_stress_suite_basedir
SUITE: $opt_suite
TEST-BASE-DIR: $opt_stress_basedir
TEST-DATADIR: $test_dataset_dir
SERVER-LOGS-DIR: $opt_server_logs_dir
THREADS: $opt_threads
TEST-MODE: $opt_stress_mode
#At this stage we've already checked all needed pathes/files
#and ready to start the test
if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file) || defined($opt_stress_init_file))
print <<EOF;
#Copy Test files from network share to 't' folder
print "\nCopying Test files from $test_suite_t_path to $test_t_path folder...";
find({wanted=>\©_test_files, bydepth=>1}, "$test_suite_t_path");
print "Done\n";
#$test_r_path/r0 dir reserved for initdb
$count_start= defined($opt_stress_init_file) ? 0 : 1;
our $r_folder='';
print "\nCreating 'r' folder and copying Protocol files to each 'r#' sub-folder...";
for($count=$count_start; $count <= $opt_threads; $count++)
$r_folder = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, "r".$count);
mkpath("$r_folder", 0, 0777);
print "Done\n\n";
if (defined($opt_stress_init_file))
print <<EOF;
#Set limits for stress db initialization
%limits=(loop_count => 1, test_count => undef);
#Read list of tests from $opt_stress_init_file
test_loop($client_ip, 0, 'seq', $tests_files{initdb});
#print Dumper($tests_files{initdb}),"\n";
print <<EOF;
Done initialization of stress database by tests from
$tests_files{initdb}->{filename} file.
if (defined($opt_stress_tests_file))
print <<EOF;
#Read list of tests from $opt_stress_tests_file
#Reset current counter and set limits
%test_counters=( loop_count => 0, test_count=>0);
%limits=(loop_count => $opt_loop_count, test_count => $opt_test_count);
if (($opt_loop_count && $opt_threads > $opt_loop_count) ||
($opt_test_count && $opt_threads > $opt_test_count))
warn <<EOF;
WARNING: Possible inaccuracies in number of executed loops or
tests because number of threads bigger than number of
loops or tests:
Threads will be started: $opt_threads
Loops will be executed: $opt_loop_count
Tests will be executed: $opt_test_count
#Create threads (number depending on the variable )
for ($id=1; $id<=$opt_threads && !$exiting; $id++)
$thrd[$id] = threads->create("test_loop", $client_ip, $id,
$opt_stress_mode, $tests_files{client});
print "main: Thread ID $id TID ",$thrd[$id]->tid," started\n";
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5);
if ($opt_test_duration)
kill INT, $$; #Interrupt child threads
#Let other threads to process INT signal
for ($id=1; $id<=$opt_threads;$id++)
if (defined($thrd[$id]))
print "EXIT\n";
sub test_init
my ($env)=@_;
$env->{screen_logs}=File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname,
"screen_logs", $env->{session_id});
$env->{reject_logs}=File::Spec->catdir($opt_server_logs_dir, $test_dirname,
"reject_logs", $env->{session_id});
mkpath($env->{screen_logs}, 0, 0755) unless (-d $env->{screen_logs});
mkpath($env->{reject_logs}, 0, 0755) unless (-d $env->{reject_logs});
$env->{session_log}= File::Spec->catfile($env->{screen_logs}, $env->{session_id}.".log");
sub test_execute
my $env= shift;
my $test_name= shift;
my $g_start= "";
my $g_end= "";
my $mysqltest_cmd= "";
my @mysqltest_test_args=();
my @stderr=();
#Get time stamp
$g_start = get_timestamp();
my $test_file= $test_name.".test";
my $result_file= $test_name.".result";
my $reject_file = $test_name.'.reject';
my $output_file = $env->{session_id}.'_'.$test_name.'_'.$g_start."_".$env->{test_count}.'.txt';
my $test_filename = File::Spec->catfile($test_t_path, $test_file);
my $result_filename = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, $env->{r_folder}, $result_file);
my $reject_filename = File::Spec->catdir($test_r_path, $env->{r_folder}, $reject_file);
my $output_filename = File::Spec->catfile($env->{screen_logs}, $output_file);
push @mysqltest_test_args, "--basedir=$opt_stress_suite_basedir/",
"-x $test_filename",
"-R $result_filename",
$cmd= "$opt_mysqltest --no-defaults ".join(" ", @mysqltest_args)." ".
join(" ", @mysqltest_test_args);
$exit_value = $? >> 8;
$signal_num = $? & 127;
$dumped_core = $? & 128;
my $tid= threads->self->tid;
if (-s $output_filename > 0)
#Read stderr for further analysis
open (STDERR_LOG, $output_filename) or
warn "Can't open file $output_filename";
if ($opt_verbose)
"Something wrong happened during execution of this command line:");
stress_log($session_debug_file, "MYSQLTEST CMD - $cmd");
stress_log($session_debug_file, "STDERR:".join("",@stderr));
stress_log($session_debug_file, "EXIT STATUS:\n1. EXIT: $exit_value \n".
"2. SIGNAL: $signal_num\n".
"3. CORE: $dumped_core\n");
#If something wrong trying to analyse stderr
if ($exit_value || $signal_num)
if (@stderr)
foreach my $line (@stderr)
#FIXME: we should handle case when for one sub-string/code
# we have several different error messages
# Now for both codes/substrings we assume that
# first found message will represent error
#Check line for error codes
if (($err_msg, $err_code)= $line=~/failed: ((\d+):.+?$)/)
if (!exists($error_codes{$err_code}))
if (!exists($env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_code}))
$env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_code}=[0, $err_msg];
#Check line for error patterns
foreach $err_string (keys %error_strings)
$pattern= quotemeta $err_string;
if ($line =~ /$pattern/i)
my $severity= $error_strings{$err_string};
if (!exists($env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_string}))
$env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$err_string}=[0, $line];
$env->{errors}->{S3}->{'Unknown error'}=
[1,"Unknown error. Nothing was output to STDERR"];
#FIXME: Here we can perform further analysis of recognized
# error codes
foreach my $severity (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$env->{errors}})
my $total=$env->{errors}->{$severity}->{total};
if ($total)
push @{$env->{test_status}}, "Severity $severity: $total";
#FIXME: Should we take into account $exit_value here?
# Now we assume that all stringified errors(i.e. errors without
# error codes) which are not exist in %error_string structure
# are OK
if (!$env->{errors}->{total})
push @{$env->{test_status}},"No Errors. Test Passed OK";
log_session_errors($env, $test_file);
if (!$exiting && ($signal_num == 2 || $signal_num == 15 ||
($opt_abort_on_error && $env->{errors}->{S1} > 0)))
#mysqltest was interrupted with INT or TERM signals or test was
#ran with --abort-on-error option and we got errors with severity S1
#so we assume that we should cancel testing and exit
print STDERR<<EOF;
mysqltest was interrupted with INT or TERM signals or test was
ran with --abort-on-error option and we got errors with severity S1
(test cann't connect to the server or server crashed) so we assume that
we should cancel testing and exit. Please check log file for this thread
in $stress_log_file or
inspect below output of the last test case executed with mysqltest to
find out cause of error.
Output of mysqltest:
if (-e $reject_filename)
move_to_logs($env->{reject_logs}, $reject_filename, $reject_file);
if (-e $output_filename)
move_to_logs($env->{screen_logs}, $output_filename, $output_file);
sub test_loop
my %client_env=();
my $test_name="";
# KEY for session identification: IP-THREAD_ID
$client_env{ip} = shift;
$client_env{thread_id} = shift;
$client_env{mode} = shift;
#Initialize session variables
if ($opt_check_tests_file)
#Check if tests_file was modified and reread it in this case
read_tests_names($client_env{tests_file}, 0);
if (($limits{loop_count} && $limits{loop_count} <= $test_counters{loop_count}*1) ||
($limits{test_count} && $limits{test_count} <= $test_counters{test_count}*1) )
next LOOP;
#Get random file name
if (($test_name = get_test(\%client_env)) ne '')
#Save current counters values
#Run test and analyze results
test_execute(\%client_env, $test_name);
print "test_loop[".$limits{loop_count}.":".
$limits{test_count}." ".
" TID ".$client_env{thread_id}.
" test: '$test_name' ".
" Errors: ".join(" ",@{$client_env{test_status}}),"\n";
print "\n";
sleep($opt_sleep_time) if($opt_sleep_time);
sub move_to_logs ($$$)
my $path_to_logs = shift;
my $src_file = shift;
my $random_filename = shift;
my $dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($path_to_logs, $random_filename);
move ($src_file, $dst_file) or warn<<EOF;
ERROR: move_to_logs: File $src_file cannot be moved to $dst_file: $!
sub copy_test_files ()
if (/\.test$/)
$src_file = $File::Find::name;
#print "## $File::Find::topdir - $File::Find::dir - $src_file\n";
if ($File::Find::topdir eq $File::Find::dir && $src_file !~ /SCCS/)
$test_filename = basename($src_file);
$dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($test_t_path, $test_filename);
copy($src_file, $dst_file) or die "ERROR: copy_test_files: File cannot be copied. $!";
sub copy_result_files ()
if (/\.result$/)
$src_file = $File::Find::name;
if ($File::Find::topdir eq $File::Find::dir && $src_file !~ /SCCS/)
$result_filename = basename($src_file) ;
$dst_file = File::Spec->catfile($r_folder, $result_filename);
copy($src_file, $dst_file) or die "ERROR: copy_result_files: File cannot be copied. $!";
sub get_timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst) = localtime();
return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
sub read_tests_names
my $tests_file = shift;
my $force_load = shift;
if ($force_load || ( (stat($tests_file->{filename}))[9] != $tests_file->{mtime}) )
open (TEST, $tests_file->{filename}) || die ("Could not open file <".
$tests_file->{filename}."> $!");
@{$tests_file->{data}}= grep {!/^[#\r\n]|^$/} map { s/[\r\n]//g; $_ } <TEST>;
close (TEST);
sub get_random_test
my $envt=shift;
my $tests= $envt->{tests_file}->{data};
my $random = int(rand(@{$tests}));
my $test = $tests->[$random];
return $test;
sub get_next_test
my $envt=shift;
my $test;
if (@{$envt->{tests_file}->{data}})
#If we reach bound of array, reset seq index and increment loop counter
if ($envt->{test_seq_idx} == scalar(@{$envt->{tests_file}->{data}}))
return $test;
sub get_test
my $envt=shift;
if ($envt->{mode} eq 'seq')
return get_next_test($envt);
elsif ($envt->{mode} eq 'random')
return get_random_test($envt);
sub stress_log
my ($log_file, $line)=@_;
open(SLOG,">>$log_file") or warn "Error during opening log file $log_file";
print SLOG $line,"\n";
sub log_session_errors
my ($env, $test_name) = @_;
my $line='';
lock ($log_file_lock);
#header in the begining of log file
if (!-e $stress_log_file)
"TestID TID Suite TestFileName Found Errors");
$line=sprintf('%6d %3d %10s %20s %s', $env->{test_count}, threads->self->tid,
$opt_suite, $test_name,
join(",", @{$env->{test_status}}));
stress_log($stress_log_file, $line);
#stress_log_with_lock($stress_log_file, "\n");
if ($opt_log_error_details)
foreach $severity (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$env->{errors}})
stress_log($stress_log_file, "");
foreach $error (keys %{$env->{errors}->{$severity}})
if ($error ne 'total')
stress_log($stress_log_file, "$severity: Count:".
" Error:". $env->{errors}->{$severity}->{$error}->[1]);
sub sig_INT_handler
$SIG{INT}= \&sig_INT_handler;
print STDERR "$$: Got INT signal-------------------------------------------\n";
sub sig_TERM_handler
$SIG{TERM}= \&sig_TERM_handler;
print STDERR "$$: Got TERM signal\n";
sub usage
print <<EOF;
The MySQL Stress suite Ver $stress_suite_version
mysql-stress-test.pl --stress-basedir=<dir> --stress-suite-basedir=<dir> --server-logs-dir=<dir>
Directory where all clients session logs will be stored. Usually
this is shared directory associated with server that used
in testing
Required option.
Directory that has r/ t/ subfolders with test/result files
which will be used for testing. Also by default we are looking
in this directory for 'stress-tests.txt' file which contains
list of tests. It is possible to specify other location of this
file with --stress-tests-file option.
Required option.
Working directory for this test run. This directory will be used
as temporary location for results tracking during testing
Required option.
Location of data files used which will be used in testing.
By default we search for these files in <dir>/data where dir
is value of --stress-suite-basedir option.
--stress-init-file[=/path/to/file with tests for initialization of stress db]
Using of this option allows to perform initialization of database
by execution of test files. List of tests will be taken either from
specified file or if it omited from default file 'stress-init.txt'
located in <--stress-suite-basedir/--suite> dir
--stress-tests-file[=/path/to/file with tests]
Using of this option allows to run stress test itself. Tests for testing
will be taken either from specified file or if it omited from default
file 'stress-tests.txt' located in <--stress-suite-basedir/--suite> dir
--stress-mode= [random|seq]
There are two possible modes which affect order of selecting tests
from the list:
- in random mode tests will be selected in random order
- in seq mode each thread will execute tests in the loop one by one as
they specified in the list file.
--sleep-time=<time in seconds>
Delay between test execution. Could be usefull in continued testsing
when one of instance of stress script perform periodical cleanup or
recreating of some database objects
--threads=#number of threads
Define number of threads
Check file with list of tests. If file was modified it will force to
reread list of tests. Could be usefull in continued testing for
adding/removing tests without script interruption
--mysqltest=/path/to/mysqltest binary
Force to clean up working directory (specified with --stress-basedir)
Enable errors details in the global error log file. (Default: off)
--test-count=<number of executed tests before we have to exit>
--loop-count=<number of executed loops in sequential mode before we have to exit>
--test-duration=<number of seconds that stress test should run>
Example of tool usage:
perl mysql-stress-test.pl \
--stress-suite-basedir=/opt/qa/mysql-test-extra-5.0/mysql-test \
--stress-basedir=/opt/qa/test \
--server-logs-dir=/opt/qa/logs \
--test-count=20 \
--stress-tests-file=innodb-tests.txt \
--stress-init-file=innodb-init.txt \
--threads=5 \
--suite=funcs_1 \
--mysqltest=/opt/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/mysqltest \
--server-user=root \
--server-database=test \
--cleanup \