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364 lines
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Executable file
# Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA
# Output a html table with a compare of all servers
$cmp_server="mysql"; # Get limit names from here
if ($#ARGV < 0)
foreach (@ARGV)
if ($server eq $cmp_server)
@global_limits= sort keys(%all_limits);
find_match('group_functions|functions'); # Don't report these
if ($full_html)
if (!$skip_header)
print "<!doctype HTML public \"-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML3.0//EN\"><HTML>";
print <<EOF;
<!doctype HTML public \"-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML3.0//EN\"><HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Database comparison table</TITLE></HEAD>
<center><h3>Database comparison table generated with <B>crash-me</B></h3></center>
<table><tr><td><IMG SRC="icons/mysql-03.gif" ALT=logo></td>
<td>You can get a copy of <B>crash-me</B> from the MySQL 3.23 distribution at
<A HREF="http://www.mysql.com">http://www.mysql.com</A>.
<strong>crash-me</strong> is a program that automatically detects
limits and capabilities in a SQL server. We at TCX have worked very
hard to make crash-me as fair and accurate as possible, but there is
always a small possibility that some particular tests fails for some
database, even if the database has the capability. We are always
willing to correct this as soon as this comes to our attention. Some
tests may fail because the database in questions does not follow
<B>ANSI SQL 99</B> or <B>ODBC 3.0</B> but in this case we regard this
as a failure in the database.
Note that crash-me test the <B>ODBC</B> functionality by executing
SQL commands through the perl DBD driver. As some SQL servers implements
the <B>ODBC</B> functionality in the <B>ODBC</B> driver, crash-me may
tell you that the SQL server doesn\'t support some functionality, even
if this is supported when you are using the SQL server through <B>ODBC</B>.
Note that even if crash-me reports that some feature is missing, not
supported, or doesn\'t work it doesn\'t mean that the SQL server
doesn\'t follow the SQL standard or that you can\'t do the operation
in some other way. crash-me just tells you how the SQL server works
if you send it some specific query. The result is however often useful
for applications writers that tries to write portable code and needs to be
aware of the differences between different SQL servers.
TCX is trying to add as much tests to the crash-me program as they can
but it\'s always possible that some database vendor specific functions
/ queries aren\'t tested. If you find some entries not tested on a
database please let us know and try to patch the crash-me program your
self or give us some example queries so we can add those entries. We
are always open for suggestions for adding things to the crash-me
program. The crash-me program is also our input reference for the
MySQL benchmark program.<br>
The crash-me table is generated from databases started with default
parameters. If this is not the case, this is noted in the comment row.
Some detected limits may also be configurable, OS dependent, depend of the
Perl DBI driver or depending on the license of the used database version.
The following markers are used in the comparison table
<table border=1>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=\"images/ok.gif\" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=16 ALT=\"yes\"></td>
<td>Function is supported</td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=\"images/no.gif\" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14 ALT=\"no\"></td>
<td>Function is not supported</td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=\"images/error.gif\" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=16 ALT=\"error\"></td>
<td>Function exists but didn\'t return expected result. This usually means that
the database is using some non standard extension for the option in question</td></tr>
<tr><td>ignored</td><td>Function doesn\'t give an error from the server but it
doesn\'t do anything. One can probably do the same action with some other
<tr><td>nonstandard</td><td>Function exists but doesn\'t work according to
<B>ANSI SQL 92</B> or <B>ODBC 3.0</B></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Not relevant or not tested with the database</td></tr>
<tr><td>+number</td><td>At least <b>number</b> operations is supported</td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=\"images/warning.gif\" WIDTH=28 HEIGHT=28 ALT=\"warning\"></td>
<td><B>Anyone with normal access to the database server can take it down, possible
forever!</B></td> </table>
<center><h3>The <B>crash-me</B> comparisons</h3></center>
print "<TABLE BORDER=2><TR ALIGN=left>\n";
# printer server names
print "<th>Function</th>\n";
foreach $server (@limits)
print "<td>$server->[1]->{'server_version'}</td>";
$server->[1]->{'server_version'} =~ /^(\S*)/;
find_match("server_version"); # Mark used
print "</tr>\n";
print_match("Crash-me information",'crash_me|operating_system|user_comment',undef(),1);
print_match("ANSI SQL 92 types","type_sql");
print_match("ODBC 3.0 types","type_odbc");
print_match("Other types","type_extra");
print_match("Constraints and type modifiers","constraint|foreign|primary|unique|default","alter|max_unique");
print_match("ANSI SQL 92 functions","func_sql","group");
print_match("ODBC 3.0 functions","func_odbc","group");
print_match("Other functions","func_extra","group");
print_match("Functions in WHERE","func_where","group");
print_match("ANSI SQL 92 group functions","group_func_sql");
print_match("Other group functions","group_func");
print_match("Function use","NEG|minus_neg|like|null.*expr");
print_match("Order by and group by","order|having|group");
print_match("Join methods",'join|subqueries|multi_table|select_table_update');
print_match("String handling","string|select_constant|quote_with|double_quotes|end_space");
print_match("Name limits","name","alter");
print_match("Index limits",'index|primary|unique');
print_match("Type limits",'char|float|text_size|date|end_space','atomic');
print_match("ALTER TABLE",'alter');
print_match("CREATE and DROP",'create|drop|rowid|temporary|domains|truncate');
print_options("Other features");
print_match("Other limits",'\S');
print "</table>\n";
if ($full_html)
print <<EOF;
This information is provided by TCX so one can get the real limitations from
the database server (not the information from sales managers!). Hopefully the
above information will make it easier for you to find a database server that
has the functionality you need and that you can rely on!
TCX will continue to extend <b>crash-me</b> and add more database servers
to the above chart. We are also very interested in new tests so if you have
any suggestions, please mail us (or even better, send us code).
We are also working on the <B>MySQL</B> <A HREF ="/benchmark.html">benchmark</A>
to help users see how fast a database is when doing different typical things.
<IMG SRC="images/eyesleft.gif" HEIGHT=9 WIDTH=582 ALT="==============================================">
<ADDRESS> You can direct questions about crash-me and the benchmark to the
<A HREF=\"http://www.tcx.se/mail.html\">MySQL mailing list</A>.
} exit 0;
sub read_config_data
my ($server,$file)=@_;
my (%limits,%prompts);
open(CONFIG_FILE,"<$file") ||
die "Can't open configure file $file\n";
while (<CONFIG_FILE>)
if (/^(\S+)=([^\#]*[^\#\s])\s*(\# .*)*$/)
$prompts{$1}=length($3) ? substr($3,2) : "";
elsif (!/^\s*$/ && !/^\#/)
die "Wrong config row: $_\n";
return ([$server,\%limits,\%prompts]);
sub find_match
my ($find,$find_not)=@_;
my ($key,@res);
foreach $key (@global_limits)
if ($key =~ /$find/ && (!defined($find_not) || !($key =~ /$find_not/)))
return @res;
sub print_match
my ($header,$match,$not_match,$no_server_names)=@_;
my ($key);
if ($opt_txt)
print "\n$header\n";
print "<tr><th colspan=$columns ALIGN=center>$header</th></tr>\n";
print_server_names() if (!$no_server_names);
foreach $key (find_match($match,$not_match))
print_key($key,$key eq "crash_me_safe" ? 1: 0);
sub print_options
my ($header)=@_;
if ($opt_txt)
print "\n$header\n";
print "<tr><th colspan=$columns ALIGN=center>$header</th></tr>\n";
foreach $key (@global_limits)
if ($key && !($limits[0]->[1]{$key} =~ /^\d+$/))
sub print_key
my ($key,$fatal)=@_;
my ($i,$server,$option,$tmp);
for ($i=0 ; $i < $columns ; $i++)
if ($limits[$i]->[2]{$key})
$option =~ s/>/>\;/g;
$option =~ s/</<\;/g;
if ($opt_txt)
print "\n$option\t";
foreach $server (@limits)
$tmp="yes" if ($tmp eq "yes");
$tmp="no" if ($tmp eq "no" && !$fatal);
$tmp="warning" if ($tmp eq "no" && $fatal);
$tmp="error" if ($tmp eq "error");
$tmp="" if (!defined($tmp) || $tmp eq "");
print "\t$tmp";
$option =~ s/ / /g;
print "<tr><td>$option</td>";
foreach $server (@limits)
$tmp="<IMG SRC=\"images/ok.gif\" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=16 ALT=\"yes\">" if ($tmp eq "yes" && !$fatal);
$tmp="<IMG SRC=\"images/thumbs_up.gif\" ALT=\"yes\">" if ($tmp eq "yes" && $fatal);
$tmp="<IMG SRC=\"images/no.gif\" WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14 ALT=\"no\">" if ($tmp eq "no" && !$fatal);
$tmp="<IMG SRC=\"images/warning.gif\" WIDTH=28 HEIGHT=28 ALT=\"warning\">" if ($tmp eq "no" && $fatal);
$tmp="<IMG SRC=\"images/error.gif\" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=16 ALT=\"error\">" if ($tmp eq "error");
$tmp=" " if (!defined($tmp) || $tmp eq "");
print "<td>$tmp</td>";
sub print_server_names
my ($server);
if ($opt_txt)
my $tab;
foreach $server (@server_names)
print "$tab$server";
print "\n";
print "<tr><th></th>";
foreach $server (@server_names)
print "<th>$server</th>";
print "</tr>\n";