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synced 2025-03-28 09:55:34 +01:00

Problem: When using the delayed slave feature, and the SQL thread is delaying, and the user issues STOP SLAVE, the event we wait for was executed. It should not be executed. Fix: Check the return value from the delay function, slave.cc:slave_sleep(). If the return value is 1, it means the thread has been stopped, in this case we don't execute the statement. Also, refactored the test case for delayed slave a little: added the test script include/rpl_assert.inc, which asserts that a condition holds and prints a message if not. Made rpl_delayed_slave.test use this. The advantage is that the test file is much easier to read and maintain, because it is clear what is an assertion and what is not, and also the expected result can be found in the test file, you don't have to compare it to the result file. Manually merged into MariaDB from MySQL commit fd2b210383358fe7697f201e19ac9779879ba72a Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
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118 lines
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# ==== Purpose ====
# Check if a condition holds, fail with debug info if not.
# The condition is parsed before executed. The following constructs
# are supported:
# The square bracket is replaced by the result from SQL STATEMENT,
# in the given COLUMN and ROW.
# <1>
# This is a shorthand for the result of the first executed square
# bracket. <2> is a shorthand for the second executed square
# bracket, and so on.
# ==== Usage ====
# --let $assert_text= Relay_Log_Pos must be smaller than pos.
# --let $assert_cond= [SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_Pos, 1] >= $min_pos AND <1> <= $max_pos
# [--let $assert_quiet= 1]
# [--let $rpl_debug= 1]
# --source include/rpl_assert.inc
# Parameters:
# $assert_text
# Text that describes what is being checked. By default, this text
# is written to the query log.
# $assert_cond
# Condition to check. See above for details about the format. The
# condition will be executed as `SELECT $assert_cond`. Note: this
# condition is parsed using SQL statements, quoted inside single
# quotes, so it must not contain single quotes itself (use double
# quotes for strings).
# $assert_quiet
# Do not print $assert_text to the query log.
# $rpl_debug
# Print extra debug info.
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: assert_text='$assert_text' assert_cond='$assert_cond'
# Sanity-check input
if (`SELECT "$assert_text" = ""`)
--die ERROR IN TEST: the mysqltest variable rpl_test must be set
# Evaluate square brackets in cond.
--let $_rpl_assert_substmt_number= 1
--let $_rpl_interpolated_cond= $assert_cond
--let $_rpl_assert_lbracket= `SELECT LOCATE('[', '$_rpl_interpolated_cond')`
while ($_rpl_assert_lbracket)
# Get position of right bracket
--let $_rpl_assert_rbracket= `SELECT LOCATE(']', '$_rpl_interpolated_cond')`
if (!$_rpl_assert_rbracket)
--echo BUG IN TEST: Mismatching square brackets in assert_cond: '$assert_cond'
--die BUG IN TEST: Mismatching square brackets in $assert_cond
# Get sub-statement and result of it
--let $_rpl_assert_substmt= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_rpl_interpolated_cond', $_rpl_assert_lbracket + 1, $_rpl_assert_rbracket - $_rpl_assert_lbracket - 1)`
--let $_rpl_assert_substmt_result= query_get_value($_rpl_assert_substmt)
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: sub-statement='$_rpl_assert_substmt' result='$rpl_assert_result'
# Replace sub-statement by its result
--let $_rpl_interpolated_cond= `SELECT REPLACE('$_rpl_interpolated_cond', '[$_rpl_assert_substmt]', '$_rpl_assert_substmt_result')`
# Replace result references by result
--let $_rpl_interpolated_cond= `SELECT REPLACE('$_rpl_interpolated_cond', '<$_rpl_assert_substmt_number>', '$_rpl_assert_substmt_result')`
--let $_rpl_assert_lbracket= `SELECT LOCATE('[', '$_rpl_interpolated_cond')`
--inc $_rpl_assert_substmt_number
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: interpolated_cond='$_rpl_interpolated_cond'
# Execute.
--let $_rpl_assert_result= `SELECT $_rpl_interpolated_cond`
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo # debug: result='$_rpl_assert_result'
# Check.
if (!$_rpl_assert_result)
--echo ######## Test assertion failed: $assert_text ########
--echo Dumping debug info:
--source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc
--echo Assertion text: '$assert_text'
--echo Assertion condition: '$assert_cond'
--echo Assertion condition, interpolated: '$_rpl_interpolated_cond'
--echo Assertion result: '$_rpl_assert_result'
--die Test assertion failed in rpl_assertion.inc
if (!$assert_quiet)
--echo # Asserted this: $assert_text
--let $assert_text=
--let $assert_cond=