unknown b512c8b83a Transactions in AUTOCOMMIT=0 mode didn't rotate binary log
Don't enable any bulk insert or record caching code if inserting less than MIN_ROWS_TO_USE_BULK_INSERT rows (100)

  Fixed bug in copying statistics for disabled index
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Fix result after not doing key statistics for first insert.
  Don't disable index when inserting only a few rows
  Transactions in AUTOCOMMIT=0 mode didn't rotate binary log.
  Don't enable any bulk insert or record caching code if inserting less than MIN_ROWS_TO_USE_BULK_INSERT
2002-12-14 12:45:31 +02:00

217 lines
7.8 KiB

drop table if exists t1,t2,t3;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('MySQL has now support', 'for full-text search'),
('Full-text indexes', 'are called collections'),
('Only MyISAM tables','support collections'),
('Function MATCH ... AGAINST()','is used to do a search'),
('Full-text search in MySQL', 'implements vector space model');
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections");
a b
Only MyISAM tables support collections
Full-text indexes are called collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes");
a b
Full-text indexes are called collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes collections");
a b
Full-text indexes are called collections
Only MyISAM tables support collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections") UNION ALL select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes");
a b
Only MyISAM tables support collections
Full-text indexes are called collections
Full-text indexes are called collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support -collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Full-text indexes are called collections
Only MyISAM tables support collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support +collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Full-text indexes are called collections
Only MyISAM tables support collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("sear*" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+support +collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Only MyISAM tables support collections
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search +(support vector)" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search -(support vector)" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search
select *, MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE) as x from t1;
a b x
MySQL has now support for full-text search 1
Full-text indexes are called collections 1
Only MyISAM tables support collections 2
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search 0
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model 0
select *, MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("collections support" IN BOOLEAN MODE) as x from t1;
a b x
MySQL has now support for full-text search 1
Full-text indexes are called collections 1
Only MyISAM tables support collections 2
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search 0
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model 0
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ("+call* +coll*" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Full-text indexes are called collections
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"support now"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"Now sUPPort"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" "now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" -"now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" +"now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text i"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Full-text indexes are called collections
select * from t1 where MATCH a AGAINST ("search" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
Full-text search in MySQL implements vector space model
select * from t1 where MATCH b AGAINST ("sear*" IN BOOLEAN MODE);
a b
MySQL has now support for full-text search
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search
delete from t1 where a like "MySQL%";
update t1 set a='some test foobar' where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('model');
delete from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes");
select * from t1;
a b
Only MyISAM tables support collections
Function MATCH ... AGAINST() is used to do a search
some test foobar implements vector space model
drop table t1;
id int(11),
ticket int(11),
KEY ti (id),
KEY tit (ticket)
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,3),(1,2);
ticket int(11),
inhalt text,
KEY tig (ticket),
fulltext index tix (inhalt)
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'foo'),(2,'bar'),(3,'foobar');
select FROM t2 as ttxt,t1,t1 as ticket2
WHERE = ttxt.ticket AND = ticket2.ticket and
match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar');
select FROM t2 as ttxt,t1 INNER JOIN t1 as ticket2 ON = ttxt.ticket
WHERE = ticket2.ticket and match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar');
select FROM t2 as ttxt,t1
INNER JOIN t1 as ticket2 ON = ttxt.ticket
WHERE = ticket2.ticket and
match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar');
show keys from t2;
Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment
t2 1 tig 1 ticket A NULL NULL NULL YES BTREE
t2 1 tix 1 inhalt A NULL 1 NULL YES FULLTEXT
show create table t2;
Table Create Table
t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` (
`ticket` int(11) default NULL,
`inhalt` text,
KEY `tig` (`ticket`),
FULLTEXT KEY `tix` (`inhalt`)
select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST (NULL);
ticket inhalt
select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST ('foobar');
ticket inhalt
3 foobar
select * from t2 having MATCH inhalt AGAINST ('foobar');
ticket inhalt
3 foobar
ticket int(11),
inhalt text,
KEY tig (ticket),
fulltext index tix (inhalt)
select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST (t2.inhalt);
Wrong arguments to AGAINST
select * from t2 where MATCH ticket AGAINST ('foobar');
Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
select * from t2,t3 where MATCH (t2.inhalt,t3.inhalt) AGAINST ('foobar');
Wrong arguments to MATCH
drop table t1,t2,t3;
id int(11) auto_increment,
title varchar(100) default '',
KEY ind5 (title),
insert into t1 (title) values ('this is a test');
select * from t1 where match title against ('test' in boolean mode);
id title
1 this is a test
update t1 set title='this is A test' where id=1;
check table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 check status OK
update t1 set title='this test once revealed a bug' where id=1;
select * from t1;
id title
1 this test once revealed a bug
update t1 set title=NULL where id=1;
drop table t1;
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int(11), b text, FULLTEXT KEY (b)) TYPE=MyISAM;
insert into t1 values (1,"I wonder why the fulltext index doesnt work?");
SELECT * from t1 where MATCH (b) AGAINST ('apples');
a b
insert into t1 values (2,"fullaaa fullzzz");
select * from t1 where match b against ('full*' in boolean mode);
a b
2 fullaaa fullzzz
1 I wonder why the fulltext index doesnt work?
drop table t1;
CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment primary key, mytext text NOT NULL, FULLTEXT KEY mytext (mytext)) TYPE=MyISAM;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'my small mouse'),(2,'la-la-la'),(3,'It is so funny'),(4,'MySQL Tutorial');
select 8 from t1;
drop table t1;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a text, fulltext key (a));
insert into t1 values ('aaaa');
repair table t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t1 repair status OK
select * from t1 where match (a) against ('aaaa');
drop table t1;