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1863 lines
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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: test.tcl,v 11.225 2002/09/10 18:51:38 sue Exp $
source ./include.tcl
# Load DB's TCL API.
load $tcllib
if { [file exists $testdir] != 1 } {
file mkdir $testdir
global __debug_print
global __debug_on
global __debug_test
global util_path
# Test if utilities work to figure out the path. Most systems
# use ., but QNX has a problem with execvp of shell scripts which
# causes it to break.
set stat [catch {exec ./db_printlog -?} ret]
if { [string first "exec format error" $ret] != -1 } {
set util_path ./.libs
} else {
set util_path .
set __debug_print 0
set encrypt 0
set old_encrypt 0
set passwd test_passwd
# This is where the test numbering and parameters now live.
source $test_path/testparams.tcl
# Error stream that (should!) always go to the console, even if we're
# redirecting to ALL.OUT.
set consoleerr stderr
foreach sub $subs {
if { [info exists num_test($sub)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "Subsystem $sub has no number of tests specified in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
set end $num_test($sub)
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $end } {incr i} {
set name [format "%s%03d.tcl" $sub $i]
source $test_path/$name
source $test_path/archive.tcl
source $test_path/byteorder.tcl
source $test_path/dbm.tcl
source $test_path/hsearch.tcl
source $test_path/join.tcl
source $test_path/logtrack.tcl
source $test_path/ndbm.tcl
source $test_path/parallel.tcl
source $test_path/reputils.tcl
source $test_path/sdbutils.tcl
source $test_path/shelltest.tcl
source $test_path/sindex.tcl
source $test_path/testutils.tcl
source $test_path/upgrade.tcl
set dict $test_path/wordlist
set alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set datastr "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# Random number seed.
global rand_init
set rand_init 101301
# Default record length and padding character for
# fixed record length access method(s)
set fixed_len 20
set fixed_pad 0
set recd_debug 0
set log_log_record_types 0
set ohandles {}
# Normally, we're not running an all-tests-in-one-env run. This matters
# for error stream/error prefix settings in berkdb_open.
global is_envmethod
set is_envmethod 0
# For testing locker id wrap around.
global lock_curid
global lock_maxid
set lock_curid 0
set lock_maxid 2147483647
global txn_curid
global txn_maxid
set txn_curid 2147483648
set txn_maxid 4294967295
# Set up any OS-specific values
global tcl_platform
set is_windows_test [is_substr $tcl_platform(os) "Win"]
set is_hp_test [is_substr $tcl_platform(os) "HP-UX"]
set is_qnx_test [is_substr $tcl_platform(os) "QNX"]
# From here on out, test.tcl contains the procs that are used to
# run all or part of the test suite.
proc run_std { args } {
global num_test
source ./include.tcl
set exflgs [eval extractflags $args]
set args [lindex $exflgs 0]
set flags [lindex $exflgs 1]
set display 1
set run 1
set am_only 0
set no_am 0
set std_only 1
set rflags {--}
foreach f $flags {
switch $f {
A {
set std_only 0
M {
set no_am 1
puts "run_std: all but access method tests."
m {
set am_only 1
puts "run_std: access method tests only."
n {
set display 1
set run 0
set rflags [linsert $rflags 0 "-n"]
if { $std_only == 1 } {
fileremove -f ALL.OUT
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
if { $run == 1 } {
puts -nonewline "Test suite run started at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts [berkdb version -string]
puts -nonewline $o "Test suite run started at: "
puts $o [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts $o [berkdb version -string]
close $o
set test_list {
{"environment" "env"}
{"archive" "archive"}
{"locking" "lock"}
{"logging" "log"}
{"memory pool" "memp"}
{"mutex" "mutex"}
{"transaction" "txn"}
{"deadlock detection" "dead"}
{"subdatabase" "sdb"}
{"byte-order" "byte"}
{"recno backing file" "rsrc"}
{"DBM interface" "dbm"}
{"NDBM interface" "ndbm"}
{"Hsearch interface" "hsearch"}
{"secondary index" "sindex"}
if { $am_only == 0 } {
foreach pair $test_list {
set msg [lindex $pair 0]
set cmd [lindex $pair 1]
puts "Running $msg tests"
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; r $rflags $cmd" \
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL: $cmd test"
close $o
# Run recovery tests.
# XXX These too are broken into separate tclsh instantiations
# so we don't require so much memory, but I think it's cleaner
# and more useful to do it down inside proc r than here,
# since "r recd" gets done a lot and needs to work.
# Note that we still wrap the test in an exec so that
# its output goes to ALL.OUT. run_recd will wrap each test
# so that both error streams go to stdout (which here goes
# to ALL.OUT); information that run_recd wishes to print
# to the "real" stderr, but outside the wrapping for each test,
# such as which tests are being skipped, it can still send to
# stderr.
puts "Running recovery tests"
if [catch {
exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; r $rflags recd" \
2>@ stderr >> ALL.OUT
} res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL: recd tests"
close $o
# Run join test
# Broken up into separate tclsh instantiations so we don't
# require so much memory.
puts "Running join test"
foreach i "join1 join2 join3 join4 join5 join6" {
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; r $rflags $i" \
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL: $i test"
close $o
if { $no_am == 0 } {
# Access method tests.
# Broken up into separate tclsh instantiations so we don't
# require so much memory.
foreach i \
"btree hash queue queueext recno rbtree frecno rrecno" {
puts "Running $i tests"
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(test) } {incr j} {
if { $run == 0 } {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
run_method -$i $j $j $display $run $o
close $o
if { $run } {
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
run_method -$i $j $j $display $run"\
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL:\
[format "test%03d" $j] $i"
close $o
# If not actually running, no need to check for failure.
# If running in the context of the larger 'run_all' we don't
# check for failure here either.
if { $run == 0 || $std_only == 0 } {
set failed [check_failed_run ALL.OUT]
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
if { $failed == 0 } {
puts "Regression Tests Succeeded"
puts $o "Regression Tests Succeeded"
} else {
puts "Regression Tests Failed; see ALL.OUT for log"
puts $o "Regression Tests Failed"
puts -nonewline "Test suite run completed at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts -nonewline $o "Test suite run completed at: "
puts $o [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
close $o
proc check_failed_run { file {text "^FAIL"}} {
set failed 0
set o [open $file r]
while { [gets $o line] >= 0 } {
set ret [regexp $text $line]
if { $ret != 0 } {
set failed 1
close $o
return $failed
proc r { args } {
global num_test
source ./include.tcl
set exflgs [eval extractflags $args]
set args [lindex $exflgs 0]
set flags [lindex $exflgs 1]
set display 1
set run 1
set saveflags "--"
foreach f $flags {
switch $f {
n {
set display 1
set run 0
set saveflags "-n $saveflags"
if {[catch {
set sub [ lindex $args 0 ]
switch $sub {
byte {
if { $display } {
puts "run_test byteorder"
if { $run } {
run_test byteorder
archive -
dbm -
hsearch -
ndbm -
shelltest -
sindex {
if { $display } { puts "r $sub" }
if { $run } {
bigfile -
dead -
env -
lock -
log -
memp -
mutex -
rsrc -
sdbtest -
txn {
if { $display } { run_subsystem $sub 1 0 }
if { $run } {
run_subsystem $sub
join {
eval r $saveflags join1
eval r $saveflags join2
eval r $saveflags join3
eval r $saveflags join4
eval r $saveflags join5
eval r $saveflags join6
join1 {
if { $display } { puts jointest }
if { $run } {
joinbench {
puts "[timestamp]"
eval r $saveflags join1
eval r $saveflags join2
puts "[timestamp]"
join2 {
if { $display } { puts "jointest 512" }
if { $run } {
jointest 512
join3 {
if { $display } {
puts "jointest 8192 0 -join_item"
if { $run } {
jointest 8192 0 -join_item
join4 {
if { $display } { puts "jointest 8192 2" }
if { $run } {
jointest 8192 2
join5 {
if { $display } { puts "jointest 8192 3" }
if { $run } {
jointest 8192 3
join6 {
if { $display } { puts "jointest 512 3" }
if { $run } {
jointest 512 3
recd {
run_recds $run $display [lrange $args 1 end]
rep {
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(test) } \
{ incr j } {
if { $display } {
puts "eval run_test \
run_repmethod 0 $j $j"
if { $run } {
eval run_test \
run_repmethod 0 $j $j
for { set i 1 } \
{ $i <= $num_test(rep) } {incr i} {
set test [format "%s%03d" $sub $i]
if { $i == 2 } {
if { $run } {
puts "Skipping rep002 \
(waiting on SR #6195)"
if { $display } {
puts "run_test $test"
if { $run } {
run_test $test
rpc {
if { $display } { puts "r $sub" }
global rpc_svc svc_list
set old_rpc_src $rpc_svc
foreach rpc_svc $svc_list {
if { !$run || \
![file exist $util_path/$rpc_svc] } {
run_subsystem rpc
if { [catch {run_rpcmethod -txn} ret] != 0 } {
puts $ret
run_test run_rpcmethod
set rpc_svc $old_rpc_src
sec {
if { $display } {
run_subsystem $sub 1 0
if { $run } {
run_subsystem $sub 0 1
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(test) } \
{ incr j } {
if { $display } {
puts "eval run_test \
run_secmethod $j $j"
puts "eval run_test \
run_secenv $j $j"
if { $run } {
eval run_test \
run_secmethod $j $j
eval run_test \
run_secenv $j $j
sdb {
if { $display } {
puts "eval r $saveflags sdbtest"
for { set j 1 } \
{ $j <= $num_test(sdb) } \
{ incr j } {
puts "eval run_test \
subdb $j $j"
if { $run } {
eval r $saveflags sdbtest
for { set j 1 } \
{ $j <= $num_test(sdb) } \
{ incr j } {
eval run_test subdb $j $j
btree -
rbtree -
hash -
queue -
queueext -
recno -
frecno -
rrecno {
eval run_method [lindex $args 0] \
1 0 $display $run [lrange $args 1 end]
default {
error \
"FAIL:[timestamp] r: $args: unknown command"
flush stdout
flush stderr
} res] != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp] r: $args: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
proc run_subsystem { prefix { display 0 } { run 1} } {
global num_test
if { [info exists num_test($prefix)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "Subsystem $sub has no number of tests specified in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $num_test($prefix) } {incr i} {
set name [format "%s%03d" $prefix $i]
if { $display } {
puts "eval $name"
if { $run } {
catch {eval $name}
proc run_test { testname args } {
source ./include.tcl
foreach method "hash queue queueext recno rbtree frecno rrecno btree" {
eval $testname -$method $args
verify_dir $testdir "" 1
proc run_method { method {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0} {run 1} \
{ outfile stdout } args } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global num_test
global parms
source ./include.tcl
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
if { $run == 1 } {
puts $outfile "run_method: $method $start $stop $args"
if {[catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
if { $display } {
puts -nonewline $outfile "eval $name $method"
puts -nonewline $outfile " $parms($name) $args"
puts $outfile " ; verify_dir $testdir \"\" 1"
if { $run } {
check_handles $outfile
puts $outfile "[timestamp]"
eval $name $method $parms($name) $args
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts $outfile ""
# verify all databases the test leaves behind
verify_dir $testdir "" 1
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
flush stdout
flush stderr
} res] != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_method: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
proc run_rpcmethod { method {start 1} {stop 0} {largs ""} } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global num_test
global parms
global is_envmethod
global rpc_svc
source ./include.tcl
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
puts "run_rpcmethod: $method $start $stop $largs"
set save_largs $largs
if { [string compare $rpc_server "localhost"] == 0 } {
set dpid [exec $util_path/$rpc_svc -h $rpc_testdir &]
} else {
set dpid [exec rsh $rpc_server $rpc_path/$rpc_svc \
-h $rpc_testdir &]
puts "\tRun_rpcmethod.a: starting server, pid $dpid"
tclsleep 10
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
set home [file tail $rpc_testdir]
set is_envmethod 1
set use_txn 0
if { [string first "txn" $method] != -1 } {
set use_txn 1
if { $use_txn == 1 } {
if { $start == 1 } {
set ntxns 32
} else {
set ntxns $start
set i 1
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $home \
-server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000} -txn]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
set stat [catch {eval txn001_suba $ntxns $env} res]
if { $stat == 0 } {
set stat [catch {eval txn001_subb $ntxns $env} res]
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
set stat [catch {eval txn003} res]
} else {
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i]\
disabled in testparams.tcl;\
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
# Set server cachesize to 1Mb. Otherwise some
# tests won't fit (like test084 -btree).
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 \
-home $home -server $rpc_server \
-client_timeout 10000 \
-cachesize {0 1048576 1}}]
error_check_good env_open \
[is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
puts "[timestamp]"
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
flush stdout
flush stderr
set largs $save_largs
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
tclkill $dpid
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_rpcmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
tclkill $dpid
proc run_rpcnoserver { method {start 1} {stop 0} {largs ""} } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global num_test
global parms
global is_envmethod
source ./include.tcl
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
puts "run_rpcnoserver: $method $start $stop $largs"
set save_largs $largs
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
set home [file tail $rpc_testdir]
set is_envmethod 1
set use_txn 0
if { [string first "txn" $method] != -1 } {
set use_txn 1
if { $use_txn == 1 } {
if { $start == 1 } {
set ntxns 32
} else {
set ntxns $start
set i 1
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $home \
-server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000} -txn]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
set stat [catch {eval txn001_suba $ntxns $env} res]
if { $stat == 0 } {
set stat [catch {eval txn001_subb $ntxns $env} res]
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
} else {
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i]\
disabled in testparams.tcl;\
remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir
# Set server cachesize to 1Mb. Otherwise some
# tests won't fit (like test084 -btree).
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 \
-home $home -server $rpc_server \
-client_timeout 10000 \
-cachesize {0 1048576 1} }]
error_check_good env_open \
[is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
puts "[timestamp]"
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
flush stdout
flush stderr
set largs $save_largs
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_rpcnoserver: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
# Run method tests in secure mode.
proc run_secmethod { method {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0} {run 1} \
{ outfile stdout } args } {
global passwd
append largs " -encryptaes $passwd "
eval run_method $method $start $stop $display $run $outfile $largs
# Run method tests in its own, new secure environment.
proc run_secenv { method {start 1} {stop 0} {largs ""} } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global is_envmethod
global num_test
global parms
global passwd
source ./include.tcl
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
puts "run_secenv: $method $start $stop $largs"
set save_largs $largs
env_cleanup $testdir
set is_envmethod 1
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 \
-home $testdir -encryptaes $passwd \
-cachesize {0 1048576 1}}]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
puts "[timestamp]"
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
# Run each test multiple times in the secure env.
# Once with a secure env + clear database
# Once with a secure env + secure database
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
append largs " -encrypt "
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
flush stdout
flush stderr
set largs $save_largs
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
error_check_good envremove [berkdb envremove \
-home $testdir -encryptaes $passwd] 0
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_secenv: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
# Run replication method tests in master and client env.
proc run_reptest { method test {droppct 0} {nclients 1} {do_del 0} \
{do_sec 0} {do_oob 0} {largs "" } } {
source ./include.tcl
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global __debug_test
global is_envmethod
global num_test
global parms
global passwd
global rand_init
berkdb srand $rand_init
set c [string index $test 0]
if { $c == "s" } {
set i [string range $test 1 end]
set name [format "subdb%03d" $i]
} else {
set i $test
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
puts "run_reptest: $method $name"
env_cleanup $testdir
set is_envmethod 1
set stat [catch {
if { $do_sec } {
set envargs "-encryptaes $passwd"
append largs " -encrypt "
} else {
set envargs ""
# This will set up the master and client envs
# and will return us the args to pass to the
# test.
set largs [repl_envsetup \
$envargs $largs $test $nclients $droppct $do_oob]
puts "[timestamp]"
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i] \
disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
puts -nonewline \
"Repl: $name: dropping $droppct%, $nclients clients "
if { $do_del } {
puts -nonewline " with delete verification;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no delete verification;"
if { $do_sec } {
puts -nonewline " with security;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no security;"
if { $do_oob } {
puts -nonewline " with out-of-order msgs;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no out-of-order msgs;"
puts ""
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
repl_envprocq $i $nclients $do_oob
repl_envver0 $i $method $nclients
if { $do_del } {
repl_verdel $i $method $nclients
repl_envclose $i $envargs
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_reptest: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
# Run replication method tests in master and client env.
proc run_repmethod { method {numcl 0} {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0}
{run 1} {outfile stdout} {largs ""} } {
source ./include.tcl
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global __debug_test
global is_envmethod
global num_test
global parms
global passwd
global rand_init
set stopsdb $num_test(sdb)
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
} else {
if { $stopsdb > $stop } {
set stopsdb $stop
berkdb srand $rand_init
# We want to run replication both normally and with crypto.
# So run it once and then run again with crypto.
set save_largs $largs
env_cleanup $testdir
if { $display == 1 } {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } { incr i } {
puts $outfile "eval run_repmethod $method \
0 $i $i 0 1 stdout $largs"
if { $run == 1 } {
set is_envmethod 1
# Use an array for number of clients because we really don't
# want to evenly-weight all numbers of clients. Favor smaller
# numbers but test more clients occasionally.
set drop_list { 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 10 20 }
set drop_len [expr [llength $drop_list] - 1]
set client_list { 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 }
set cl_len [expr [llength $client_list] - 1]
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stopsdb } {incr i} {
if { $numcl == 0 } {
set clindex [berkdb random_int 0 $cl_len]
set nclients [lindex $client_list $clindex]
} else {
set nclients $numcl
set drindex [berkdb random_int 0 $drop_len]
set droppct [lindex $drop_list $drindex]
set do_sec [berkdb random_int 0 1]
set do_oob [berkdb random_int 0 1]
set do_del [berkdb random_int 0 1]
if { $do_sec } {
set envargs "-encryptaes $passwd"
append largs " -encrypt "
} else {
set envargs ""
# This will set up the master and client envs
# and will return us the args to pass to the
# test.
set largs [repl_envsetup $envargs $largs \
$i $nclients $droppct $do_oob]
puts "[timestamp]"
set name [format "subdb%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Subdb%03d $i] \
disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
puts -nonewline "Repl: $name: dropping $droppct%, \
$nclients clients "
if { $do_del } {
puts -nonewline " with delete verification;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no delete verification;"
if { $do_sec } {
puts -nonewline " with security;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no security;"
if { $do_oob } {
puts -nonewline " with out-of-order msgs;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no out-of-order msgs;"
puts ""
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
repl_envprocq $i $nclients $do_oob
repl_envver0 $i $method $nclients
if { $do_del } {
repl_verdel $i $method $nclients
repl_envclose $i $envargs
set largs $save_largs
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_repmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
if { $numcl == 0 } {
set clindex [berkdb random_int 0 $cl_len]
set nclients [lindex $client_list $clindex]
} else {
set nclients $numcl
set drindex [berkdb random_int 0 $drop_len]
set droppct [lindex $drop_list $drindex]
set do_sec [berkdb random_int 0 1]
set do_oob [berkdb random_int 0 1]
set do_del [berkdb random_int 0 1]
if { $do_sec } {
set envargs "-encryptaes $passwd"
append largs " -encrypt "
} else {
set envargs ""
# This will set up the master and client envs
# and will return us the args to pass to the
# test.
set largs [repl_envsetup $envargs $largs \
$i $nclients $droppct $do_oob]
puts "[timestamp]"
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i] \
disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
puts -nonewline "Repl: $name: dropping $droppct%, \
$nclients clients "
if { $do_del } {
puts -nonewline " with delete verification;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no delete verification;"
if { $do_sec } {
puts -nonewline " with security;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no security;"
if { $do_oob } {
puts -nonewline " with out-of-order msgs;"
} else {
puts -nonewline " no out-of-order msgs;"
puts ""
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
repl_envprocq $i $nclients $do_oob
repl_envver0 $i $method $nclients
if { $do_del } {
repl_verdel $i $method $nclients
repl_envclose $i $envargs
set largs $save_largs
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_repmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
# Run method tests, each in its own, new environment. (As opposed to
# run_envmethod1 which runs all the tests in a single environment.)
proc run_envmethod { method {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0} {run 1} \
{outfile stdout } { largs "" } } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global __debug_test
global is_envmethod
global num_test
global parms
source ./include.tcl
set stopsdb $num_test(sdb)
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
} else {
if { $stopsdb > $stop } {
set stopsdb $stop
set save_largs $largs
env_cleanup $testdir
if { $display == 1 } {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } { incr i } {
puts $outfile "eval run_envmethod $method \
$i $i 0 1 stdout $largs"
if { $run == 1 } {
set is_envmethod 1
# Run both subdb and normal tests for as long as there are
# some of each type. Start with the subdbs:
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stopsdb } {incr i} {
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -txn \
-mode 0644 -home $testdir}]
error_check_good env_open \
[is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
puts "[timestamp]"
set name [format "subdb%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr \
"[format Subdb%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
error_check_good envremove [berkdb envremove \
-home $testdir] 0
flush stdout
flush stderr
set largs $save_largs
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_envmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
# Subdb tests are done, now run through the regular tests:
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -txn \
-mode 0644 -home $testdir}]
error_check_good env_open \
[is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
puts "[timestamp]"
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr \
"[format Test%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
set largs $save_largs
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
error_check_good envremove [berkdb envremove \
-home $testdir] 0
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_envmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set is_envmethod 0
proc subdb { method {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0} {run 1} \
{outfile stdout} args} {
global num_test testdir
global parms
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "subdb%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Subdb%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
if { $display } {
puts -nonewline $outfile "eval $name $method"
puts -nonewline $outfile " $parms($name) $args;"
puts $outfile "verify_dir $testdir \"\" 1"
if { $run } {
check_handles $outfile
eval $name $method $parms($name) $args
verify_dir $testdir "" 1
flush stdout
flush stderr
proc run_recd { method {start 1} {stop 0} {run 1} {display 0} args } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global __debug_test
global parms
global num_test
global log_log_record_types
source ./include.tcl
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(recd)
if { $run == 1 } {
puts "run_recd: $method $start $stop $args"
if {[catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "recd%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Recd%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
if { $display } {
puts "eval $name $method $parms($name) $args"
if { $run } {
puts "[timestamp]"
# By redirecting stdout to stdout, we make exec
# print output rather than simply returning it.
# By redirecting stderr to stdout too, we make
# sure everything winds up in the ALL.OUT file.
set ret [catch { exec $tclsh_path << \
"source $test_path/test.tcl; \
set log_log_record_types \
$log_log_record_types; eval $name \
$method $parms($name) $args" \
>&@ stdout
} res]
# Don't die if the test failed; we want
# to just proceed.
if { $ret != 0 } {
puts "FAIL:[timestamp] $res"
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
} res] != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_recd: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
proc run_recds { {run 1} {display 0} args } {
global log_log_record_types
set log_log_record_types 1
foreach method \
"btree rbtree hash queue queueext recno frecno rrecno" {
if { [catch {eval \
run_recd -$method 1 0 $run $display $args} ret ] != 0 } {
puts $ret
if { $run } {
set log_log_record_types 0
proc run_all { args } {
global num_test
source ./include.tcl
fileremove -f ALL.OUT
set exflgs [eval extractflags $args]
set flags [lindex $exflgs 1]
set display 1
set run 1
set am_only 0
set parallel 0
set nparalleltests 0
set rflags {--}
foreach f $flags {
switch $f {
m {
set am_only 1
n {
set display 1
set run 0
set rflags [linsert $rflags 0 "-n"]
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
if { $run == 1 } {
puts -nonewline "Test suite run started at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts [berkdb version -string]
puts -nonewline $o "Test suite run started at: "
puts $o [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts $o [berkdb version -string]
close $o
# First run standard tests. Send in a -A to let run_std know
# that it is part of the "run_all" run, so that it doesn't
# print out start/end times.
lappend args -A
eval {run_std} $args
set test_pagesizes [get_test_pagesizes]
set args [lindex $exflgs 0]
set save_args $args
foreach pgsz $test_pagesizes {
set args $save_args
append args " -pagesize $pgsz -chksum"
if { $am_only == 0 } {
# Run recovery tests.
# XXX These don't actually work at multiple pagesizes;
# disable them for now.
# XXX These too are broken into separate tclsh
# instantiations so we don't require so much
# memory, but I think it's cleaner
# and more useful to do it down inside proc r than here,
# since "r recd" gets done a lot and needs to work.
# XXX See comment in run_std for why this only directs
# stdout and not stderr. Don't worry--the right stuff
# happens.
#puts "Running recovery tests with pagesize $pgsz"
#if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
# << "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
# r $rflags recd $args" \
# 2>@ stderr >> ALL.OUT } res] {
# set o [open ALL.OUT a]
# puts $o "FAIL: recd test:"
# puts $o $res
# close $o
# Access method tests.
# Broken up into separate tclsh instantiations so
# we don't require so much memory.
foreach i \
"btree rbtree hash queue queueext recno frecno rrecno" {
puts "Running $i tests with pagesize $pgsz"
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(test) } {incr j} {
if { $run == 0 } {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
eval {run_method -$i $j $j $display \
$run $o} $args
close $o
if { $run } {
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
eval {run_method -$i $j $j \
$display $run stdout} $args" \
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o \
"FAIL: [format \
"test%03d" $j] $i"
close $o
# Run subdb tests with varying pagesizes too.
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(sdb) } {incr j} {
if { $run == 0 } {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
eval {subdb -$i $j $j $display \
$run $o} $args
close $o
if { $run == 1 } {
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
eval {subdb -$i $j $j $display \
$run stdout} $args" \
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL: subdb -$i $j $j"
close $o
set args $save_args
# Run access method tests at default page size in one env.
foreach i "btree rbtree hash queue queueext recno frecno rrecno" {
puts "Running $i tests in a txn env"
for { set j 1 } { $j <= $num_test(test) } { incr j } {
if { $run == 0 } {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
run_envmethod -$i $j $j $display \
$run $o $args
close $o
if { $run } {
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
run_envmethod -$i $j $j \
$display $run stdout $args" \
>>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o \
"FAIL: run_envmethod $i $j $j"
close $o
# Run tests using proc r. The replication tests have been
# moved from run_std to run_all.
set test_list {
{"replication" "rep"}
{"security" "sec"}
# If configured for RPC, then run rpc tests too.
if { [file exists ./berkeley_db_svc] ||
[file exists ./berkeley_db_cxxsvc] ||
[file exists ./berkeley_db_javasvc] } {
append test_list {{"RPC" "rpc"}}
foreach pair $test_list {
set msg [lindex $pair 0]
set cmd [lindex $pair 1]
puts "Running $msg tests"
if [catch {exec $tclsh_path \
<< "source $test_path/test.tcl; \
r $rflags $cmd $args" >>& ALL.OUT } res] {
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
puts $o "FAIL: $cmd test"
close $o
# If not actually running, no need to check for failure.
if { $run == 0 } {
set failed 0
set o [open ALL.OUT r]
while { [gets $o line] >= 0 } {
if { [regexp {^FAIL} $line] != 0 } {
set failed 1
close $o
set o [open ALL.OUT a]
if { $failed == 0 } {
puts "Regression Tests Succeeded"
puts $o "Regression Tests Succeeded"
} else {
puts "Regression Tests Failed; see ALL.OUT for log"
puts $o "Regression Tests Failed"
puts -nonewline "Test suite run completed at: "
puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
puts -nonewline $o "Test suite run completed at: "
puts $o [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M %D"]
close $o
# Run method tests in one environment. (As opposed to run_envmethod
# which runs each test in its own, new environment.)
proc run_envmethod1 { method {start 1} {stop 0} {display 0} {run 1} \
{ outfile stdout } args } {
global __debug_on
global __debug_print
global __debug_test
global is_envmethod
global num_test
global parms
source ./include.tcl
set stopsdb $num_test(sdb)
if { $stop == 0 } {
set stop $num_test(test)
} else {
if { $stopsdb > $stop } {
set stopsdb $stop
if { $run == 1 } {
puts "run_envmethod1: $method $start $stop $args"
set is_envmethod 1
if { $run == 1 } {
env_cleanup $testdir
error_check_good envremove [berkdb envremove -home $testdir] 0
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -cachesize {0 10000000 0}} \
{-mode 0644 -home $testdir}]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
append largs " -env $env "
if { $display } {
# The envmethod1 tests can't be split up, since they share
# an env.
puts $outfile "eval run_envmethod1 $method $args"
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stopsdb } {incr i} {
set name [format "subdb%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Subdb%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
if { $run } {
puts $outfile "[timestamp]"
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts $outfile ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_envmethod: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
set stat [catch {
for { set i $start } { $i <= $stop } {incr i} {
set name [format "test%03d" $i]
if { [info exists parms($name)] != 1 } {
puts stderr "[format Test%03d $i] disabled in\
testparams.tcl; skipping."
if { $run } {
puts $outfile "[timestamp]"
eval $name $method $parms($name) $largs
if { $__debug_print != 0 } {
puts $outfile ""
if { $__debug_on != 0 } {
debug $__debug_test
flush stdout
flush stderr
} res]
if { $stat != 0} {
global errorInfo;
set fnl [string first "\n" $errorInfo]
set theError [string range $errorInfo 0 [expr $fnl - 1]]
if {[string first FAIL $errorInfo] == -1} {
error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
run_envmethod1: $method $i: $theError"
} else {
error $theError;
if { $run == 1 } {
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
check_handles $outfile
set is_envmethod 0
# We want to test all of 512b, 8Kb, and 64Kb pages, but chances are one
# of these is the default pagesize. We don't want to run all the AM tests
# twice, so figure out what the default page size is, then return the
# other two.
proc get_test_pagesizes { } {
# Create an in-memory database.
set db [berkdb_open -create -btree]
error_check_good gtp_create [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set statret [$db stat]
set pgsz 0
foreach pair $statret {
set fld [lindex $pair 0]
if { [string compare $fld {Page size}] == 0 } {
set pgsz [lindex $pair 1]
error_check_good gtp_close [$db close] 0
error_check_bad gtp_pgsz $pgsz 0
switch $pgsz {
512 { return {8192 32768} }
8192 { return {512 32768} }
32768 { return {512 8192} }
default { return {512 8192 32768} }
error_check_good NOTREACHED 0 1