Alexander Barkov e6961ea311 MDEV-20034 Add support for the pre-defined weak SYS_REFCURSOR
This patch adds support for SYS_REFCURSOR (a weakly typed cursor)
for both sql_mode=ORACLE and sql_mode=DEFAULT.

Works as a regular stored routine variable, parameter and return value:

- can be passed as an IN parameter to stored functions and procedures
- can be passed as an INOUT and OUT parameter to stored procedures
- can be returned from a stored function

Note, strongly typed REF CURSOR will be added separately.

Note, to maintain dependencies easier, some parts of sql_class.h
and item.h were moved to new header files:

- select_results.h:
  class select_result_sink
  class select_result
  class select_result_interceptor

- sp_cursor.h:
  class sp_cursor_statistics
  class sp_cursor

- sp_rcontext_handler.h
  class Sp_rcontext_handler and its descendants

The implementation consists of the following parts:
- A new class sp_cursor_array deriving from Dynamic_array

- A new class Statement_rcontext which contains data shared
  between sub-statements of a compound statement.
  It has a member m_statement_cursors of the sp_cursor_array data type,
  as well as open cursor counter. THD inherits from Statement_rcontext.

- A new data type handler Type_handler_sys_refcursor in plugins/type_cursor/
  It is designed to store uint16 references -
  positions of the cursor in THD::m_statement_cursors.

- Type_handler_sys_refcursor suppresses some derived numeric features.
  When a SYS_REFCURSOR variable is used as an integer an error is raised.

- A new abstract class sp_instr_fetch_cursor. It's needed to share
  the common code between "OPEN cur" (for static cursors) and
  "OPER cur FOR stmt" (for SYS_REFCURSORs).

- New sp_instr classes:
  * sp_instr_copen_by_ref      - OPEN sys_ref_curor FOR stmt;
  * sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref     - FETCH sys_ref_cursor INTO targets;
  * sp_instr_cclose_by_ref     - CLOSE sys_ref_cursor;
  * sp_instr_destruct_variable - to destruct SYS_REFCURSOR variables when
                                 the execution goes out of the BEGIN..END block
                                 where SYS_REFCURSOR variables are declared.
- New methods in LEX:
  * sp_open_cursor_for_stmt   - handles "OPEN sys_ref_cursor FOR stmt".
  * sp_add_instr_fetch_cursor - "FETCH cur INTO targets" for both
                                static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.
  * sp_close - handles "CLOSE cur" both for static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.

- Changes in cursor functions to handle both static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs:
  * Item_func_cursor_isopen
  * Item_func_cursor_found
  * Item_func_cursor_notfound
  * Item_func_cursor_rowcount

- A new system variable @@max_open_cursors - to limit the number
  of cursors (static and SYS_REFCURSORs) opened at the same time.
  Its allowed range is [0-65536], with 50 by default.

- A new virtual method Type_handler::can_return_bool() telling
  if calling item->val_bool() is allowed for Items of this data type,
  or if otherwise the "Illegal parameter for operation" error should be raised
  at fix_fields() time.

- New methods in Sp_rcontext_handler:
  * get_cursor()
  * get_cursor_by_ref()

- A new class Sp_rcontext_handler_statement to handle top level statement
  wide cursors which are shared by all substatements.

- A new virtual method expr_event_handler() in classes Item and Field.
  It's needed to close (and make available for a new OPEN)
  unused THD::m_statement_cursors elements which do not have any references
  any more. It can happen in various moments in time, e.g.
  * after evaluation parameters of an SQL routine
  * after assigning a cursor expression into a SYS_REFCURSOR variable
  * when leaving a BEGIN..END block with SYS_REFCURSOR variables
  * after setting OUT/INOUT routine actual parameters from formal
2025-03-18 18:31:28 +01:00

1859 lines
46 KiB

#ifndef _SP_INSTR_H_
#define _SP_INSTR_H_
#include "mariadb.h"
#include "sql_alloc.h" // Sql_alloc
#include "sql_class.h" // THD, Query_arena
#include "sql_lex.h" // class sp_lex_local
#include "sp_pcontext.h" // class sp_pcontext
#include "sp_head.h" // class sp_head
Sufficient max length of frame offsets.
static const int SP_INSTR_UINT_MAXLEN= 8;
class sp_lex_cursor: public sp_lex_local, public Query_arena
sp_lex_cursor(THD *thd, const LEX *oldlex, MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg)
: sp_lex_local(thd, oldlex),
Query_arena(mem_root_arg, STMT_INITIALIZED_FOR_SP),
sp_lex_cursor(THD *thd, const LEX *oldlex)
: sp_lex_local(thd, oldlex),
~sp_lex_cursor() { free_items(); }
bool cleanup_stmt(bool /*restore_set_statement_vars*/) override
return false;
Query_arena *query_arena() override
return this;
bool validate()
if (result)
return true;
return false;
bool stmt_finalize(THD *thd)
if (validate())
return true;
sp_lex_in_use= true;
free_list= thd->free_list;
thd->free_list= nullptr;
return false;
void set_expr_str(const LEX_CSTRING &expr_str)
m_expr_str= expr_str;
const LEX_CSTRING &get_expr_str() const
return m_expr_str;
sp_lex_cursor* get_lex_for_cursor() override
return this;
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
// "Instructions"...
// Forward declaration for use in the method sp_instr::opt_move().
class sp_instr_opt_meta;
class sp_instr :public Query_arena, public Sql_alloc
sp_instr(const sp_instr &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr &);
uint marked;
uint m_ip; ///< My index
sp_pcontext *m_ctx; ///< My parse context
uint m_lineno;
/// Should give each a name or type code for debugging purposes?
sp_instr(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx)
: Query_arena(0, STMT_INITIALIZED_FOR_SP),
, m_has_been_run(NON_RUN)
virtual ~sp_instr()
Execute this instruction
@param thd Thread handle
@param[out] nextp index of the next instruction to execute. (For most
instructions this will be the instruction following this
one). Note that this parameter is undefined in case of
errors, use get_cont_dest() to find the continuation
instruction for CONTINUE error handlers.
@retval 0 on success,
@retval other if some error occurred
virtual int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) = 0;
Execute <code>open_and_lock_tables()</code> for this statement.
Open and lock the tables used by this statement, as a pre-requisite
to execute the core logic of this instruction with
@param thd the current thread
@param tables the list of tables to open and lock
@return zero on success, non zero on failure.
int exec_open_and_lock_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables);
Get the continuation destination of this instruction.
@return the continuation destination
virtual uint get_cont_dest() const;
Execute core function of instruction after all preparations (e.g.
setting of proper LEX, saving part of the thread context have been
Should be implemented for instructions using expressions or whole
statements (thus having to have own LEX). Used in concert with
sp_lex_keeper class and its descendants (there are none currently).
virtual int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp);
virtual void print(String *str) = 0;
void print_cmd_and_array_element(String *str,
const LEX_CSTRING &cmd,
const LEX_CSTRING &rcontext_name,
const LEX_CSTRING &array_name,
uint index_offset) const;
void print_fetch_into(String *str, List<sp_fetch_target> list);
virtual void backpatch(uint dest, sp_pcontext *dst_ctx)
Mark this instruction as reachable during optimization and return the
index to the next instruction. Jump instruction will add their
destination to the leads list.
virtual uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads)
marked= 1;
return m_ip+1;
Short-cut jumps to jumps during optimization. This is used by the
jump instructions' opt_mark() methods. 'start' is the starting point,
used to prevent the mark sweep from looping for ever. Return the
end destination.
virtual uint opt_shortcut_jump(sp_head *sp, sp_instr *start)
return m_ip;
Inform the instruction that it has been moved during optimization.
Most instructions will simply update its index, but jump instructions
must also take care of their destination pointers. Forward jumps get
pushed to the backpatch list 'ibp'.
virtual void opt_move(uint dst, List<sp_instr_opt_meta> *ibp)
m_ip= dst;
virtual PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() = 0;
virtual SQL_I_List<Item_trigger_field>* get_instr_trig_field_list()
return nullptr;
bool has_been_run() const
return m_has_been_run == RUN;
void mark_as_qc_used()
m_has_been_run= QC;
void mark_as_run()
if (m_has_been_run == QC)
m_has_been_run= NON_RUN; // answer was from WC => not really executed
m_has_been_run= RUN;
void mark_as_not_run()
m_has_been_run= NON_RUN;
enum {NON_RUN, QC, RUN} m_has_been_run;
}; // class sp_instr : public Sql_alloc
class sp_instr;
class sp_lex_instr;
Auxilary class to which instructions delegate responsibility
for handling LEX and preparations before executing statement
or calculating complex expression.
Exist mainly to avoid having double hierarchy between instruction
Add ability to not store LEX and do any preparations if
expression used is simple.
class sp_lex_keeper final
/** Prevent use of these */
sp_lex_keeper(const sp_lex_keeper &);
void operator=(sp_lex_keeper &);
sp_lex_keeper(LEX *lex, bool lex_resp)
: m_lex(lex),
lex->sp_lex_in_use= true;
if (m_lex_resp)
m_lex_resp= false;
/* Prevent endless recursion. */
m_lex->sphead= nullptr;
delete m_lex->result;
delete m_lex;
Prepare execution of instruction using LEX, if requested check whenever
we have read access to tables used and open/lock them, call instruction's
exec_core() method, perform cleanup afterwards.
@todo Conflicting comment in
int reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp, bool open_tables,
sp_instr* instr, bool rerun_the_same_instr);
Do several attempts to execute an instruction.
This method installs Reprepare_observer to catch possible metadata changes
on depending database objects, then calls reset_lex_and_exec_core()
to execute the instruction. If execution of the instruction fails, does
re-parsing of the instruction and re-execute it.
@param thd Thread context.
@param[out] nextp Pointer for storing a next instruction to execute
@param open_tables Flag to specify if the function should check read
access to tables in LEX's table list and open and
lock them (used in instructions which need to
calculate some expression and don't execute
complete statement).
@param instr instruction which we prepare context and run.
@return 0 on success, 1 on error
int validate_lex_and_exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp, bool open_tables,
sp_lex_instr* instr);
int cursor_reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp, bool open_tables,
sp_lex_instr *instr);
(Re-)parse the query corresponding to this instruction and return a new
@param thd Thread context.
@param sp The stored program.
@return new LEX-object or NULL in case of failure.
LEX *parse_expr(THD *thd, const sp_head *sp);
inline uint sql_command() const
return (uint)m_lex->sql_command;
void disable_query_cache()
m_lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0;
Clean up and destroy owned LEX object.
void free_lex(THD *thd);
Set LEX object.
@param lex LEX-object
void set_lex(LEX *lex);
LEX *m_lex;
Indicates whenever this sp_lex_keeper instance responsible
for LEX deletion.
bool m_lex_resp;
Support for being able to execute this statement in two modes:
a) inside prelocked mode set by the calling procedure or its ancestor.
b) outside of prelocked mode, when this statement enters/leaves
prelocked mode itself.
List of additional tables this statement needs to lock when it
enters/leaves prelocked mode on its own.
TABLE_LIST *prelocking_tables;
The value m_lex->query_tables_own_last should be set to this when the
statement enters/leaves prelocked mode on its own.
TABLE_LIST **lex_query_tables_own_last;
bool m_first_execution;
The base class for any stored program instruction that need to get access
to a LEX object on execution.
class sp_lex_instr : public sp_instr
sp_lex_instr(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, LEX *lex, bool is_lex_owner)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
m_lex_keeper(lex, is_lex_owner),
~sp_lex_instr() override
if (m_mem_root_for_reparsing)
Free items owned by an instance of sp_lex_instr and call m_lex_keeper's
destructor explicitly to avoid referencing a deallocated memory
owned by the memory root m_mem_root_for_reparsing that else would take
place in case their implicit invocations (in that case, m_lex_keeper's
destructor and the method free_items() called by ~sp_instr are invoked
after the memory owned by the memory root m_mem_root_for_reparsing
be freed, that would result in abnormal server termination)
free_root(m_mem_root_for_reparsing, MYF(0));
m_mem_root_for_reparsing= nullptr;
virtual bool is_invalid() const = 0;
virtual void invalidate() = 0;
Return the query string, which can be passed to the parser,
that is a valid SQL-statement.
@param[out] sql_query SQL-statement query string.
virtual void get_query(String *sql_query) const;
(Re-)parse the query corresponding to this instruction and return a new
@param thd Thread context.
@param sp The stored program.
@param lex SP instruction's lex
@return new LEX-object or NULL in case of failure.
LEX *parse_expr(THD *thd, sp_head *sp, LEX *lex);
SQL_I_List<Item_trigger_field>* get_instr_trig_field_list() override
return &m_cur_trigger_stmt_items;
@return the expression query string. This string can't be passed directly
to the parser as it is most likely not a valid SQL-statement.
virtual LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const = 0;
Some expressions may be re-parsed as SELECT statements.
This method is overridden in derived classes for instructions
those SQL command should be adjusted.
virtual void adjust_sql_command(LEX *)
Callback method which is called after an expression string successfully
parsed and the thread context has not been switched to the outer context.
The thread context contains new LEX-object corresponding to the parsed
expression string.
@param thd Thread context.
@return Error flag.
virtual bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *)
return false;
sp_lex_keeper m_lex_keeper;
List of Item_trigger_field objects created on parsing of a SQL statement
corresponding to this SP-instruction.
SQL_I_List<Item_trigger_field> m_cur_trigger_stmt_items;
MEM_ROOT used for allocation of memory on re-parsing of a statement
caused failure of SP-instruction execution
MEM_ROOT *m_mem_root_for_reparsing;
Clean up items previously created on behalf of the current instruction.
void cleanup_before_parsing(enum_sp_type sp_type);
Set up field object for every NEW/OLD item of the trigger and
move the list of Item_trigger_field objects, created on parsing the current
trigger's instruction, from sp_head to trigger's SP instruction object.
@param thd current thread
@param sp sp_head object of the trigger
@param next_trig_items_list pointer to the next list of Item_trigger_field
objects that used as a link between lists
to support list of lists structure.
@return false on success, true on failure
bool setup_table_fields_for_trigger(
THD *thd, sp_head *sp,
SQL_I_List<Item_trigger_field> *next_trig_items_list);
bool setup_memroot_for_reparsing(sp_head *sphead);
The class sp_instr_stmt represents almost all conventional SQL-statements.
class sp_instr_stmt : public sp_lex_instr
sp_instr_stmt(const sp_instr_stmt &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_stmt &);
Flag to tell whether a metadata this instruction depends on
has been changed and a LEX object should be reinitialized.
bool m_valid;
LEX_STRING m_query; ///< For thd->query
sp_instr_stmt(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, LEX *lex, const LEX_STRING& query)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
virtual ~sp_instr_stmt() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
bool is_invalid() const override
return !m_valid;
void invalidate() override
m_valid= false;
void get_query(String *sql_query) const override
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_query;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *) override
m_valid= true;
return false;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_stmt : public sp_lex_instr
class sp_instr_set : public sp_lex_instr,
public sp_rcontext_addr
sp_instr_set(const sp_instr_set &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_set &);
sp_instr_set(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const Sp_rcontext_handler *rh,
uint offset, Item *val,
LEX *lex, bool lex_resp,
const LEX_CSTRING &expr_str)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, lex_resp),
sp_rcontext_addr(rh, offset),
virtual ~sp_instr_set() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_value == nullptr;
void invalidate() override
m_value= nullptr;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_expr_str;
void adjust_sql_command(LEX *lex) override
DBUG_ASSERT(lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT);
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_SET_OPTION;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *thd) override
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->current_select->item_list.elements == 1);
m_value= thd->lex->current_select->item_list.head();
DBUG_ASSERT(m_value != nullptr);
// Return error in release version if m_value == nullptr
return m_value == nullptr;
sp_rcontext *get_rcontext(THD *thd) const;
Item *m_value;
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_set : public sp_lex_instr
This instr initializes parameters with default values
if it's parameter's spvar was not set by caller.
class sp_instr_set_default_param : public sp_instr_set
/**< Prevent use of these */
sp_instr_set_default_param(const sp_instr_set_default_param &);
void operator=(sp_instr_set_default_param &);
sp_instr_set_default_param(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const Sp_rcontext_handler *rh,
uint offset, Item *val,
LEX *lex, bool lex_resp,
const LEX_CSTRING &expr_str)
: sp_instr_set(ip, ctx, rh, offset, val, lex, lex_resp, expr_str)
virtual ~sp_instr_set_default_param() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
This class handles assignments of a ROW fields:
SET rec.a= 10;
class sp_instr_set_row_field : public sp_instr_set
sp_instr_set_row_field(const sp_instr_set_row_field &); // Prevent use of this
void operator=(sp_instr_set_row_field &);
uint m_field_offset;
sp_instr_set_row_field(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const Sp_rcontext_handler *rh,
uint offset, uint field_offset,
Item *val,
LEX *lex, bool lex_resp,
const LEX_CSTRING &value_query)
: sp_instr_set(ip, ctx, rh, offset, val, lex, lex_resp, value_query),
virtual ~sp_instr_set_row_field() = default;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
}; // class sp_instr_set_field : public sp_instr_set
This class handles assignment instructions like this:
rec cur%ROWTYPE;
rec.column1:= 10; -- This instruction
The idea is that during sp_rcontext::create() we do not know the extact
structure of "rec". It gets resolved at run time, during the corresponding
So sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name searches for ROW fields by name,
while sp_instr_set_row_field (see above) searches for ROW fields by index.
class sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name : public sp_instr_set
// Prevent use of this
sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name(const sp_instr_set_row_field &);
void operator=(sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name &);
const LEX_CSTRING m_field_name;
sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const Sp_rcontext_handler *rh,
uint offset, const LEX_CSTRING &field_name,
Item *val,
LEX *lex, bool lex_resp,
const LEX_CSTRING &value_query)
: sp_instr_set(ip, ctx, rh, offset, val, lex, lex_resp, value_query),
virtual ~sp_instr_set_row_field_by_name() = default;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
}; // class sp_instr_set_field_by_name : public sp_instr_set
Set NEW/OLD row field value instruction. Used in triggers.
class sp_instr_set_trigger_field : public sp_lex_instr
sp_instr_set_trigger_field(const sp_instr_set_trigger_field &);
void operator=(sp_instr_set_trigger_field &);
sp_instr_set_trigger_field(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
Item_trigger_field *trg_fld,
Item *val, LEX *lex,
const LEX_CSTRING &value_query)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
LEX_CSTRING{strdup_root(current_thd->mem_root, trg_fld->field_name.str),
virtual ~sp_instr_set_trigger_field() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
bool is_invalid() const override
return value == nullptr;
void invalidate() override
value= nullptr;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_expr_str;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *thd) override;
Item_trigger_field *trigger_field;
Item *value;
SQL clause corresponding to the expression value.
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
LEX_CSTRING m_trigger_field_name;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_trigger_field : public sp_lex_instr
Destruct a variable in the end of a BEGIN..END block
class sp_instr_destruct_variable: public sp_instr
sp_instr_destruct_variable(uint ip, sp_pcontext *pctx, uint offset)
:sp_instr(ip, pctx),
{ }
virtual ~sp_instr_destruct_variable() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint offset() const { return m_offset; }
uint m_offset;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
An abstract class for all instructions with destinations that
needs to be updated by the optimizer.
Even if not all subclasses will use both the normal destination and
the continuation destination, we put them both here for simplicity.
class sp_instr_opt_meta
uint m_dest; ///< Where we will go
uint m_cont_dest; ///< Where continue handlers will go
explicit sp_instr_opt_meta(uint dest)
: m_dest(dest),
virtual ~sp_instr_opt_meta() = default;
virtual void set_destination(uint old_dest, uint new_dest) = 0;
sp_instr *m_optdest; ///< Used during optimization
sp_instr *m_cont_optdest; ///< Used during optimization
}; // class sp_instr_opt_meta
class sp_instr_jump : public sp_instr, public sp_instr_opt_meta
sp_instr_jump(const sp_instr_jump &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_jump &);
sp_instr_jump(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
sp_instr_jump(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint dest)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_jump() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override;
uint opt_shortcut_jump(sp_head *sp, sp_instr *start) override;
void opt_move(uint dst, List<sp_instr_opt_meta> *ibp) override;
void backpatch(uint dest, sp_pcontext *dst_ctx) override
/* Calling backpatch twice is a logic flaw in jump resolution. */
DBUG_ASSERT(m_dest == 0);
m_dest= dest;
uint get_cont_dest() const override
return m_cont_dest;
Update the destination; used by the optimizer.
void set_destination(uint old_dest, uint new_dest) override
if (m_dest == old_dest)
m_dest= new_dest;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_jump : public sp_instr, public sp_instr_opt_meta
class sp_instr_jump_if_not : public sp_lex_instr, public sp_instr_opt_meta
/**< Prevent use of these */
sp_instr_jump_if_not(const sp_instr_jump_if_not &);
void operator=(sp_instr_jump_if_not &);
sp_instr_jump_if_not(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, Item *i, LEX *lex,
const LEX_CSTRING &expr_query)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
sp_instr_jump_if_not(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, Item *i, uint dest, LEX *lex,
const LEX_CSTRING &expr_query)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
virtual ~sp_instr_jump_if_not() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override;
/** Override sp_instr_jump's shortcut; we stop here */
uint opt_shortcut_jump(sp_head *sp, sp_instr *start) override
return m_ip;
void opt_move(uint dst, List<sp_instr_opt_meta> *ibp) override;
uint get_cont_dest() const override
return m_cont_dest;
void set_destination(uint old_dest, uint new_dest) override
if (m_dest == old_dest)
m_dest= new_dest;
if (m_cont_dest == old_dest)
m_cont_dest= new_dest;
void backpatch(uint dest, sp_pcontext *dst_ctx) override
/* Calling backpatch twice is a logic flaw in jump resolution. */
DBUG_ASSERT(m_dest == 0);
m_dest= dest;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_expr == nullptr;
void invalidate() override
m_expr= nullptr;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_expr_str;
void adjust_sql_command(LEX *lex) override
assert(lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT);
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_END;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *thd) override
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->current_select->item_list.elements == 1);
m_expr= thd->lex->current_select->item_list.head();
DBUG_ASSERT(m_expr != nullptr);
// Return error in release version if m_expr == nullptr
return m_expr == nullptr;
Item *m_expr; ///< The condition
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_jump_if_not
class sp_instr_preturn : public sp_instr
sp_instr_preturn(const sp_instr_preturn &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_preturn &);
sp_instr_preturn(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx)
virtual ~sp_instr_preturn() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override
marked= 1;
return UINT_MAX;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_preturn : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_freturn : public sp_lex_instr
sp_instr_freturn(const sp_instr_freturn &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_freturn &);
sp_instr_freturn(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
Item *val, const Type_handler *handler, sp_expr_lex *lex)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
virtual ~sp_instr_freturn() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override
marked= 1;
return UINT_MAX;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_value == nullptr;
void invalidate() override
m_value= nullptr;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_expr_str;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *thd) override
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->current_select->item_list.elements == 1);
m_value= thd->lex->current_select->item_list.head();
DBUG_ASSERT(m_value != nullptr);
// Return error in release version if m_value == nullptr
return m_value == nullptr;
Item *m_value;
const Type_handler *m_type_handler;
SQL-query corresponding to the RETURN-expression.
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_freturn : public sp_lex_instr
class sp_instr_hpush_jump : public sp_instr_jump
sp_instr_hpush_jump(const sp_instr_hpush_jump &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_hpush_jump &);
sp_instr_hpush_jump(uint ip,
sp_pcontext *ctx,
sp_handler *handler)
: sp_instr_jump(ip, ctx),
DBUG_ASSERT(m_handler->condition_values.elements == 0);
~sp_instr_hpush_jump() override
m_handler= nullptr;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override;
/** Override sp_instr_jump's shortcut; we stop here. */
uint opt_shortcut_jump(sp_head *sp, sp_instr *start) override
return m_ip;
void backpatch(uint dest, sp_pcontext *dst_ctx) override
DBUG_ASSERT(!m_dest || !m_opt_hpop);
if (!m_dest)
m_dest= dest;
m_opt_hpop= dest;
void add_condition(sp_condition_value *condition_value)
sp_handler *get_handler()
return m_handler;
/// Handler.
sp_handler *m_handler;
/// hpop marking end of handler scope.
uint m_opt_hpop;
// This attribute is needed for SHOW PROCEDURE CODE only (i.e. it's needed in
// debug version only). It's used in print().
uint m_frame;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_hpush_jump : public sp_instr_jump
class sp_instr_hpop : public sp_instr
sp_instr_hpop(const sp_instr_hpop &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_hpop &);
sp_instr_hpop(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint count)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_hpop() = default;
void update_count(uint count)
m_count= count;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint m_count;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_hpop : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_hreturn : public sp_instr_jump
sp_instr_hreturn(const sp_instr_hreturn &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_hreturn &);
sp_instr_hreturn(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx)
: sp_instr_jump(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_hreturn() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
/* This instruction will not be short cut optimized. */
uint opt_shortcut_jump(sp_head *sp, sp_instr *start) override
return m_ip;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override;
uint m_frame;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_hreturn : public sp_instr_jump
class sp_instr_cpush : public sp_lex_instr, public sp_cursor
sp_instr_cpush(const sp_instr_cpush &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_cpush &);
sp_instr_cpush(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, sp_lex_cursor *lex, uint offset)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
virtual ~sp_instr_cpush() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
This call is used to cleanup the instruction when a sensitive
cursor is closed. For now stored procedures always use materialized
cursors and the call is not used.
bool cleanup_stmt(bool /*restore_set_statement_vars*/) override
return false;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_metadata_changed;
void invalidate() override
m_metadata_changed= true;
sp_lex_keeper *get_lex_keeper() override
return &m_lex_keeper;
void get_query(String *sql_query) const override
sp_instr_cpush *get_push_instr() override { return this; }
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
Lexer on processing the clause CURSOR FOR / CURSOR IS doesn't
move a pointer on cpp_buf after the token FOR/IS so skip it explicitly
in order to get correct value of cursor's query string.
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "FOR ", 4) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 4, m_cursor_stmt.length - 4};
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "IS ", 3) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 3, m_cursor_stmt.length - 3};
return m_cursor_stmt;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *) override
m_metadata_changed= false;
return false;
uint m_cursor; /**< Frame offset (for debugging) */
Flag if a statement's metadata has been changed in result of running DDL
on depending database objects used in the statement.
bool m_metadata_changed;
LEX_CSTRING m_cursor_stmt;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_cpush : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_cpop : public sp_instr
sp_instr_cpop(const sp_instr_cpop &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_cpop &);
sp_instr_cpop(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint count)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_cpop() = default;
void update_count(uint count)
m_count= count;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint m_count;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_cpop : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_copen : public sp_instr
sp_instr_copen(const sp_instr_copen &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_copen &);
sp_instr_copen(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint c)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_copen() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint m_cursor; ///< Stack index
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_copen : public sp_instr_stmt
Initialize the structure of a cursor%ROWTYPE variable
from the LEX containing the cursor SELECT statement.
class sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct: public sp_lex_instr
/**< Prevent use of these */
sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct(const sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct &);
void operator=(sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct &);
uint m_cursor;
uint m_var;
Flag to tell whether metadata has been changed and the LEX object should
be reinitialized.
bool m_valid;
LEX_CSTRING m_cursor_stmt;
sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint coffs,
sp_lex_cursor *lex, uint voffs)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, false),
virtual ~sp_instr_cursor_copy_struct() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
bool is_invalid() const override
return !m_valid;
void invalidate() override
m_valid= false;
void get_query(String *sql_query) const override
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
Lexer on processing the clause CURSOR FOR / CURSOR IS doesn't
move a pointer on cpp_buf after the token FOR/IS so skip it explicitly
in order to get correct value of cursor's query string.
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "FOR ", 4) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 4, m_cursor_stmt.length - 4};
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "IS ", 3) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 3, m_cursor_stmt.length - 3};
return m_cursor_stmt;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *) override
m_valid= true;
return false;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
class sp_instr_cclose : public sp_instr
sp_instr_cclose(const sp_instr_cclose &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_cclose &);
sp_instr_cclose(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint c)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_cclose() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint m_cursor;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_cclose : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_fetch_cursor: public sp_instr
/**< Prevent use of these */
sp_instr_fetch_cursor(const sp_instr_fetch_cursor &) = delete;
void operator=(sp_instr_fetch_cursor &) = delete;
sp_instr_fetch_cursor(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, bool error_on_no_data)
:sp_instr(ip, ctx),
bool add_to_fetch_target_list(sp_fetch_target *target)
return m_fetch_target_list.push_back(target);
void set_fetch_target_list(List<sp_fetch_target> *list)
m_fetch_target_list= *list;
List<sp_fetch_target> m_fetch_target_list;
bool m_error_on_no_data;
class sp_instr_cfetch : public sp_instr_fetch_cursor
sp_instr_cfetch(const sp_instr_cfetch &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_cfetch &);
sp_instr_cfetch(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint c, bool error_on_no_data)
:sp_instr_fetch_cursor(ip, ctx, error_on_no_data),
{ }
virtual ~sp_instr_cfetch() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint m_cursor;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_cfetch : public sp_instr
This class is created for the special fetch instruction
FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW, used in the user-defined aggregate
class sp_instr_agg_cfetch : public sp_instr
sp_instr_agg_cfetch(const sp_instr_cfetch &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_cfetch &);
sp_instr_agg_cfetch(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx)
virtual ~sp_instr_agg_cfetch() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_agg_cfetch : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_copen_by_ref : public sp_lex_instr,
public sp_rcontext_ref
using SELF= sp_instr_copen_by_ref;
// Prevent use of these
sp_instr_copen_by_ref(const SELF &) = delete;
void operator=(SELF &) = delete;
sp_instr_copen_by_ref(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const sp_rcontext_ref &ref,
sp_lex_cursor *lex)
:sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
{ }
virtual ~sp_instr_copen_by_ref() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_metadata_changed;
void invalidate() override
m_metadata_changed= true;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *) override
m_metadata_changed= false;
return false;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
Lexer on processing the clause CURSOR FOR / CURSOR IS doesn't
move a pointer on cpp_buf after the token FOR/IS so skip it explicitly
in order to get correct value of cursor's query string.
Note, there is possibly a bug below: only the space character is tested
after FOR and IS. If a TAB or NL or CR character follows the keyword
then something can go wrong. Cannot check at the moment because of abother bug:
MDEV-36079 Stored routine with a cursor crashes on the second execution ...
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "FOR ", 4) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 4, m_cursor_stmt.length - 4};
if (strncasecmp(m_cursor_stmt.str, "IS ", 3) == 0)
return LEX_CSTRING{m_cursor_stmt.str + 3, m_cursor_stmt.length - 3};
return m_cursor_stmt;
bool m_metadata_changed;
LEX_CSTRING m_cursor_stmt;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
class sp_instr_cclose_by_ref : public sp_instr,
public sp_rcontext_ref
using SELF= sp_instr_cclose_by_ref;
// Prevent use of these
sp_instr_cclose_by_ref(const SELF &) = delete;
void operator=(SELF &) = delete;
sp_instr_cclose_by_ref(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const sp_rcontext_ref &ref)
:sp_instr(ip, ctx),
{ }
virtual ~sp_instr_cclose_by_ref() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
class sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref : public sp_instr_fetch_cursor,
public sp_rcontext_ref
using SELF= sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref;
// Prevent use of these
sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref(const SELF &) = delete;
void operator=(SELF &) = delete;
sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx,
const sp_rcontext_ref &ref,
bool error_on_no_data)
:sp_instr_fetch_cursor(ip, ctx, error_on_no_data),
{ }
virtual ~sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
class sp_instr_error : public sp_instr
sp_instr_error(const sp_instr_error &); /**< Prevent use of these */
void operator=(sp_instr_error &);
sp_instr_error(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, int errcode)
: sp_instr(ip, ctx),
virtual ~sp_instr_error() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override
marked= 1;
return UINT_MAX;
int m_errcode;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_error : public sp_instr
class sp_instr_set_case_expr : public sp_lex_instr, public sp_instr_opt_meta
sp_instr_set_case_expr(uint ip, sp_pcontext *ctx, uint case_expr_id,
Item *case_expr, LEX *lex,
const LEX_CSTRING &case_expr_query)
: sp_lex_instr(ip, ctx, lex, true),
virtual ~sp_instr_set_case_expr() = default;
int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
int exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp) override;
void print(String *str) override;
uint opt_mark(sp_head *sp, List<sp_instr> *leads) override;
void opt_move(uint dst, List<sp_instr_opt_meta> *ibp) override;
uint get_cont_dest() const override
return m_cont_dest;
void set_destination(uint old_dest, uint new_dest) override
if (m_cont_dest == old_dest)
m_cont_dest= new_dest;
bool is_invalid() const override
return m_case_expr == nullptr;
void invalidate() override
m_case_expr= nullptr;
LEX_CSTRING get_expr_query() const override
return m_expr_str;
void adjust_sql_command(LEX *lex) override
assert(lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT);
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_END;
bool on_after_expr_parsing(THD *thd) override
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->current_select->item_list.elements == 1);
m_case_expr= thd->lex->current_select->item_list.head();
DBUG_ASSERT(m_case_expr != nullptr);
// Return error in release version if m_case_expr == nullptr
return m_case_expr == nullptr;
uint m_case_expr_id;
Item *m_case_expr;
LEX_CSTRING m_expr_str;
PSI_statement_info* get_psi_info() override { return & psi_info; }
static PSI_statement_info psi_info;
}; // class sp_instr_set_case_expr : public sp_lex_instr,