using last_insert_id() on an auto_incremented bigint unsigned does
not work for values which are greater than max-bigint-signed.
last_insert_id() returns the first auto_incremented value for a column
and an auto_incremented value can have only positive values.
In our code, when we are initializing a last_insert_id object, we are
taking it as a signed BIGINT, So when the auto_incremented value reaches
greater than max signed bigint, last_insert_id gives negative result.
When we are fetching the value from last_insert_id, We are setting the
unsigned_flag, so that it take only unsigned BIGINT value.
here unsigned value is converted to signed value.
last_insert_id() gives an auto_incremented value which can be
positive only,so defined it as a unsigned longlong sets the
unsigned_flag to 1.