mariadb/scripts/ bd791a15ae Bug : mysql_install_db first line is blank.
Minor script changes for uniformity.
2006-07-14 15:22:16 -04:00

239 lines
5.9 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
# For a more info consult the file COPYRIGHT distributed with this file.
# fill_func_tables - parse ../Docs/manual.texi
# Original version by Victor Vagin <>
my $cat_name= "";
my $func_name= "";
my $text= "";
my $example= "";
local $mode= "";
sub prepare_name
my ($a)= @_;
$a =~ s/(\@itemize \@bullet)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end itemize)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end multitable)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end table)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@cindex(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@multitable \@columnfractions(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@node(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@tab)/\t/g;
$a =~ s/\@item/ /g;
$a =~ s/\@code\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@strong\{(.+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@samp\{(.+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@emph\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\/$1\//go;
$a =~ s/\@xref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/See also : [$1]/go;
$a =~ s/\@ref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/[$1]/go;
$a =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
$a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$a =~ s/\`/\`\`/g;
$a =~ s/\@table \@code/ /g;
$a =~ s/\(\)//g;
$a =~ s/((\w|\s)+)\(([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\)/$3/gxs; #$a =~ s/((\w|\s)+)\(([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\)/$3 $1/gxs;
$a =~ s/([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\(((\w|\s)+)\)/$1/gxs;#$a =~ s/([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\(((\w|\s)+)\)/$1 $2/gxs;
$a =~ s/((\w|\s)+)\((.+)\)/$1/gxs;
return $a;
sub prepare_text
my ($a)= @_;
$a =~ s/(\@itemize \@bullet)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end itemize)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end multitable)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@end table)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@cindex(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@multitable \@columnfractions(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@node(.*?)\n)/ /g;
$a =~ s/(\@tab)/\t/g;
$a =~ s/\@itemx/ /g;
$a =~ s/\@item/ /g;
$a =~ s/\@code\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@strong\{(.+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@samp\{(.+?)\}/$1/go;
$a =~ s/\@emph\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\/$1\//go;
$a =~ s/\@xref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/See also : [$1]/go;
$a =~ s/\@ref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/[$1]/go;
$a =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
$a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$a =~ s/\`/\`\`/g;
$a =~ s/(\n*?)$//g;
$a =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$a =~ s/\@table \@code/ /g;
return $a;
sub prepare_example
my ($a)= @_;
$a =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
$a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$a =~ s/\`/\`\`/g;
$a =~ s/(\n*?)$//g;
$a =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
return $a;
sub flush_all
my ($mode) = @_;
if ($mode eq ""){return;}
$func_name= prepare_name($func_name);
$text= prepare_text($text);
$example= prepare_example($example);
if ($func_name ne "" && $text ne "" && !($func_name =~ /[abcdefghikjlmnopqrstuvwxyz]/)){
print "INSERT INTO function (name,description,example) VALUES (";
print "'$func_name',";
print "'$text',";
print "'$example'";
print ");\n";
print "INSERT INTO function_category (cat_id,func_id) VALUES (\@cur_category,LAST_INSERT_ID());\n";
$func_name= "";
$text= "";
$example= "";
$mode= "";
sub new_category
my ($category)= @_;
$category= prepare_text($category);
print "INSERT INTO function_category_name (name) VALUES (\'$category\');\n";
print "SELECT \@cur_category:=LAST_INSERT_ID();\n";
print "INSERT INTO db (Host,DB,User,Select_priv) VALUES ('%','mysql_help','','Y');\n";
print "CREATE DATABASE mysql_help;\n";
print "USE mysql_help;\n";
print "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS function;\n";
print "CREATE TABLE function (";
print " func_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,";
print " name varchar(64) not null,";
print " url varchar(128) not null,";
print " description text not null,";
print " example text not null,";
print " min_args tinyint not null,";
print " max_args tinyint,";
print " date_created datetime not null,";
print " last_modified timestamp not null,";
print " primary key (func_id)";
print ") type=myisam;\n\n";
print "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS function_category_name;\n";
print "CREATE TABLE function_category_name (";
print " cat_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,";
print " name varchar(64) not null,";
print " url varchar(128) not null,";
print " date_created datetime not null,";
print " last_modified timestamp not null,";
print " primary key (cat_id)";
print ") type=myisam;\n\n";
print "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS function_category;\n";
print "CREATE TABLE function_category (";
print " cat_id smallint unsigned not null references function_category_name,";
print " func_id int unsigned not null references function,";
print " primary key (cat_id, func_id)";
print ") type=myisam;\n\n";
print "DELETE FROM function_category_name;\n";
print "DELETE FROM function_category;\n";
print "DELETE FROM function;\n";
print "SELECT \@cur_category:=null;\n\n";
my $in_section_6_3= 0;
if ($_=~/\@section Functions for Use in \@code{SELECT} and \@code{WHERE} Clauses/ &&
$in_section_6_3= 1;
if ($_=~/\@section/ && $in_section_6_3){
$in_section_6_3= 0;
if (!$in_section_6_3) { next; }
my $c_name= "";
($c_name)=m|\@c for_mysql_help,(.+?)$|;
if (!($c_name eq "") && ! ($c_name =~ m/$cat_name/i)){
($cat_name)= $c_name;
($c_name)=m|\@subsubsection (.+?)$|;
if (!($c_name eq "") && ! ($c_name =~ m/$cat_name/i)){
($cat_name)= $c_name;
($c_name)=m|\@subsection (.+?)$|;
if (!($c_name eq "") && ! ($c_name =~ m/$cat_name/i)){
($cat_name)= $c_name;
($f_name)=m|\@findex (.+?)$|;
if (!($f_name eq "")){
($func_name)= ($f_name);
$mode= "text";
if ($_=~/\@example/ && ($mode eq "text")){
$mode= "example";
if ($_=~/\@end example/ && ($mode eq "example")){
if ($mode eq "text") { $text .= $_; }
if ($mode eq "example") { $example .= $_; }
print "DELETE function_category_name ";
print "FROM function_category_name ";
print "LEFT JOIN function_category ON function_category.cat_id=function_category_name.cat_id ";
print "WHERE function_category.cat_id is null;"