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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

The test started failing on the same day patch for BUG 49978 was pushed. BUG 49978 changed part of the replication testing infrastructure in mysql-test-run. This caused the test to fail sporadically with result differences on relay log file names. When the test fails the relay-log filenames are shifted by one, eg: -show relaylog events in 'slave-relay-bin.000002' from <binlog_start>; +show relaylog events in 'slave-relay-bin.000003' from <binlog_start>; The problem was caused by a bad cleanup when using the include files: - include/setup_fake_relay_log.inc - include/cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc Which would leave a spurious relay-log file around (not listed in slave-relay-bin.index), causing the server to shift the name of the relay logs by one, even if cleaning up with RESET SLAVE. We fix this by removing the relay-log file when it is not needed anymore, ie at setup time and after recreating the fake relay-log index. Additionally, to make the affected test more resilient, we deployed a call to rpl_reset.inc (which resets both master and slave, including log files) before actually running the test case. Finally, appart from the reported bug, we also fix: (a) an unrelated issue with the failing test itself - in some cases, the test was not setting the log file name to use when it should; (b) one typo.
110 lines
3.9 KiB
110 lines
3.9 KiB
# ==== Purpose ====
# Setup replication from an existing relay log in the current
# connection.
# ==== Usage ====
# Make sure the slave is not running and issue:
# let $fake_relay_log= /path/to/fake-relay-log-file.000001
# source include/setup_fake_relay_log.inc;
# START SLAVE SQL_THREAD; # setup_fake_relay_log doesn't start slave
# ...
# source include/cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc
# You must run the server with --relay-log=FILE. You probably want to
# run with --replicate-same-server-id too.
# ==== Implementation ====
# First makes a sanity check, ensuring that the slave threads are not
# running. Then copies the $fake_relay_log to RELAY_BIN-fake.000001,
# where RELAY_BIN is the basename of the relay log, and updates
# RELAY_BIN.index. Finally issues CHANGE MASTER so that it uses the
# given files.
# ==== Side effects ====
# Creates a binlog file and a binlog index file, and sets
# @@global.relay_log_purge=1. All this is restored when you call
# cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc.
--let $include_filename= setup_fake_relay_log.inc
--source include/begin_include_file.inc
if (!$rpl_debug)
# Print message.
let $_fake_relay_log_printable= `SELECT REPLACE('$fake_relay_log', '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR', 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR')`;
--echo Setting up fake replication from $_fake_relay_log_printable
# Sanity check.
let $running= 0;
let $_sql_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_SQL_Running, 1);
let $_io_running= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_IO_Running, 1);
if ($_sql_running == Yes) {
let $running= 1;
if ($_io_running == Yes) {
let $running= 1;
if ($running) {
--echo Error: Slave was running when test case sourced
--echo include/setup_fake_replication.inc
--echo Slave_IO_Running = $_io_running; Slave_SQL_Running = $_sql_running
--source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc
# Read server variables.
let $_fake_datadir= `SELECT @@datadir`;
let $_fake_filename= query_get_value(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'relay_log', Value, 1);
if (!$_fake_filename) {
--die ERROR IN TEST: relay_log variable is empty. Please use the server option --relay-log=FILE.
let $_fake_relay_log= $_fake_datadir/$_fake_filename-fake.000001;
let $_fake_relay_index= $_fake_datadir/$_fake_filename.index;
# Need to restore relay_log_purge in cleanup_fake_relay_log.inc, since
# CHANGE MASTER modifies it (see the manual for CHANGE MASTER).
let $_fake_relay_log_purge= `SELECT @@global.relay_log_purge`;
let $_orphan_relay_file= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_File, 1);
# Create relay log file.
--copy_file $fake_relay_log $_fake_relay_log
# Create relay log index.
# After patch for BUG#12190, the filename used in CHANGE MASTER
# RELAY_LOG_FILE will be automatically added the directory of the
# relay log before comparison, thus we need to added the directory
# part (./ on unix .\ on windows) when faking the relay-log-bin.index.
# mysqltest currently parses backslash escapes wrong, so any sequence
# of N backslashes is collapsed to just one backslash. So we use the
# SQL function CHAR() to generate a backslash character instead. Since
# the string is interpreted in SQL context, we to escape it, so we use
# two backslashes.
--let $_fake_dir= `select IF(convert(@@version_compile_os using latin1) IN ("Win32","Win64","Windows"), CONCAT('.', CHAR(92), CHAR(92)), './')`
--let $write_var= $_fake_dir$_fake_filename-fake.000001\n
--let $write_to_file= $_fake_relay_index
--source include/write_var_to_file.inc
# Remember old settings.
--let $_fake_old_master_host= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Master_Host, 1)
# Setup replication from existing relay log.
eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='dummy.localdomain', RELAY_LOG_FILE='$_fake_filename-fake.000001', RELAY_LOG_POS=4;
# remove the orphan log file (became spurious)
-- remove_file $_fake_datadir/$_orphan_relay_file
--let $include_filename= setup_fake_relay_log.inc
--source include/end_include_file.inc