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synced 2025-03-28 18:05:39 +01:00

Due to the collation used on the roles_mapping_hash, key comparison would work in a case-insensitive manner. This is incorrect from the roles mapping perspective. Make use of a case-sensitive collation for that hash, the same one used for the acl_roles hash.
54 lines
1.4 KiB
54 lines
1.4 KiB
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-10744 Roles are not fully case-sensitive
--echo #
--echo #
--echo # Test creating two case-different roles.
--echo #
create user test_user@'%';
create role test_ROLE;
create role test_role;
--echo #
--echo # Test if mysql.user has the roles created.
--echo #
select user, host from mysql.user where is_role='y' and user like 'test%';
create database secret_db;
create table secret_db.t1 (secret varchar(100));
insert into secret_db.t1 values ("Some Secret P4ssw0rd");
grant select on secret_db.* to test_role;
grant test_role to test_user;
show grants for test_user;
--echo #
--echo # Now test the UPPER case role.
--echo #
grant test_ROLE to test_user;
grant insert on secret_db.t1 to test_ROLE;
show grants for test_user;
connect (test_user,localhost,test_user);
--echo #
--echo # Test users privileges when interacting with those roles;
--echo #
show tables from secret_db;
set role test_ROLE;
show tables from secret_db;
select * from secret_db.t1;
insert into secret_db.t1 values ("|-|4><");
set role test_role;
select * from secret_db.t1 order by secret;
insert into secret_db.t1 values ("|_33T|-|4><");
connection default;
drop role test_ROLE;
drop role test_role;
drop user test_user;
drop database secret_db;