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238 lines
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Executable file
238 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $usage= <<EOF;
This program tests that the options
--aria-force-start-after-recovery-failures --aria-recover work as
It has to be run from directory mysql-test, and works with non-debug
and debug binaries.
Pass it option -d or -i (to test corruption of data or index file).
# -d currently exhibits BUG#36578
# "Maria: maria-recover may fail to autorepair a table"
die($usage) if (@ARGV == 0);
my $corrupt_index;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-d')
$corrupt_index= 0;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-i')
$corrupt_index= 1;
my $force_after= 3;
my $corrupt_file= $corrupt_index ? "MAI" : "MAD";
my $corrupt_message=
"\\[ERROR\\] mysqld(.exe)*: Table '..test.t1' is marked as crashed and should be repaired";
my $sql_name= "./var/tmp/create_table.sql";
my $error_log_name= "./var/log/master.err";
my @cmd_output;
my $whatever; # garbage data
$ENV{MTR_VERSION} = 1; # MTR2 does not have --start-and-exit
my $base_server_cmd= "perl mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--aria-force-start-after-recovery-failures=$force_after --suite=maria maria.maria-recover ";
if ($^O =~ /^mswin/i)
print <<EOF;
WARNING: with Activestate Perl, mysql-test-run.pl --start-and-exit has a bug:
it does not exit; cygwin perl recommended
my $iswindows= ( $^O =~ /win/i && $^O !~ /darwin/i );
$base_server_cmd.= ($iswindows ? "--mysqld=--console" : "--mem");
my $server_cmd;
my $server_pid_name="./var/run/master.pid";
my $server_pid;
my $i; # count of server restarts
sub kill_server;
my $suffix= ($iswindows ? ".exe" : "");
my $client_exe_path= "../client/release";
# we use -f, sometimes -x is unexpectedly false in Cygwin
if ( ! -f "$client_exe_path/mysql$suffix" )
$client_exe_path= "../client/relwithdebinfo";
if ( ! -f "$client_exe_path/mysql$suffix" )
$client_exe_path= "../client/debug";
if ( ! -f "$client_exe_path/mysql$suffix" )
$client_exe_path= "../client";
if ( ! -f "$client_exe_path/mysql$suffix" )
die("Cannot find 'mysql' executable\n");
print "starting mysqld\n";
$server_cmd= $base_server_cmd . " --start-and-exit 2>&1";
die if $?;
my $master_port= (grep (/Using MASTER_MYPORT .*= (\d+)$/, @cmd_output))[0];
$master_port =~ s/.*= //;
chomp $master_port;
die unless $master_port > 0;
my $client_cmd= "$client_exe_path/mysql -u root -h -P $master_port test < $sql_name";
open(FILE, ">", $sql_name) or die;
# To exhibit BUG#36578 with -d, we don't create an index if -d. This is
# because the presence of an index will cause repair-by-sort to be used,
# where sort_get_next_record() is only called inside
#_ma_create_index_by_sort(), so the latter function fails and in this
# case retry_repair is set, so bug does not happen. Whereas without
# an index, repair-with-key-cache is called, which calls
# sort_get_next_record() whose failure itself does not cause a retry.
print FILE "create table t1 (a varchar(1000)".
($corrupt_index ? ", index(a)" : "") .") engine=aria;\n";
print FILE <<EOF;
insert into t1 values("ThursdayMorningsMarket");
# If Recovery executes REDO_INDEX_NEW_PAGE it will overwrite our
# intentional corruption; we make Recovery skip this record by bumping
# create_rename_lsn using OPTIMIZE TABLE. This also makes sure to put
# the pages on disk, so that we can corrupt them.
optimize table t1;
# mark table open, so that --aria-recover repairs it
insert into t1 select concat(a,'b') from t1 limit 1;
close FILE;
print "creating table\n";
die if $?;
print "killing mysqld hard\n";
print "ruining " .
($corrupt_index ? "first page of keys" : "bitmap page") .
" in table to test aria-recover\n";
open(FILE, "+<", "./var/master-data/test/t1.$corrupt_file") or die;
$whatever= ("\xAB" x 100);
sysseek (FILE, $corrupt_index ? 8192 : (8192-100-100), 0) or die;
syswrite (FILE, $whatever) or die;
close FILE;
print "ruining log to make recovery fail; mysqld should fail the $force_after first restarts\n";
open(FILE, "+<", "./var/tmp/aria_log.00000001") or die;
$whatever= ("\xAB" x 8192);
sysseek (FILE, 99, 0) or die;
syswrite (FILE, $whatever) or die;
close FILE;
$server_cmd= $base_server_cmd . " --start-dirty 2>&1";
for($i= 1; $i <= $force_after; $i= $i + 1)
print "mysqld restart number $i... ";
unlink($error_log_name) or die;
# mysqld should return 1 when can't read log
die unless (($? >> 8) == 1);
open(FILE, "<", $error_log_name) or die;
@cmd_output= <FILE>;
close FILE;
die unless grep(/\[ERROR\] mysqld(.exe)*: Aria engine: log initialization failed/, @cmd_output);
die unless grep(/\[ERROR\] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error./, @cmd_output);
print "failed - ok\n";
print "mysqld restart number $i... ";
unlink($error_log_name) or die;
die if $?;
open(FILE, "<", $error_log_name) or die;
@cmd_output= <FILE>;
close FILE;
die unless grep(/\[Warning\] mysqld(.exe)*: Aria engine: removed all logs after [\d]+ consecutive failures of recovery from logs/, @cmd_output);
die unless grep(/\[ERROR\] mysqld(.exe)*: File '.*tmp.aria_log.00000001' not found \(Errcode: 2\)/, @cmd_output);
print "success - ok\n";
open(FILE, ">", $sql_name) or die;
print FILE <<EOF;
set global aria_recover=normal;
insert into t1 values('aaa');
close FILE;
# verify corruption has not yet been noticed
open(FILE, "<", $error_log_name) or die;
@cmd_output= <FILE>;
close FILE;
die if grep(/$corrupt_message/, @cmd_output);
print "inserting in table\n";
die if $?;
print "table is usable - ok\n";
open(FILE, "<", $error_log_name) or die;
@cmd_output= <FILE>;
close FILE;
die unless grep(/$corrupt_message/, @cmd_output);
die unless grep(/\[Warning\] Recovering table: '..test.t1'/, @cmd_output);
print "was corrupted and automatically repaired - ok\n";
# remove our traces
print "TEST ALL OK\n";
# kills mysqld with signal given in parameter
sub kill_server
my ($sig)= @_;
my $wait_count= 0;
my $kill_cmd;
my @kill_output;
open(FILE, "<", $server_pid_name) or die;
@cmd_output= <FILE>;
close FILE;
$server_pid= $cmd_output[0];
chomp $server_pid;
die unless $server_pid > 0;
if ($iswindows)
# On Windows, server_pid_name is not the "main" process id
# so perl's kill() does not see this process id.
# But taskkill works, though only with /F ("-9"-style kill).
$kill_cmd= "taskkill /F /PID $server_pid 2>&1";
@kill_output= `$kill_cmd`;
die unless grep(/has been terminated/, @kill_output);
kill($sig, $server_pid) or die;
while (1) # wait until mysqld process gone
if ($iswindows)
@kill_output= `$kill_cmd`;
last if grep(/not found/, @kill_output);
kill (0, $server_pid) or last;
print "waiting for mysqld to die\n" if ($wait_count > 30);
$wait_count= $wait_count + 1;
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);