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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: si005.tcl,v 11.4 2002/04/29 17:12:03 sandstro Exp $
# Sindex005: Secondary index and join test.
proc sindex005 { methods {nitems 1000} {tnum 5} args } {
source ./include.tcl
# Primary method/args.
set pmethod [lindex $methods 0]
set pargs [convert_args $pmethod $args]
set pomethod [convert_method $pmethod]
# Sindex005 does a join within a simulated database schema
# in which the primary index maps a record ID to a ZIP code and
# name in the form "XXXXXname", and there are two secondaries:
# one mapping ZIP to ID, the other mapping name to ID.
# The primary may be of any database type; the two secondaries
# must be either btree or hash.
# Method/args for all the secondaries. If only one method
# was specified, assume the same method for the two secondaries.
set methods [lrange $methods 1 end]
if { [llength $methods] == 0 } {
for { set i 0 } { $i < 2 } { incr i } {
lappend methods $pmethod
} elseif { [llength $methods] != 2 } {
puts "FAIL: Sindex00$tnum requires exactly two secondaries."
set argses [convert_argses $methods $args]
set omethods [convert_methods $methods]
puts "Sindex00$tnum ($pmethod/$methods) Secondary index join test."
env_cleanup $testdir
set pname "sindex00$tnum-primary.db"
set zipname "sindex00$tnum-zip.db"
set namename "sindex00$tnum-name.db"
# Open an environment
# XXX if one is not supplied!
set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
# Open the databases.
set pdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -env} $env $pomethod $pargs $pname]
error_check_good primary_open [is_valid_db $pdb] TRUE
set zipdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -dup -env} $env \
[lindex $omethods 0] [lindex $argses 0] $zipname]
error_check_good zip_open [is_valid_db $zipdb] TRUE
error_check_good zip_associate [$pdb associate s5_getzip $zipdb] 0
set namedb [eval {berkdb_open -create -dup -env} $env \
[lindex $omethods 1] [lindex $argses 1] $namename]
error_check_good name_open [is_valid_db $namedb] TRUE
error_check_good name_associate [$pdb associate s5_getname $namedb] 0
puts "\tSindex00$tnum.a: Populate database with $nitems \"names\""
s5_populate $pdb $nitems
puts "\tSindex00$tnum.b: Perform a join on each \"name\" and \"ZIP\""
s5_jointest $pdb $zipdb $namedb
error_check_good name_close [$namedb close] 0
error_check_good zip_close [$zipdb close] 0
error_check_good primary_close [$pdb close] 0
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
proc s5_jointest { pdb zipdb namedb } {
set pdbc [$pdb cursor]
error_check_good pdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE
for { set dbt [$pdbc get -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
{ set dbt [$pdbc get -next] } {
set item [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
set retlist [s5_dojoin $item $pdb $zipdb $namedb]
proc s5_dojoin { item pdb zipdb namedb } {
set name [s5_getname "" $item]
set zip [s5_getzip "" $item]
set zipc [$zipdb cursor]
error_check_good zipc($item) [is_valid_cursor $zipc $zipdb] TRUE
set namec [$namedb cursor]
error_check_good namec($item) [is_valid_cursor $namec $namedb] TRUE
set pc [$pdb cursor]
error_check_good pc($item) [is_valid_cursor $pc $pdb] TRUE
set ret [$zipc get -set $zip]
set zd [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
error_check_good zipset($zip) [s5_getzip "" $zd] $zip
set ret [$namec get -set $name]
set nd [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 1]
error_check_good nameset($name) [s5_getname "" $nd] $name
set joinc [$pdb join $zipc $namec]
set anyreturned 0
for { set dbt [$joinc get] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
{ set dbt [$joinc get] } {
set ritem [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
error_check_good returned_item($item) $ritem $item
incr anyreturned
error_check_bad anyreturned($item) $anyreturned 0
error_check_good joinc_close($item) [$joinc close] 0
error_check_good pc_close($item) [$pc close] 0
error_check_good namec_close($item) [$namec close] 0
error_check_good zipc_close($item) [$zipc close] 0
proc s5_populate { db nitems } {
global dict
set did [open $dict]
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $nitems } { incr i } {
gets $did word
if { [string length $word] < 3 } {
gets $did word
if { [string length $word] < 3 } {
puts "FAIL:\
unexpected pair of words < 3 chars long"
set datalist [s5_name2zips $word]
foreach data $datalist {
error_check_good db_put($data) [$db put $i $data$word] 0
close $did
proc s5_getzip { key data } { return [string range $data 0 4] }
proc s5_getname { key data } { return [string range $data 5 end] }
# The dirty secret of this test is that the ZIP code is a function of the
# name, so we can generate a database and then verify join results easily
# without having to consult actual data.
# Any word passed into this function will generate from 1 to 26 ZIP
# entries, out of the set {00000, 01000 ... 99000}. The number of entries
# is just the position in the alphabet of the word's first letter; the
# entries are then hashed to the set {00, 01 ... 99} N different ways.
proc s5_name2zips { name } {
global alphabet
set n [expr [string first [string index $name 0] $alphabet] + 1]
error_check_bad starts_with_abc($name) $n -1
set ret {}
for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
set b 0
for { set j 1 } { $j < [string length $name] } \
{ incr j } {
set b [s5_nhash $name $i $j $b]
lappend ret [format %05u [expr $b % 100]000]
return $ret
proc s5_nhash { name i j b } {
global alphabet
set c [string first [string index $name $j] $alphabet']
return [expr (($b * 991) + ($i * 997) + $c) % 10000000]