mariadb/mysql-test/t/information_schema_db.test 7c63826894 Bug : mysqldump fails to backup database containing view with invalid definer
give some leeway on required permissions for SHOW FIELDS on views so
an unknonwn DEFINER will no longer break mysqldump
2007-03-23 19:24:03 +01:00

212 lines
5.5 KiB

# this test mostly test privilege control (what doesn't work
# in the embedded server by default). So disabled in embedded-server mode
-- source include/
-- source include/
drop table if exists t1,t2;
drop view if exists v1,v2;
drop function if exists f1;
drop function if exists f2;
--replace_result Tables_in_INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables_in_information_schema
show tables;
--replace_result 'Tables_in_INFORMATION_SCHEMA (T%)' 'Tables_in_information_schema (T%)'
show tables from INFORMATION_SCHEMA like 'T%';
create database `inf%`;
create database mbase;
use `inf%`;
show tables;
# Bug#18113 SELECT * FROM crashes server
# Bug#17204 second CALL to procedure crashes Server
# Crash happened when one selected data from one of INFORMATION_SCHEMA
# tables and in order to build its contents server had to open view which
# used stored function and table or view on which one had not global or
# database-level privileges (e.g. had only table-level or had no
# privileges at all).
grant all privileges on `inf%`.* to 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost';
grant all privileges on `mbase`.* to 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost';
create table t1 (f1 int);
delimiter |;
create function func1(curr_int int) returns int
declare ret_val int;
select max(f1) from t1 into ret_val;
return ret_val;
delimiter ;|
create view v1 as select f1 from t1 where f1 = func1(f1);
create function func2() returns int return 1;
use mbase;
delimiter |;
create procedure p1 ()
select table_name from information_schema.key_column_usage
order by table_name;
delimiter ;|
create table t1
(f1 int(10) unsigned not null,
f2 varchar(100) not null,
primary key (f1), unique key (f2));
connect (user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,);
connection user1;
select * from information_schema.tables;
call mbase.p1();
call mbase.p1();
call mbase.p1();
connection default;
use `inf%`;
drop user mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop table t1;
select table_name, table_type, table_comment from information_schema.tables
where table_schema='inf%' and func2();
select table_name, table_type, table_comment from information_schema.tables
where table_schema='inf%' and func2();
drop view v1;
drop function func1;
drop function func2;
drop database `inf%`;
drop procedure mbase.p1;
drop database mbase;
# Bug#18282 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES provides inconsistent info about invalid views
use test;
create table t1 (i int);
create function f1 () returns int return (select max(i) from t1);
create view v1 as select f1();
create table t2 (id int);
create function f2 () returns int return (select max(i) from t2);
create view v2 as select f2();
drop table t2;
select table_name, table_type, table_comment from information_schema.tables
where table_schema='test';
drop table t1;
select table_name, table_type, table_comment from information_schema.tables
where table_schema='test';
drop function f1;
drop function f2;
drop view v1, v2;
# Bug#20543: select on information_schema strange warnings, view, different
# schemas/users
create database testdb_1;
create user testdb_1@localhost;
grant all on testdb_1.* to testdb_1@localhost with grant option;
create user testdb_2@localhost;
grant all on test.* to testdb_2@localhost with grant option;
connect (testdb_1,localhost,testdb_1,,test);
use testdb_1;
create table t1 (f1 char(4));
create view v1 as select f1 from t1;
grant insert on v1 to testdb_2@localhost;
create view v5 as select f1 from t1;
grant show view on v5 to testdb_2@localhost;
--error 1227
create definer=`no_such_user`@`no_such_host` view v6 as select f1 from t1;
connection default;
use testdb_1;
create view v6 as select f1 from t1;
grant show view on v6 to testdb_2@localhost;
create table t2 (f1 char(4));
create definer=`no_such_user`@`no_such_host` view v7 as select * from t2;
show fields from testdb_1.v6;
show create view testdb_1.v6;
show create view testdb_1.v7;
show fields from testdb_1.v7;
connection testdb_1;
create table t3 (f1 char(4), f2 char(4));
create view v3 as select f1,f2 from t3;
grant insert(f1), insert(f2) on v3 to testdb_2@localhost;
connect (testdb_2,localhost,testdb_2,,test);
create view v2 as select f1 from testdb_1.v1;
create view v4 as select f1,f2 from testdb_1.v3;
show fields from testdb_1.v5;
show create view testdb_1.v5;
show fields from testdb_1.v6;
show create view testdb_1.v6;
connection testdb_1;
show fields from testdb_1.v7;
show create view testdb_1.v7;
revoke insert(f1) on v3 from testdb_2@localhost;
revoke show view on v5 from testdb_2@localhost;
connection default;
use testdb_1;
revoke show view on v6 from testdb_2@localhost;
connection testdb_2;
--error 1142
show fields from testdb_1.v5;
--error 1142
show create view testdb_1.v5;
--error 1142
show fields from testdb_1.v6;
--error 1142
show create view testdb_1.v6;
--error 1142
show fields from testdb_1.v7;
--error 1142
show create view testdb_1.v7;
--error 1345
show create view v4;
#--error 1345
show fields from v4;
show fields from v2;
show fields from testdb_1.v1;
show create view v2;
--error 1142
show create view testdb_1.v1;
select table_name from information_schema.columns a
where a.table_name = 'v2';
select view_definition from information_schema.views a
where a.table_name = 'v2';
select view_definition from information_schema.views a
where a.table_name = 'testdb_1.v1';
--error 1356
select * from v2;
connection default;
use test;
drop view testdb_1.v1, v2, testdb_1.v3, v4;
drop database testdb_1;
drop user testdb_1@localhost;
drop user testdb_2@localhost;