Monty 83e529eced MDEV-18465 Logging of DDL statements during backup
Many of the changes was needed to be able to collect and print engine
name and table version id's in the ddl log.
2021-05-19 22:54:13 +02:00

241 lines
7.8 KiB

CREATE TABLE t_exists (a INT);
CREATE TABLE t_exists_template (a INT);
connect con1,localhost,root,,;
connection default;
# Testing with normal tables
create table t1 (a int) engine=myisam ;
insert into t1 values (1),(2);
alter table t1 add column b int;
alter table t1 rename as t2;
rename table t2 to t1;
truncate table t1;
repair table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 repair status OK
optimize table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 optimize status OK
drop table t1;
create table t1_innodb (a int) engine=innodb ;
insert into t1_innodb values (1),(2);
alter table t1_innodb add column b int;
alter table t1_innodb rename as t2_innodb;
rename table t2_innodb to t1_innodb;
truncate table t1_innodb;
repair table t1_innodb;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1_innodb repair note The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
optimize table t1_innodb;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1_innodb optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
test.t1_innodb optimize status OK
drop table t1_innodb;
# Testing with temporary tables (should not be logged)
create temporary table tmp_t10 (a int) engine=myisam;
alter table tmp_t10 add column b int;
alter table tmp_t10 rename as tmp_t11;
rename table tmp_t11 to tmp_t10;
truncate table tmp_t10;
drop table tmp_t10;
# Testing with mix of normal and temporary tables
create temporary table tmp_t20 (a int);
create table t20 (a int) ;
drop table tmp_t20,t20;
create temporary table tmp_t21 (a int);
create table t21 (a int) ;
drop temporary table if exists tmp_t21,t21;
Note 1051 Unknown table 'test.t21'
drop table if exists tmp_t21,t21;
Note 1051 Unknown table 'test.tmp_t21'
# Testing create select
create table t30 (a int) ;
insert into t30 values (1),(1);
create table t31 (a int primary key) select * from t30 limit 1;
create or replace table t31 select * from t30 limit 1;
create or replace temporary table t30_dup select * from t30 limit 1;
create or replace table t31 (a int primary key) select * from t30;
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
create table t32 (a int) ;
drop table if exists t30,t31,t32,tmp_t30;
Note 1051 Unknown table 'test.t31,test.tmp_t30'
# Testing create LIKE
create table t40 (a int) engine=myisam ;
create table t41 (a int, b int) engine=innodb ;
create table t42 like t40;
create temporary table t43_tmp like t40;
create or replace table t42 like t41;
show create table t42;
Table Create Table
t42 CREATE TABLE `t42` (
`a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`b` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
drop table t40, t41, t42;
# Testing rename
create table t50 (a int) ;
create table t51 (a int, b int) ;
rename table t50 to t52, t51 to t53;
rename table t52 to tmp, t53 to t52, tmp to t53;
drop table t52,t53;
# Testing enable/disable keys
CREATE TABLE t60 (a int(10), index(a) ) ENGINE=Aria ;
INSERT INTO t60 VALUES(1),(2),(3);
INSERT INTO t60 VALUES(4),(5),(6);
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t61 (i int(10), index(i) ) ENGINE=Aria;
INSERT INTO t61 VALUES(1),(2),(3);
# Testing load data
create table t70 (a date, b date, c date not null, d date) engine=aria ;
load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' ignore into table t70 fields terminated by ',';
load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' ignore into table t70 fields terminated by ',';
truncate table t70;
lock table t70 write;
load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' ignore into table t70 fields terminated by ',';
load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' ignore into table t70 fields terminated by ',';
unlock tables;
create table t71 (a date, b date, c date not null, d date) engine=aria ;
lock tables t71 write, t70 read;
insert into t71 select * from t70;
unlock tables;
drop table t70,t71;
# Testing strange table names
create table `t 1` (a int) ;
drop table `t 1`;
# Testing views and triggers
create table t80 (a int, b int) engine=myisam ;
create view v1 as select * from t80;
create trigger trg before insert on t80 for each row set @b:=1;
drop trigger trg;
drop view v1;
drop table t80;
# Testing alter to a new storage engine
create table t85 (a int primary key, b int) engine=myisam ;
alter table t85 engine=innodb;
drop table t85;
# Testing create/drop/alter database
create database mysqltest;
create table mysqltest.t90 (a int primary key, b int) engine=myisam;
create table mysqltest.t91 (a int primary key, b int) engine=innodb;
alter database mysqltest character set utf8;
drop database mysqltest;
# MENT-222 bug testing
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t_exists LIKE t_exists_template;
Note 1050 Table 't_exists' already exists
# Reading backup ddl log file
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 1,,0,,,
ALTER,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 1,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2,MyISAM,0,test,t2,id: 2
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t2,id: 2,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2
repair,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2,,0,,,
optimize,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t1,id: 2,,0,,,
CREATE,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 3,,0,,,
ALTER,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 3,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4
RENAME,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4,InnoDB,0,test,t2_innodb,id: 4
RENAME,InnoDB,0,test,t2_innodb,id: 4,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4
TRUNCATE,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4,,0,,,
repair,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4,,0,,,
ALTER,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 4,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 5
DROP,InnoDB,0,test,t1_innodb,id: 5,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t20,id: 6,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t20,id: 6,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t21,id: 7,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t21,id: 7,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t30,id: 8,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t31,id: 9,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t31,id: 9,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t31,id: 10,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t31,id: 10,,0,,,
DROP_AFTER_CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t31,id: 11,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t32,id: 12,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t30,id: 8,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t32,id: 12,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t40,id: 13,,0,,,
CREATE,InnoDB,0,test,t41,id: 14,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t42,id: 15,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t42,id: 15,,0,,,
CREATE,InnoDB,0,test,t42,id: 16,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t40,id: 13,,0,,,
DROP,InnoDB,0,test,t41,id: 14,,0,,,
DROP,InnoDB,0,test,t42,id: 16,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t50,id: 17,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t51,id: 18,,0,,,
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t50,id: 17,MyISAM,0,test,t52,id: 17
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t51,id: 18,MyISAM,0,test,t53,id: 18
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t52,id: 17,MyISAM,0,test,tmp,id: 17
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,t53,id: 18,MyISAM,0,test,t52,id: 18
RENAME,MyISAM,0,test,tmp,id: 17,MyISAM,0,test,t53,id: 17
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t52,id: 18,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t53,id: 17,,0,,,
CREATE,Aria,0,test,t60,id: 19,,0,,,
CHANGE_INDEX,Aria,0,test,t60,id: 19,,0,,,
CHANGE_INDEX,Aria,0,test,t60,id: 19,,0,,,
DROP,Aria,0,test,t60,id: 19,,0,,,
CREATE,Aria,0,test,t70,id: 20,,0,,,
BULK_INSERT,Aria,0,test,t70,id: 20,,0,,,
BULK_INSERT,Aria,0,test,t70,id: 20,,0,,,
CREATE,Aria,0,test,t71,id: 21,,0,,,
BULK_INSERT,Aria,0,test,t71,id: 21,,0,,,
DROP,Aria,0,test,t70,id: 20,,0,,,
DROP,Aria,0,test,t71,id: 21,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t@00201,id: 22,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t@00201,id: 22,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t80,id: 23,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,test,t80,id: 23,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,test,t85,id: 24,,0,,,
ALTER,MyISAM,0,test,t85,id: 24,InnoDB,0,test,t85,id: 25
DROP,InnoDB,0,test,t85,id: 25,,0,,,
CREATE,MyISAM,0,mysqltest,t90,id: 26,,0,,,
CREATE,InnoDB,0,mysqltest,t91,id: 27,,0,,,
DROP,MyISAM,0,mysqltest,t90,id: 26,,0,,,
DROP,InnoDB,0,mysqltest,t91,id: 27,,0,,,
# Cleanup
DROP TABLE t_exists;
DROP TABLE t_exists_template;
disconnect con1;