unknown 14b1de4293 Add triggers to notify InnoDB developers when MySQL developers change files
that they control.

  Trigger to notify InnoDB developers about changes in InnoDB
  Trigger to notify InnoDB developers about changes in InnoDB
  Trigger to warn MySQL developers that they have changed InnoDB files,
  and that their changes will be sent to the InnoDB developers if they
  choose to commit.
  Utility functions for BK triggers written in Perl.
2008-01-23 16:18:23 -07:00

360 lines
9 KiB

# To use this convenience library in a trigger, simply require it at
# at the top of the script. For example:
# #! /usr/bin/perl
# use FindBin;
# require "$FindBin::Bin/";
# FindBin is needed, because sometimes a trigger is called from the
# RESYNC directory, and the trigger dir is ../BitKeeper/triggers
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use FindBin;
my $mysql_version = "5.0";
# These addresses must be kept current in all MySQL versions.
# See the wiki page InnoDBandOracle.
#my @innodb_to_email = ('');
#my @innodb_cc_email = ('');
# FIXME: Keep this for testing; remove it once it's been used for a
# week or two.
my @innodb_to_email = ('');
my @innodb_cc_email = ();
# This is for MySQL <= 5.0. Regex which defines the InnoDB files
# which should generally not be touched by MySQL developers.
my $innodb_files_description = <<EOF;
mysql-test/t/innodb* (except mysql-test/t/innodb_mysql*)
mysql-test/r/innodb* (except mysql-test/r/innodb_mysql*)
my $innodb_files_regex = qr{
# Case 1: innobase/*
# Case 2: mysql-test/[tr]/innodb* (except innodb_mysql*)
# The mysql-test/[tr]/innodb_mysql* are OK to edit
# Case 3: sql/ha_innodb*
# See 'bk help log', and the format of, e.g., $BK_PENDING.
# Important: this already contains the terminating newline!
my $file_rev_dspec = ':SFILE:|:REV:\n';
my $bktmp = "$FindBin::Bin/../tmp";
my $sendmail;
foreach ('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 'sendmail') {
$sendmail = $_;
last if -x $sendmail;
my $from = $ENV{REAL_EMAIL} || $ENV{USER} . '';
# close_or_warn
# $fh file handle to be closed
# $description description of the file handle
# RETURN Return value of close($fh)
# Print a nice warning message if close() isn't successful. See
# perldoc perlvar and perldoc -f close for details.
sub close_or_warn (*$)
my ($fh, $description) = @_;
my $status = close $fh;
if (not $status) {
warn "$0: error on close of '$description': ",
($! ? "$!" : "exit status " . ($? >> 8)), "\n";
return $status;
# check_status
# $warn If true, warn about bad status
# RETURN TRUE, if $BK_STATUS is "OK"; FALSE otherwise
# Also checks the undocumented $BK_COMMIT env variable
sub check_status
my ($warn) = @_;
my $status = (grep { defined $_ }
$ENV{BK_STATUS}, $ENV{BK_COMMIT}, '<undef>')[0];
unless ($status eq 'OK')
warn "Bad BK_STATUS '$status'\n" if $warn;
return undef;
return 1;
# repository_location
# RETURN ('HOST', 'ROOT') for the repository being modified
sub repository_location
if ($ENV{BK_SIDE} eq 'client') {
return ($ENV{BK_HOST}, $ENV{BK_ROOT});
} else {
return ($ENV{BKD_HOST}, $ENV{BKD_ROOT});
# repository_type
# 'main' for repo on bk-internal with post-incoming.bugdb trigger
# 'team' for repo on bk-internal with trigger
# 'local' otherwise
# This definition may need to be modified if the host name or triggers change.
sub repository_type
my ($host, $root) = repository_location();
return 'local'
unless uc($host) eq 'BK-INTERNAL.MYSQL.COM'
and -e "$root/BitKeeper/triggers/";
return 'main' if -e "$root/BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.bugdb";
return 'team';
# latest_cset
# RETURN Key for most recent ChangeSet
sub latest_cset {
chomp(my $retval = `bk changes -r+ -k`);
return $retval;
# read_bk_csetlist
# RETURN list of cset keys from $BK_CSETLIST file
sub read_bk_csetlist
die "$0: script error: \$BK_CSETLIST not set\n"
unless defined $ENV{BK_CSETLIST};
or die "$0: can't read \$BK_CSETLIST='$ENV{BK_CSETLIST}': $!\n";
chomp(my @csets = <CSETS>);
close_or_warn(CSETS, "\$BK_CSETLIST='$ENV{BK_CSETLIST}'");
return @csets;
# innodb_get_changes
# $type 'file' or 'cset'
# $value file name (e.g., $BK_PENDING) or ChangeSet key
# $want_merge_changes flag; if false, merge changes will be ignored
# RETURN A string describing the InnoDB changes, or undef if no changes
# The return value does *not* include ChangeSet comments, only per-file
# comments.
sub innodb_get_changes
my ($type, $value, $want_merge_changes) = @_;
if ($type eq 'file')
open CHANGES, '<', $value
or die "$0: can't read '$value': $!\n";
elsif ($type eq 'cset')
open CHANGES, '-|', "bk changes -r'$value' -v -d'$file_rev_dspec'"
or die "$0: can't exec 'bk changes': $!\n";
croak "$0: script error: invalid type '$type'";
my @changes = grep { /$innodb_files_regex/ } <CHANGES>;
close_or_warn(CHANGES, "($type, '$value')");
return undef unless @changes;
# Set up a pipeline of 'bk log' commands to weed out unwanted deltas. We
# never want deltas which contain no actual changes. We may not want deltas
# which are merges.
my @filters;
# This tests if :LI: (lines inserted) or :LD: (lines deleted) is
# non-zero. That is, did this delta change the file contents?
push @filters,
"bk log -d'"
. "\$if(:LI: -gt 0){$file_rev_dspec}"
. "\$if(:LI: -eq 0){\$if(:LD: -gt 0){$file_rev_dspec}}"
. "' -";
push @filters, "bk log -d'\$unless(:MERGE:){$file_rev_dspec}' -"
unless $want_merge_changes;
my $tmpname = "$bktmp/ibchanges.txt";
my $pipeline = join(' | ', @filters) . " > $tmpname";
open TMP, '|-', $pipeline
or die "$0: can't exec [[$pipeline]]: $!\n";
print TMP @changes;
close_or_warn(TMP, "| $pipeline");
# Use bk log to describe the changes
open LOG, "bk log - < $tmpname |"
or die "$0: can't exec 'bk log - < $tmpname': $!\n";
my @log = <LOG>;
close_or_warn(LOG, "bk log - < $tmpname |");
unlink $tmpname;
return undef unless @log;
return join('', @log);
# Ask user if they really want to commit.
# RETURN TRUE = YES, commit; FALSE = NO, do not commit
sub innodb_inform_and_query_user
my ($description) = @_;
my $tmpname = "$bktmp/ibquery.txt";
open MESSAGE, "> $tmpname"
or die "$0: can't write message to '$tmpname': $!";
print MESSAGE <<EOF;
This ChangeSet modifies some files which should normally be changed by
InnoDB developers only. In general, MySQL developers should not change:
The following InnoDB files were modified:
If you understand this, you may Commit these changes. The changes
will be sent to the InnoDB developers at @{[join ', ', @innodb_to_email]},
CC @{[join ', ', @innodb_cc_email]}.
close_or_warn(MESSAGE, "$tmpname");
my $status = system('bk', 'prompt', '-w',
'-yCommit these changes', '-nDo not Commit', "-f$tmpname");
unlink $tmpname;
return ($status == 0 ? 1 : undef);
# innodb_send_changes_email
# $cset The ChangeSet key
# $description A (maybe brief) description of the changes
# RETURN TRUE = Success, e-mail sent; FALSE = Failure
# Sends a complete diff of changes in $cset by e-mail.
sub innodb_send_changes_email
my ($cset, $description) = @_;
# FIXME: Much of this is duplicated in the 'post-commit' Bourne shell
# trigger
my $cset_short = `bk changes -r'$cset' -d':P:::I:'`;
my $cset_key = `bk changes -r'$cset' -d':KEY:'`;
my ($host, $bk_root) = repository_location();
my $type = repository_type();
(my $treename = $bk_root) =~ s,^.*/,,;
print "Nofifying InnoDB developers at ",
(join ', ', @innodb_to_email, @innodb_cc_email), "\n";
open SENDMAIL, '|-', "$sendmail -t"
or die "Can't exec '$sendmail -t': $!\n";
my @headers;
push @headers, "List-ID: <bk.innodb-$mysql_version>";
push @headers, "From: $from";
push @headers, "To: " . (join ', ', @innodb_to_email);
push @headers, "Cc: " . (join ', ', @innodb_cc_email) if @innodb_cc_email;
push @headers,
"Subject: InnoDB changes in $type $mysql_version tree ($cset_short)";
push @headers, "X-CSetKey: <$cset_key>";
print SENDMAIL map { "$_\n" } @headers, '';
if ($type eq 'main')
Changes pushed to $treename by $ENV{USER} affect the following
files. These changes are in a $mysql_version main tree. They
will be available publicly within 24 hours.
elsif ($type eq 'team')
Changes added to $treename by $ENV{USER} affect the
following files. These changes are in a $mysql_version team tree.
A local commit by $ENV{USER} affects the following files. These
changes are in a clone of a $mysql_version tree.
print SENDMAIL "\n";
print SENDMAIL qx(bk changes -r+);
print SENDMAIL "$description";
print SENDMAIL "The complete ChangeSet diffs follow.\n\n";
print SENDMAIL qx(bk rset -r+ -ah | bk gnupatch -h -dup -T);
close_or_warn(SENDMAIL, "$sendmail -t")
or return undef;
return 1;