unknown 0d8f353b93 Fix for bug : crash with show and purge binlogs
Problem: in case of failed 'show binlog events...' we don't inform that 
the log is not in use anymore. That may confuse following 'purge logs...'
command as it takes into account logs in use.

Fix: always notify that the log is not in use anymore.

  Fix for bug : crash with show and purge binlogs
    - test result.
  Fix for bug : crash with show and purge binlogs
    - test case.
  Fix for bug : crash with show and purge binlogs
    - always zero thd->current_linfo at the end of the mysql_show_binlog_events().
2007-07-05 13:09:56 +05:00

184 lines
4.9 KiB

# This test uses chmod, can't be run with root permissions
-- source include/
-- source include/
# Test is run with max_binlog_size=2048 to force automatic rotation of the
# binary log
# Tests done:
# - Check that slaves reports correct failures if has strange
# modes/information
# - Automatic binary log rotation
# - Ensure that temporary tables works over flush logs and binary log
# changes
# - Test creating a duplicate key error and recover from it
connect (master,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK);
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4;
connect (slave,localhost,root,,test,$SLAVE_MYPORT,$SLAVE_MYSOCK);
# Create empty file
write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/slave-data/;
chmod 0000 $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/slave-data/;
connection slave;
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4;
# START SLAVE will fail because it can't read the file (mode 000)
# (system error 13)
--replace_result $MYSQL_TEST_DIR TESTDIR
--error 1105,1105,29
start slave;
chmod 0600 $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/slave-data/;
# It will fail again because the file is empty so the slave cannot get valuable
# info about how to connect to the master from it (failure in
# init_strvar_from_file() in init_master_info()).
--error 1201
start slave;
# CHANGE MASTER will fail because it first parses before changing
# it (so when is bad, people have to use RESET SLAVE first).
--error 1201
eval change master to master_host='',master_port=$MASTER_MYPORT, master_user='root';
reset slave;
eval change master to master_host='',master_port=$MASTER_MYPORT, master_user='root';
connection master;
reset master;
connection slave;
start slave;
connection master;
create temporary table temp_table (a char(80) not null);
insert into temp_table values ("testing temporary tables");
create table t1 (s text);
insert into t1 values('Could not break slave'),('Tried hard');
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
select * from t1;
connection master;
flush logs;
create table t2(m int not null auto_increment primary key);
insert into t2 values (34),(67),(123);
flush logs;
show binary logs;
create table t3 select * from temp_table;
select * from t3;
connection master;
drop table temp_table, t3;
# Now lets make some duplicate key mess and see if we can recover from it
# First insert a value on the slave
connection slave;
insert into t2 values(1234);
#same value on the master
connection master;
set insert_id=1234;
insert into t2 values(NULL);
connection slave;
#restart slave skipping one event
set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;
start slave;
connection master;
#let slave catch up
connection master;
purge master logs to 'master-bin.000002';
show master logs;
# we just tests if synonyms are accepted
purge binary logs to 'master-bin.000002';
show binary logs;
# Calculate time to use in "purge master logs before" by taking
# last modification time of t2 and adding 1 second
# This is donw in order to handle the case where file system
# time differs from mysqld's time
select @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD(UPDATE_TIME, INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
from information_schema.tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA="test" and TABLE_NAME="t2";
purge master logs before (@time_for_purge);
show binary logs;
insert into t2 values (65);
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
select * from t2;
# Test forcing the replication log to rotate
connection master;
create temporary table temp_table (a char(80) not null);
insert into temp_table values ("testing temporary tables part 2");
let $1=100;
create table t3 (n int);
while ($1)
#eval means expand $ expressions
eval insert into t3 values($1 + 4);
dec $1;
select count(*) from t3 where n >= 4;
create table t4 select * from temp_table;
show binary logs;
show master status;
connection slave;
select * from t4;
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# because of concurrent insert, the table may not be up to date
# if we do not lock
lock tables t3 read;
select count(*) from t3 where n >= 4;
unlock tables;
#clean up
connection master;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
--echo End of 4.1 tests
# Bug #29420: crash with show and purge binlogs
--error 1220
show binlog events in 'non existing_binlog_file';
purge master logs before now();
--error 1220
show binlog events in '';
purge master logs before now();
--echo End of 5.0 tests