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/* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2024, MariaDB plc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
== Parsing ==
Hints have a separate parser, see sql/opt_hint_parser.{h,cc}
The parser is invoked separately for each occurence of
SELECT / *+ hint_body * / ...
in the query. The result of parsing is saved in
== Hint "resolution" ==
This is done using "resolve" method of parsed data structures
This process
- Creates interpreted hint structures: Opt_hints_global, Opt_hints_qb,
Opt_hints_table, Opt_hints_key.
- Interprets QB_NAME hints and assigns Opt_hints_qb objects their names.
- Table-level hints are put into their Query Block's Opt_hints_qb object.
- Index-level hints are put into their table's Opt_hints_table object.
Currently, this process is done at the parser stage. (This is one of the
causes why hints do not work across VIEW bounds, here or in MySQL).
Query-block level hints can be reached through SELECT_LEX::opt_hints_qb.
== Hint "fixing" ==
During Name Resolution, hints are attached the real objects they control:
- table-level hints find their tables,
- index-level hints find their indexes.
This is done in setup_tables() which calls fix_hints_for_table() for
each table, as a result TABLE_LIST::opt_hints_table points to the table's
== Hint hierarchy ==
Hints have this hierarchy, less specific to more specific:
Some hints can be specified at a specific level (e.g. per-index) or at a
more general level (e.g. per-table). When checking the hint, we need
to check for per-index commands and then maybe per-table command.
== API for checking hints ==
The optimizer checks hints' instructions using these calls for table/index
level hints:
For query block-level hints:
opt_hints_qb->apply_join_order_hints(join) - This adds extra dependencies
between tables that ensure that the optimizer picks a join order
prescribed by the hints.
#include <functional>
#include "my_config.h"
#include "sql_alloc.h"
#include "sql_list.h"
#include "mem_root_array.h"
#include "sql_string.h"
#include "sql_bitmap.h"
#include "sql_show.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "opt_hints_parser.h"
#include "opt_trace.h"
struct LEX;
struct TABLE;
struct st_opt_hint_info
LEX_CSTRING hint_type; // Hint "type", like "BKA" or "MRR".
bool check_upper_lvl; // true if upper level hint check is needed (for hints
// which can be specified on more than one level).
bool has_arguments; // true if hint has additional arguments.
bool irregular_hint; // true if hint requires some special handling.
// Currently it's used only for join order hints
// since they need a special printing procedure.
typedef Optimizer_hint_parser Parser;
Opt_hints_map contains information
about hint state(specified or not, hint value).
class Opt_hints_map : public Sql_alloc
Bitmap<64> hints; // hint state
Bitmap<64> hints_specified; // true if hint is specified
my_bool is_specified(opt_hints_enum type_arg) const
return hints_specified.is_set(type_arg);
void set_switch(opt_hints_enum type_arg,
bool switch_state_arg)
if (switch_state_arg)
bool is_switched_on(opt_hints_enum type_arg) const
return hints.is_set(type_arg);
class Opt_hints_key;
Opt_hints class is used as ancestor for Opt_hints_global,
Opt_hints_qb, Opt_hints_table, Opt_hints_key classes.
Opt_hints_global class is hierarchical structure.
It contains information about global hints and also
contains array of QUERY BLOCK level objects (Opt_hints_qb class).
Each QUERY BLOCK level object contains array of TABLE level hints
(class Opt_hints_table). Each TABLE level hint contains array of
KEY level hints (Opt_hints_key class).
Hint information(specified, on|off state) is stored in hints_map object.
class Opt_hints : public Sql_alloc
Name of object referred by the hint.
This name is empty for global level,
query block name for query block level,
table name for table level and key name
for key level.
Lex_ident_sys name;
Parent object. There is no parent for global level,
for query block level parent is Opt_hints_global object,
for table level parent is Opt_hints_qb object,
for key level parent is Opt_hints_key object.
Opt_hints *parent;
/* Bitmap describing switch-type (on/off) hints set at this scope */
Opt_hints_map hints_map;
/* Array of child objects. i.e. array of the lower level objects */
Mem_root_array<Opt_hints*, true> child_array;
/* true if hint is connected to the real object */
bool fixed;
Number of child hints that are fully fixed, that is, fixed and
have all their children also fully fixed.
uint n_fully_fixed_children;
Opt_hints(const Lex_ident_sys &name_arg,
Opt_hints *parent_arg,
MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg)
: name(name_arg), parent(parent_arg), child_array(mem_root_arg),
fixed(false), n_fully_fixed_children(0)
{ }
bool is_specified(opt_hints_enum type_arg) const
return hints_map.is_specified(type_arg);
Function sets switch hint state.
@param switch_state_arg switch hint state
@param type_arg hint type
@param check_parent true if hint can be on parent level
@return true if hint is already specified,
false otherwise
bool set_switch(bool switch_state_arg,
opt_hints_enum type_arg,
bool check_parent)
if (is_specified(type_arg) ||
(check_parent && parent->is_specified(type_arg)))
return true;
hints_map.set_switch(type_arg, switch_state_arg);
return false;
Function returns switch hint state.
@param type_arg hint type
@return hint value if hint is specified,
false otherwise
bool get_switch(opt_hints_enum type_arg) const;
/* Collation for comparing the name of this hint */
virtual CHARSET_INFO *charset_info() const
return Lex_ident_column::charset_info();
const LEX_CSTRING get_name() const
return name;
void set_name(const Lex_ident_sys &name_arg) { name= name_arg; }
Opt_hints *get_parent() const { return parent; }
void set_fixed() { fixed= true; }
bool is_fixed() const { return fixed; }
void incr_fully_fixed_children() { n_fully_fixed_children++; }
Mem_root_array<Opt_hints*, true> *child_array_ptr() { return &child_array; }
bool are_children_fully_fixed() const
return child_array.size() == n_fully_fixed_children;
void register_child(Opt_hints* hint_arg)
Find hint among lower-level hint objects.
@param name_arg hint name
@return hint if found,
NULL otherwise
Opt_hints *find_by_name(const LEX_CSTRING &name_arg) const;
Print all hints except of QB_NAME hint.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param str Pointer to String object
void print(THD *thd, String *str);
Check if there are any unfixed hint objects and
print warnings for them.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
void check_unfixed(THD *thd);
Append the name of object(table, index, etc) that hints in this collection
are attached to.
virtual void append_name(THD *thd, String *str)= 0;
virtual void append_hint_arguments(THD *thd, opt_hints_enum hint, String *str)
virtual ~Opt_hints() {}
Append hint type.
@param str Pointer to String object
@param type Hint type
void append_hint_type(String *str, opt_hints_enum type);
Print warnings abount unfixed hints in this hint collection
@param thd Pointer to THD object
void print_unfixed_warnings(THD *thd);
Override this function in descendants so that print_unfixed_warnings()
prints the proper warning text for table/index level unfixed hints
virtual uint get_unfixed_warning_code() const
return 0;
Function prints hints which are non-standard and don't
fit into existing hint infrastructure.
@param thd pointer to THD object
@param str pointer to String object
virtual void print_irregular_hints(THD *thd, String *str) {}
Global level hints. Currently, it's only MAX_EXECUTION_TIME.
class Opt_hints_global : public Opt_hints
const Parser::Max_execution_time_hint *max_exec_time_hint= nullptr;
If MAX_EXECUTION_TIME() hint was provided, this pointer is set to
the SELECT_LEX which the hint is attached to.
NULL if MAX_EXECUTION_TIME() hint is missing.
st_select_lex *max_exec_time_select_lex= nullptr;
Opt_hints_global(MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg)
: Opt_hints(Lex_ident_sys(), NULL, mem_root_arg)
virtual void append_name(THD *thd, String *str) override
Don't write anything: global hints are not attached to anything named
like a table/query block/etc
void append_hint_arguments(THD *thd, opt_hints_enum hint,
String *str) override
max_exec_time_hint->append_args(thd, str);
bool fix_hint(THD *thd);
class Opt_hints_table;
Query block level hints. Currently, these can be:
- QB_NAME (this is interpreted in the parser and is not explicitly
present after that)
class Opt_hints_qb : public Opt_hints
uint select_number; // SELECT_LEX number
LEX_CSTRING sys_name; // System QB name
char buff[32]; // Buffer to hold sys name
// Array of join order hints
Mem_root_array<Parser::Join_order_hint *, false> join_order_hints;
// Bitmap marking ignored hints
ulonglong join_order_hints_ignored;
// Max capacity to avoid overflowing of join_order_hints_ignored bitmap
sizeof(join_order_hints_ignored) * 8;
Opt_hints_qb(Opt_hints *opt_hints_arg,
MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg,
uint select_number_arg);
const LEX_CSTRING get_print_name()
return name.str ? name : sys_name;
void append_qb_hint(THD *thd, String *str)
if (name.str)
append_identifier(thd, str, &name);
str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(") "));
virtual void append_name(THD *thd, String *str) override
/* Append query block name. */
const LEX_CSTRING print_name= get_print_name();
append_identifier(thd, str, &print_name);
void append_hint_arguments(THD *thd, opt_hints_enum hint,
String *str) override;
Function finds Opt_hints_table object corresponding to
table alias in the query block and attaches corresponding
key hint objects to appropriate KEY structures.
@param table Pointer to TABLE object
@param alias Table alias
@return pointer Opt_hints_table object if this object is found,
NULL otherwise.
Opt_hints_table *fix_hints_for_table(TABLE *table,
const Lex_ident_table &alias);
Checks if join order hints are applicable and
applies table dependencies if possible.
@param join JOIN object
void apply_join_order_hints(JOIN *join);
Returns whether semi-join is enabled for this query block
A SEMIJOIN hint will force semi-join regardless of optimizer_switch settings.
A NO_SEMIJOIN hint will only turn off semi-join if the variant with no
strategies is used.
A SUBQUERY hint will turn off semi-join.
If there is no SEMIJOIN/SUBQUERY hint, optimizer_switch setting determines
whether SEMIJOIN is used.
@param thd Pointer to THD object for session.
Used to access optimizer_switch
@return true if semijoin is enabled
bool semijoin_enabled(THD *thd) const;
Returns bit mask of which semi-join strategies are enabled for this query
@param opt_switches Bit map of strategies enabled by optimizer_switch
@return Bit mask of strategies that are enabled
uint sj_enabled_strategies(uint opt_switches) const;
const Parser::Semijoin_hint* semijoin_hint= nullptr;
Bitmap of strategies listed in the SEMIJOIN/NO_SEMIJOIN hint body, e.g.
uint semijoin_strategies_map= 0;
const Parser::Subquery_hint *subquery_hint= nullptr;
uint subquery_strategy= SUBS_NOT_TRANSFORMED;
Returns TRUE if the query block has at least one of the hints
bool has_join_order_hints() const
return join_order_hints.size() > 0;
Adds a join order hint to the array if the capacity is not exceeded.
Returns FALSE on success,
TRUE on failure (capacity exceeded)
bool add_join_order_hint(Parser::Join_order_hint *hint_arg)
if (join_order_hints.size() >= MAX_ALLOWED_JOIN_ORDER_HINTS)
return true;
return false;
const Parser::Join_order_hint *join_prefix= nullptr;
const Parser::Join_order_hint *join_suffix= nullptr;
const Parser::Join_order_hint *join_fixed_order= nullptr;
void trace_hints(THD *thd)
if (unlikely(thd->trace_started()))
Json_writer_object obj(thd);
String str;
print(thd, &str);
// Eventually we may want to print them as array.
obj.add("hints", str.c_ptr_safe());
bool set_join_hint_deps(JOIN *join, const Parser::Join_order_hint *hint);
void update_nested_join_deps(JOIN *join, const JOIN_TAB *hint_tab,
table_map hint_tab_map);
table_map get_other_dep(JOIN *join, opt_hints_enum type,
table_map hint_tab_map, table_map table_map);
bool compare_table_name(const Parser::Table_name_and_Qb *hint_table_and_qb,
const TABLE_LIST *table);
void print_irregular_hints(THD *thd, String *str) override;
void print_join_order_warn(THD *thd, opt_hints_enum type,
const Parser::Table_name_and_Qb &tbl_name);
Table level hints.
class Opt_hints_table : public Opt_hints
Mem_root_array<Opt_hints_key*, true> keyinfo_array;
Opt_hints_table(const Lex_ident_sys &table_name_arg,
Opt_hints_qb *qb_hints_arg,
MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg)
: Opt_hints(table_name_arg, qb_hints_arg, mem_root_arg),
{ }
CHARSET_INFO *charset_info() const override
return Lex_ident_table::charset_info();
Append table name.
@param thd pointer to THD object
@param str pointer to String object
virtual void append_name(THD *thd, String *str) override
append_identifier(thd, str, &name);
get_parent()->append_name(thd, str);
Function sets correlation between key hint objects and
appropriate KEY structures.
@param table Pointer to TABLE object
bool fix_hint(TABLE *table);
virtual uint get_unfixed_warning_code() const override
Key level hints.
class Opt_hints_key : public Opt_hints
Opt_hints_key(const Lex_ident_sys &key_name_arg,
Opt_hints_table *table_hints_arg,
MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg)
: Opt_hints(key_name_arg, table_hints_arg, mem_root_arg)
{ }
Append key name.
@param thd pointer to THD object
@param str pointer to String object
virtual void append_name(THD *thd, String *str) override
get_parent()->append_name(thd, str);
str->append(' ');
append_identifier(thd, str, &name);
virtual uint get_unfixed_warning_code() const override
Returns key hint value if hint is specified, returns
optimizer switch value if hint is not specified.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param tab Pointer to TABLE object
@param keyno Key number
@param type_arg Hint type
@param optimizer_switch Optimizer switch flag
@return key hint value if hint is specified,
otherwise optimizer switch value.
bool hint_key_state(const THD *thd, const TABLE *table,
uint keyno, opt_hints_enum type_arg,
uint optimizer_switch);
Returns table hint value if hint is specified, returns
fallback value if hint is not specified.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param tab Pointer to TABLE object
@param type_arg Hint type
@param fallback_value Value to be returned if the hint is not set
@return table hint value if hint is specified,
otherwise fallback value.
bool hint_table_state(const THD *thd, const TABLE *table,
opt_hints_enum type_arg, bool fallback_value);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
const char *dbug_print_hints(Opt_hints_qb *hint);