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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: test058.tcl,v 11.20 2002/02/22 15:26:27 sandstro Exp $
# TEST test058
# TEST Verify that deleting and reading duplicates results in correct ordering.
proc test058 { method args } {
source ./include.tcl
# If we are using an env, then skip this test. It needs its own.
set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
if { $eindex != -1 } {
incr eindex
set env [lindex $args $eindex]
puts "Test058 skipping for env $env"
set args [convert_args $method $args]
set encargs ""
set args [split_encargs $args encargs]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 || [is_rbtree $method] == 1 } {
puts "Test058: skipping for method $method"
puts "Test058: $method delete dups after inserting after duped key."
# environment
env_cleanup $testdir
set eflags "-create -txn $encargs -home $testdir"
set env [eval {berkdb_env} $eflags]
error_check_good env [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
# db open
set flags "-auto_commit -create -mode 0644 -dup -env $env $args"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $flags $omethod "test058.db"]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set tn ""
set tid ""
set tn [$env txn]
set tflags "-txn $tn"
puts "\tTest058.a: Adding 10 duplicates"
# Add a bunch of dups
for { set i 0 } { $i < 10 } {incr i} {
set ret \
[eval {$db put} $tflags {doghouse $i"DUPLICATE_DATA_VALUE"}]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
puts "\tTest058.b: Adding key after duplicates"
# Now add one more key/data AFTER the dup set.
set ret [eval {$db put} $tflags {zebrahouse NOT_A_DUP}]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good txn_commit [$tn commit] 0
set tn [$env txn]
error_check_good txnbegin [is_substr $tn $env] 1
set tflags "-txn $tn"
# Now delete everything
puts "\tTest058.c: Deleting duplicated key"
set ret [eval {$db del} $tflags {doghouse}]
error_check_good del $ret 0
# Now reput everything
set pad \
puts "\tTest058.d: Reputting duplicates with big data vals"
for { set i 0 } { $i < 10 } {incr i} {
set ret [eval {$db put} \
$tflags {doghouse $i"DUPLICATE_DATA_VALUE"$pad}]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good txn_commit [$tn commit] 0
# Check duplicates for order
set dbc [$db cursor]
error_check_good db_cursor [is_substr $dbc $db] 1
puts "\tTest058.e: Verifying that duplicates are in order."
set i 0
for { set ret [$dbc get -set doghouse] } \
{$i < 10 && [llength $ret] != 0} \
{ set ret [$dbc get -nextdup] } {
set data [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
error_check_good \
duplicate_value $data $i"DUPLICATE_DATA_VALUE"$pad
incr i
error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
reset_env $env