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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

Our web server has been restructured several times, and references to it in our source code has stayed the same. This patch from Paul DuBois updates all URLs to modern semantics.
430 lines
10 KiB
430 lines
10 KiB
# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 MySQL AB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run,
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub mtr_report_test_name($);
sub mtr_report_test_passed($);
sub mtr_report_test_failed($);
sub mtr_report_test_skipped($);
sub mtr_report_test_not_skipped_though_disabled($);
sub mtr_report_stats ($);
sub mtr_print_line ();
sub mtr_print_thick_line ();
sub mtr_print_header ();
sub mtr_report (@);
sub mtr_warning (@);
sub mtr_error (@);
sub mtr_child_error (@);
sub mtr_debug (@);
sub mtr_verbose (@);
my $tot_real_time= 0;
sub mtr_report_test_name ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
printf "%-30s ", $tinfo->{'name'};
sub mtr_report_test_skipped ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED';
if ( $tinfo->{'disable'} )
mtr_report("[ disabled ] $tinfo->{'comment'}");
elsif ( $tinfo->{'comment'} )
mtr_report("[ skipped ] $tinfo->{'comment'}");
mtr_report("[ skipped ]");
sub mtr_report_tests_not_skipped_though_disabled ($) {
my $tests= shift;
if ( $::opt_enable_disabled )
my @disabled_tests= grep {$_->{'dont_skip_though_disabled'}} @$tests;
if ( @disabled_tests )
print "\nTest(s) which will be run though they are marked as disabled:\n";
foreach my $tinfo ( sort {$a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'}} @disabled_tests )
printf " %-20s : %s\n", $tinfo->{'name'}, $tinfo->{'comment'};
sub mtr_report_test_passed ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $timer= "";
if ( $::opt_timer and -f "$::opt_vardir/log/timer" )
$timer= mtr_fromfile("$::opt_vardir/log/timer");
$tot_real_time += ($timer/1000);
$timer= sprintf "%12s", $timer;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED';
mtr_report("[ pass ] $timer");
sub mtr_report_test_failed ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED';
if ( defined $tinfo->{'timeout'} )
mtr_report("[ fail ] timeout");
mtr_report("[ fail ]");
if ( $tinfo->{'comment'} )
# The test failure has been detected by mysql-test-run.pl
# when starting the servers or due to other error, the reason for
# failing the test is saved in "comment"
mtr_report("\nERROR: $tinfo->{'comment'}");
elsif ( -f $::path_timefile )
# Test failure was detected by test tool and it's report
# about what failed has been saved to file. Display the report.
print "\n";
print mtr_fromfile($::path_timefile); # FIXME print_file() instead
print "\n";
# Neither this script or the test tool has recorded info
# about why the test has failed. Should be debugged.
mtr_report("\nUnexpected termination, probably when starting mysqld");;
sub mtr_report_stats ($) {
my $tests= shift;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find out how we where doing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $tot_skiped= 0;
my $tot_passed= 0;
my $tot_failed= 0;
my $tot_tests= 0;
my $tot_restarts= 0;
my $found_problems= 0; # Some warnings in the logfiles are errors...
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
if ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED' )
elsif ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_PASSED' )
elsif ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_FAILED' )
if ( $tinfo->{'restarted'} )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print out a summary report to screen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $tot_failed )
print "All $tot_tests tests were successful.\n";
my $ratio= $tot_passed * 100 / $tot_tests;
print "Failed $tot_failed/$tot_tests tests, ";
printf("%.2f", $ratio);
print "\% were successful.\n\n";
"The log files in var/log may give you some hint\n",
"of what went wrong.\n",
"If you want to report this error, please read first ",
"the documentation at\n",
if (!$::opt_extern)
print "The servers were restarted $tot_restarts times\n";
if ( $::opt_timer )
use English;
mtr_report("Spent", sprintf("%.3f", $tot_real_time),"of",
time - $BASETIME, "seconds executing testcases");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If a debug run, there might be interesting information inside
# the "var/log/*.err" files. We save this info in "var/log/warnings"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $::glob_use_running_server )
# Save and report if there was any fatal warnings/errors in err logs
my $warnlog= "$::opt_vardir/log/warnings";
unless ( open(WARN, ">$warnlog") )
mtr_warning("can't write to the file \"$warnlog\": $!");
# We report different types of problems in order
foreach my $pattern ( "^Warning:", "^Error:", "^==.* at 0x",
"InnoDB: Warning", "missing DBUG_RETURN",
"mysqld: Warning",
"Attempting backtrace", "Assertion .* failed" )
foreach my $errlog ( sort glob("$::opt_vardir/log/*.err") )
my $testname= "";
unless ( open(ERR, $errlog) )
mtr_warning("can't read $errlog");
while ( <ERR> )
# Skip some non fatal warnings from the log files
if ( /Warning:\s+Table:.* on (delete|rename)/ or
/Warning:\s+Setting lower_case_table_names=2/ or
/Warning:\s+One can only use the --user.*root/ or
/InnoDB: Warning: we did not need to do crash recovery/)
next; # Skip these lines
if ( /CURRENT_TEST: (.*)/ )
$testname= $1;
if ( /$pattern/ )
$found_problems= 1;
print WARN basename($errlog) . ": $testname: $_";
if ( $::opt_check_testcases )
# Look for warnings produced by mysqltest in testname.warnings
foreach my $test_warning_file
( glob("$::glob_mysql_test_dir/r/*.warnings") )
$found_problems= 1;
print WARN "Check myqltest warnings in $test_warning_file\n";
if ( $found_problems )
mtr_warning("Got errors/warnings while running tests, please examine",
"\"$warnlog\" for details.");
print "\n";
# Print a list of testcases that failed
if ( $tot_failed != 0 )
my $test_mode= join(" ", @::glob_test_mode) || "default";
print "mysql-test-run in $test_mode mode: *** Failing the test(s):";
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
if ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_FAILED' )
print " $tinfo->{'name'}";
print "\n";
# Print a list of check_testcases that failed(if any)
if ( $::opt_check_testcases )
my @check_testcases= ();
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
if ( defined $tinfo->{'check_testcase_failed'} )
push(@check_testcases, $tinfo->{'name'});
if ( @check_testcases )
print "Check of testcase failed for: ";
print join(" ", @check_testcases);
print "\n\n";
if ( $tot_failed != 0 || $found_problems)
mtr_error("there were failing test cases");
# Text formatting
sub mtr_print_line () {
print '-' x 55, "\n";
sub mtr_print_thick_line () {
print '=' x 55, "\n";
sub mtr_print_header () {
print "\n";
if ( $::opt_timer )
print "TEST RESULT TIME (ms)\n";
print "TEST RESULT\n";
print "\n";
# Log and reporting functions
use IO::File;
my $log_file_ref= undef;
sub mtr_log_init ($) {
my ($filename)= @_;
mtr_error("Log is already open") if defined $log_file_ref;
$log_file_ref= IO::File->new($filename, "a") or
mtr_warning("Could not create logfile $filename: $!");
sub _mtr_log (@) {
print $log_file_ref join(" ", @_),"\n"
if defined $log_file_ref;
sub mtr_report (@) {
# Print message to screen and log
print join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_warning (@) {
# Print message to screen and log
_mtr_log("WARNING: ", @_);
print STDERR "mysql-test-run: WARNING: ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_error (@) {
# Print message to screen and log
_mtr_log("ERROR: ", @_);
print STDERR "mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_child_error (@) {
# Print message to screen and log
_mtr_log("ERROR(child): ", @_);
print STDERR "mysql-test-run: *** ERROR(child): ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_debug (@) {
# Only print if --script-debug is used
if ( $::opt_script_debug )
_mtr_log("###: ", @_);
print STDERR "####: ",join(" ", @_),"\n";
sub mtr_verbose (@) {
# Always print to log, print to screen only when --verbose is used
_mtr_log("> ",@_);
if ( $::opt_verbose )
print STDERR "> ",join(" ", @_),"\n";