Sven Sandberg 09c80e12c5 BUG#49978: Replication tests don't clean up replication state at the end
Major replication test framework cleanup. This does the following:
 - Ensure that all tests clean up the replication state when they
   finish, by making check-testcase check the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
   This implies:
    - Slave must not be running after test finished. This is good
      because it removes the risk for sporadic errors in subsequent
      tests when a test forgets to sync correctly.
    - Slave SQL and IO errors must be cleared when test ends. This is
      good because we will notice if a test gets an unexpected error in
      the slave threads near the end.
    - We no longer have to clean up before a test starts.
 - Ensure that all tests that wait for an error in one of the slave
   threads waits for a specific error. It is no longer possible to
   source wait_for_slave_[sql|io] when there is an error
   in one of the slave threads. This is good because:
    - If a test expects an error but there is a bug that causes
      another error to happen, or if it stops the slave thread without
      an error, then we will notice.
    - When developing tests, wait_for_*_to_[start|stop].inc will fail
      immediately if there is an error in the relevant slave thread.
      Before this patch, we had to wait for the timeout.
 - Remove duplicated and repeated code for setting up unusual replication
   topologies. Now, there is a single file that is capable of setting
   up arbitrary topologies (include/, but
   include/ is still available for the most common
   topology). Tests can now end with include/, which will clean
   up correctly no matter what topology is used. The topology can be
   changed with include/
 - Improved debug information when tests fail. This includes:
    - debug info is printed on all servers configured by include/
    - User can set $rpl_debug=1, which makes auxiliary replication files
      print relevant debug info.
 - Improved documentation for all auxiliary replication files. Now they
   describe purpose, usage, parameters, and side effects.
 - Many small code cleanups:
    - Made output a sensible error message.
    - Moved contents of into rpl000017.test
    - Added mysqltest variables that expose the current state of
      disable_warnings/enable_warnings and friends.
    - Too many to list here: see per-file comments for details.
2010-12-19 18:07:28 +01:00

175 lines
5.6 KiB

# ==== Purpose ====
# Check if a condition holds, fail with debug info if not.
# The condition is parsed before executed. The following constructs
# are supported:
# The square bracket is replaced by the result from SQL_STATEMENT,
# in the given COLUMN and ROW.
# Optionally, SQL_STATEMENT may have the form:
# connection:SQL_STATEMENT
# In this case, SQL_STATEMENT is executed on the named connection.
# All other queries executed by this script will be executed on
# the connection that was in use when this script was started.
# The current connection will also be restored at the end of this
# script.
# Nested sub-statements on this form are not allowed.
# <1>
# This is a shorthand for the result of the first executed square
# bracket. <2> is a shorthand for the second executed square
# bracket, and so on.
# ==== Usage ====
# --let $assert_text= Relay_Log_Pos must be between min_pos and max_pos
# --let $assert_cond= [SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_Pos, 1] >= $min_pos AND <1> <= $max_pos
# [--let $assert_quiet= 1]
# [--let $rpl_debug= 1]
# --source include/
# Parameters:
# $assert_text
# Text that describes what is being checked. This text is written to
# the query log so it should not contain non-deterministic elements.
# $assert_cond
# Condition to check. See above for details about the format. The
# condition will be executed as `SELECT $assert_cond`.
# Both $assert_cond and the result from any substatement on the
# form [SQL_STATEMENT, COLUMN, ROW] will be used in SQL statements,
# inside single quotes (as in '$assert_text'). So any single quotes
# in these texts must be escaped or replaced by double quotes.
# $rpl_debug
# Print extra debug info.
--let $include_filename= [$assert_text]
--source include/
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: assert_text='$assert_text' assert_cond='$assert_cond'
# Sanity-check input
if (!$assert_text)
--die ERROR IN TEST: the mysqltest variable rpl_test must be set
--let $_assert_old_connection= $CURRENT_CONNECTION
# Evaluate square brackets in cond.
--let $_assert_substmt_number= 1
--let $_assert_cond_interp= '$assert_cond'
--let $_assert_lbracket= `SELECT LOCATE('[', $_assert_cond_interp)`
while ($_assert_lbracket)
# Get position of right bracket
--let $_assert_rbracket= `SELECT LOCATE(']', $_assert_cond_interp)`
if (!$_assert_rbracket)
--echo BUG IN TEST: Mismatching square brackets in assert_cond.
--echo Original assert_cond='$assert_cond'
--echo Interpolated assert_cond=$_assert_cond_interp
--die BUG IN TEST: Mismatching square brackets in $assert_cond
# Get sub-statement from statement. Preserve escapes for single quotes.
--let $_assert_full_substmt= `SELECT QUOTE(SUBSTRING($_assert_cond_interp, $_assert_lbracket + 1, $_assert_rbracket - $_assert_lbracket - 1))`
# Get connection from sub-statement
--let $_assert_colon= `SELECT IF($_assert_full_substmt REGEXP '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*:', LOCATE(':', $_assert_full_substmt), 0)`
--let $_assert_connection=
--let $_assert_substmt= $_assert_full_substmt
if ($_assert_colon)
--let $_assert_connection= `SELECT SUBSTRING($_assert_substmt, 1, $_assert_colon - 1)`
# Preserve escapes for single quotes.
--let $_assert_substmt= `SELECT QUOTE(SUBSTRING($_assert_substmt, $_assert_colon + 1))`
# Interpolate escapes before using condition outside string context.
--let $_assert_substmt_interp= `SELECT $_assert_substmt`
# Execute and get result from sub-statement
if ($_assert_connection)
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: connection='$_assert_connection' sub-statement=$_assert_substmt
--let $rpl_connection_name= $_assert_connection
--source include/
--let $_assert_substmt_result= query_get_value($_assert_substmt_interp)
--let $rpl_connection_name= $_assert_old_connection
--source include/
if (!$_assert_connection)
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: old connection, sub-statement=$_assert_substmt
--let $_assert_substmt_result= query_get_value($_assert_substmt_interp)
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: result of sub-statement='$_assert_substmt_result'
# Replace sub-statement by its result
--let $_assert_cond_interp= `SELECT QUOTE(REPLACE($_assert_cond_interp, CONCAT('[', $_assert_full_substmt, ']'), '$_assert_substmt_result'))`
# Replace result references by result
--let $_assert_cond_interp= `SELECT QUOTE(REPLACE($_assert_cond_interp, '<$_assert_substmt_number>', '$_assert_substmt_result'))`
--let $_assert_lbracket= `SELECT LOCATE('[', $_assert_cond_interp)`
--inc $_assert_substmt_number
# Interpolate escapes before using condition outside string context.
--let $_assert_cond_interp= `SELECT $_assert_cond_interp`
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: interpolated_cond='$_assert_cond_interp'
# Execute.
--let $_assert_result= `SELECT $_assert_cond_interp`
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: result='$_assert_result'
# Check.
if (!$_assert_result)
--echo ######## Test assertion failed: $assert_text ########
--echo Dumping debug info:
if ($rpl_inited)
--source include/
--echo Assertion text: '$assert_text'
--echo Assertion condition: '$assert_cond'
--echo Assertion condition, interpolated: '$_assert_cond_interp'
--echo Assertion result: '$_assert_result'
--die Test assertion failed in
--let $include_filename= [$assert_text]
--source include/
--let $assert_text=
--let $assert_cond=