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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1999-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: recd010.tcl,v 1.19 2002/03/15 19:05:07 sue Exp $
# TEST recd010
# TEST Test stability of btree duplicates across btree off-page dup splits
# TEST and reverse splits and across recovery.
proc recd010 { method {select 0} args} {
if { [is_btree $method] != 1 } {
puts "Recd010 skipping for method $method."
set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"]
if { $pgindex != -1 } {
puts "Recd010: skipping for specific pagesizes"
set largs $args
append largs " -dup "
recd010_main $method $select $largs
append largs " -dupsort "
recd010_main $method $select $largs
proc recd010_main { method select largs } {
global fixed_len
global kvals
global kvals_dups
source ./include.tcl
set opts [convert_args $method $largs]
set method [convert_method $method]
puts "Recd010 ($opts): Test duplicates across splits and recovery"
set testfile recd010.db
env_cleanup $testdir
# Set pagesize small to generate lots of off-page dups
set page 512
set mkeys 1000
set firstkeys 5
set data "data"
set key "recd010_key"
puts "\tRecd010.a: Create environment and database."
set flags "-create -txn -home $testdir"
set env_cmd "berkdb_env $flags"
set dbenv [eval $env_cmd]
error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $dbenv] TRUE
set oflags "-env $dbenv -create -mode 0644 $opts $method"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} -pagesize $page $oflags $testfile]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
# Fill page with small key/data pairs. Keep at leaf.
puts "\tRecd010.b: Fill page with $firstkeys small dups."
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $firstkeys } { incr i } {
set ret [$db put $key $data$i]
error_check_good dbput $ret 0
set kvals 1
set kvals_dups $firstkeys
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
error_check_good env_close [$dbenv close] 0
# List of recovery tests: {CMD MSG} pairs.
if { $mkeys < 100 } {
puts "Recd010 mkeys of $mkeys too small"
set rlist {
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 1 2 $mkeys}
"Recd010.c: btree split 2 large dups"}
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 0 2 $mkeys}
"Recd010.d: btree reverse split 2 large dups"}
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 1 10 $mkeys}
"Recd010.e: btree split 10 dups"}
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 0 10 $mkeys}
"Recd010.f: btree reverse split 10 dups"}
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 1 100 $mkeys}
"Recd010.g: btree split 100 dups"}
{ {recd010_split DB TXNID 0 100 $mkeys}
"Recd010.h: btree reverse split 100 dups"}
foreach pair $rlist {
set cmd [subst [lindex $pair 0]]
set msg [lindex $pair 1]
if { $select != 0 } {
set tag [lindex $msg 0]
set tail [expr [string length $tag] - 2]
set tag [string range $tag $tail $tail]
if { [lsearch $select $tag] == -1 } {
set reverse [string first "reverse" $msg]
op_recover abort $testdir $env_cmd $testfile $cmd $msg
recd010_check $testdir $testfile $opts abort $reverse $firstkeys
op_recover commit $testdir $env_cmd $testfile $cmd $msg
recd010_check $testdir $testfile $opts commit $reverse $firstkeys
puts "\tRecd010.i: Verify db_printlog can read logfile"
set tmpfile $testdir/printlog.out
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_printlog -h $testdir \
> $tmpfile} ret]
error_check_good db_printlog $stat 0
fileremove $tmpfile
# This procedure verifies that the database has only numkeys number
# of keys and that they are in order.
proc recd010_check { tdir testfile opts op reverse origdups } {
global kvals
global kvals_dups
source ./include.tcl
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $opts $tdir/$testfile]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set data "data"
if { $reverse == -1 } {
puts "\tRecd010_check: Verify split after $op"
} else {
puts "\tRecd010_check: Verify reverse split after $op"
set stat [$db stat]
if { [expr ([string compare $op "abort"] == 0 && $reverse == -1) || \
([string compare $op "commit"] == 0 && $reverse != -1)]} {
set numkeys 0
set allkeys [expr $numkeys + 1]
set numdups $origdups
# If we abort the adding of dups, or commit
# the removal of dups, either way check that
# we are back at the beginning. Check that:
# - We have 0 internal pages.
# - We have only 1 key (the original we primed the db
# with at the beginning of the test).
# - We have only the original number of dups we primed
# the db with at the beginning of the test.
error_check_good stat:orig0 [is_substr $stat \
"{{Internal pages} 0}"] 1
error_check_good stat:orig1 [is_substr $stat \
"{{Number of keys} 1}"] 1
error_check_good stat:orig2 [is_substr $stat \
"{{Number of records} $origdups}"] 1
} else {
set numkeys $kvals
set allkeys [expr $numkeys + 1]
set numdups $kvals_dups
# If we abort the removal of dups, or commit the
# addition of dups, check that:
# - We have > 0 internal pages.
# - We have the number of keys.
error_check_bad stat:new0 [is_substr $stat \
"{{Internal pages} 0}"] 1
error_check_good stat:new1 [is_substr $stat \
"{{Number of keys} $allkeys}"] 1
set dbc [$db cursor]
error_check_good dbcursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
puts "\tRecd010_check: Checking key and duplicate values"
set key "recd010_key"
# Check dups are there as they should be.
for {set ki 0} {$ki < $numkeys} {incr ki} {
set datacnt 0
for {set d [$dbc get -set $key$ki]} { [llength $d] != 0 } {
set d [$dbc get -nextdup]} {
set thisdata [lindex [lindex $d 0] 1]
if { $datacnt < 10 } {
set pdata $data.$ki.00$datacnt
} elseif { $datacnt < 100 } {
set pdata $data.$ki.0$datacnt
} else {
set pdata $data.$ki.$datacnt
error_check_good dup_check $thisdata $pdata
incr datacnt
error_check_good dup_count $datacnt $numdups
# Check that the number of expected keys (allkeys) are
# all of the ones that exist in the database.
set dupkeys 0
set lastkey ""
for {set d [$dbc get -first]} { [llength $d] != 0 } {
set d [$dbc get -next]} {
set thiskey [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
if { [string compare $lastkey $thiskey] != 0 } {
incr dupkeys
set lastkey $thiskey
error_check_good key_check $allkeys $dupkeys
error_check_good curs_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
proc recd010_split { db txn split nkeys mkeys } {
global errorCode
global kvals
global kvals_dups
source ./include.tcl
set data "data"
set key "recd010_key"
set numdups [expr $mkeys / $nkeys]
set kvals $nkeys
set kvals_dups $numdups
if { $split == 1 } {
puts \
"\tRecd010_split: Add $nkeys keys, with $numdups duplicates each to force split."
for {set k 0} { $k < $nkeys } { incr k } {
for {set i 0} { $i < $numdups } { incr i } {
if { $i < 10 } {
set pdata $data.$k.00$i
} elseif { $i < 100 } {
set pdata $data.$k.0$i
} else {
set pdata $data.$k.$i
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key$k $pdata]
error_check_good dbput:more $ret 0
} else {
puts \
"\tRecd010_split: Delete $nkeys keys to force reverse split."
for {set k 0} { $k < $nkeys } { incr k } {
error_check_good db_del:$k [$db del -txn $txn $key$k] 0
return 0