mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 11:31:51 +01:00
Added email threading capabilities to both programs. tests/mail_to_db.pl: Changes to mail_to_db.pl - Removed table name as optional. Future releases may require more than one table, after which it's better to have a fixed table name. - Fixed a bug in report (division by zero error), if table was created, but no mails was inserted. - Added fields message_id and in_reply_to. tests/pmail.pl: Changed pmail: New option: --thread. Prints all sub sequent replies in the thread. New option: --message_id. Prints message_id and number of replies found. Both options are run recursively. That means, not just direct replies to the mail found are being searched, but also replies to replies and so on until the whole thread has been found. Clean up: Localized variables and moved code into functions.
624 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
624 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright Abandoned 1998 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
# This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
# This program is brought to you by Janne-Petteri Koilo with the
# administration of Michael Widenius.
# Rewritten with a lot of bug fixes by Jani Tolonen and Thimble Smith
# 15.12.2000
# This program takes your mails and puts them into your database. It ignores
# messages with the same from, date and message text.
# You can use mail-files that are compressed or gzipped and ends with
# -.gz or -.Z.
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
$| = 1;
$VER = "3.0";
$opt_help = 0;
$opt_version = 0;
$opt_debug = 0;
$opt_host = undef();
$opt_port = undef();
$opt_socket = undef();
$opt_db = "mail";
$opt_user = undef();
$opt_password = undef();
$opt_max_mail_size = 65536;
$opt_create = 0;
$opt_test = 0;
$opt_no_path = 0;
$opt_stop_on_error = 0;
$opt_stdin = 0;
my ($dbh, $progname, $mail_no_from_f, $mail_no_txt_f, $mail_too_big,
$mail_forwarded, $mail_duplicates, $mail_no_subject_f, $mail_inserted);
$mail_no_from_f = $mail_no_txt_f = $mail_too_big = $mail_forwarded =
$mail_duplicates = $mail_no_subject_f = $mail_inserted = 0;
# Remove the following message-ends from message
@remove_tail= (
"\n-*\nSend a mail to .*\n.*\n.*\$",
"\n-*\nPlease check .*\n.*\n\nTo unsubscribe, .*\n.*\n.*\nIf you have a broken.*\n.*\n.*\$",
"\n-*\nPlease check .*\n(.*\n){1,3}\nTo unsubscribe.*\n.*\n.*\$",
"\n-*\nPlease check .*\n.*\n\nTo unsubscribe.*\n.*\$",
"\n-*\nTo request this thread.*\nTo unsubscribe.*\n.*\.*\n.*\$",
"\n -*\n.*Send a mail to.*\n.*\n.*unsubscribe.*\$",
"\n-*\nTo request this thread.*\n\nTo unsubscribe.*\n.*\$"
# Generate regexp to remove tails where the unsubscribed is quoted
my (@tmp, $tail);
foreach $tail (@remove_tail)
$tail =~ s/\n/\n[> ]*/g;
push(@tmp, $tail);
push @remove_tail,@tmp;
my %months = ('Jan' => 1, 'Feb' => 2, 'Mar' => 3, 'Apr' => 4, 'May' => 5,
'Jun' => 6, 'Jul' => 7, 'Aug' => 8, 'Sep' => 9, 'Oct' => 10,
'Nov' => 11, 'Dec' => 12);
$progname = $0;
$progname =~ s/.*[\/]//;
#### main sub routine
sub main
my ($connect_arg, @args, $ignored, @defops, $i);
if (defined(my_which("my_print_defaults")))
@defops = `my_print_defaults mail_to_db`;
chop @defops;
splice @ARGV, 0, 0, @defops;
print "WARNING: No command 'my_print_defaults' found; unable to read\n";
print "the my.cnf file. This command is available from the latest MySQL\n";
print "distribution.\n";
|| die "Wrong option! See $progname --help\n";
usage($VER) if ($opt_help || $opt_version ||
(!$ARGV[0] && !$opt_create && !$opt_stdin));
# Check that the given inbox files exist and are regular files
for ($i = 0; ! $opt_stdin && defined($ARGV[$i]); $i++)
die "FATAL: Can't find inbox file: $ARGV[$i]\n" if (! -f $ARGV[$i]);
$connect_arg = "DBI:mysql:";
push @args, "database=$opt_db" if defined($opt_db);
push @args, "host=$opt_host" if defined($opt_host);
push @args, "port=$opt_port" if defined($opt_port);
push @args, "mysql_socket=$opt_socket" if defined($opt_socket);
push @args, "mysql_read_default_group=mail_to_db";
$connect_arg .= join ';', @args;
$dbh = DBI->connect("$connect_arg", $opt_user, $opt_password,
{ PrintError => 0})
|| die "Couldn't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
die "You must specify the database; use --db=" if (!defined($opt_db));
create_table($dbh) if ($opt_create);
if ($opt_stdin)
open(FILE, "-");
process_mail_file($dbh, "READ-FROM-STDIN");
foreach (@ARGV)
# Check if the file is compressed
if (/^(.*)\.(gz|Z)$/)
open(FILE, "zcat $_ |");
process_mail_file($dbh, $1);
open(FILE, $_);
process_mail_file($dbh, $_);
$dbh->disconnect if (!$opt_test);
$ignored = ($mail_no_from_f + $mail_no_subject_f + $mail_no_txt_f +
$mail_too_big + $mail_duplicates + $mail_fixed);
print "################################ Mail Report #################################\n\n";
print "Mails inserted:\t\t\t\t\t$mail_inserted\n";
print "--------------- ";
print "=" . "=" x length("$mail_inserted") . "=\n\n";
if ($ignored)
print "Ignored mails\n";
print "-------------\n";
if ($mail_no_from_f)
print "Reason: mail without \"From:\" -field:\t\t$mail_no_from_f\n";
print "";
if ($mail_no_txt_f)
print "Reason: mail without message:\t\t\t$mail_no_txt_f\n";
print "";
if ($mail_no_subject_f)
print "Reason: mail without subject:\t\t\t$mail_no_subject_f\n";
print "";
if ($mail_too_big)
print "Reason: mail too big, over $opt_max_mail_size bytes:\t\t";
print $mail_too_big;
print " (see --max_mail_size=#)\n";
print "";
if ($mail_duplicates)
print "Reason: duplicate mail, or in db already:\t$mail_duplicates\n";
print "";
if ($mail_fixed)
print "Reason: mail was an unsubscribe - mail:\t\t$mail_fixed\n";
print "";
print " ";
print "=" . "=" x length("$ignored") . "=\n";
print "Total number of ignored mails:\t\t\t$ignored\n\n";
print "Total number of mails:\t\t\t\t";
print $mail_inserted + $ignored;
print " (OK: ";
print sprintf("%.1f", ($mail_inserted + $ignored) ? (($mail_inserted / ($mail_inserted+$ignored)) * 100) : 0.0);
print "% Ignored: ";
print sprintf("%.1f", ($mail_inserted + $ignored) ? (($ignored / ($mail_inserted + $ignored)) * 100) : 0);
print "%)\n";
print "################################ End Report ##################################\n";
#### table creation
sub create_table
my ($dbh)= @_;
my ($sth, $query);
$query= <<EOF;
mail_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
message_id VARCHAR(255),
in_reply_to VARCHAR(255),
time_zone VARCHAR(20),
mail_from VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL,
reply VARCHAR(120),
mail_to TEXT,
cc TEXT,
sbj VARCHAR(200),
KEY (mail_id),
KEY (message_id),
KEY (in_reply_to),
PRIMARY KEY (mail_from, date, hash))
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query) or die $DBI::errstr;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't create table: $DBI::errstr\n";
#### inbox processing. Can be either a real file, or standard input.
sub process_mail_file
my ($dbh, $file_name) = @_;
my (%values, $type, $check);
$file_name =~ s/.*[\/]// if ($opt_no_path);
%values = ();
$type = "";
$check = 0;
while (<FILE>)
chop if (substr($_, -1, 1) eq "\r");
if ($type ne "message")
if (/^Reply-To:\s*(.*)/i)
$type = "reply";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^From: (.*)/i)
$type = "from";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^To: (.*)/i)
$type = "to";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^Cc: (.*)/i)
$type = "cc";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^Subject: (.*)/i)
$type = "subject";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^Message-Id:\s*(.*)/i)
$type = "message_id";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^In-Reply-To:\s*(.*)/i)
$type = "in_reply_to";
$values{$type} = $1;
elsif (/^Date: (.*)/i)
date_parser($1, \%values, $file_name);
$type = "rubbish";
# Catch those fields that we don't or can't handle (yet)
elsif (/^[\w\W-]+:/)
$type = "rubbish";
elsif ($_ eq "")
$type = "message";
$values{$type} = "";
s/^\s*/ /;
if ($type eq 'message_id' || $type eq 'in_reply_to')
$values{$type} .= $_;
elsif ($check != 0 && $_ ne "") # in case of forwarded messages
$values{$type} .= "\n" . $_;
elsif (/^From .* \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s\d\d\d\d/ ||
/^From .* \d\d\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/)
$values{'hash'} = checksum("$values{'message'}");
update_table($dbh, $file_name, \%values);
%values = ();
$type = "";
$check = 0;
elsif (/-* forwarded message .*-*/i) # in case of forwarded messages
$values{$type} .= "\n" . $_;
$values{$type} .= "\n" . $_;
if (defined($values{'message'}))
$values{'hash'} = checksum("$values{'message'}");
update_table($dbh, $file_name, \%values);
#### get date and timezone
sub date_parser
my ($date_raw, $values, $file_name, $tmp) = @_;
# If you ever need to change this test, be especially careful with
# the timezone; it may be just a number (-0600), or just a name (EET), or
# both (-0600 (EET), or -0600 (EET GMT)), or without parenthesis: GMT.
# You probably should use a 'greedy' regexp in the end
$date_raw =~ /^\D*(\d{1,2})\s+(\w+)\s+(\d{2,4})\s+(\d+:\d+)(:\d+)?\s*(\S+.*)?/;
if (!defined($1) || !defined($2) || !defined($3) || !defined($4) ||
if ($opt_debug || $opt_stop_on_error)
print "FAILED: date_parser: 1: $1 2: $2 3: $3 4: $4 5: $5\n";
print "months{2}: $months{$2}\n";
print "date_raw: $date_raw\n";
print "Inbox filename: $file_name\n";
exit(1) if ($opt_stop_on_error);
$values->{'date'} = "";
$values->{'time_zone'} = "";
$tmp = $3 . "-" . $months{$2} . "-" . "$1 $4";
$tmp.= defined($5) ? $5 : ":00";
$values->{'date'} = $tmp;
print "INSERTING DATE: $tmp\n" if ($opt_debug);
$values->{'time_zone'} = $6;
#### Insert to table
sub update_table
my($dbh, $file_name, $values) = @_;
my($q, $tail, $message);
if (!defined($values->{'subject'}) || !defined($values->{'to'}))
return; # Ignore these
$message = $values->{'message'};
$message =~ s/^\s*//; # removes whitespaces from the beginning
$message =~ s/[\s\n>]*$//; # removes whitespaces and '>' from the end
$values->{'message'} = $message;
foreach $tail (@remove_tail)
$message =~ s/$tail//;
if ($message ne $values->{'message'})
$message =~ s/\s*$//; # removes whitespaces from the end
goto restart; # Some mails may have duplicated messages
$q = "INSERT INTO my_mail (";
$q.= "mail_id,";
$q.= "message_id,";
$q.= "in_reply_to,";
$q.= "date,";
$q.= "time_zone,";
$q.= "mail_from,";
$q.= "reply,";
$q.= "mail_to,";
$q.= "cc,";
$q.= "sbj,";
$q.= "txt,";
$q.= "file,";
$q.= "hash";
$q.= ") VALUES (";
$q.= "NULL,";
$q.= (defined($values->{'message_id'}) ?
$dbh->quote($values->{'message_id'}) : "NULL");
$q.= ",";
$q.= (defined($values->{'in_reply_to'}) ?
$dbh->quote($values->{'in_reply_to'}) : "NULL");
$q.= ",";
$q.= "'" . $values->{'date'} . "',";
$q.= (defined($values->{'time_zone'}) ?
$dbh->quote($values->{'time_zone'}) : "NULL");
$q.= ",";
$q.= defined($values->{'from'}) ? $dbh->quote($values->{'from'}) : "NULL";
$q.= ",";
$q.= defined($values->{'reply'}) ? $dbh->quote($values->{'reply'}) : "NULL";
$q.= ",";
$q.= defined($values->{'to'}) ? $dbh->quote($values->{'to'}) : "NULL";
$q.= ",";
$q.= defined($values->{'cc'}) ? $dbh->quote($values->{'cc'}) : "NULL";
$q.= ",";
$q.= $dbh->quote($values->{'subject'});
$q.= ",";
$q.= $dbh->quote($message);
$q.= ",";
$q.= $dbh->quote($file_name);
$q.= ",";
$q.= "'" . $values->{'hash'} . "'";
$q.= ")";
# Don't insert mails bigger than $opt_max_mail_size
if (length($message) > $opt_max_mail_size)
# Don't insert mails without 'From' field
elsif (!defined($values->{'from'}) || $values->{'from'} eq "")
elsif ($opt_test)
print "$q\n";
# Don't insert mails without the 'message'
elsif ($message eq "")
elsif ($dbh->do($q))
# This should never happen. This means that the above q failed,
# but it wasn't because of a duplicate mail entry
elsif (!($DBI::errstr =~ /Duplicate entry /))
die "FATAL: Got error :$DBI::errstr\nAttempted query was: $q\n";
print "Duplicate mail: query: $q\n" if ($opt_debug);
$q = "";
#### In case you have two identical messages we wanted to identify them
#### and remove additionals; We do this by calculating a hash number of the
#### message and ignoring messages with the same from, date and hash.
#### This function calculates a simple 32 bit hash value for the message.
sub checksum
my ($txt)= @_;
my ($crc, $i, $count);
$count = length($txt);
for ($crc = $i = 0; $i < $count ; $i++)
$crc = (($crc << 1) + (ord (substr ($txt, $i, 1)))) +
(($crc & (1 << 30)) ? 1 : 0);
$crc &= ((1 << 31) -1);
return $crc;
#### my_which is used, because we can't assume that every system has the
#### which -command. my_which can take only one argument at a time.
#### Return values: requested system command with the first found path,
#### or undefined, if not found.
sub my_which
my ($command) = @_;
my (@paths, $path);
return $command if (-f $command && -x $command);
@paths = split(':', $ENV{'PATH'});
foreach $path (@paths)
$path = "." if ($path eq "");
$path .= "/$command";
return $path if (-f $path && -x $path);
return undef();
#### usage and version
sub usage
my ($VER)= @_;
if ($opt_version)
print "$progname version $VER\n";
print <<EOF;
$progname version $VER
Description: Insert mails from inbox file(s) into a table. This program
can read group [mail_to_db] from the my.cnf file. You may want to have db
and table set there at least.
Usage: $progname [options] file1 [file2 file3 ...]
or: $progname [options] --create [file1 file2...]
or: cat inbox | $progname [options] --stdin
The last example can be used to read mails from standard input and can
useful when inserting mails to database via a program 'on-the-fly'.
The filename will be 'READ-FROM-STDIN' in this case.
--help Show this help and exit.
--version Show the version number and exit.
--debug Print some extra information during the run.
--host=... Hostname to be used.
--port=# TCP/IP port to be used with connection.
--socket=... MySQL UNIX socket to be used with connection.
--db=... Database to be used.
--user=... Username for connecting.
--password=... Password for the user.
--stdin Read mails from stdin.
--max_mail_size=# Maximum size of a mail in bytes.
Beware of the downside letting this variable be too big;
you may easily end up inserting a lot of attached
binary files (like MS Word documents etc), which take
space, make the database slower and are not really
searchable anyway. (Default $opt_max_mail_size)
--create Create the mails table. This can be done with the first run.
--test Dry run. Print the queries and the result as it would be.
--no_path When inserting the file name, leave out any paths of
the name.
--stop_on_error Stop the run, if an unexpected, but not fatal error occurs
during the run. Without this option some fields may get
unwanted values. --debug will also report about these.