mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 06:58:37 +01:00
2110 lines
50 KiB
2110 lines
50 KiB
--source include/have_debug_sync.inc
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/binlog_combinations.inc
--source include/have_innodb.inc
--source include/have_sequence.inc
--source include/have_partition.inc
let $default_storage_engine= `select @@global.default_storage_engine`;
set global default_storage_engine= innodb;
set default_storage_engine= innodb;
--connect (con2, localhost, root,,)
--connection default
--echo #
--echo # Test insert
--echo #
--echo # Insert and add column
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # Insert, error
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (5), (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 nowait add unique (a), algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
start transaction;
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
--connection con2
--connection default
select variable_value into @otd from information_schema.session_status where variable_name='Opened_table_definitions';
select * from t1;
select variable_value-@otd from information_schema.session_status where variable_name='Opened_table_definitions';
--echo # long transaction and add column
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 nowait add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
start transaction;
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--connection con2
--connection default
--echo # Insert and add NOT NULL column without default value
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NOT NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # Insert and add a column with a default value
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NOT NULL default (222), algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # Test update
--echo #
--echo # Update and add a column
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 44);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add c int default(1),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set b= 55 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # Update and add a column in the middle
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 44);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add c int default(1) after a,
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set b= 55 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # Test primary key change
--echo #
--echo # Drop key, add key
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 44);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set b= 55 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # Drop key, add key. Two updates
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 11);
insert t1 values (2, 22);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set b= 33 where a = 1;
update t1 set b= 44 where a = 2;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # Various tests, see below
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 11);
insert t1 values (2, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 33);
insert t1 values (4, 44);
insert t1 values (5, 55);
insert t1 values (6, 66);
insert t1 values (7, 77);
insert t1 values (8, 88);
insert t1 values (9, 99);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
--echo # Two updates
update t1 set b= 1001 where a = 1;
update t1 set b= 2002 where a = 2;
--echo # Two updates in transaction
set autocommit = 0;
start transaction;
update t1 set b= 3003 where a = 3;
update t1 set b= 4004 where a = 4;
set autocommit = 1;
--echo # Second update is rolled back
update t1 set b= 5005 where a = 5;
set autocommit = 0;
start transaction;
update t1 set b= 6006 where a = 6;
set autocommit = 1;
--echo # Second execution in transaction fails
set autocommit = 0;
start transaction;
update t1 set b= 7007 where a = 7;
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
update t1 set a= 8, b= 8008 where a = 8 or a = 9 order by a;
set autocommit = 1;
select * from t1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # MYISAM. Only Inserts can be tested.
--echo # (everything else is a table lock disallowing concurrent reads)
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int) engine=myisam;
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # MYISAM + error
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key) engine=myisam;
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6);
select * from t1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo # Aria + error
set @@binlog_format=row; # otherwise aria upgrades the lock to TL_READ_NO_INSERT
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key) engine=aria;
insert t1 values (5);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6);
select * from t1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
set @@binlog_format=default;
--echo # Test incompatible changes
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 44);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set b= 44 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
select * from t1;
--echo # Test log read after EXCLUSIVE lock
--echo # Transaction is started before ALTER, and UPDATE is made.
--echo # Then more UPDATEs.
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 11);
insert t1 values (2, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 33);
insert t1 values (4, 44);
insert t1 values (5, 55);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock SIGNAL locking WAIT_FOR end';
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded SIGNAL downgraded';
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR downgraded';
update t1 set b= 111 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR locking';
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
update t1 set b= 222 where a = 2;
update t1 set b= 333 where a = 3;
update t1 set b= 444 where a = 4;
update t1 set b= 555 where a = 5;
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # Test progress report.
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 11);
insert t1 values (2, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 33);
insert t1 values (4, 44);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock SIGNAL locking WAIT_FOR end';
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded SIGNAL downgraded'
' WAIT_FOR start_replication';
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_progress SIGNAL applied WAIT_FOR proceed'
--let $con= `select connection_id()`
alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR downgraded';
update t1 set b= 111 where a = 1;
insert t1 values (5, 55);
update t1 set b= 555 where a = 5;
insert t1 values (6, 66);
update t1 set b= 666 where a = 6;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL start_replication';
eval set @con= $con;
--echo # First signal is for log description event.
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR locking';
update t1 set b= 222 where a = 2;
update t1 set b= 333 where a = 3;
update t1 set b= 444 where a = 4;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed WAIT_FOR applied';
select stage, progress, examined_rows from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed';
--connection default
select * from t1;
--echo #
--echo # Test system versioning
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
insert t1 values (1, 22);
insert t1 values (3, 44);
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
set timestamp = 1;
alter table t1 add system versioning,
algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
set timestamp = 2;
update t1 set b= 55 where a = 1;
set timestamp = 3;
insert into t1 values (6, 77);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
show create table t1;
--replace_result 4294967295 2147483647
select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(row_start), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(row_end) from t1 for system_time all;
## at the moment DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING cannot be done online
## because it not only alters the structure, but also deletes history rows
alter table t1 drop system versioning, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
#--connection con2
#set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
#--connection default
#set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
#alter table t1 drop system versioning,
# algorithm= copy, lock= none;
#--connection con2
#update t1 set b= 88 where a = 1;
#set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
#--connection default
#show create table t1;
#select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(row_start), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(row_end) from t1 for system_time all;
#--connection con2
#set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
#--connection default
#set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
#alter table t1 drop system versioning,
# algorithm= copy, lock= none;
#--connection con2
#insert into t1 values (8, 99);
#set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
#--connection default
#show create table t1;
#select * from t1;
drop table t1;
--echo #
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1), (2);
create or replace table t2 (a int);
insert t2 values (1), (2);
--connection con2
update t2 set a= 222 where a = 2;
savepoint savie;
update t2 set a= 111 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set a= 123 where a = 1;
savepoint whoopsie;
rollback to savepoint savie;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
select * from t2;
create or replace table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1), (2);
create or replace table t2 (a int);
insert t2 values (1), (2);
create or replace table t3 (a int) engine=myisam;
insert t3 values (1);
--connection con2
update t2 set a= 222 where a = 2;
savepoint savie;
update t2 set a= 111 where a = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
update t1 set a= 222 where a = 2;
savepoint whoopsie;
update t1 set a= 123 where a = 1;
insert t3 values (2);
select * from t1;
rollback to savepoint whoopsie;
select * from t1;
select * from t3;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
select * from t2;
select * from t3;
--echo # Cleanup
set debug_sync= 'reset';
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
drop table t3;
# Lossy alter, Update_row_log_event cannot find 'abcde2' in the new table
create table t1 (a char(6), b int);
insert t1 values ('abcde1',1),('abcde2',2);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set sql_mode='';
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 modify a char(4), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set b=b+10 where a='abcde2';
select * from t1;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
set sql_mode=default;
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= 'reset';
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-28930 ALTER TABLE Deadlocks with parallel TL_WRITE
--echo #
create table t1(a int) engine=myisam select 1;
set debug_sync='alter_table_online_before_lock SIGNAL ready WAIT_FOR go_for_locking';
alter table t1 force;
--connection con2
set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR ready';
set debug_sync='thr_multi_lock_before_thr_lock SIGNAL go_for_locking';
update t1 set a=2;
--connection default
set debug_sync='alter_table_online_before_lock SIGNAL ready WAIT_FOR go_for_locking';
alter table mysql.global_priv force;
--connection con2
set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR ready';
set debug_sync='thr_multi_lock_before_thr_lock SIGNAL go_for_locking';
create user user1@localhost;
--connection default
set debug_sync=reset;
drop user user1@localhost;
drop table t1;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-28959 Online alter ignores strict table mode
--echo #
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 modify a int not null, algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
insert into t1 values (null),(null);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
set sql_mode=default;
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-28967 Assertion `marked_for_write_or_computed()' failed in Field_new_decimal::store_value / online_alter_read_from_binlog`
--echo #
create table t1 (a decimal(8,2), b varchar(8));
insert into t1 (b) values ('x');
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 force, algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
insert t1 (b) values ('k');
insert t1 (b) values ('m');
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-29021 ALTER TABLE fails when a stored virtual column is dropped and added
--echo #
create table t1 (a char(9), b char(9) as (a) stored);
insert into t1(a) values ('foobar');
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set sql_mode='';
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 drop b, add b char(3) as (a) stored, algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set a = 'foobarqux';
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
set sql_mode=default;
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo # (duplicate) MDEV-29007 Assertion `marked_for_write_or_computed()'
--echo # failed upon online ADD COLUMN .. FIRST
create table t (a int);
insert into t values (1),(2);
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add c int first, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
insert into t values (3);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo # UNIQUE blob duplicates are not ignored.
create table t1 (b blob);
insert into t1 values ('foo'),('bar');
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t1 add unique(b), algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
insert into t1 values ('qux'),('foo');
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
select * from t1;
show create table t1;
# Cleanup
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # DELETE with added virtual column
--echo #
CREATE TABLE t1 (a CHAR(3), b CHAR(3) AS (a));
INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ('foo'),('bar');
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
select * from t1;
--connection default
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # Do not ignore sql_mode when replicating
--echo #
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add b int as (1/a) stored, algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set a= 0 where a=1;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
set sql_mode= default;
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-29067 Online alter ignores check constraint violation
--echo #
--echo ## CHECK, INSERT
create table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1),(2);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add check (a<10), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
insert t1 values (11),(12);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1),(2);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add b int default(a+10), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
insert t1 values (11),(12);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= 'reset';
--echo ## CHECK, UPDATE
create table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add check (a<10), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set a=a+10 where a > 2;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add b int default(a), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set a=a+10 where a > 2;
insert t1 values(5);
update t1 set a=a+10 where a = 5;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= 'reset';
--echo ## VCOL + CHECK
create table t1 (a int);
insert t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4);
--send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded'
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
--send alter table t1 add b int as (a), add check(b=a), algorithm=copy, lock=none
--connection default
update t1 set a=a+10 where a > 2;
insert t1 values(5);
update t1 set a=a+10 where a = 5;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
show create table t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= 'reset';
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-29013 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND/lock timeout upon online alter
--echo # with long unique indexes
--echo #
create table t1 (b text not null, unique(b));
insert into t1 values ('foo'),('bar');
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t1 add c int, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
delete from t1;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo ###
create table t1 (a text, unique(a));
create table t2 (b text, unique(b));
insert into t2 values (null),(null);
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t2 add column c int, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
delete from t2;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection con2
--connection default
alter table t2 force;
alter table t1 force;
drop table t1, t2;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-29038 XA assertions failing in binlog_rollback and binlog_commit
--echo #
create table t (a int);
insert into t values (1);
xa begin 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
--connect (con1,localhost,root,,test)
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
insert into t values (2);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
xa end 'xid';
xa rollback 'xid';
xa begin 'xid';
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
insert into t values (3);
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
xa end 'xid';
xa commit 'xid' one phase;
# Cleanup
--connection con1
--connection default
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-29069 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon online autoinc addition and
--echo # concurrent DELETE
--echo #
set @old_dbug=@@debug_dbug;
set debug_dbug="+d,rpl_report_chosen_key";
# UB
# create table t (a int);
# insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
# set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
# --send
# alter table t add pk int auto_increment primary key, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
# --connection con2
# set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
# delete from t where a = 20;
# update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
# set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
# --connection default
# --reap
# select * from t;
--echo #
--echo # Add clumsy DEFAULT
--echo #
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add b int default(RAND() * 20), add key(b),
algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select a from t;
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add b timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, add key(b),
algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select a from t;
--echo # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, mixed key
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add b timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, add key(a, b),
algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select a from t;
--echo # Mixed primary key
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add b int default (a+1), add primary key(b, a),
algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select a from t;
--echo #
--echo # Normal row, could be used as a key
--echo #
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add b int as (a * 10) unique, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
--echo #
--echo # Add key for old row
--echo #
create or replace table t (a int);
insert into t values (10),(20),(30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t add unique(a), algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 1 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
--echo #
--echo # Useful UNIQUE, though a virtual column on another extra field
--echo #
create or replace table t (a int primary key, b int default (a+1));
insert into t values (10, 10),(20, 20),(30, 30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t drop primary key, add c int default(a),
add d int as (c) stored unique, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 2 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select * from t;
--echo #
--echo # Now this index is not usable (missing DEFAULT on field c)
--echo #
create or replace table t (a int primary key, b int);
insert into t values (10, 10),(20, 20),(30, 30);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goforit';
alter table t drop primary key, add c real default(rand(a)),
add d real as (c) stored unique, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
delete from t where a = 20;
update t set a = a + 2 where a = 10;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select a, b from t;
# Cleanup
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
set debug_dbug= @old_dbug;
--connection default
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-30902 Server crash in LEX::first_lists_tables_same
--echo #
create table t1 engine=myisam select 1 as x ;
create procedure p() alter table t1 engine=heap;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end signal ended wait_for end';
send call p;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for ended';
insert into t1 values (2);
set debug_sync= 'now signal end';
--connection default
call p;
drop table t1;
drop procedure p;
set debug_sync=reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-30902 Server crash in LEX::first_lists_tables_same
--echo #
create table t (id int, s date, e date, period for p(s,e),
unique(id, p without overlaps)) engine=aria;
insert into t values (1,'1971-01-01','1971-01-02');
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock signal lock wait_for goon';
send alter table t force;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for lock';
delete from t;
set debug_sync= 'now signal goon';
--connection default
drop table t;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-30924 Server crashes in MYSQL_LOG::is_open upon ALTER vs FUNCTION
--echo #
create table t (a int);
insert into t values (1),(2);
--delimiter $
create function f () returns int
update t set a = 10;
return 0;
end $
--delimiter ;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goon';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
select f();
set debug_sync= 'now signal goon';
--connection default
drop table t;
drop function f;
--echo # Partitioning
create or replace table t1 (a serial);
insert t1 values (5), (6), (7);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded SIGNAL downgraded wait_for goon';
send alter table t1 ENGINE=InnoDB, ALGORITHM=COPY, LOCK=NONE
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR downgraded';
insert into t1 values (123), (456), (789);
update t1 set a= a+100;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL goon';
--connection default
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-31033 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon online COPY ALTER on a partitioned
--echo # table
create table t (a int) partition by hash(a) partitions 2;
insert into t values (1),(3);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded SIGNAL downgraded wait_for goon';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR downgraded';
update t set a = a + 1;
insert t values (1),(2);
delete from t where a = 4 limit 1;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL goon';
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-31043 ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND upon concurrent ALTER and transaction
--echo #
let $i=2;
let local_engine=myisam;
while ($i) {
eval create table t (a int, b int) engine=$local_engine;
insert into t values (1,10),(2,20);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock signal burnit wait_for goforit';
alter table t add c int, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for burnit';
update t set b = 100;
start transaction;
update t set b = 200;
--connection con2
delete from t order by a limit 1;
delete from t order by a limit 1;
select * from t;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now signal goforit';
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
dec $i;
let local_engine=aria;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-30949 Direct leak in binlog_online_alter_end_trans
--echo #
create table t (f longblob default null) engine=myisam;
insert into t values (null);
set debug_sync= "alter_table_copy_end signal copy wait_for goon";
set debug_sync= "alter_table_online_before_lock signal lock wait_for end";
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= "now wait_for copy";
insert into t select repeat('a',130000);
set debug_sync= "now signal goon wait_for lock";
insert into t select repeat('a',130000);
set debug_sync= "now signal end";
--connection default
drop table t;
--echo #
--echo # Test that correct fields are marked as explicit:
--echo # Drop a, reorder b, add new column with default.
--echo #
create table t (a int primary key, b int);
insert into t values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3);
set debug_sync= "alter_table_copy_end signal copy wait_for goon";
send alter table t drop primary key, drop a,
change b c bigint,
add x longblob default 123456;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= "now wait_for copy";
update t set b = 5 where a = 1;
update t set b = NULL where a = 1;
select * from t;
update t set a = 100 where a = 1;
update t set b = -10 where a = 100;
select * from t;
set debug_sync= "now signal goon";
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
--echo # Test that all the fields are unpacked.
create table t (a int, b int);
insert into t values (NULL, 123), (NULL, 456);
set debug_sync= "alter_table_copy_end signal copy wait_for goon";
send alter table t drop a, add primary key(b), algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= "now wait_for copy";
update t set b = b + 100;
set debug_sync= "now signal goon";
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
let SEARCH_FILE= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err;
--source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-31646 Online alter applies binlog cache limit to cache writes
--echo #
create table t (pk int primary key, a varchar(100)) engine=MyISAM;
insert into t select seq, repeat('x', 100) from seq_1_to_500;
set @cache.size= @@max_binlog_cache_size;
set global max_binlog_cache_size= 4096;
send set debug_sync= 'now wait_for do_updates';
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_progress signal do_updates wait_for go';
send alter table t add b int, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
update t set a = repeat('y', 100);
show warnings;
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection con1
show warnings;
--connection default
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
set global max_binlog_cache_size= @cache.size;
--echo # Now make sure that smaller limits will be processed fine
set @old_dbug=@@debug_dbug;
create table t (pk int primary key, a text) engine=MyISAM;
insert into t select seq, repeat('x', 1000) from seq_1_to_50;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_progress signal do_updates wait_for go';
alter table t add b int, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for do_updates';
set debug_dbug="+d,online_alter_small_cache";
update t set a = repeat('y', 1000);
show warnings;
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection con1
show warnings;
--connection default
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
set debug_dbug= @old_dbug;
create table t (id int, a int, b text, primary key (id));
insert into t values (1,10,''),(2,20,'');
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_progress signal do_update wait_for go';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con1
set @old_binlog_row_image= @@binlog_row_image;
set binlog_row_image= noblob;
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for do_update';
update t set a = 1;
delete from t where id = 1;
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
set binlog_row_image= @old_binlog_row_image;
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-31812 Add switch to old_mode to disable non-locking ALTER
--echo #
set @old_old_mode= @@old_mode;
create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, b int);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL copy_end WAIT_FOR proceed';
send alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b), algorithm= copy;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR copy_end';
select if(max_stage = 4, "online", "old") as mode
from information_schema.processlist where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed';
--connection default
set old_mode= LOCK_ALTER_TABLE_COPY;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL copy_end WAIT_FOR proceed';
send alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b), algorithm= copy;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR copy_end';
select if(max_stage = 4, "online", "old") as mode
from information_schema.processlist where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed';
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL copy_end WAIT_FOR proceed';
send alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key(b),
algorithm= copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR copy_end';
select if(max_stage = 4, "online", "old") as mode
from information_schema.processlist where id = @con;
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL proceed';
--connection default
set old_mode= @old_old_mode;
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-32100 Online ALTER TABLE ends with 1032 under some isolation levels
--echo #
let $tx_iso_id=4;
create table iso_levels(id int, level text);
while($tx_iso_id) {
dec $tx_iso_id;
let tx_iso= `select level from iso_levels where id = $tx_iso_id`;
create table t1 (a int, b int, key(b));
--connection con2
insert into t1 values (1,1),(null,null),(3,3),(4,null),(null,5);
--connection default
eval set session transaction isolation level $tx_iso;
set debug_sync= "alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for goalters";
send alter table t1 force, algorithm=copy;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= "now wait_for downgraded";
delete from t1 where b is null;
set debug_sync= "now signal goalters";
--connection default
drop table t1;
set debug_sync= reset;
drop table iso_levels;
--echo # MDEV-32126 Assertion fails upon online ALTER and binary log enabled
create temporary table tmp (id int, primary key(id)) engine=innodb;
create table t1 (a int, b text);
create table t2 (a int, b int, c char(8), d text, unique(a));
insert into t2 values (1,1,'f','e'),(1000,1000,'c','b');
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock signal go_trx wait_for go_alter';
send alter table t2 force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for go_trx';
start transaction;
insert into t1 values (3,'a');
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t2 values (3,3,'a','x'), (3,3,'a','x');
insert into t2 values (3,3,'a','x');
set debug_sync= 'now signal go_alter';
--connection default
truncate t2;
set @@binlog_format=mixed;
--connection con2
start transaction;
create temporary table tmp (id int, primary key(id));
insert into t1 values (1, repeat('x',8000)),(2, repeat('x',8000));
update t2 set b = null order by b limit 2;
insert into t1 values (3, repeat('x',8000));
delete from t1;
insert into t2 values (1,1,'f','e'),(1000,1000,'c','b');
--connection default
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_before_lock signal go_trx wait_for go_alter';
send alter table t2 force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for go_trx';
start transaction;
drop temporary table if exists tmp;
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t2 values (3,3,'a','x'), (3,3,'a','x');
insert into t2 values (3,3,'a','x');
set debug_sync= 'now signal go_alter';
--connection default
drop table t1, t2;
set @@binlog_format=default;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo # MDEV-32444 Data from orphaned XA transaction is lost after online alter
create table t (a int primary key);
insert into t values (1);
--echo # XA commit
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa begin 'x1';
update t set a = 2 where a = 1;
xa end 'x1';
xa prepare 'x1';
set debug_sync= 'thread_end signal xa_detach wait_for close';
--disconnect con1
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now signal close wait_for xa_detach';
xa commit 'x1';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
--reap # alter table
select * from t;
--echo # XA rollback
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connect(con1, localhost, root,,)
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa begin 'x2';
insert into t values (53);
xa end 'x2';
xa prepare 'x2';
set debug_sync= 'thread_end signal xa_detach wait_for close';
--disconnect con1
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now signal close wait_for xa_detach';
xa rollback 'x2';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
--reap # alter table
select * from t;
--echo # XA transaction is left uncommitted
--echo # end then is rollbacked after alter fails
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send set statement innodb_lock_wait_timeout=0, lock_wait_timeout= 0
for alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connect(con1, localhost, root,,)
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa begin 'xuncommitted';
insert into t values (3);
xa end 'xuncommitted';
xa prepare 'xuncommitted';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
set debug_sync= 'thread_end signal xa_detach wait_for close';
--disconnect con1
--connection default
--reap # alter table
set debug_sync= 'now signal close wait_for xa_detach';
xa rollback 'xuncommitted';
select * from t;
--echo # Same, but commit
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send set statement innodb_lock_wait_timeout=0, lock_wait_timeout= 0
for alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connect(con1, localhost, root,,)
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa begin 'committed_later';
insert into t values (3);
xa end 'committed_later';
xa prepare 'committed_later';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
set debug_sync= 'thread_end signal xa_detach wait_for close';
--disconnect con1
--connection default
--reap # alter table
set debug_sync= 'now signal close wait_for xa_detach';
xa commit 'committed_later';
select * from t;
--echo # Commit, but error in statement, and there is some stmt data to rollback
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t force, algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connect(con1, localhost, root,,)
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa begin 'x1';
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t values (4), (3);
insert into t values (5);
xa end 'x1';
xa prepare 'x1';
set debug_sync= 'thread_end signal xa_detach wait_for close';
--disconnect con1
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now signal close wait_for xa_detach';
xa commit 'x1';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
--reap # alter table
select * from t;
--connect(con1, localhost, root,,)
--connection default
drop table t;
set debug_sync= reset;
--echo # MDEV-32771 Server crash upon online alter with concurrent XA
create table t (a int primary key);
insert t values(1),(2),(3);
--echo # First, check that nothing from the rollbacked statement commits
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t add b int default (555), algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa commit 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t add c int default(777), algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa rollback 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
--echo # Same, but add one successful statement into transaction
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t drop b, algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
update t set a = 10 where a = 1;
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa rollback 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t drop primary key, algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
--echo # This statement will take effect.
update t set a = 10 where a = 1;
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa commit 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
--echo # The only statement succeeds (test both commit and rollback)
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t add d text default ('qwe'), algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa rollback 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_online_downgraded signal downgraded wait_for go';
send alter table t drop c, algorithm=copy;
--connection con1
set debug_sync= 'now wait_for downgraded';
xa start 'xid';
update t set a = 0;
xa end 'xid';
xa prepare 'xid';
xa commit 'xid';
set debug_sync= 'now signal go';
--connection default
select * from t;
drop table t;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-32803 Assertion `total == 0' failed in Event_log::write_cache_raw
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (a int) engine=aria;
insert t1 values (5);
set debug_sync= 'alter_table_copy_end SIGNAL ended WAIT_FOR end';
send alter table t1 add b int NULL, algorithm= copy, lock= none;
--connection con2
set debug_sync= 'now WAIT_FOR ended';
insert into t1 values (123);
insert into t1 values (456), (789);
set debug_sync= 'now SIGNAL end';
--connection default
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
--echo # MDEV-32614 LeakSanitizer errors in copy_data_between_tables
create table t (a int, b int) engine=aria;
insert into t select seq, seq from seq_1_to_5;
backup stage start;
--connect (con_lock,localhost,root,,)
set lock_wait_timeout= 1;
set debug_sync='copy_data_between_tables_before_reset_backup_lock signal backup wait_for continue';
send alter table t add index (b), algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
set debug_sync='now wait_for backup';
backup stage block_commit;
set debug_sync='now signal continue';
--connection con_lock
--disconnect con_lock
--connection default
backup stage end;
alter table t add index (a), algorithm=copy, lock=none;
--connection default
drop table t;
eval set global default_storage_engine= $default_storage_engine;
--disconnect con1
--disconnect con2
--echo #
--echo # End of 11.2 tests
--echo #