Alexander Barkov e6961ea311 MDEV-20034 Add support for the pre-defined weak SYS_REFCURSOR
This patch adds support for SYS_REFCURSOR (a weakly typed cursor)
for both sql_mode=ORACLE and sql_mode=DEFAULT.

Works as a regular stored routine variable, parameter and return value:

- can be passed as an IN parameter to stored functions and procedures
- can be passed as an INOUT and OUT parameter to stored procedures
- can be returned from a stored function

Note, strongly typed REF CURSOR will be added separately.

Note, to maintain dependencies easier, some parts of sql_class.h
and item.h were moved to new header files:

- select_results.h:
  class select_result_sink
  class select_result
  class select_result_interceptor

- sp_cursor.h:
  class sp_cursor_statistics
  class sp_cursor

- sp_rcontext_handler.h
  class Sp_rcontext_handler and its descendants

The implementation consists of the following parts:
- A new class sp_cursor_array deriving from Dynamic_array

- A new class Statement_rcontext which contains data shared
  between sub-statements of a compound statement.
  It has a member m_statement_cursors of the sp_cursor_array data type,
  as well as open cursor counter. THD inherits from Statement_rcontext.

- A new data type handler Type_handler_sys_refcursor in plugins/type_cursor/
  It is designed to store uint16 references -
  positions of the cursor in THD::m_statement_cursors.

- Type_handler_sys_refcursor suppresses some derived numeric features.
  When a SYS_REFCURSOR variable is used as an integer an error is raised.

- A new abstract class sp_instr_fetch_cursor. It's needed to share
  the common code between "OPEN cur" (for static cursors) and
  "OPER cur FOR stmt" (for SYS_REFCURSORs).

- New sp_instr classes:
  * sp_instr_copen_by_ref      - OPEN sys_ref_curor FOR stmt;
  * sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref     - FETCH sys_ref_cursor INTO targets;
  * sp_instr_cclose_by_ref     - CLOSE sys_ref_cursor;
  * sp_instr_destruct_variable - to destruct SYS_REFCURSOR variables when
                                 the execution goes out of the BEGIN..END block
                                 where SYS_REFCURSOR variables are declared.
- New methods in LEX:
  * sp_open_cursor_for_stmt   - handles "OPEN sys_ref_cursor FOR stmt".
  * sp_add_instr_fetch_cursor - "FETCH cur INTO targets" for both
                                static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.
  * sp_close - handles "CLOSE cur" both for static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.

- Changes in cursor functions to handle both static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs:
  * Item_func_cursor_isopen
  * Item_func_cursor_found
  * Item_func_cursor_notfound
  * Item_func_cursor_rowcount

- A new system variable @@max_open_cursors - to limit the number
  of cursors (static and SYS_REFCURSORs) opened at the same time.
  Its allowed range is [0-65536], with 50 by default.

- A new virtual method Type_handler::can_return_bool() telling
  if calling item->val_bool() is allowed for Items of this data type,
  or if otherwise the "Illegal parameter for operation" error should be raised
  at fix_fields() time.

- New methods in Sp_rcontext_handler:
  * get_cursor()
  * get_cursor_by_ref()

- A new class Sp_rcontext_handler_statement to handle top level statement
  wide cursors which are shared by all substatements.

- A new virtual method expr_event_handler() in classes Item and Field.
  It's needed to close (and make available for a new OPEN)
  unused THD::m_statement_cursors elements which do not have any references
  any more. It can happen in various moments in time, e.g.
  * after evaluation parameters of an SQL routine
  * after assigning a cursor expression into a SYS_REFCURSOR variable
  * when leaving a BEGIN..END block with SYS_REFCURSOR variables
  * after setting OUT/INOUT routine actual parameters from formal
2025-03-18 18:31:28 +01:00

184 lines
5.8 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Copyright (c) 2009, 2025, MariaDB Corporation.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
/* Pure interface for sending tabular data */
class select_result_sink: public Sql_alloc
THD *thd;
select_result_sink(THD *thd_arg): thd(thd_arg) {}
int send_data_with_check(List<Item> &items,
ha_rows sent);
send_data returns 0 on ok, 1 on error and -1 if data was ignored, for
example for a duplicate row entry written to a temp table.
virtual int send_data(List<Item> &items)=0;
virtual ~select_result_sink() = default;
// Used in cursors to initialize and reset
void reinit(THD *thd_arg) { thd= thd_arg; }
class select_result_interceptor;
Interface for sending tabular data, together with some other stuff:
- Primary purpose seems to be sending typed tabular data:
= the DDL is sent with send_fields()
= the rows are sent with send_data()
Besides that,
- there seems to be an assumption that the sent data is a result of
- nest_level is used by SQL parser
class select_result :public select_result_sink
All descendant classes have their send_data() skip the first
unit->offset_limit_cnt rows sent. Select_materialize
also uses unit->get_column_types().
/* Something used only by the parser: */
ha_rows est_records; /* estimated number of records in the result */
select_result(THD *thd_arg): select_result_sink(thd_arg), est_records(0) {}
void set_unit(SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit_arg) { unit= unit_arg; }
virtual ~select_result() = default;
Change wrapped select_result.
Replace the wrapped result object with new_result and call
prepare() and prepare2() on new_result.
This base class implementation doesn't wrap other select_results.
@param new_result The new result object to wrap around
@retval false Success
@retval true Error
virtual bool change_result(select_result *new_result)
return false;
virtual int prepare(List<Item> &list, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *u)
unit= u;
return 0;
virtual int prepare2(JOIN *join) { return 0; }
Because of peculiarities of prepared statements protocol
we need to know number of columns in the result set (if
there is a result set) apart from sending columns metadata.
virtual uint field_count(List<Item> &fields) const
{ return fields.elements; }
virtual bool send_result_set_metadata(List<Item> &list, uint flags)=0;
virtual bool initialize_tables (JOIN *join) { return 0; }
virtual bool send_eof()=0;
Check if this query returns a result set and therefore is allowed in
cursors and set an error message if it is not the case.
@retval FALSE success
@retval TRUE error, an error message is set
virtual bool check_simple_select() const;
virtual void abort_result_set() {}
virtual void reset_for_next_ps_execution();
void set_thd(THD *thd_arg) { thd= thd_arg; }
void reinit(THD *thd_arg)
unit= NULL;
virtual void begin_dataset() {}
void begin_dataset() {}
virtual void update_used_tables() {}
/* this method is called just before the first row of the table can be read */
virtual void prepare_to_read_rows() {}
void remove_offset_limit()
This returns
- NULL if the class sends output row to the client
- this if the output is set elsewhere (a file, @variable, or table).
virtual select_result_interceptor *result_interceptor()=0;
This method is used to distinguish an normal SELECT from the cursor
structure discovery for cursor%ROWTYPE routine variables.
If this method returns "true", then a SELECT execution performs only
all preparation stages, but does not fetch any rows.
virtual bool view_structure_only() const { return false; }
Base class for select_result descendants which intercept and
transform result set rows. As the rows are not sent to the client,
sending of result set metadata should be suppressed as well.
class select_result_interceptor: public select_result
select_result_interceptor(THD *thd_arg):
select_result(thd_arg), suppress_my_ok(false)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("this %p", this));
} /* Remove gcc warning */
uint field_count(List<Item> &fields) const override { return 0; }
bool send_result_set_metadata(List<Item> &fields, uint flag) override { return FALSE; }
select_result_interceptor *result_interceptor() override { return this; }
Instruct the object to not call my_ok(). Client output will be handled
elsewhere. (this is used by ANALYZE $stmt feature).
void disable_my_ok_calls() { suppress_my_ok= true; }
void reinit(THD *thd_arg)
suppress_my_ok= false;
bool suppress_my_ok;