unknown 754fcca98a 1. Cumulated fix for Bug#22398, and
2. Correct some logical bugs within the tests, which were caused by
   automatic resolve of BitKeeper

  - Remove hardcoded assignment of storage engine, because this violates the logics of
    refactored tests
  - Remove trailing spaces
  - Move the FOREIGN KEY creation(probably not really needed for the testcase) out of 
    the CREATE TABLE statement + let the FK creation depend on the storage engine capabilities
  Updated result
  Updated result
  Updated result
  Reenable the fixed tests
  Important comment describing how to modify the tests when some issues
  (most probably no bugs) are fixed.
  Introduction of a variable for switching FOREIGN KEY on/off
2006-09-18 16:55:56 +02:00

583 lines
20 KiB

#---------------- Index merge test 2 -------------------------------------------
drop table if exists t1,t2;
create table t1
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null,
INDEX i1(key1),
INDEX i2(key2)
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using sort_union(i1,i2); Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
key1 key2
0 200
1 199
2 198
3 197
4 196
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using sort_union(i1,i2); Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
key1 key2
0 200
1 199
2 198
3 197
4 196
alter table t1 add str1 char (255) not null,
add zeroval int not null default 0,
add str2 char (255) not null,
add str3 char (255) not null;
update t1 set str1='aaa', str2='bbb', str3=concat(key2, '-', key1 div 2, '_' ,if(key1 mod 2 = 0, 'a', 'A'));
alter table t1 add primary key (str1, zeroval, str2, str3);
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using sort_union(i1,i2); Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 5 or key2 > 197;
key1 key2 str1 zeroval str2 str3
4 196 aaa 0 bbb 196-2_a
3 197 aaa 0 bbb 197-1_A
2 198 aaa 0 bbb 198-1_a
1 199 aaa 0 bbb 199-0_A
0 200 aaa 0 bbb 200-0_a
explain select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 4,4 NULL 8 Using sort_union(i1,i2); Using where
select * from t1 where key1 < 3 or key2 > 195;
key1 key2 str1 zeroval str2 str3
4 196 aaa 0 bbb 196-2_a
3 197 aaa 0 bbb 197-1_A
2 198 aaa 0 bbb 198-1_a
1 199 aaa 0 bbb 199-0_A
0 200 aaa 0 bbb 200-0_a
drop table t1;
create table t1 (
pk integer not null auto_increment primary key,
key1 integer,
key2 integer not null,
filler char (200),
index (key1),
index (key2)
show warnings;
Level Code Message
explain select pk from t1 where key1 = 1 and key2 = 1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge key1,key2 key1,key2 5,4 NULL 1 Using intersect(key1,key2); Using where; Using index
select pk from t1 where key2 = 1 and key1 = 1;
select pk from t1 ignore index(key1,key2) where key2 = 1 and key1 = 1;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (
pk int primary key auto_increment,
key1a int,
key2a int,
key1b int,
key2b int,
dummy1 int,
dummy2 int,
dummy3 int,
dummy4 int,
key3a int,
key3b int,
filler1 char (200),
index i1(key1a, key1b),
index i2(key2a, key2b),
index i3(key3a, key3b)
create table t2 (a int);
insert into t2 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(NULL);
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select A.a, B.a, C.a, D.a, C.a, D.a from t2 A,t2 B,t2 C, t2 D;
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b from t1;
insert into t1 (key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b)
select key1a, key1b, key2a, key2b, key3a, key3b from t1;
analyze table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 analyze status OK
select count(*) from t1;
explain select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key2a = 2 and key2b is null;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i2 i1,i2 10,10 NULL 4 Using intersect(i1,i2); Using where; Using index
select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key2a = 2 and key2b is null;
explain select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key3a = 2 and key3b is null;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i1,i3 i1,i3 10,10 NULL 4 Using intersect(i1,i3); Using where; Using index
select count(*) from t1 where
key1a = 2 and key1b is null and key3a = 2 and key3b is null;
drop table t1,t2;
create table t1 (
id1 int,
id2 date ,
index idx2 (id1,id2),
index idx1 (id2)
insert into t1 values(1,'20040101'), (2,'20040102');
select * from t1 where id1 = 1 and id2= '20040101';
id1 id2
1 2004-01-01
drop table t1;
drop view if exists v1;
`oid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`fk_bbk_niederlassung` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`fk_wochentag` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`uhrzeit_von` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'HH:MM',
`uhrzeit_bis` time NOT NULL COMMENT 'HH:MM',
`geloescht` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`version` int(5) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`oid`),
KEY `fk_bbk_niederlassung` (`fk_bbk_niederlassung`),
KEY `fk_wochentag` (`fk_wochentag`),
KEY `ix_version` (`version`)
insert into t1 values
(1, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(2, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(3, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(4, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(5, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(6, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(7, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(8, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(9, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(10, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 1, 2),
(11, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(12, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(13, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(14, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(15, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 3),
(16, 38, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(17, 38, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(18, 38, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(19, 38, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(20, 38, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 4),
(21, 7, 1, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(22, 7, 2, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(23, 7, 3, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(24, 7, 4, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1),
(25, 7, 5, '08:00:00', '13:00:00', 0, 1);
create view v1 as
zeit1.oid AS oid,
zeit1.fk_bbk_niederlassung AS fk_bbk_niederlassung,
zeit1.fk_wochentag AS fk_wochentag,
zeit1.uhrzeit_von AS uhrzeit_von,
zeit1.uhrzeit_bis AS uhrzeit_bis,
zeit1.geloescht AS geloescht,
zeit1.version AS version
t1 zeit1
(zeit1.version =
(select max(zeit2.version) AS `max(version)`
from t1 zeit2
((zeit1.fk_bbk_niederlassung = zeit2.fk_bbk_niederlassung) and
(zeit1.fk_wochentag = zeit2.fk_wochentag) and
(zeit1.uhrzeit_von = zeit2.uhrzeit_von) and
(zeit1.uhrzeit_bis = zeit2.uhrzeit_bis)
and (zeit1.geloescht = 0);
select * from v1 where oid = 21;
oid fk_bbk_niederlassung fk_wochentag uhrzeit_von uhrzeit_bis geloescht version
21 7 1 08:00:00 13:00:00 0 1
drop view v1;
drop table t1;
t_cpac varchar(2) NOT NULL,
t_vers varchar(4) NOT NULL,
t_rele varchar(2) NOT NULL,
t_cust varchar(4) NOT NULL,
filler1 char(250) default NULL,
filler2 char(250) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (t_cpac,t_vers,t_rele,t_cust),
UNIQUE KEY IX_4 (t_cust,t_cpac,t_vers,t_rele),
KEY IX_5 (t_vers,t_rele,t_cust)
insert into t1 values
('tm','2.5 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tm','2.5U','a ','stnd','',''),
('da','3.3 ','b ',' ','',''), ('da','3.3U','b ','stnd','',''),
('tl','7.6 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tt','7.6 ','a ',' ','',''),
('bc','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('bp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('ca','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ci','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('cp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('dm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('ec','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ed','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('fm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('nt','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('qm','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tc','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('td','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('tf','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('tg','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ti','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('tp','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('ts','B61 ','a ',' ','',''),
('wh','B61 ','a ',' ','',''), ('bc','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('bp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ca','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('ci','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('cp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('dm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ec','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('fm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('nt','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('qm','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('tc','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('td','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('tf','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('tg','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ti','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('tp','B61U','a ','stnd','',''), ('ts','B61U','a ','stnd','',''),
('wh','B61U','a ','stnd','','');
show create table t1;
Table Create Table
t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`t_cpac` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
`t_vers` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
`t_rele` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
`t_cust` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
`filler1` char(250) DEFAULT NULL,
`filler2` char(250) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`t_cpac`,`t_vers`,`t_rele`,`t_cust`),
UNIQUE KEY `IX_4` (`t_cust`,`t_cpac`,`t_vers`,`t_rele`),
KEY `IX_5` (`t_vers`,`t_rele`,`t_cust`)
select t_vers,t_rele,t_cust,filler1 from t1 where t_vers = '7.6';
t_vers t_rele t_cust filler1
7.6 a
7.6 a
select t_vers,t_rele,t_cust,filler1 from t1 where t_vers = '7.6'
and t_rele='a' and t_cust = ' ';
t_vers t_rele t_cust filler1
7.6 a
7.6 a
drop table t1;
create table t1 (
pk int(11) not null auto_increment,
a int(11) not null default '0',
b int(11) not null default '0',
c int(11) not null default '0',
filler1 datetime, filler2 varchar(15),
filler3 longtext,
kp1 varchar(4), kp2 varchar(7),
kp3 varchar(2), kp4 varchar(4),
kp5 varchar(7),
filler4 char(1),
primary key (pk),
key idx1(a,b,c),
key idx2(c),
key idx3(kp1,kp2,kp3,kp4,kp5)
) default charset=latin1;
set @fill=NULL;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE b = 0 AND a = 0 AND c = 13286427 AND
kp1='279' AND kp2='ELM0678' AND kp3='6' AND kp4='10' AND kp5 = 'R ';
drop table t1;
create table t1
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null default 0,
key3 int not null default 0
insert into t1(key1) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8);
set @d=8;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
insert into t1 (key1) select key1+@d from t1;
set @d=@d*2;
alter table t1 add index i2(key2);
alter table t1 add index i3(key3);
update t1 set key2=key1,key3=key1;
explain select * from t1 where (key3 > 30 and key3<35) or (key2 >32 and key2 < 40);
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge i2,i3 i3,i2 4,4 NULL 9 Using sort_union(i3,i2); Using where
select * from t1 where (key3 > 30 and key3<35) or (key2 >32 and key2 < 40);
key1 key2 key3
31 31 31
32 32 32
33 33 33
34 34 34
35 35 35
36 36 36
37 37 37
38 38 38
39 39 39
drop table t1;
#---------------- 2-sweeps read Index merge test 2 -------------------------------
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (
pk int primary key,
key1 int,
key2 int,
filler char(200),
filler2 char(200),
select * from t1 where (key1 >= 2 and key1 <= 10) or (pk >= 4 and pk <=8 );
pk key1 key2 filler filler2
2 2 2 filler-data filler-data-2
3 3 3 filler-data filler-data-2
9 9 9 filler-data filler-data-2
10 10 10 filler-data filler-data-2
4 4 4 filler-data filler-data-2
5 5 5 filler-data filler-data-2
6 6 6 filler-data filler-data-2
7 7 7 filler-data filler-data-2
8 8 8 filler-data filler-data-2
set @maxv=1000;
select * from t1 where
(pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10)
or key1=18 or key1=60;
pk key1 key2 filler filler2
18 18 18 filler-data filler-data-2
60 60 60 filler-data filler-data-2
1 1 1 filler-data filler-data-2
2 2 2 filler-data filler-data-2
3 3 3 filler-data filler-data-2
4 4 4 filler-data filler-data-2
11 11 11 filler-data filler-data-2
12 12 12 filler-data filler-data-2
13 13 13 filler-data filler-data-2
14 14 14 filler-data filler-data-2
50 50 50 filler-data filler-data-2
51 51 51 filler-data filler-data-2
52 52 52 filler-data filler-data-2
53 53 53 filler-data filler-data-2
54 54 54 filler-data filler-data-2
991 991 991 filler-data filler-data-2
992 992 992 filler-data filler-data-2
993 993 993 filler-data filler-data-2
994 994 994 filler-data filler-data-2
995 995 995 filler-data filler-data-2
996 996 996 filler-data filler-data-2
997 997 997 filler-data filler-data-2
998 998 998 filler-data filler-data-2
999 999 999 filler-data filler-data-2
1000 1000 1000 filler-data filler-data-2
select * from t1 where
(pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10)
or key1 < 3 or key1 > @maxv-11;
pk key1 key2 filler filler2
990 990 990 filler-data filler-data-2
1 1 1 filler-data filler-data-2
2 2 2 filler-data filler-data-2
3 3 3 filler-data filler-data-2
4 4 4 filler-data filler-data-2
11 11 11 filler-data filler-data-2
12 12 12 filler-data filler-data-2
13 13 13 filler-data filler-data-2
14 14 14 filler-data filler-data-2
50 50 50 filler-data filler-data-2
51 51 51 filler-data filler-data-2
52 52 52 filler-data filler-data-2
53 53 53 filler-data filler-data-2
54 54 54 filler-data filler-data-2
991 991 991 filler-data filler-data-2
992 992 992 filler-data filler-data-2
993 993 993 filler-data filler-data-2
994 994 994 filler-data filler-data-2
995 995 995 filler-data filler-data-2
996 996 996 filler-data filler-data-2
997 997 997 filler-data filler-data-2
998 998 998 filler-data filler-data-2
999 999 999 filler-data filler-data-2
1000 1000 1000 filler-data filler-data-2
select * from t1 where
(pk < 5) or (pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 ) or (pk > @maxv-10)
(key1 < 5) or (key1 > 10 and key1 < 15) or (key1 >= 50 and key1 < 55 ) or (key1 > @maxv-10);
pk key1 key2 filler filler2
1 1 1 filler-data filler-data-2
2 2 2 filler-data filler-data-2
3 3 3 filler-data filler-data-2
4 4 4 filler-data filler-data-2
11 11 11 filler-data filler-data-2
12 12 12 filler-data filler-data-2
13 13 13 filler-data filler-data-2
14 14 14 filler-data filler-data-2
50 50 50 filler-data filler-data-2
51 51 51 filler-data filler-data-2
52 52 52 filler-data filler-data-2
53 53 53 filler-data filler-data-2
54 54 54 filler-data filler-data-2
991 991 991 filler-data filler-data-2
992 992 992 filler-data filler-data-2
993 993 993 filler-data filler-data-2
994 994 994 filler-data filler-data-2
995 995 995 filler-data filler-data-2
996 996 996 filler-data filler-data-2
997 997 997 filler-data filler-data-2
998 998 998 filler-data filler-data-2
999 999 999 filler-data filler-data-2
1000 1000 1000 filler-data filler-data-2
select * from t1 where
(pk > 10 and pk < 15) or (pk >= 50 and pk < 55 )
(key1 < 5) or (key1 > @maxv-10);
pk key1 key2 filler filler2
1 1 1 filler-data filler-data-2
2 2 2 filler-data filler-data-2
3 3 3 filler-data filler-data-2
4 4 4 filler-data filler-data-2
991 991 991 filler-data filler-data-2
992 992 992 filler-data filler-data-2
993 993 993 filler-data filler-data-2
994 994 994 filler-data filler-data-2
995 995 995 filler-data filler-data-2
996 996 996 filler-data filler-data-2
997 997 997 filler-data filler-data-2
998 998 998 filler-data filler-data-2
999 999 999 filler-data filler-data-2
1000 1000 1000 filler-data filler-data-2
11 11 11 filler-data filler-data-2
12 12 12 filler-data filler-data-2
13 13 13 filler-data filler-data-2
14 14 14 filler-data filler-data-2
50 50 50 filler-data filler-data-2
51 51 51 filler-data filler-data-2
52 52 52 filler-data filler-data-2
53 53 53 filler-data filler-data-2
54 54 54 filler-data filler-data-2
drop table t1;
#---------------- Clustered PK ROR-index_merge tests -----------------------------
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1
pk1 int not null,
pk2 int not null,
key1 int not null,
key2 int not null,
pktail1ok int not null,
pktail2ok int not null,
pktail3bad int not null,
pktail4bad int not null,
pktail5bad int not null,
pk2copy int not null,
badkey int not null,
filler1 char (200),
filler2 char (200),
key (key1),
key (key2),
/* keys with tails from CPK members */
key (pktail1ok, pk1),
key (pktail2ok, pk1, pk2),
key (pktail3bad, pk2, pk1),
key (pktail4bad, pk1, pk2copy),
key (pktail5bad, pk1, pk2, pk2copy),
primary key (pk1, pk2)
explain select * from t1 where pk1 = 1 and pk2 < 80 and key1=0;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 range PRIMARY,key1 PRIMARY 8 NULL 9 Using where
select * from t1 where pk1 = 1 and pk2 < 80 and key1=0;
pk1 pk2 key1 key2 pktail1ok pktail2ok pktail3bad pktail4bad pktail5bad pk2copy badkey filler1 filler2
1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 filler-data-10 filler2
1 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 filler-data-11 filler2
1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 filler-data-12 filler2
1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 filler-data-13 filler2
1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 filler-data-14 filler2
1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 filler-data-15 filler2
1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 filler-data-16 filler2
1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 filler-data-17 filler2
1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 filler-data-18 filler2
1 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 filler-data-19 filler2
explain select pk1,pk2 from t1 where key1 = 10 and key2=10 and 2*pk1+1 < 2*96+1;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge key1,key2 key1,key2 4,4 NULL 1 Using intersect(key1,key2); Using where; Using index
select pk1,pk2 from t1 where key1 = 10 and key2=10 and 2*pk1+1 < 2*96+1;
pk1 pk2
95 50
95 51
95 52
95 53
95 54
95 55
95 56
95 57
95 58
95 59
explain select * from t1 where badkey=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ref key1 key1 4 const 100 Using where
explain select * from t1 where pk1 < 7500 and key1 = 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge PRIMARY,key1 key1,PRIMARY 4,4 NULL ROWS Using intersect(key1,PRIMARY); Using where
explain select * from t1 where pktail1ok=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge key1,pktail1ok key1,pktail1ok 4,4 NULL 1 Using intersect(key1,pktail1ok); Using where
explain select * from t1 where pktail2ok=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge key1,pktail2ok key1,pktail2ok 4,4 NULL 1 Using intersect(key1,pktail2ok); Using where
explain select * from t1 where (pktail2ok=1 and pk1< 50000) or key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge PRIMARY,key1,pktail2ok pktail2ok,key1 8,4 NULL 199 Using sort_union(pktail2ok,key1); Using where
explain select * from t1 where pktail3bad=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ref key1,pktail3bad key1 4 const 100 Using where
explain select * from t1 where pktail4bad=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ref key1,pktail4bad key1 4 const 100 Using where
explain select * from t1 where pktail5bad=1 and key1=10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ref key1,pktail5bad key1 4 const 100 Using where
explain select pk1,pk2,key1,key2 from t1 where key1 = 10 and key2=10 limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index_merge key1,key2 key1,key2 4,4 NULL 1 Using intersect(key1,key2); Using where; Using index
select pk1,pk2,key1,key2 from t1 where key1 = 10 and key2=10 limit 10;
pk1 pk2 key1 key2
95 50 10 10
95 51 10 10
95 52 10 10
95 53 10 10
95 54 10 10
95 55 10 10
95 56 10 10
95 57 10 10
95 58 10 10
95 59 10 10
drop table t1;
create table t1
RUNID varchar(22),
SUBMITNR varchar(5),
ORDERNR char(1),
PROGRAMM varchar(8),
TESTID varchar(4),
UCCHECK char(1),
ETEXT varchar(80),
ETEXT_TYPE char(1),
INFO char(1),
SEVERITY tinyint(3),
TADIRFLAG char(1),
update t1 set `ETEXT` = '', `ETEXT_TYPE`='', `INFO`='', `SEVERITY`='', `TADIRFLAG`=''
drop table t1;