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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1999-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: sdb012.tcl,v 1.3 2002/08/08 15:38:10 bostic Exp $
# TEST subdb012
# TEST Test subdbs with locking and transactions
# TEST Tests creating and removing subdbs while handles
# TEST are open works correctly, and in the face of txns.
proc subdb012 { method args } {
source ./include.tcl
set args [convert_args $method $args]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
if { [is_queue $method] == 1 } {
puts "Subdb012: skipping for method $method"
# If we are using an env, then skip this test. It needs its own.
set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
if { $eindex != -1 } {
incr eindex
set env [lindex $args $eindex]
puts "Subdb012 skipping for env $env"
set encargs ""
set largs [split_encargs $args encargs]
puts "Subdb012: $method ($largs $encargs) subdb txn/locking tests"
# sdb012_body takes a txn list containing 4 elements.
# {txn command for first subdb
# txn command for second subdb
# txn command for first subdb removal
# txn command for second subdb removal}
# The allowed commands are 'none' 'one', 'auto', 'abort', 'commit'.
# 'none' is a special case meaning run without a txn. In the
# case where all 4 items are 'none', we run in a lock-only env.
# 'one' is a special case meaning we create the subdbs together
# in one single transaction. It is indicated as the value for t1,
# and the value in t2 indicates if that single txn should be
# aborted or committed. It is not used and has no meaning
# in the removal case. 'auto' means use the -auto_commit flag
# to the operation, and 'abort' and 'commit' do the obvious.
# First test locking w/o txns. If any in tlist are 'none',
# all must be none.
# Now run through the txn-based operations
set count 0
set sdb "Subdb012."
set teststr "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set testlet [split $teststr {}]
foreach t1 { none one abort auto commit } {
foreach t2 { none abort auto commit } {
if { $t1 == "one" } {
if { $t2 == "none" || $t2 == "auto"} {
set tlet [lindex $testlet $count]
foreach r1 { none abort auto commit } {
foreach r2 { none abort auto commit } {
set tlist [list $t1 $t2 $r1 $r2]
sdb012_body $testdir $omethod $largs \
$encargs $sdb$tlet $tlist
incr count
proc s012 { method args } {
source ./include.tcl
set omethod [convert_method $method]
set encargs ""
set largs ""
puts "Subdb012: $method ($largs $encargs) subdb txn/locking tests"
set sdb "Subdb012."
set tlet X
set tlist $args
error_check_good tlist [llength $tlist] 4
sdb012_body $testdir $omethod $largs $encargs $sdb$tlet $tlist
# This proc checks the tlist values and returns the flags
# that should be used when opening the env. If we are running
# with no txns, then just -lock, otherwise -txn.
proc sdb012_subsys { tlist } {
set t1 [lindex $tlist 0]
# If we have no txns, all elements of the list should be none.
# In that case we only run with locking turned on.
# Otherwise, we use the full txn subsystems.
set allnone {none none none none}
if { $allnone == $tlist } {
set subsys "-lock"
} else {
set subsys "-txn"
return $subsys
# This proc parses the tlist and returns a list of 4 items that
# should be used in operations. I.e. it will begin the txns as
# needed, or return a -auto_commit flag, etc.
proc sdb012_tflags { env tlist } {
set ret ""
set t1 ""
foreach t $tlist {
switch $t {
one {
set t1 [$env txn]
error_check_good txnbegin [is_valid_txn $t1 $env] TRUE
lappend ret "-txn $t1"
lappend ret "-txn $t1"
auto {
lappend ret "-auto_commit"
abort -
commit {
# If the previous command was a "one", skip over
# this commit/abort. Otherwise start a new txn
# for the removal case.
if { $t1 == "" } {
set txn [$env txn]
error_check_good txnbegin [is_valid_txn $txn \
$env] TRUE
lappend ret "-txn $txn"
} else {
set t1 ""
none {
lappend ret ""
default {
error "Txn command $t not implemented"
return $ret
# This proc parses the tlist and returns a list of 4 items that
# should be used in the txn conclusion operations. I.e. it will
# give "" if using auto_commit (i.e. no final txn op), or a single
# abort/commit if both subdb's are in one txn.
proc sdb012_top { tflags tlist } {
set ret ""
set t1 ""
# We know both lists have 4 items. Iterate over them
# using multiple value lists so we know which txn goes
# with each op.
# The tflags list is needed to extract the txn command
# out for the operation. The tlist list is needed to
# determine what operation we are doing.
foreach t $tlist tf $tflags {
switch $t {
one {
set t1 [lindex $tf 1]
auto {
lappend ret "sdb012_nop"
abort -
commit {
# If the previous command was a "one" (i.e. t1
# is set), append a correct command and then
# an empty one.
if { $t1 == "" } {
set txn [lindex $tf 1]
set top "$txn $t"
lappend ret $top
} else {
set top "$t1 $t"
lappend ret "sdb012_nop"
lappend ret $top
set t1 ""
none {
lappend ret "sdb012_nop"
return $ret
proc sdb012_nop { } {
return 0
proc sdb012_isabort { tlist item } {
set i [lindex $tlist $item]
if { $i == "one" } {
set i [lindex $tlist [expr $item + 1]]
if { $i == "abort" } {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc sdb012_body { testdir omethod largs encargs msg tlist } {
puts "\t$msg: $tlist"
set testfile subdb012.db
set subdb1 sub1
set subdb2 sub2
set subsys [sdb012_subsys $tlist]
env_cleanup $testdir
set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -home} $testdir $subsys $encargs]
error_check_good dbenv [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
error_check_good test_lock [$env test abort subdb_lock] 0
# Convert from our tlist txn commands into real flags we
# will pass to commands. Use the multiple values feature
# of foreach to do this efficiently.
set tflags [sdb012_tflags $env $tlist]
foreach {txn1 txn2 rem1 rem2} $tflags {break}
foreach {top1 top2 rop1 rop2} [sdb012_top $tflags $tlist] {break}
# puts "txn1 $txn1, txn2 $txn2, rem1 $rem1, rem2 $rem2"
# puts "top1 $top1, top2 $top2, rop1 $rop1, rop2 $rop2"
puts "\t$msg.0: Create sub databases in env with $subsys"
set s1 [eval {berkdb_open -env $env -create -mode 0644} \
$largs $txn1 {$omethod $testfile $subdb1}]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $s1] TRUE
set ret [eval $top1]
error_check_good t1_end $ret 0
set s2 [eval {berkdb_open -env $env -create -mode 0644} \
$largs $txn2 {$omethod $testfile $subdb2}]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $s2] TRUE
puts "\t$msg.1: Subdbs are open; resolve txns if necessary"
set ret [eval $top2]
error_check_good t2_end $ret 0
set t1_isabort [sdb012_isabort $tlist 0]
set t2_isabort [sdb012_isabort $tlist 1]
set r1_isabort [sdb012_isabort $tlist 2]
set r2_isabort [sdb012_isabort $tlist 3]
# puts "t1_isabort $t1_isabort, t2_isabort $t2_isabort, r1_isabort $r1_isabort, r2_isabort $r2_isabort"
puts "\t$msg.2: Subdbs are open; verify removal failures"
# Verify removes of subdbs with open subdb's fail
# We should fail no matter what. If we aborted, then the
# subdb should not exist. If we didn't abort, we should fail
# XXX - Do we need -auto_commit for all these failing ones?
set r [ catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile $subdb1} result ]
error_check_bad dbremove1_open $r 0
if { $t1_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremove1_open_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremove1_open [is_substr \
set r [ catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile $subdb2} result ]
error_check_bad dbremove2_open $r 0
if { $t2_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremove2_open_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremove2_open [is_substr \
# Verify file remove fails
set r [catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile} result]
error_check_bad dbremovef_open $r 0
# If both aborted, there should be no file??
if { $t1_isabort && $t2_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremovef_open_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremovef_open [is_substr \
puts "\t$msg.3: Close subdb2; verify removals"
error_check_good close_s2 [$s2 close] 0
set r [ catch {eval {berkdb dbremove -env} \
$env $rem2 $testfile $subdb2} result ]
if { $t2_isabort } {
error_check_bad dbrem2_ab $r 0
error_check_good dbrem2_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbrem2 $result 0
# Resolve subdb2 removal txn
set r [eval $rop2]
error_check_good rop2 $r 0
set r [ catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile $subdb1} result ]
error_check_bad dbremove1.2_open $r 0
if { $t1_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremove1.2_open_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremove1.2_open [is_substr \
# There are three cases here:
# 1. if both t1 and t2 aborted, the file shouldn't exist
# 2. if only t1 aborted, the file still exists and nothing is open
# 3. if neither aborted a remove should fail because the first
# subdb is still open
# In case 2, don't try the remove, because it should succeed
# and we won't be able to test anything else.
if { !$t1_isabort || $t2_isabort } {
set r [catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile} result]
if { $t1_isabort && $t2_isabort } {
error_check_bad dbremovef.2_open $r 0
error_check_good dbremove.2_open_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_bad dbremovef.2_open $r 0
error_check_good dbremove.2_open [is_substr \
puts "\t$msg.4: Close subdb1; verify removals"
error_check_good close_s1 [$s1 close] 0
set r [ catch {eval {berkdb dbremove -env} \
$env $rem1 $testfile $subdb1} result ]
if { $t1_isabort } {
error_check_bad dbremove1_ab $r 0
error_check_good dbremove1_ab [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremove1 $result 0
# Resolve subdb1 removal txn
set r [eval $rop1]
error_check_good rop1 $r 0
# Verify removal of subdb2. All DB handles are closed now.
# So we have two scenarios:
# 1. The removal of subdb2 above was successful and subdb2
# doesn't exist and we should fail that way.
# 2. The removal of subdb2 above was aborted, and this
# removal should succeed.
set r [ catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile $subdb2} result ]
if { $r2_isabort && !$t2_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremove2.1_ab $result 0
} else {
error_check_bad dbremove2.1 $r 0
error_check_good dbremove2.1 [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
# Verify removal of subdb1. All DB handles are closed now.
# So we have two scenarios:
# 1. The removal of subdb1 above was successful and subdb1
# doesn't exist and we should fail that way.
# 2. The removal of subdb1 above was aborted, and this
# removal should succeed.
set r [ catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile $subdb1} result ]
if { $r1_isabort && !$t1_isabort } {
error_check_good dbremove1.1 $result 0
} else {
error_check_bad dbremove_open $r 0
error_check_good dbremove.1 [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
puts "\t$msg.5: All closed; remove file"
set r [catch {berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile} result]
if { $t1_isabort && $t2_isabort } {
error_check_bad dbremove_final_ab $r 0
error_check_good dbremove_file_abstr [is_substr \
$result "no such file"] 1
} else {
error_check_good dbremove_final $r 0
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0