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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

Fix BUG#18934: "InnoDB crashes when table uses column like DB_ROW_ID". Also, fix memory leaks in row_create_table_for_mysql() in rare corner cases.
451 lines
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451 lines
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Data dictionary memory object creation
(c) 1996 Innobase Oy
Created 1/8/1996 Heikki Tuuri
#ifndef dict0mem_h
#define dict0mem_h
#include "univ.i"
#include "dict0types.h"
#include "data0type.h"
#include "data0data.h"
#include "mem0mem.h"
#include "rem0types.h"
#include "btr0types.h"
#include "ut0mem.h"
#include "ut0lst.h"
#include "ut0rnd.h"
#include "ut0byte.h"
#include "sync0rw.h"
#include "lock0types.h"
#include "hash0hash.h"
#include "que0types.h"
/* Type flags of an index: OR'ing of the flags is allowed to define a
combination of types */
#define DICT_CLUSTERED 1 /* clustered index */
#define DICT_UNIQUE 2 /* unique index */
#define DICT_UNIVERSAL 4 /* index which can contain records from any
other index */
#define DICT_IBUF 8 /* insert buffer tree */
/* Flags for ordering an index field: OR'ing of the flags allowed */
#define DICT_DESCEND 1 /* in descending order (default ascending) */
/* Types for a table object */
#define DICT_TABLE_CLUSTER 3 /* this means that the table is
really a cluster definition */
Creates a table memory object. */
/* out, own: table object */
const char* name, /* in: table name */
ulint space, /* in: space where the clustered index
of the table is placed; this parameter
is ignored if the table is made
a member of a cluster */
ulint n_cols, /* in: number of columns */
ibool comp); /* in: TRUE=compact page format */
Free a table memory object. */
dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */
Creates a cluster memory object. */
/* out, own: cluster object (where the
type dict_cluster_t == dict_table_t) */
const char* name, /* in: cluster name */
ulint space, /* in: space where the clustered
indexes of the member tables are
placed */
ulint n_cols, /* in: number of columns */
ulint mix_len); /* in: length of the common key prefix
in the cluster */
Declares a non-published table as a member in a cluster. */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: non-published table */
const char* cluster_name); /* in: cluster name */
Adds a column definition to a table. */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */
const char* name, /* in: column name */
ulint mtype, /* in: main datatype */
ulint prtype, /* in: precise type */
ulint len, /* in: length */
ulint prec); /* in: precision */
Creates an index memory object. */
/* out, own: index object */
const char* table_name, /* in: table name */
const char* index_name, /* in: index name */
ulint space, /* in: space where the index tree is
placed, ignored if the index is of
the clustered type */
ulint type, /* in: DICT_UNIQUE,
ulint n_fields); /* in: number of fields */
Adds a field definition to an index. NOTE: does not take a copy
of the column name if the field is a column. The memory occupied
by the column name may be released only after publishing the index. */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */
const char* name, /* in: column name */
ulint order, /* in: order criterion; 0 means an
ascending order */
ulint prefix_len); /* in: 0 or the column prefix length
in a MySQL index like
INDEX (textcol(25)) */
Frees an index memory object. */
dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */
Creates and initializes a foreign constraint memory object. */
/* out, own: foreign constraint struct */
/* Data structure for a column in a table */
struct dict_col_struct{
hash_node_t hash; /* hash chain node */
ulint ind; /* table column position (they are numbered
starting from 0) */
ulint clust_pos;/* position of the column in the
clustered index */
ulint ord_part;/* count of how many times this column
appears in ordering fields of an index */
const char* name; /* name */
dtype_t type; /* data type */
dict_table_t* table; /* back pointer to table of this column */
ulint aux; /* this is used as an auxiliary variable
in some of the functions below */
/* DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN is measured in bytes and is the max index column
length + 1. Starting from 4.1.6, we set it to < 3 * 256, so that one can
create a column prefix index on 255 characters of a TEXT field also in the
UTF-8 charset. In that charset, a character may take at most 3 bytes. */
/* Data structure for a field in an index */
struct dict_field_struct{
dict_col_t* col; /* pointer to the table column */
const char* name; /* name of the column */
ulint order; /* flags for ordering this field:
ulint prefix_len; /* 0 or the length of the column
prefix in bytes in a MySQL index of
type, e.g., INDEX (textcol(25));
must be smaller than
in the UTF-8 charset, MySQL sets this
to 3 * the prefix len in UTF-8 chars */
ulint fixed_len; /* 0 or the fixed length of the
column if smaller than
ulint fixed_offs; /* offset to the field, or
ULINT_UNDEFINED if it is not fixed
within the record (due to preceding
variable-length fields) */
/* Data structure for an index tree */
struct dict_tree_struct{
ulint type; /* tree type */
dulint id; /* id of the index stored in the tree, in the
case of a mixed index, the id of the clustered
index of the cluster table */
ulint space; /* space of index tree */
ulint page; /* index tree root page number */
byte pad[64];/* Padding to prevent other memory hotspots on
the same memory cache line */
rw_lock_t lock; /* read-write lock protecting the upper levels
of the index tree */
ulint mem_fix;/* count of how many times this tree
struct has been memoryfixed (by mini-
transactions wanting to access the index
tree) */
tree_indexes; /* list of indexes stored in the
index tree: if the tree is not of the
mixed type there is only one index in
the list; if the tree is of the mixed
type, the first index in the list is the
index of the cluster which owns the tree */
ulint magic_n;/* magic number */
#define DICT_TREE_MAGIC_N 7545676
/* Data structure for an index */
struct dict_index_struct{
dulint id; /* id of the index */
mem_heap_t* heap; /* memory heap */
ulint type; /* index type */
const char* name; /* index name */
const char* table_name; /* table name */
dict_table_t* table; /* back pointer to table */
ulint space; /* space where the index tree is placed */
ulint trx_id_offset;/* position of the the trx id column
in a clustered index record, if the fields
before it are known to be of a fixed size,
0 otherwise */
ulint n_user_defined_cols;
/* number of columns the user defined to
be in the index: in the internal
representation we add more columns */
ulint n_uniq; /* number of fields from the beginning
which are enough to determine an index
entry uniquely */
ulint n_def; /* number of fields defined so far */
ulint n_fields;/* number of fields in the index */
dict_field_t* fields; /* array of field descriptions */
ulint n_nullable;/* number of nullable fields */
indexes;/* list of indexes of the table */
dict_tree_t* tree; /* index tree struct */
tree_indexes; /* list of indexes of the same index
tree */
ibool cached; /* TRUE if the index object is in the
dictionary cache */
btr_search_t* search_info; /* info used in optimistic searches */
ib_longlong* stat_n_diff_key_vals;
/* approximate number of different key values
for this index, for each n-column prefix
where n <= dict_get_n_unique(index); we
periodically calculate new estimates */
ulint stat_index_size;
/* approximate index size in database pages */
ulint stat_n_leaf_pages;
/* approximate number of leaf pages in the
index tree */
ulint magic_n;/* magic number */
/* Data structure for a foreign key constraint; an example:
struct dict_foreign_struct{
mem_heap_t* heap; /* this object is allocated from
this memory heap */
char* id; /* id of the constraint as a
null-terminated string */
char* foreign_table_name;/* foreign table name */
dict_table_t* foreign_table; /* table where the foreign key is */
const char** foreign_col_names;/* names of the columns in the
foreign key */
char* referenced_table_name;/* referenced table name */
dict_table_t* referenced_table;/* table where the referenced key
is */
const char** referenced_col_names;/* names of the referenced
columns in the referenced table */
ulint n_fields; /* number of indexes' first fields
for which the the foreign key
constraint is defined: we allow the
indexes to contain more fields than
mentioned in the constraint, as long
as the first fields are as mentioned */
dict_index_t* foreign_index; /* foreign index; we require that
both tables contain explicitly defined
indexes for the constraint: InnoDB
does not generate new indexes
implicitly */
dict_index_t* referenced_index;/* referenced index */
foreign_list; /* list node for foreign keys of the
table */
referenced_list;/* list node for referenced keys of the
table */
/* The flags for ON_UPDATE and ON_DELETE can be ORed; the default is that
a foreign key constraint is enforced, therefore RESTRICT just means no flag */
#define DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N 76789786
/* Data structure for a database table */
struct dict_table_struct{
dulint id; /* id of the table or cluster */
ulint type; /* DICT_TABLE_ORDINARY, ... */
mem_heap_t* heap; /* memory heap */
const char* name; /* table name */
const char* dir_path_of_temp_table;/* NULL or the directory path
where a TEMPORARY table that was explicitly
created by a user should be placed if
innodb_file_per_table is defined in my.cnf;
in Unix this is usually /tmp/..., in Windows
\temp\... */
ulint space; /* space where the clustered index of the
table is placed */
ibool ibd_file_missing;/* TRUE if this is in a single-table
tablespace and the .ibd file is missing; then
we must return in ha_innodb.cc an error if the
user tries to query such an orphaned table */
ibool tablespace_discarded;/* this flag is set TRUE when the
user calls DISCARD TABLESPACE on this table,
and reset to FALSE in IMPORT TABLESPACE */
ibool comp; /* flag: TRUE=compact page format */
hash_node_t name_hash; /* hash chain node */
hash_node_t id_hash; /* hash chain node */
ulint n_def; /* number of columns defined so far */
ulint n_cols; /* number of columns */
dict_col_t* cols; /* array of column descriptions */
indexes; /* list of indexes of the table */
foreign_list;/* list of foreign key constraints
in the table; these refer to columns
in other tables */
referenced_list;/* list of foreign key constraints
which refer to this table */
table_LRU; /* node of the LRU list of tables */
ulint mem_fix;/* count of how many times the table
and its indexes has been fixed in memory;
currently NOT used */
ulint n_mysql_handles_opened;
/* count of how many handles MySQL has opened
to this table; dropping of the table is
NOT allowed until this count gets to zero;
MySQL does NOT itself check the number of
open handles at drop */
ulint n_foreign_key_checks_running;
/* count of how many foreign key check
operations are currently being performed
on the table: we cannot drop the table while
there are foreign key checks running on
it! */
ibool cached; /* TRUE if the table object has been added
to the dictionary cache */
lock_t* auto_inc_lock;/* a buffer for an auto-inc lock
for this table: we allocate the memory here
so that individual transactions can get it
and release it without a need to allocate
space from the lock heap of the trx:
otherwise the lock heap would grow rapidly
if we do a large insert from a select */
dulint query_cache_inv_trx_id;
/* transactions whose trx id < than this
number are not allowed to store to the MySQL
query cache or retrieve from it; when a trx
with undo logs commits, it sets this to the
value of the trx id counter for the tables it
had an IX lock on */
locks; /* list of locks on the table */
dulint mix_id; /* if the table is a member in a cluster,
this is its mix id */
ulint mix_len;/* if the table is a cluster or a member
this is the common key prefix lenght */
ulint mix_id_len;/* mix id length in a compressed form */
byte mix_id_buf[12];
/* mix id of a mixed table written in
a compressed form */
const char* cluster_name; /* if the table is a member in a
cluster, this is the name of the cluster */
ibool does_not_fit_in_memory;
/* this field is used to specify in simulations
tables which are so big that disk should be
accessed: disk access is simulated by
putting the thread to sleep for a while;
NOTE that this flag is not stored to the data
dictionary on disk, and the database will
forget about value TRUE if it has to reload
the table definition from disk */
ib_longlong stat_n_rows;
/* approximate number of rows in the table;
we periodically calculate new estimates */
ulint stat_clustered_index_size;
/* approximate clustered index size in
database pages */
ulint stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes;
/* other indexes in database pages */
ibool stat_initialized; /* TRUE if statistics have
been calculated the first time
after database startup or table creation */
ulint stat_modified_counter;
/* when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted,
we add 1 to this number; we calculate new
estimates for the stat_... values for the
table and the indexes at an interval of 2 GB
or when about 1 / 16 of table has been
modified; also when the estimate operation is
called for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; the
counter is reset to zero at statistics
calculation; this counter is not protected by
any latch, because this is only used for
heuristics */
mutex_t autoinc_mutex;
/* mutex protecting the autoincrement
counter */
ibool autoinc_inited;
/* TRUE if the autoinc counter has been
inited; MySQL gets the init value by executing
SELECT MAX(auto inc column) */
ib_longlong autoinc;/* autoinc counter value to give to the
next inserted row */
ulint magic_n;/* magic number */
#define DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N 76333786
#include "dict0mem.ic"