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# Index merge tests
-- source include/have_innodb.inc
drop table if exists t1,t2;
create table t1
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null,
INDEX i1(key1),
INDEX i2(key2)
) engine=innodb;
let $1=200;
while ($1)
eval insert into t1 values (200-$1, $1);
dec $1;
# No primary key
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
# Primary key as case-sensitive string with \0s.
# also make primary key be longer then max. index length of MyISAM.
alter table t1 add str1 char (255) not null,
add zeroval int not null default 0,
add str2 char (255) not null,
add str3 char (255) not null;
update t1 set str1='aaa', str2='bbb', str3=concat(key2, '-', key1 div 2, '_' ,if(key1 mod 2 = 0, 'a', 'A'));
alter table t1 add primary key (str1, zeroval, str2, str3);
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
# Test for BUG#5401
drop table t1;
create table t1 (
pk integer not null auto_increment primary key,
key1 integer,
key2 integer not null,
filler char (200),
index (key1),
index (key2)
) engine=innodb;
show warnings;
let $1=30;
while ($1)
eval insert into t1 (key1, key2, filler) values ($1/4, $1/8, 'filler-data');
dec $1;
explain select pk from t1 where key1 = 1 and key2 = 1;
select pk from t1 where key2 = 1 and key1 = 1;
select pk from t1 ignore index(key1,key2) where key2 = 1 and key1 = 1;
# More tests for BUG#5401.
drop table t1;
create table t1 (
pk int primary key auto_increment,
key1a int,
key2a int,
key1b int,
key2b int,
dummy1 int,
dummy2 int,
dummy3 int,
dummy4 int,
key3a int,
key3b int,
filler1 char (200),
index i1(key1a, key1b),
index i2(key2a, key2b),
index i3(key3a, key3b)
) engine=innodb;
create table t2 (a int);
insert into t2 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(NULL);
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select A.a, B.a, C.a, D.a, C.a, D.a from t2 A,t2 B,t2 C, t2 D;
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b from t1;
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b from t1;
analyze table t1;
select count(*) from t1;
explain select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key2a = 2 and key2b is null;
select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key2a = 2 and key2b is null;
explain select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key3a = 2 and key3b is null;
select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key3a = 2 and key3b is null;
drop table t1,t2;
# Test for BUG#8441
create table t1 (
id1 int,
id2 date ,
index idx2 (id1,id2),
index idx1 (id2)
) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values(1,'20040101'), (2,'20040102');
select * from t1 where id1 = 1 and id2= '20040101';
drop table t1;
# Test for BUG#12720
drop view if exists v1;
`oid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`fk_bbk_niederlassung` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fk_wochentag` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`uhrzeit_von` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'HH:MM',
`uhrzeit_bis` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'HH:MM',
`geloescht` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`version` int(5) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`oid`),
KEY `fk_bbk_niederlassung` (`fk_bbk_niederlassung`),
KEY `fk_wochentag` (`fk_wochentag`),
KEY `ix_version` (`version`)
insert into t1 values
(1, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(2, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(3, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(4, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(5, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(6, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(7, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(8, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(9, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(10, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(11, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(12, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(13, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(14, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(15, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(16, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(17, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(18, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(19, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(20, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(21, 7, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(22, 7, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(23, 7, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(24, 7, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(25, 7, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1);
create view v1 as
zeit1.oid AS oid,
zeit1.fk_bbk_niederlassung AS fk_bbk_niederlassung,
zeit1.fk_wochentag AS fk_wochentag,
zeit1.uhrzeit_von AS uhrzeit_von,
zeit1.uhrzeit_bis AS uhrzeit_bis,
zeit1.geloescht AS geloescht,
zeit1.version AS version
t1 zeit1
(zeit1.version =
(select max(zeit2.version) AS `max(version)`
from t1 zeit2
((zeit1.fk_bbk_niederlassung = zeit2.fk_bbk_niederlassung) and
(zeit1.fk_wochentag = zeit2.fk_wochentag) and
(zeit1.uhrzeit_von = zeit2.uhrzeit_von) and
(zeit1.uhrzeit_bis = zeit2.uhrzeit_bis)
and (zeit1.geloescht = 0);
select * from v1 where oid = 21;
drop view v1;
drop table t1;
t_cpac varchar(2) NOT NULL,
t_vers varchar(4) NOT NULL,
t_rele varchar(2) NOT NULL,
t_cust varchar(4) NOT NULL,
filler1 char(250) default NULL,
filler2 char(250) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (t_cpac,t_vers,t_rele,t_cust),
UNIQUE KEY IX_4 (t_cust,t_cpac,t_vers,t_rele),
KEY IX_5 (t_vers,t_rele,t_cust)
insert into t1 values
('tm','2.5 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tm','2.5U','a ','stnd','',''),
('da','3.3 ','b ',' ','',''), ('da','3.3U','b ','stnd','',''),
('tl','7.6 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tt','7.6 ','a ',' ','',''),
('bc','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('bp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('ca','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ci','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('cp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('dm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('ec','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ed','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('fm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('nt','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('qm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tc','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('td','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tf','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('tg','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ti','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('tp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ts','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('wh','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('bc','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('bp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ca','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('ci','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('cp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('dm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ec','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('fm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('nt','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('qm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('tc','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('td','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('tf','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('tg','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ti','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('tp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ts','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('wh','B61U','a ','stnd','','');
show create table t1;
select t_vers,t_rele,t_cust,filler1 from t1 where t_vers = '7.6';
select t_vers,t_rele,t_cust,filler1 from t1 where t_vers = '7.6'
and t_rele='a' and t_cust = ' ';
drop table t1;