Andrei Elkin 98733e857e Bug setup_fake_relay_log makes an incorrect path on windows
Path composition for the relay log file that is stored into the relay index
file was not correct for windows.
mysql-test language does not provide primitives for portable path composition.
Fixed with storing only the basename part of the external "fake" relay log into
the relay index file.
Safety of removal of the dirname part of the relaylog is provided by logics of
`setup_fake_relay_log' that places the fake file into @@datadir directory.
2009-02-09 15:17:04 +02:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

# ==== Purpose ====
# Setup replication from an existing relay log in the current
# connection.
# ==== Usage ====
# Make sure the slave is not running and issue:
# let $fake_relay_log= /path/to/fake-relay-log-file.000001
# source include/;
# START SLAVE SQL_THREAD; # setup_fake_relay_log doesn't start slave
# ...
# source include/
# You must run the server with --relay-log=FILE. You probably want to
# run with --replicate-same-server-id too.
# ==== Implementation ====
# First makes a sanity check, ensuring that the slave threads are not
# running. Then copies the $fake_relay_log to RELAY_BIN-fake.000001,
# where RELAY_BIN is the basename of the relay log, and updates
# RELAY_BIN.index. Finally issues CHANGE MASTER so that it uses the
# given files.
# ==== Side effects ====
# Creates a binlog file and a binlog index file, and sets
# @@global.relay_log_purge=1. All this is restored when you call
# Enables the query log.
# Print message.
let $_fake_relay_log_printable= `SELECT REPLACE('$fake_relay_log', '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR', 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR')`;
--echo Setting up fake replication from $_fake_relay_log_printable
# Sanity check.
let $_sql_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_SQL_Running, 1);
let $_io_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1);
if (`SELECT "$_sql_running" = "Yes" OR "$_io_running" = "Yes"`) {
--echo Error: Slave was running when test case sourced
--echo include/
--echo Slave_IO_Running = $_io_running; Slave_SQL_Running = $_sql_running
--echo Printing some debug info:
# Read server variables.
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`;
let $_fake_filename= query_get_value(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'relay_log', Value, 1);
if (`SELECT '$_fake_filename' = ''`) {
--echo Badly written test case: relay_log variable is empty. Please use the
--echo server option --relay-log=FILE.
let $_fake_relay_log= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$_fake_filename-fake.000001;
let $_fake_relay_index= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$_fake_filename.index;
# Need to restore relay_log_purge in, since
# CHANGE MASTER modifies it (see the manual for CHANGE MASTER).
let $_fake_relay_log_purge= `SELECT @@global.relay_log_purge`;
# Create relay log file.
copy_file $fake_relay_log $_fake_relay_log;
# Create relay log index.
--exec echo $_fake_filename-fake.000001 > $_fake_relay_index
# Setup replication from existing relay log.
eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='dummy.localdomain', RELAY_LOG_FILE='$_fake_filename-fake.000001', RELAY_LOG_POS=4;