2025-03-14 12:08:56 +04:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
#ifndef RPL_MI_H
#define RPL_MI_H
#include "rpl_rli.h"
#include "rpl_reporting.h"
#include <my_sys.h>
#include "rpl_filter.h"
#include "keycaches.h"
typedef struct st_mysql MYSQL;
Domain id based filter to handle DO_DOMAIN_IDS and IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS used to
set filtering on replication slave based on event's GTID domain_id.
class Domain_id_filter
Flag to tell whether the events in the current GTID group get written to
the relay log. It is set according to the domain_id based filtering rule
on every GTID_EVENT and reset at the end of current GTID event group.
bool m_filter;
/* domain id list types */
enum enum_list_type {
Ignore all the events which do not belong to any of the domain ids in the
Ignore the events which belong to one of the domain ids in the list.
DYNAMIC_ARRAY m_domain_ids[2];
Returns whether the current group needs to be filtered.
bool is_group_filtered() { return m_filter; }
Checks whether the group with the specified domain_id needs to be
filtered and updates m_filter flag accordingly.
void do_filter(ulong domain_id);
Reset m_filter. It should be called when IO thread receives COMMIT_EVENT or
void reset_filter();
Clear do_ids and ignore_ids to disable domain id filtering
void clear_ids();
Update the do/ignore domain id filter lists.
@param do_ids [IN] domain ids to be kept
@param ignore_ids [IN] domain ids to be filtered out
@param using_gtid [IN] use GTID?
@retval false Success
true Error
bool update_ids(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *do_ids, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *ignore_ids,
bool using_gtid);
Serialize and store the ids from domain id lists into the thd's protocol
@param thd [IN] thread handler
@retval void
void store_ids(THD *thd);
/* Same as above, but store the id's into a group of fields */
void store_ids(Field ***field);
Initialize the given domain id list (DYNAMIC_ARRAY) with the
space-separated list of numbers from the specified IO_CACHE where
the first number is the total number of entries to follows.
@param f [IN] IO_CACHE file
@param type [IN] domain id list type
@retval false Success
true Error
bool init_ids(IO_CACHE *f, enum_list_type type);
Return the elements of the give domain id list type as string.
@param type [IN] domain id list type
@retval a string buffer storing the total number
of elements followed by the individual
elements (space-separated) in the
specified list.
Note: Its caller's responsibility to free the returned string buffer.
char *as_string(enum_list_type type);
extern TYPELIB slave_parallel_mode_typelib;
typedef struct st_rows_event_tracker
char binlog_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
my_off_t first_seen;
my_off_t last_seen;
bool stmt_end_seen;
void update(const char *file_name, my_off_t pos,
const uchar *buf,
const Format_description_log_event *fdle);
void reset();
bool check_and_report(const char* file_name, my_off_t pos);
} Rows_event_tracker;
Replication IO Thread
Master_info contains:
- information about how to connect to a master
- current master log name
- current master log offset
- misc control variables
Master_info is initialized once from the file if such
exists. Otherwise, data members corresponding to fields
are initialized with defaults specified by master-* options. The
initialization is done through init_master_info() call.
The format of file:
To write out the contents of file to disk ( needed every
time we read and queue data from the master ), a call to
flush_master_info() is required.
To clean up, call end_master_info()
class Master_info : public Slave_reporting_capability
enum enum_using_gtid {
Master_info(LEX_CSTRING *connection_name, bool is_slave_recovery);
bool shall_ignore_server_id(ulong s_id);
void clear_in_memory_info(bool all);
bool error()
/* If malloc() in initialization failed */
return connection_name.str == 0;
static const char *using_gtid_astext(enum enum_using_gtid arg);
bool using_parallel()
return opt_slave_parallel_threads > 0 &&
parallel_mode > SLAVE_PARALLEL_NONE;
void release();
void wait_until_free();
void lock_slave_threads();
void unlock_slave_threads();
ulonglong get_slave_skip_counter()
return rli.slave_skip_counter;
ulonglong get_max_relay_log_size()
return rli.max_relay_log_size;
/* the variables below are needed because we can change masters on the fly */
char master_log_name[FN_REFLEN+6]; /* Room for multi-*/
char user[USERNAME_LENGTH+1];
LEX_CSTRING connection_name; /* User supplied connection name */
LEX_CSTRING cmp_connection_name; /* Connection name in lower case */
bool ssl; // enables use of SSL connection if true
char ssl_ca[FN_REFLEN], ssl_capath[FN_REFLEN], ssl_cert[FN_REFLEN];
char ssl_cipher[FN_REFLEN], ssl_key[FN_REFLEN];
char ssl_crl[FN_REFLEN], ssl_crlpath[FN_REFLEN];
my_bool ssl_verify_server_cert; /* MUST be my_bool, see mysql_option() */
my_off_t master_log_pos;
File fd; // we keep the file open, so we need to remember the file pointer
IO_CACHE file;
mysql_mutex_t data_lock, run_lock, sleep_lock, start_stop_lock, start_alter_lock, start_alter_list_lock;
mysql_cond_t data_cond, start_cond, stop_cond, sleep_cond;
THD *io_thd;
MYSQL* mysql;
uint32 file_id; /* for 3.23 load data infile */
uint mysql_version;
Relay_log_info rli;
uint port;
Rpl_filter* rpl_filter; /* Each replication can set its filter rule*/
to hold checksum alg in use until IO thread has received FD.
Initialized to novalue, then set to the queried from master
@@global.binlog_checksum and deactivated once FD has been received.
enum_binlog_checksum_alg checksum_alg_before_fd;
/** pause duration between each connection retry */
uint connect_retry;
/** per-slave @ref master_retry_count */
ulong retry_count;
/** count of connects the most-recent (or the current) connection has tried */
ulong connects_tried;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
int events_till_disconnect;
The following are auxiliary DBUG variables used to kill IO thread in the
middle of a group/transaction (see "kill_slave_io_after_2_events").
bool dbug_do_disconnect;
int dbug_event_counter;
bool inited;
volatile bool abort_slave;
volatile uint slave_running;
volatile ulong slave_run_id;
The difference in seconds between the clock of the master and the clock of
the slave (second - first). It must be signed as it may be <0 or >0.
clock_diff_with_master is computed when the I/O thread starts; for this the
I/O thread does a SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() on the master.
"how late the slave is compared to the master" is computed like this:
clock_of_slave - last_timestamp_executed_by_SQL_thread - clock_diff_with_master
long clock_diff_with_master;
Keeps track of the number of events before fsyncing.
The option --sync-master-info determines how many
events should happen before fsyncing.
uint sync_counter;
float heartbeat_period; // interface with CHANGE MASTER or
ulonglong received_heartbeats; // counter of received heartbeat events
DYNAMIC_ARRAY ignore_server_ids;
ulong master_id;
At reconnect and until the first rotate event is seen, prev_master_id is
the value of master_id during the previous connection, used to detect
silent change of master server during reconnects.
ulong prev_master_id;
Which kind of GTID position (if any) is used when connecting to master.
Note that you can not change the numeric values of these, they are used
enum enum_using_gtid using_gtid;
This GTID position records how far we have fetched into the relay logs.
This is used to continue fetching when the IO thread reconnects to the
(Full slave stop/start does not use it, as it resets the relay logs).
slave_connection_state gtid_current_pos;
If events_queued_since_last_gtid is non-zero, it is the number of events
queued so far in the relaylog of a GTID-prefixed event group.
It is zero when no partial event group has been queued at the moment.
uint64 events_queued_since_last_gtid;
The GTID of the partially-queued event group, when
events_queued_since_last_gtid is non-zero.
rpl_gtid last_queued_gtid;
/* Whether last_queued_gtid had the FL_STANDALONE flag set. */
bool last_queued_gtid_standalone;
When slave IO thread needs to reconnect, gtid_reconnect_event_skip_count
counts number of events to skip from the first GTID-prefixed event group,
to avoid duplicating events in the relay log.
uint64 gtid_reconnect_event_skip_count;
/* gtid_event_seen is false until we receive first GTID event from master. */
bool gtid_event_seen;
The struct holds some history of Rows- log-event reading/queuing
by the receiver thread. Its fields are updated per each such event
at time of queue_event(), and they are checked to detect
the Rows- event group integrity violation at time of first non-Rows-
event gets handled.
Rows_event_tracker rows_event_tracker;
bool in_start_all_slaves, in_stop_all_slaves;
bool in_flush_all_relay_logs;
uint users; /* Active user for object */
uint killed;
/* No of DDL event group */
Atomic_counter<uint64> total_ddl_groups;
/* No of non-transactional event group*/
Atomic_counter<uint64> total_non_trans_groups;
/* No of transactional event group*/
Atomic_counter<uint64> total_trans_groups;
/* domain-id based filter */
Domain_id_filter domain_id_filter;
/* The parallel replication mode. */
enum_slave_parallel_mode parallel_mode;
semi_ack is used to identify if the current binlog event needs an
ACK from slave, or if delay_master is enabled.
int semi_ack;
The flag has replicate_same_server_id semantics and is raised to accept
a same-server-id event group by the gtid strict mode semisync slave.
Own server-id events can normally appear as result of EITHER
A. this server semisync (failover to) slave crash-recovery:
the transaction was created on this server then being master,
got replicated elsewhere right before the crash before commit,
and finally at recovery the transaction gets evicted from the
server's binlog and its gtid (slave) state; OR
B. in a general circular configuration and then when a recieved (returned
to slave) gtid exists in the server's binlog. Then, in gtid strict mode,
it must be ignored similarly to the replicate-same-server-id rule.
bool do_accept_own_server_id= false;
Set to 1 when semi_sync is enabled. Set to 0 if there is any transmit
problems to the slave, in which case any furter semi-sync reply is
bool semi_sync_reply_enabled;
List <start_alter_info> start_alter_list;
MEM_ROOT mem_root;
Flag is raised at the parallel worker slave stop. Its purpose
is to mark the whole start_alter_list when slave stops.
The flag is read by Start Alter event to self-mark its state accordingly
at time its alter info struct is about to be appended to the list.
bool is_shutdown= false;
A replica will default to Slave_Pos for using Using_Gtid; however, we
first need to test if the master supports GTIDs. If not, fall back to 'No'.
Cache the value so future RESET SLAVE commands don't revert to Slave_Pos.
bool master_supports_gtid= true;
When TRUE, transition this server from being an active master to a slave.
This updates the replication state to account for any transactions which
were committed into the binary log. In particular, it merges
gtid_binlog_pos into gtid_slave_pos.
bool is_demotion= false;
struct start_alter_thd_args
rpl_group_info *rgi;
char *catalog;
bool shutdown;
int init_master_info(Master_info* mi, const char* master_info_fname,
const char* slave_info_fname,
bool abort_if_no_master_info_file,
int thread_mask);
void end_master_info(Master_info* mi);
int flush_master_info(Master_info* mi,
bool flush_relay_log_cache,
bool need_lock_relay_log);
void copy_filter_setting(Rpl_filter* dst_filter, Rpl_filter* src_filter);
void update_change_master_ids(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *new_ids, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *old_ids);
void prot_store_ids(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *ids);
void field_store_ids(Field *field, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *ids);
Multi master are handled trough this struct.
Changes to this needs to be protected by LOCK_active_mi;
class Master_info_index
IO_CACHE index_file;
char index_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
HASH master_info_hash;
bool init_all_master_info();
bool write_master_name_to_index_file(LEX_CSTRING *connection_name,
bool do_sync);
bool check_duplicate_master_info(LEX_CSTRING *connection_name,
const char *host, uint port);
bool add_master_info(Master_info *mi, bool write_to_file);
bool remove_master_info(Master_info *mi, bool clear_log_files);
Master_info *get_master_info(const LEX_CSTRING *connection_name,
Sql_condition::enum_warning_level warning);
bool start_all_slaves(THD *thd);
bool stop_all_slaves(THD *thd);
void free_connections();
bool flush_all_relay_logs();
The class rpl_io_thread_info is the THD::system_thread_info for the IO thread.
class rpl_io_thread_info
Master_info *get_master_info(const LEX_CSTRING *connection_name,
Sql_condition::enum_warning_level warning);
bool check_master_connection_name(LEX_CSTRING *name);
void create_logfile_name_with_suffix(char *res_file_name, size_t length,
const char *info_file,
bool append,
LEX_CSTRING *suffix);
uchar *get_key_master_info(Master_info *mi, size_t *length,
my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)));
void free_key_master_info(Master_info *mi);
uint any_slave_sql_running(bool already_locked);
bool give_error_if_slave_running(bool already_lock);
#endif /* RPL_MI_H */