unknown 7fc2604cd7 Fixed BUG#15866: Thread stack limit insufficient for recursive call "fib(20)"
Lowered the parameter to 10, and also renamed non-standard table names to t3.

  Updated results.
  Updated results.
  Renamed fac, primes and fib tables to t3.
  Lowered fib() test parameter to 10 (20 hit the stack overrun check on some machines).
  Added drop of t3 for safety. (Might be left from sp.test after certain test failures.)
2006-01-19 17:55:54 +01:00

430 lines
10 KiB

# tests that require InnoDB...
-- source include/
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
delimiter |;
# BUG#8850: Truncate table in a stored procedure locks the tables
drop procedure if exists bug8850|
create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb|
create procedure bug8850()
truncate table t1; insert t1 values (1); rollback;
set autocommit=0|
insert t1 values (2)|
call bug8850()|
select * from t1|
call bug8850()|
set autocommit=1|
select * from t1|
drop table t1|
drop procedure bug8850|
# BUG#10015: Crash in InnoDB if stored routines are used
# (crash happens in auto-commit mode)
drop function if exists bug10015_1|
drop function if exists bug10015_2|
drop function if exists bug10015_3|
drop function if exists bug10015_4|
drop function if exists bug10015_5|
drop function if exists bug10015_6|
drop function if exists bug10015_7|
drop procedure if exists bug10015_8|
create table t1 (id int) engine=innodb|
create table t2 (id int primary key, j int) engine=innodb|
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3)|
create function bug10015_1() returns int return (select count(*) from t1)|
select *, bug10015_1() from t1|
drop function bug10015_1|
# Test couple of a bit more complex cases
create function bug10015_2() returns int
declare i, s int;
set i:= (select min(id) from t1);
set s:= (select max(id) from t1);
return (s - i);
select *, bug10015_2() from t1|
drop function bug10015_2|
create function bug10015_3() returns int
return (select max( - from t1 as a, t1 as b where >=|
select *, bug10015_3() from t1|
drop function bug10015_3|
create function bug10015_4(i int) returns int
declare m int;
set m:= (select max(id) from t2);
insert into t2 values (i, m);
return m;
select *, bug10015_4(id) from t1|
select * from t2|
drop function bug10015_4|
# Now let us test how statement rollback works
# This function will cause the whole stmt to be rolled back,
# there should not be any traces left.
create function bug10015_5(i int) returns int
if (i = 5) then
insert into t2 values (1, 0);
end if;
return i;
--error 1062
insert into t1 values (bug10015_5(4)), (bug10015_5(5))|
select * from t1|
drop function bug10015_5|
# Thanks to error-handler this function should not cause rollback
# of statement calling it. But insert statement in it should be
# rolled back completely and don't leave any traces in t2.
# Unfortunately we can't implement such behavior in 5.0, so it
# is something to be fixed in later 5.* releases (TODO).
create function bug10015_6(i int) returns int
declare continue handler for sqlexception set @error_in_func:= 1;
if (i = 5) then
insert into t2 values (4, 0), (1, 0);
end if;
return i;
set @error_in_func:= 0|
insert into t1 values (bug10015_6(5)), (bug10015_6(6))|
select @error_in_func|
select * from t1|
select * from t2|
drop function bug10015_6|
# Let us test that we don't allow any statements causing transaction
# commit in stored functions (we test only most interesting cases here).
# Cases which can be caught at creation time:
--error 1422
create function bug10015_7() returns int
alter table t1 add k int;
return 1;
--error 1422
create function bug10015_7() returns int
start transaction;
return 1;
--error 1422
create function bug10015_7() returns int
drop table t1;
return 1;
# It should be OK to drop temporary table.
create function bug10015_7() returns int
drop temporary table t1;
return 1;
drop function bug10015_7|
--error 1422
create function bug10015_7() returns int
return 1;
# Now let us test cases which we can catch only at run-time:
create function bug10015_7() returns int
call bug10015_8();
return 1;
create procedure bug10015_8() alter table t1 add k int|
--error 1422
select *, bug10015_7() from t1|
drop procedure bug10015_8|
create procedure bug10015_8() start transaction|
--error 1422
select *, bug10015_7() from t1|
drop procedure bug10015_8|
# Again it is OK to drop temporary table
# We are surpressing warnings since they are not essential
create procedure bug10015_8() drop temporary table if exists t1_temp|
select *, bug10015_7() from t1|
drop procedure bug10015_8|
create procedure bug10015_8() commit|
--error 1422
select *, bug10015_7() from t1|
drop procedure bug10015_8|
drop function bug10015_7|
drop table t1, t2|
# BUG#13825 "Triggers: crash if release savepoint".
# Also general test for handling of savepoints in stored routines.
# According to SQL standard we should establish new savepoint
# level before executing stored function/trigger and destroy
# this savepoint level after execution. Stored procedures by
# default should be executed using the same savepoint level
# as their caller (to execute stored procedure using new
# savepoint level one should explicitly specify NEW SAVEPOINT
# LEVEL clause in procedure creation statement which MySQL
# does not support yet).
drop function if exists bug13825_0|
drop function if exists bug13825_1|
drop function if exists bug13825_2|
drop function if exists bug13825_3|
drop function if exists bug13825_4|
drop function if exists bug13825_5|
drop procedure if exists bug13825_0|
drop procedure if exists bug13825_1|
drop procedure if exists bug13825_2|
drop table if exists t1|
create table t1 (i int) engine=innodb|
create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb|
create function bug13825_0() returns int
rollback to savepoint x;
return 1;
create function bug13825_1() returns int
release savepoint x;
return 1;
create function bug13825_2() returns int
insert into t1 values (2);
savepoint x;
insert into t1 values (3);
rollback to savepoint x;
insert into t1 values (4);
return 1;
create procedure bug13825_0()
rollback to savepoint x;
create procedure bug13825_1()
release savepoint x;
create procedure bug13825_2()
savepoint x;
insert into t2 values (1)|
create trigger t2_bi before insert on t2 for each row
rollback to savepoint x|
create trigger t2_bu before update on t2 for each row
release savepoint x|
create trigger t2_bd before delete on t2 for each row
insert into t1 values (2);
savepoint x;
insert into t1 values (3);
rollback to savepoint x;
insert into t1 values (4);
create function bug13825_3(rb int) returns int
insert into t1 values(1);
savepoint x;
insert into t1 values(2);
if rb then
rollback to savepoint x;
end if;
insert into t1 values(3);
return rb;
create function bug13825_4() returns int
savepoint x;
insert into t1 values(2);
rollback to savepoint x;
return 0;
create function bug13825_5(p int) returns int
savepoint x;
insert into t2 values(p);
rollback to savepoint x;
insert into t2 values(p+1);
return p;
set autocommit= 0|
# Test of savepoint level handling for stored functions and triggers
begin |
insert into t1 values (1)|
savepoint x|
set @a:= bug13825_0()|
insert into t2 values (2)|
set @a:= bug13825_1()|
update t2 set i = 2|
set @a:= bug13825_2()|
select * from t1|
rollback to savepoint x|
select * from t1|
delete from t2|
select * from t1|
rollback to savepoint x|
select * from t1|
# Of course savepoints set in function should not be visible from its caller
release savepoint x|
set @a:= bug13825_2()|
select * from t1|
rollback to savepoint x|
delete from t1|
# Test of savepoint level handling for stored procedures
insert into t1 values (5)|
savepoint x|
insert into t1 values (6)|
call bug13825_0()|
select * from t1|
call bug13825_1()|
rollback to savepoint x|
savepoint x|
insert into t1 values (7)|
call bug13825_2()|
rollback to savepoint x|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
set autocommit= 1|
# Let us test that savepoints work inside of functions
# even in auto-commit mode
select bug13825_3(0)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
select bug13825_3(1)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
# Curious case: rolling back to savepoint which is set by first
# statement in function should not rollback whole transaction.
set autocommit= 0|
insert into t1 values (1)|
set @a:= bug13825_4()|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
set autocommit= 1|
# Other curious case: savepoint in the middle of statement
drop table t2|
create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb|
insert into t1 values (1), (bug13825_5(2)), (3)|
select * from t1|
select * from t2|
# Cleanup
drop function bug13825_0|
drop function bug13825_1|
drop function bug13825_2|
drop function bug13825_3|
drop function bug13825_4|
drop function bug13825_5|
drop procedure bug13825_0|
drop procedure bug13825_1|
drop procedure bug13825_2|
drop table t1, t2|
# BUG#14840: CONTINUE handler problem
drop table if exists t3|
drop procedure if exists bug14840_1|
drop procedure if exists bug14840_2|
create table t3
x int,
y int,
primary key (x)
) engine=InnoDB|
# This used to hang the client since the insert returned with an
# error status (left over from the update) even though it succeeded,
# which caused the execution to end at that point.
create procedure bug14840_1()
declare err int default 0;
declare continue handler for sqlexception
set err = err + 1;
start transaction;
update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2;
insert into t3 values (3, 4711);
if err > 0 then
end if;
select * from t3;
# A simpler (non-transactional) case: insert at select should be done
create procedure bug14840_2()
declare err int default 0;
declare continue handler for sqlexception
set err = err + 1;
select err as 'Ping';
update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2;
update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2;
insert into t3 values (3, 4711);
select * from t3;
insert into t3 values (1, 3), (2, 5)|
call bug14840_1()|
delete from t3|
insert into t3 values (1, 3), (2, 5)|
call bug14840_2()|
drop procedure bug14840_1|
drop procedure bug14840_2|
drop table t3|
# BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis
#drop procedure if exists bugNNNN|
#create procedure bugNNNN...
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