mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 18:18:37 +01:00

into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-5.0-clean mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl: Auto merged mysql-test/r/information_schema.result: Auto merged mysql-test/t/information_schema.test: Auto merged
2245 lines
66 KiB
Executable file
2245 lines
66 KiB
Executable file
# -*- cperl -*-
# This is a transformation of the "mysql-test-run" Bourne shell script
# to Perl. This is just an intermediate step, the goal is to rewrite
# the Perl script to C. The complexity of the mysql-test-run script
# makes it a bit hard to write and debug it as a C program directly,
# so this is considered a prototype.
# Because of this the Perl coding style may in some cases look a bit
# funny. The rules used are
# - The coding style is as close as possible to the C/C++ MySQL
# coding standard.
# - Where NULL is to be returned, the undefined value is used.
# - Regexp comparisons are simple and can be translated to strcmp
# and other string functions. To ease this transformation matching
# is done in the lib "lib/mtr_match.pl", i.e. regular expressions
# should be avoided in the main program.
# - The "unless" construct is not to be used. It is the same as "if !".
# - opendir/readdir/closedir is used instead of glob()/<*>.
# - All lists of arguments to send to commands are Perl lists/arrays,
# not strings we append args to. Within reason, most string
# concatenation for arguments should be avoided.
# - sprintf() is to be used, within reason, for all string creation.
# This mtr_add_arg() function is also based on sprintf(), i.e. you
# use a format string and put the variable argument in the argument
# list.
# - Functions defined in the main program are not to be prefixed,
# functions in "library files" are to be prefixed with "mtr_" (for
# Mysql-Test-Run). There are some exceptions, code that fits best in
# the main program, but are put into separate files to avoid
# clutter, may be without prefix.
# - All stat/opendir/-f/ is to be kept in collect_test_cases(). It
# will create a struct that the rest of the program can use to get
# the information. This separates the "find information" from the
# "do the work" and makes the program more easy to maintain.
# - At the moment, there are tons of "global" variables that control
# this script, even accessed from the files in "lib/*.pl". This
# will change over time, for now global variables are used instead
# of using %opt, %path and %exe hashes, because I want more
# compile time checking, that hashes would not give me. Once this
# script is debugged, hashes will be used and passed as parameters
# to functions, to more closely mimic how it would be coded in C
# using structs.
# - The rule when it comes to the logic of this program is
# command_line_setup() - is to handle the logic between flags
# collect_test_cases() - is to do its best to select what tests
# to run, dig out options, if needs restart etc.
# run_testcase() - is to run a single testcase, and follow the
# logic set in both above. No, or rare file
# system operations. If a test seems complex,
# it should probably not be here.
# A nice way to trace the execution of this script while debugging
# is to use the Devel::Trace package found at
# "http://www.plover.com/~mjd/perl/Trace/" and run this script like
# "perl -d:Trace mysql-test-run.pl"
# FIXME Save a PID file from this code as well, to record the process
# id we think it has. In Cygwin, a fork creates one Cygwin process,
# and then the real Win32 process. Cygwin Perl can only kill Cygwin
# processes. And "mysqld --bootstrap ..." doesn't save a PID file.
$Devel::Trace::TRACE= 0; # Don't trace boring init stuff
#require 5.6.1;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;
use Sys::Hostname;
#use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
#use diagnostics;
require "lib/mtr_cases.pl";
require "lib/mtr_process.pl";
require "lib/mtr_io.pl";
require "lib/mtr_gcov.pl";
require "lib/mtr_gprof.pl";
require "lib/mtr_report.pl";
require "lib/mtr_diff.pl";
require "lib/mtr_match.pl";
require "lib/mtr_misc.pl";
$Devel::Trace::TRACE= 1;
# Used by gcov
our @mysqld_src_dirs=
# Default settings
# We are to use handle_options() in "mysys/my_getopt.c" for the C version
# In the C version we want to use structs and, in some cases, arrays of
# structs. We let each struct be a separate hash.
# Misc global variables
our $glob_win32= 0; # OS and native Win32 executables
our $glob_win32_perl= 0; # ActiveState Win32 Perl
our $glob_cygwin_perl= 0; # Cygwin Perl
our $glob_cygwin_shell= undef;
our $glob_mysql_test_dir= undef;
our $glob_mysql_bench_dir= undef;
our $glob_hostname= undef;
our $glob_scriptname= undef;
our $glob_use_running_server= 0;
our $glob_use_running_ndbcluster= 0;
our $glob_use_embedded_server= 0;
our $glob_basedir;
# The total result
our $path_charsetsdir;
our $path_client_bindir;
our $path_language;
our $path_timefile;
our $path_manager_log; # Used by mysqldadmin
our $path_slave_load_tmpdir; # What is this?!
our $path_my_basedir;
our $opt_vardir; # A path but set directly on cmd line
our $opt_tmpdir; # A path but set directly on cmd line
our $opt_usage;
our $opt_suite;
our $opt_netware;
our $opt_script_debug= 0; # Script debugging, enable with --script-debug
# Options FIXME not all....
our $exe_master_mysqld;
our $exe_mysql;
our $exe_mysqladmin;
our $exe_mysqlbinlog;
our $exe_mysql_client_test;
our $exe_mysqld;
our $exe_mysqldump; # Called from test case
our $exe_mysqlshow; # Called from test case
our $exe_mysql_fix_system_tables;
our $exe_mysqltest;
our $exe_slave_mysqld;
our $opt_bench= 0;
our $opt_small_bench= 0;
our $opt_big_test= 0; # Send --big-test to mysqltest
our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
our $opt_compress;
our $opt_current_test;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_debug;
our $opt_do_test;
our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv
our $opt_embedded_server;
our $opt_extern;
our $opt_fast;
our $opt_force;
our $opt_reorder;
our $opt_gcov;
our $opt_gcov_err;
our $opt_gcov_msg;
our $opt_gdb;
our $opt_client_gdb;
our $opt_manual_gdb;
our $opt_gprof;
our $opt_gprof_dir;
our $opt_gprof_master;
our $opt_gprof_slave;
our $opt_local;
our $opt_local_master;
our $master; # Will be struct in C
our $slave;
our $opt_ndbcluster_port;
our $opt_ndbconnectstring;
our $opt_no_manager; # Does nothing now, we never use manager
our $opt_manager_port; # Does nothing now, we never use manager
our $opt_old_master;
our $opt_record;
our $opt_result_ext;
our $opt_skip;
our $opt_skip_rpl;
our $opt_skip_test;
our $opt_sleep;
our $opt_ps_protocol;
our $opt_sleep_time_after_restart= 1;
our $opt_sleep_time_for_delete= 10;
our $opt_socket;
our $opt_source_dist;
our $opt_start_and_exit;
our $opt_start_dirty;
our $opt_start_from;
our $opt_strace_client;
our $opt_timer;
our $opt_user;
our $opt_user_test;
our $opt_valgrind;
our $opt_valgrind_all;
our $opt_valgrind_options;
our $opt_verbose;
our $opt_wait_for_master;
our $opt_wait_for_slave;
our $opt_wait_timeout= 10;
our $opt_warnings;
our $opt_udiff;
our $opt_skip_ndbcluster;
our $opt_with_ndbcluster;
our $opt_with_openssl;
our $exe_ndb_mgm;
our $path_ndb_tools_dir;
our $path_ndb_backup_dir;
our $file_ndb_testrun_log;
our $flag_ndb_status_ok= 1;
# Function declarations
sub main ();
sub initial_setup ();
sub command_line_setup ();
sub executable_setup ();
sub environment_setup ();
sub kill_running_server ();
sub kill_and_cleanup ();
sub ndbcluster_install ();
sub ndbcluster_start ();
sub ndbcluster_stop ();
sub run_benchmarks ($);
sub run_tests ();
sub mysql_install_db ();
sub install_db ($$);
sub run_testcase ($);
sub report_failure_and_restart ($);
sub do_before_start_master ($$);
sub do_before_start_slave ($$);
sub mysqld_start ($$$$);
sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$);
sub stop_masters_slaves ();
sub stop_masters ();
sub stop_slaves ();
sub run_mysqltest ($);
sub usage ($);
# Main program
sub main () {
if ( $opt_gcov )
if ( $opt_gprof )
if ( ! $glob_use_running_server )
if ( $opt_start_dirty )
# mysql_loadstd(); FIXME copying from "std_data" .frm and
# .MGR but there are none?!
if ( $opt_start_and_exit or $opt_start_dirty )
if ( ndbcluster_start() )
mtr_error("Can't start ndbcluster");
if ( mysqld_start('master',0,[],[]) )
mtr_report("Servers started, exiting");
mtr_error("Can't start the mysqld server");
if ( $opt_bench )
run_benchmarks(shift); # Shift what? Extra arguments?!
# Initial setup independent on command line arguments
sub initial_setup () {
$| = 1; # Make unbuffered
$glob_scriptname= basename($0);
$glob_win32_perl= ($^O eq "MSWin32");
$glob_cygwin_perl= ($^O eq "cygwin");
$glob_win32= ($glob_win32_perl or $glob_cygwin_perl);
# We require that we are in the "mysql-test" directory
# to run mysql-test-run
if (! -f $glob_scriptname)
mtr_error("Can't find the location for the mysql-test-run script\n" .
"Go to to the mysql-test directory and execute the script " .
"as follows:\n./$glob_scriptname");
if ( -d "../sql" )
$opt_source_dist= 1;
$glob_hostname= mtr_full_hostname();
# 'basedir' is always parent of "mysql-test" directory
$glob_mysql_test_dir= cwd();
if ( $glob_cygwin_perl )
# Windows programs like 'mysqld' needs Windows paths
$glob_mysql_test_dir= `cygpath -m $glob_mysql_test_dir`;
$glob_cygwin_shell= `cygpath -w $ENV{'SHELL'}`; # The Windows path c:\...
$glob_basedir= dirname($glob_mysql_test_dir);
$glob_mysql_bench_dir= "$glob_basedir/mysql-bench"; # FIXME make configurable
# needs to be same length to test logging (FIXME what???)
$path_slave_load_tmpdir= "../../var/tmp";
$opt_source_dist ? $glob_mysql_test_dir : $glob_basedir;
# Default settings
sub command_line_setup () {
# These are defaults for things that are set on the command line
$opt_suite= "main"; # Special default suite
my $opt_master_myport= 9306;
my $opt_slave_myport= 9308;
$opt_ndbcluster_port= 9350;
# Read the command line
# Note: Keep list, and the order, in sync with usage at end of this file
# Control what engine/variation to run
'embedded-server' => \$opt_embedded_server,
'ps-protocol' => \$opt_ps_protocol,
'bench' => \$opt_bench,
'small-bench' => \$opt_small_bench,
'no-manager' => \$opt_no_manager, # Currently not used
# Control what test suites or cases to run
'force' => \$opt_force,
'with-ndbcluster' => \$opt_with_ndbcluster,
'skip-ndbcluster|skip-ndb' => \$opt_skip_ndbcluster,
'do-test=s' => \$opt_do_test,
'suite=s' => \$opt_suite,
'skip-rpl' => \$opt_skip_rpl,
'skip-test=s' => \$opt_skip_test,
# Specify ports
'master_port=i' => \$opt_master_myport,
'slave_port=i' => \$opt_slave_myport,
'ndbcluster_port=i' => \$opt_ndbcluster_port,
'manager-port=i' => \$opt_manager_port, # Currently not used
# Test case authoring
'record' => \$opt_record,
# ???
'mysqld=s' => \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt,
# Run test on running server
'extern' => \$opt_extern,
'ndbconnectstring=s' => \$opt_ndbconnectstring,
# Debugging
'gdb' => \$opt_gdb,
'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb,
'client-gdb' => \$opt_client_gdb,
'ddd' => \$opt_ddd,
'strace-client' => \$opt_strace_client,
'master-binary=s' => \$exe_master_mysqld,
'slave-binary=s' => \$exe_slave_mysqld,
# Coverage, profiling etc
'gcov' => \$opt_gcov,
'gprof' => \$opt_gprof,
'valgrind' => \$opt_valgrind,
'valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind_all,
'valgrind-options=s' => \$opt_valgrind_options,
# Misc
'big-test' => \$opt_big_test,
'compress' => \$opt_compress,
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
'fast' => \$opt_fast,
'local' => \$opt_local,
'local-master' => \$opt_local_master,
'netware' => \$opt_netware,
'old-master' => \$opt_old_master,
'reorder' => \$opt_reorder,
'script-debug' => \$opt_script_debug,
'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep,
'socket=s' => \$opt_socket,
'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty,
'start-and-exit' => \$opt_start_and_exit,
'start-from=s' => \$opt_start_from,
'timer' => \$opt_timer,
'tmpdir=s' => \$opt_tmpdir,
'unified-diff|udiff' => \$opt_udiff,
'user-test=s' => \$opt_user_test,
'user=s' => \$opt_user,
'vardir=s' => \$opt_vardir,
'verbose' => \$opt_verbose,
'wait-timeout=i' => \$opt_wait_timeout,
'warnings|log-warnings' => \$opt_warnings,
'with-openssl' => \$opt_with_openssl,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
) or usage("Can't read options");
if ( $opt_usage )
@opt_cases= @ARGV;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the "var/" directory, as it is the base for everything else
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $opt_vardir )
$opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var";
# We make the path absolute, as the server will do a chdir() before usage
unless ( $opt_vardir =~ m,^/, or
($glob_win32 and $opt_vardir =~ m,^[a-z]:/,i) )
# Make absolute path, relative test dir
$opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/$opt_vardir";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If not set, set these to defaults
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir;
# FIXME maybe not needed?
$path_manager_log= "$opt_vardir/log/manager.log"
unless $path_manager_log;
$opt_current_test= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test"
unless $opt_current_test;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do sanity checks of command line arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_extern and $opt_local )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern and --local at the same time");
if ( ! $opt_socket )
{ # FIXME set default before reading options?
# $opt_socket= '@MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR@';
$opt_socket= "/tmp/mysql.sock"; # FIXME
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Look at the command line options and set script flags
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_record and ! @opt_cases )
mtr_error("Will not run in record mode without a specific test case");
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
$glob_use_embedded_server= 1;
$opt_skip_rpl= 1; # We never run replication with embedded
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --embedded-server");
# FIXME don't understand what this is
# if ( $opt_local_master )
# {
# $opt_master_myport= 3306;
# }
if ( $opt_small_bench )
$opt_bench= 1;
if ( $opt_sleep )
$opt_sleep_time_after_restart= $opt_sleep;
if ( $opt_gcov and ! $opt_source_dist )
mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist");
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server and ! $opt_source_dist )
mtr_error("Embedded server needs source tree - please use source dist");
if ( $opt_gdb )
$opt_wait_timeout= 300;
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --gdb");
if ( $opt_manual_gdb )
$opt_gdb= 1;
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --manual-gdb");
if ( $opt_ddd )
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --ddd");
if ( $opt_ndbconnectstring )
$glob_use_running_ndbcluster= 1;
$opt_with_ndbcluster= 1;
$opt_ndbconnectstring= "host=localhost:$opt_ndbcluster_port";
if ( $opt_skip_ndbcluster )
$opt_with_ndbcluster= 0;
#if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_all )
# VALGRIND=`which valgrind` # this will print an error if not found FIXME
# Give good warning to the user and stop
# if ( ! $VALGRIND )
# {
# print "You need to have the 'valgrind' program in your PATH to run mysql-test-run with option --valgrind. Valgrind's home page is http://valgrind.kde.org.\n"
# exit 1
# }
# >=2.1.2 requires the --tool option, some versions write to stdout, some to stderr
# valgrind --help 2>&1 | grep "\-\-tool" > /dev/null && VALGRIND="$VALGRIND --tool=memcheck"
# VALGRIND="$VALGRIND --alignment=8 --leak-check=yes --num-callers=16"
# $opt_extra_mysqld_opt.= " --skip-safemalloc --skip-bdb";
# $opt_sleep_time_for_delete= 60
# $glob_use_running_server= ""
# if ( "$1"= "--valgrind-all" )
# {
# VALGRIND="$VALGRIND -v --show-reachable=yes"
# }
if ( ! $opt_user )
if ( $glob_use_running_server )
$opt_user= "test";
$opt_user= "root"; # We want to do FLUSH xxx commands
# Put this into a hash, will be a C struct
$master->[0]->{'path_myddir'}= "$opt_vardir/master-data";
$master->[0]->{'path_myerr'}= "$opt_vardir/log/master.err";
$master->[0]->{'path_mylog'}= "$opt_vardir/log/master.log";
$master->[0]->{'path_mypid'}= "$opt_vardir/run/master.pid";
$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'}= "$opt_tmpdir/master.sock";
$master->[0]->{'path_myport'}= $opt_master_myport;
$master->[0]->{'start_timeout'}= 400; # enough time create innodb tables
$master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'}= 1; # ndbcluster not started
$master->[1]->{'path_myddir'}= "$opt_vardir/master1-data";
$master->[1]->{'path_myerr'}= "$opt_vardir/log/master1.err";
$master->[1]->{'path_mylog'}= "$opt_vardir/log/master1.log";
$master->[1]->{'path_mypid'}= "$opt_vardir/run/master1.pid";
$master->[1]->{'path_mysock'}= "$opt_tmpdir/master1.sock";
$master->[1]->{'path_myport'}= $opt_master_myport + 1;
$master->[1]->{'start_timeout'}= 400; # enough time create innodb tables
$slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'}= "$opt_vardir/slave-data";
$slave->[0]->{'path_myerr'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave.err";
$slave->[0]->{'path_mylog'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave.log";
$slave->[0]->{'path_mypid'}= "$opt_vardir/run/slave.pid";
$slave->[0]->{'path_mysock'}= "$opt_tmpdir/slave.sock";
$slave->[0]->{'path_myport'}= $opt_slave_myport;
$slave->[0]->{'start_timeout'}= 400;
$slave->[1]->{'path_myddir'}= "$opt_vardir/slave1-data";
$slave->[1]->{'path_myerr'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave1.err";
$slave->[1]->{'path_mylog'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave1.log";
$slave->[1]->{'path_mypid'}= "$opt_vardir/run/slave1.pid";
$slave->[1]->{'path_mysock'}= "$opt_tmpdir/slave1.sock";
$slave->[1]->{'path_myport'}= $opt_slave_myport + 1;
$slave->[1]->{'start_timeout'}= 300;
$slave->[2]->{'path_myddir'}= "$opt_vardir/slave2-data";
$slave->[2]->{'path_myerr'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave2.err";
$slave->[2]->{'path_mylog'}= "$opt_vardir/log/slave2.log";
$slave->[2]->{'path_mypid'}= "$opt_vardir/run/slave2.pid";
$slave->[2]->{'path_mysock'}= "$opt_tmpdir/slave2.sock";
$slave->[2]->{'path_myport'}= $opt_slave_myport + 2;
$slave->[2]->{'start_timeout'}= 300;
if ( $opt_extern )
$glob_use_running_server= 1;
$opt_skip_rpl= 1; # We don't run rpl test cases
$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'}= $opt_socket;
$path_timefile= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest-time";
# Set paths to various executable programs
sub executable_setup () {
if ( $opt_source_dist )
if ( $glob_win32 )
$path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/client_release",
$exe_mysqld= mtr_exe_exists ("$path_client_bindir/mysqld-nt");
$path_language= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/share/english/");
$path_charsetsdir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/share/charsets");
$path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/client");
$exe_mysqld= mtr_exe_exists ("$glob_basedir/sql/mysqld");
$path_language= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/sql/share/english/");
$path_charsetsdir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/sql/share/charsets");
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
my $path_examples= "$glob_basedir/libmysqld/examples";
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_examples/mysqltest");
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
$exe_mysqldump= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqldump");
$exe_mysqlshow= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlshow");
$exe_mysqlbinlog= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlbinlog");
$exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin");
$exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
$path_ndb_tools_dir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/ndb/tools");
$exe_ndb_mgm= "$glob_basedir/ndb/src/mgmclient/ndb_mgm";
$path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/bin");
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
$exe_mysqldump= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqldump");
$exe_mysqlshow= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlshow");
$exe_mysqlbinlog= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlbinlog");
$exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin");
$exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
$path_language= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/share/mysql/english/",
$path_charsetsdir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/share/mysql/charsets",
$exe_mysqld= mtr_exe_exists ("$glob_basedir/libexec/mysqld",
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest_embedded");
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
$path_ndb_tools_dir= "$glob_basedir/bin";
$exe_ndb_mgm= "$glob_basedir/bin/ndb_mgm";
$exe_master_mysqld= $exe_master_mysqld || $exe_mysqld;
$exe_slave_mysqld= $exe_slave_mysqld || $exe_mysqld;
$file_ndb_testrun_log= "$opt_vardir/log/ndb_testrun.log";
# Set environment to be used by childs of this process
# Note that some env is setup in spawn/run, in "mtr_process.pl"
sub environment_setup () {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We might not use a standard installation directory, like /usr/lib.
# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make sure we find our installed libraries.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
unless ( $opt_source_dist )
"$glob_basedir/lib" .
"$glob_basedir/lib" .
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Also command lines in .opt files may contain env vars
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'UMASK'}= "0660"; # The octal *string*
$ENV{'UMASK_DIR'}= "0770"; # The octal *string*
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= $glob_use_running_server;
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_WINDIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK'}= $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'};
$ENV{'MASTER_WINMYSOCK'}= $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK1'}= $master->[1]->{'path_mysock'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT'}= $master->[0]->{'path_myport'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT1'}= $master->[1]->{'path_myport'};
$ENV{'SLAVE_MYPORT'}= $slave->[0]->{'path_myport'};
if ( $glob_cygwin_perl )
$ENV{$key}= `cygpath -w $ENV{$key}`;
$ENV{$key} =~ s,\\,\\\\,g;
# If we get a ^C, we try to clean up before termination
# FIXME check restrictions what to do in a signal handler
sub signal_setup () {
$SIG{INT}= \&handle_int_signal;
sub handle_int_signal () {
$SIG{INT}= 'DEFAULT'; # If we get a ^C again, we die...
mtr_warning("got INT signal, cleaning up.....");
mtr_error("We die from ^C signal from user");
# Handle left overs from previous runs
sub kill_running_server () {
if ( $opt_fast or $glob_use_embedded_server )
# FIXME is embedded server really using PID files?!
# Ensure that no old mysqld test servers are running
# This is different from terminating processes we have
# started from ths run of the script, this is terminating
# leftovers from previous runs.
mtr_report("Killing Possible Leftover Processes");
mkpath("$opt_vardir/log"); # Needed for mysqladmin log
$master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'}= 1;
sub kill_and_cleanup () {
kill_running_server ();
mtr_report("Removing Stale Files");
mkpath($opt_tmpdir) if $opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp";
# FIXME do we really need to create these all, or are they
# created for us when tables are created?
# To make some old test cases work, we create a soft
# link from the old "var" location to the new one
if ( ! $glob_win32 and $opt_vardir ne "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var" )
# FIXME why bother with the above, why not always remove all of var?!
rmtree("$glob_mysql_test_dir/var"); # Clean old var, FIXME or rename it?!
symlink($opt_vardir, "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var");
# Start the ndb cluster
# FIXME why is there a different start below?!
sub ndbcluster_install () {
if ( ! $opt_with_ndbcluster or $glob_use_running_ndbcluster )
return 0;
mtr_report("Install ndbcluster");
my $ndbcluster_opts= $opt_bench ? "" : "--small";
if ( mtr_run("$glob_mysql_test_dir/ndb/ndbcluster",
"", "", "", "") )
mtr_error("Error ndbcluster_install");
return 1;
$master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'}= 1;
return 0;
sub ndbcluster_start () {
if ( ! $opt_with_ndbcluster or $glob_use_running_ndbcluster )
return 0;
# FIXME, we want to _append_ output to file $file_ndb_testrun_log instead of /dev/null
if ( mtr_run("$glob_mysql_test_dir/ndb/ndbcluster",
"", "/dev/null", "", "") )
mtr_error("Error ndbcluster_start");
return 1;
return 0;
sub ndbcluster_stop () {
if ( ! $opt_with_ndbcluster or $glob_use_running_ndbcluster )
# FIXME, we want to _append_ output to file $file_ndb_testrun_log instead of /dev/null
"", "/dev/null", "", "");
# Run the benchmark suite
sub run_benchmarks ($) {
my $benchmark= shift;
my $args;
if ( ! $glob_use_embedded_server and ! $opt_local_master )
$master->[0]->{'pid'}= mysqld_start('master',0,[],[]);
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'pid'} )
mtr_error("Can't start the mysqld server");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--socket=%s", $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'});
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
if ( $opt_small_bench )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--small-test");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--small-tables");
if ( $opt_with_ndbcluster )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--create-options=TYPE=ndb");
my $benchdir= "$glob_basedir/sql-bench";
chdir($benchdir); # FIXME check error
# FIXME write shorter....
if ( ! $benchmark )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log");
mtr_run("$glob_mysql_bench_dir/run-all-tests", $args, "", "", "", "");
# FIXME check result code?!
elsif ( -x $benchmark )
mtr_run("$glob_mysql_bench_dir/$benchmark", $args, "", "", "", "");
# FIXME check result code?!
mtr_error("Benchmark $benchmark not found");
chdir($glob_mysql_test_dir); # Go back
if ( ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
# Run the test suite
# FIXME how to specify several suites to run? Comma separated list?
sub run_tests () {
sub run_suite () {
my $suite= shift;
mtr_report("Finding Tests in the '$suite' suite");
my $tests= collect_test_cases($suite);
mtr_report("Starting Tests in the '$suite' suite");
foreach my $tinfo ( @$tests )
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( $opt_gcov )
gcov_collect(); # collect coverage information
if ( $opt_gprof )
gprof_collect(); # collect coverage information
# Initiate the test databases
sub mysql_install_db () {
# FIXME not exactly true I think, needs improvements
install_db('master', $master->[0]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('master', $master->[1]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[1]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[2]->{'path_myddir'});
if ( ndbcluster_install() )
# failed to install, disable usage but flag that its no ok
$opt_with_ndbcluster= 0;
$flag_ndb_status_ok= 0;
return 0;
sub install_db ($$) {
my $type= shift;
my $data_dir= shift;
my $init_db_sql= "lib/init_db.sql";
my $init_db_sql_tmp= "/tmp/init_db.sql$$";
my $args;
mtr_report("Installing \u$type Databases");
open(IN, $init_db_sql)
or mtr_error("Can't open $init_db_sql: $!");
open(OUT, ">", $init_db_sql_tmp)
or mtr_error("Can't write to $init_db_sql_tmp: $!");
while (<IN>)
if ( /^\s*$/ )
print OUT "\n";
elsif (/;$/)
print OUT "$_\n";
print OUT "$_ ";
close OUT;
close IN;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--bootstrap");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--console");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-grant-tables");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $path_my_basedir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", $data_dir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-innodb");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-ndbcluster");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-bdb");
if ( ! $opt_netware )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $path_language);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $path_charsetsdir);
if ( mtr_run($exe_mysqld, $args, $init_db_sql_tmp,
$path_manager_log, $path_manager_log, "") != 0 )
mtr_error("Error executing mysqld --bootstrap\n" .
"Could not install $type test DBs");
# Run a single test case
# When we get here, we have already filtered out test cases that doesn't
# apply to the current setup, for example if we use a running server, test
# cases that restart the server are dropped. So this function should mostly
# be about doing things, not a lot of logic.
# We don't start and kill the servers for each testcase. But some
# testcases needs a restart, because they specify options to start
# mysqld with. After that testcase, we need to restart again, to set
# back the normal options.
sub run_testcase ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $tname= $tinfo->{'name'};
mtr_tonewfile($opt_current_test,"$tname\n"); # Always tell where we are
# output current test to ndbcluster log file to enable diagnostics
mtr_tofile($file_ndb_testrun_log,"CURRENT TEST $tname\n");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If marked to skip, just print out and return.
# Note that a test case not marked as 'skip' can still be
# skipped later, because of the test case itself in cooperation
# with the mysqltest program tells us so.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $tinfo->{'skip'} )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If not using a running servers we may need to stop and restart.
# We restart in the case we have initiation scripts, server options
# etc to run. But we also restart again after the test first restart
# and test is run, to get back to normal server settings.
# To make the code a bit more clean, we actually only stop servers
# here, and mark this to be done. Then a generic "start" part will
# start up the needed servers again.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $glob_use_running_server and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} or
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'} )
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}= 0; # Forget why we stopped
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Always terminate all slaves, if any. Else we may have useless
# reconnection attempts and error messages in case the slave and
# master servers restart.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare to start masters. Even if we use embedded, we want to run
# the preparation.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'TZ'}= $tinfo->{'timezone'};
mtr_tofile($master->[0]->{'path_myerr'},"CURRENT_TEST: $tname\n");
# FIXME test cases that depend on each other, prevent this from
# being at this location.
# do_before_start_master($tname,$tinfo->{'master_sh'});
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If any mysqld servers running died, we have to know
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start masters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $glob_use_running_server and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
# FIXME give the args to the embedded server?!
# FIXME what does $opt_local_master mean?!
# FIXME split up start and check that started so that can do
# starts in parallel, masters and slaves at the same time.
if ( ! $opt_local_master )
if ( $master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'} )
$master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'}= ndbcluster_start();
if ( $master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'} )
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'pid'} )
# FIXME not correct location for do_before_start_master()
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'pid'} )
if ( $opt_with_ndbcluster and ! $master->[1]->{'pid'} )
if ( ! $master->[1]->{'pid'} )
if ( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} )
$master->[0]->{'running_master_is_special'}= 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start slaves - if needed
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $tinfo->{'slave_num'} )
mtr_tofile($slave->[0]->{'path_myerr'},"CURRENT_TEST: $tname\n");
for ( my $idx= 0; $idx < $tinfo->{'slave_num'}; $idx++ )
if ( ! $slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} )
$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}, $tinfo->{'slave_mi'});
if ( ! $slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the test case
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# remove the old reject file
if ( $opt_suite eq "main" )
my $res= run_mysqltest($tinfo);
if ( $res == 0 )
elsif ( $res == 62 )
# Testcase itself tell us to skip this one
# Test case failed, if in control mysqltest returns 1
if ( $res != 1 )
"mysqltest returned unexpected code $res, " .
"it has probably crashed");
sub report_failure_and_restart ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
print "\n";
if ( ! $opt_force )
print "Aborting: $tinfo->{'name'} failed. To continue, re-run with '--force'.";
print "\n";
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
# FIXME always terminate on failure?!
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
print "Resuming Tests\n\n";
# Start and stop servers
# The embedded server needs the cleanup so we do some of the start work
# but stop before actually running mysqld or anything.
sub do_before_start_master ($$) {
my $tname= shift;
my $init_script= shift;
# FIXME what about second master.....
# Remove stale binary logs except for 2 tests which need them FIXME here????
if ( $tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_1b" and
$tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_2b" and
$tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_3b")
# FIXME we really want separate dir for binlogs
foreach my $bin ( glob("$opt_vardir/log/master*-bin.*") )
# FIXME only remove the ones that are tied to this master
# Remove old master.info and relay-log.info files
# Run master initialization shell script if one exists
if ( $init_script )
my $ret= mtr_run("/bin/sh", [$init_script], "", "", "", "");
if ( $ret != 0 )
# FIXME rewrite those scripts to return 0 if successful
# mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret");
# for gcov FIXME needed? If so we need more absolute paths
# chdir($glob_basedir);
sub do_before_start_slave ($$) {
my $tname= shift;
my $init_script= shift;
# Remove stale binary logs and old master.info files
# except for too tests which need them
if ( $tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_1b" and
$tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_2b" and
$tname ne "rpl_crash_binlog_ib_3b" )
# FIXME we really want separate dir for binlogs
foreach my $bin ( glob("$opt_vardir/log/slave*-bin.*") )
# FIXME really master?!
# Run slave initialization shell script if one exists
if ( $init_script )
my $ret= mtr_run("/bin/sh", [$init_script], "", "", "", "");
if ( $ret != 0 )
# FIXME rewrite those scripts to return 0 if successful
# mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret");
`rm -f $opt_vardir/slave-data/log.*`;
# unlink("$opt_vardir/slave-data/log.*");
sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$) {
my $args= shift;
my $type= shift; # master/slave/bootstrap
my $idx= shift;
my $extra_opt= shift;
my $slave_master_info= shift;
# print STDERR Dumper($extra_opt);
my $sidx= ""; # Index as string, 0 is empty string
if ( $idx > 0 )
$sidx= sprintf("%d", $idx); # sprintf not needed in Perl for this
my $prefix= ""; # If mysqltest server arg
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
$prefix= "--server-arg=";
} else {
# We can't pass embedded server --no-defaults
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--no-defaults", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--console", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--basedir=%s", $prefix, $path_my_basedir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--character-sets-dir=%s", $prefix, $path_charsetsdir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--core", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-bin-trust-routine-creators", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--default-character-set=latin1", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--language=%s", $prefix, $path_language);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--tmpdir=$opt_tmpdir", $prefix);
if ( $opt_valgrind )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-safemalloc", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-bdb", $prefix);
my $pidfile;
if ( $type eq 'master' )
my $id= $idx > 0 ? $idx + 101 : 1;
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-bin=%s/log/master-bin%s", $prefix,
$opt_vardir, $sidx);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--pid-file=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--port=%d", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--server-id=%d", $prefix, $id);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--socket=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:128M:autoextend", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--local-infile", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--datadir=%s", $prefix,
if ( $idx > 0 )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-innodb", $prefix);
if ( $opt_skip_ndbcluster )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-ndbcluster", $prefix);
if ( $type eq 'slave' )
my $slave_server_id= 2 + $idx;
my $slave_rpl_rank= $slave_server_id;
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--datadir=%s", $prefix,
# FIXME slave get this option twice?!
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--exit-info=256", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--init-rpl-role=slave", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-bin=%s/log/slave%s-bin", $prefix,
$opt_vardir, $sidx); # FIXME use own dir for binlogs
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-slave-updates", $prefix);
# FIXME option duplicated for slave
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-retry-count=10", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--pid-file=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--port=%d", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--relay-log=%s/log/slave%s-relay-bin", $prefix,
$opt_vardir, $sidx);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--report-host=", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--report-port=%d", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--report-user=root", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-innodb", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-ndbcluster", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-slave-start", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--slave-load-tmpdir=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--socket=%s", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--set-variable=slave_net_timeout=10", $prefix);
if ( @$slave_master_info )
foreach my $arg ( @$slave_master_info )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s%s", $prefix, $arg);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-user=root", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-connect-retry=1", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-host=", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-password=", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--master-port=%d", $prefix,
$master->[0]->{'path_myport'}); # First master
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--server-id=%d", $prefix, $slave_server_id);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--rpl-recovery-rank=%d", $prefix, $slave_rpl_rank);
} # end slave
if ( $opt_debug )
if ( $type eq 'master' )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/master%s.trace",
$prefix, $opt_vardir, $sidx);
if ( $type eq 'slave' )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/slave%s.trace",
$prefix, $opt_vardir, $sidx);
if ( $opt_with_ndbcluster )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--ndbcluster", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--ndb-connectstring=%s", $prefix,
# FIXME always set nowdays??? SMALL_SERVER
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--key_buffer_size=1M", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--sort_buffer=256K", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--max_heap_table_size=1M", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-bin-trust-routine-creators", $prefix);
if ( $opt_with_openssl )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--ssl-ca=%s/std_data/cacert.pem", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--ssl-cert=%s/std_data/server-cert.pem", $prefix,
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--ssl-key=%s/std_data/server-key.pem", $prefix,
if ( $opt_warnings )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-warnings", $prefix);
if ( $opt_gdb or $opt_client_gdb or $opt_manual_gdb or $opt_ddd)
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--gdb", $prefix);
# If we should run all tests cases, we will use a local server for that
if ( -w "/" )
# We are running as root; We need to add the --root argument
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--user=root", $prefix);
if ( $type eq 'master' )
if ( ! $opt_old_master )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--rpl-recovery-rank=1", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--init-rpl-role=master", $prefix);
# FIXME strange,.....
# FIXME MYSQL_MYPORT is not set anythere?!
if ( $opt_local_master )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--host=", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--port=%s", $prefix, $ENV{'MYSQL_MYPORT'});
foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt, @$extra_opt )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s%s", $prefix, $arg);
if ( $opt_bench )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--rpl-recovery-rank=1", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--init-rpl-role=master", $prefix);
elsif ( $type eq 'master' )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--exit-info=256", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--open-files-limit=1024", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log=%s", $prefix, $master->[0]->{'path_mylog'});
return $args;
# if ( $type eq 'master' and $glob_use_embedded_server )
# {
# # Add a -A to each argument to pass it to embedded server
# my @mysqltest_opt= map {("-A",$_)} @args;
# $opt_extra_mysqltest_opt= \@mysqltest_opt;
# return;
# }
# Start mysqld and return the PID
sub mysqld_start ($$$$) {
my $type= shift; # master/slave/bootstrap
my $idx= shift;
my $extra_opt= shift;
my $slave_master_info= shift;
my $args; # Arg vector
my $exe;
my $pid;
if ( $type eq 'master' )
$exe= $exe_master_mysqld;
elsif ( $type eq 'slave' )
$exe= $exe_slave_mysqld;
$exe= $exe_mysqld;
if ( $opt_valgrind )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tool=memcheck");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--alignment=8");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--leak-check=yes");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--num-callers=16");
if ( $opt_valgrind_all )
mtr_add_arg($args, "-v");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--show-reachable=yes");
if ( $opt_valgrind_options )
# FIXME split earlier and put into @glob_valgrind_*
mtr_add_arg($args, split(' ', $opt_valgrind_options));
mtr_add_arg($args, $exe);
$exe= $opt_valgrind;
if ( $type eq 'master' )
if ( $pid= mtr_spawn($exe, $args, "",
$master->[$idx]->{'path_myerr'}, "") )
return sleep_until_file_created($master->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
$master->[$idx]->{'start_timeout'}, $pid);
if ( $type eq 'slave' )
if ( $pid= mtr_spawn($exe, $args, "",
$slave->[$idx]->{'path_myerr'}, "") )
return sleep_until_file_created($slave->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
$master->[$idx]->{'start_timeout'}, $pid);
return 0;
sub stop_masters_slaves () {
print "Ending Tests\n";
print "Shutting-down MySQL daemon\n\n";
print "Master(s) shutdown finished\n";
print "Slave(s) shutdown finished\n";
sub stop_masters () {
my @args;
for ( my $idx; $idx < 2; $idx++ )
# FIXME if we hit ^C before fully started, this test will prevent
# the mysqld process from being killed
if ( $master->[$idx]->{'pid'} )
pid => $master->[$idx]->{'pid'},
pidfile => $master->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
sockfile => $master->[$idx]->{'path_mysock'},
port => $master->[$idx]->{'path_myport'},
$master->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0; # Assume we are done with it
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'} )
$master->[0]->{'ndbcluster'}= 1;
sub stop_slaves () {
my $force= shift;
my @args;
for ( my $idx; $idx < 3; $idx++ )
if ( $slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} )
pid => $slave->[$idx]->{'pid'},
pidfile => $slave->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
sockfile => $slave->[$idx]->{'path_mysock'},
port => $slave->[$idx]->{'path_myport'},
$slave->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0; # Assume we are done with it
sub run_mysqltest ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $cmdline_mysqldump= "$exe_mysqldump --no-defaults -uroot " .
"--socket=$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'} --password=";
if ( $opt_debug )
$cmdline_mysqldump .=
" --debug=d:t:A,$opt_vardir/log/mysqldump.trace";
my $cmdline_mysqlshow= "$exe_mysqlshow -uroot " .
"--socket=$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'} --password=";
if ( $opt_debug )
$cmdline_mysqlshow .=
" --debug=d:t:A,$opt_vardir/log/mysqlshow.trace";
my $cmdline_mysqlbinlog=
"$exe_mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --local-load=$opt_tmpdir --character-sets-dir=$path_charsetsdir";
if ( $opt_debug )
$cmdline_mysqlbinlog .=
" --debug=d:t:A,$opt_vardir/log/mysqlbinlog.trace";
my $cmdline_mysql=
"$exe_mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password= " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
my $cmdline_mysql_client_test=
"$exe_mysql_client_test --no-defaults --testcase --user=root --silent " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
" -A --language=$path_language" .
" -A --datadir=$slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'}" .
" -A --character-sets-dir=$path_charsetsdir";
my $cmdline_mysql_fix_system_tables=
"$exe_mysql_fix_system_tables --no-defaults --host=localhost --user=root --password= " .
"--basedir=$glob_basedir --bindir=$path_client_bindir --verbose " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
# FIXME really needing a PATH???
# $ENV{'PATH'}= "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bsd:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/bin/X11:$ENV{'PATH'}";
$ENV{'MYSQL'}= $cmdline_mysql;
$ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= $cmdline_mysqldump;
$ENV{'MYSQL_SHOW'}= $cmdline_mysqlshow;
$ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= $cmdline_mysqlbinlog;
$ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES'}= $cmdline_mysql_fix_system_tables;
$ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= $cmdline_mysql_client_test;
$ENV{'CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir;
$ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'}= $flag_ndb_status_ok;
$ENV{'NDB_MGM'}= $exe_ndb_mgm;
$ENV{'NDB_BACKUP_DIR'}= $path_ndb_backup_dir;
$ENV{'NDB_TOOLS_DIR'}= $path_ndb_tools_dir;
$ENV{'NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT'}= $file_ndb_testrun_log;
$ENV{'NDB_CONNECTSTRING'}= $opt_ndbconnectstring;
my $exe= $exe_mysqltest;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--socket=%s", $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'});
mtr_add_arg($args, "--database=test");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--password=");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent");
mtr_add_arg($args, "-v");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", $opt_tmpdir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%d", $master->[0]->{'path_myport'});
if ( $opt_ps_protocol )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ps-protocol");
if ( $opt_strace_client )
$exe= "strace"; # FIXME there are ktrace, ....
mtr_add_arg($args, "-o");
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s/log/mysqltest.strace", $opt_vardir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "$exe_mysqltest");
if ( $opt_timer )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--timer-file=%s/log/timer", $opt_vardir);
if ( $opt_big_test )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--big-test");
if ( $opt_record )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--record");
if ( $opt_compress )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--compress");
if ( $opt_sleep )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--sleep=%d", $opt_sleep);
if ( $opt_debug )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:A,%s/log/mysqltest.trace", $opt_vardir);
if ( $opt_with_openssl )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl-ca=%s/std_data/cacert.pem",
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl-cert=%s/std_data/client-cert.pem",
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl-key=%s/std_data/client-key.pem",
mtr_add_arg($args, "-R");
mtr_add_arg($args, $tinfo->{'result_file'});
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If embedded server, we create server args to give mysqltest to pass on
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
return mtr_run_test($exe,$args,$tinfo->{'path'},"",$path_timefile,"");
# Usage
sub usage ($) {
print STDERR <<HERE;
mysql-test-run [ OPTIONS ] [ TESTCASE ]
FIXME when is TESTCASE arg used or not?!
Options to control what engine/variation to run
embedded-server Use the embedded server, i.e. no mysqld daemons
ps-protocol Use the binary protocol between client and server
bench Run the benchmark suite FIXME
small-bench FIXME
no-manager Use the istanse manager (currently disabled)
Options to control what test suites or cases to run
force Continue to run the suite after failure
with-ndbcluster Use cluster, and enable test cases that requres it
do-test=PREFIX Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
start-from=PREFIX Run test cases starting from test prefixed with PREFIX
suite=NAME Run the test suite named NAME. The default is "main"
skip-rpl Skip the replication test cases.
skip-test=PREFIX Skip test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
Options that specify ports
master_port=PORT Specify the port number used by the first master
slave_port=PORT Specify the port number used by the first slave
ndbcluster_port=PORT Specify the port number used by cluster
manager-port=PORT Specify the port number used by manager (currently not used)
Options for test case authoring
record TESTNAME (Re)genereate the result file for TESTNAME
Options that pass on options
mysqld=ARGS Specify additional arguments to "mysqld"
Options to run test on running server
extern Use running server for tests FIXME DANGEROUS
ndbconnectstring=STR Use running cluster, and connect using STR
user=USER User for connect to server
Options for debugging the product
manual-gdb FIXME
client-gdb FIXME
strace-client FIXME
master-binary=PATH Specify the master "mysqld" to use
slave-binary=PATH Specify the slave "mysqld" to use
Options for coverage, profiling etc
gcov FIXME
gprof FIXME
valgrind FIXME
valgrind-all FIXME
valgrind-options=ARGS Extra options to give valgrind
Misc options
verbose Verbose output from this script
script-debug Debug this script itself
compress Use the compressed protocol between client and server
timer Show test case execution time
start-and-exit Only initiate and start the "mysqld" servers
start-dirty Only start the "mysqld" servers without initiation
fast Don't try to cleanup from earlier runs
reorder Reorder tests to get less server restarts
help Get this help text
unified-diff | udiff When presenting differences, use unified diff
Options not yet described, or that I want to look into more