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/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
/* subselect Item */
#include "item.h"
#include "sql_queue.h"
class st_select_lex;
class st_select_lex_unit;
class JOIN;
class select_result_interceptor;
class subselect_engine;
class subselect_hash_sj_engine;
class Item_bool_func2;
class Comp_creator;
class With_element;
class Field_pair;
typedef class st_select_lex SELECT_LEX;
Convenience typedef used in this file, and further used by any files
including this file.
typedef Comp_creator* (*chooser_compare_func_creator)(bool invert);
class Cached_item;
class Subq_materialization_tracker;
class Explain_subq_materialization;
/* base class for subselects */
class Item_subselect :public Item_result_field,
protected Used_tables_and_const_cache
Set to TRUE if the value is assigned for the subselect
FALSE: subquery not executed or the subquery returns an empty result
bool value_assigned;
bool own_engine; /* the engine was not taken from other Item_subselect */
/* thread handler, will be assigned in fix_fields only */
THD *thd;
/* old engine if engine was changed */
subselect_engine *old_engine;
/* allowed number of columns (1 for single value subqueries) */
uint max_columns;
/* where subquery is placed */
enum_parsing_place parsing_place;
/* work with 'substitution' */
bool have_to_be_excluded;
bool inside_first_fix_fields;
bool done_first_fix_fields;
Item *expr_cache;
Set to TRUE if at optimization or execution time we determine that this
item's value is a constant. We need this member because it is not possible
to substitute 'this' with a constant item.
bool forced_const;
/* Set to the result of the last call of is_expensive() */
bool expensive_fl;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
/* Count the number of times this subquery predicate has been executed. */
uint exec_counter;
Used inside Item_subselect::fix_fields() according to this scenario:
> Item_subselect::fix_fields
> engine->prepare
> child_join->prepare
(Here we realize we need to do the rewrite and set
substitution= some new Item, eg. Item_in_optimizer )
< child_join->prepare
< engine->prepare
*ref= substitution;
substitution= NULL;
< Item_subselect::fix_fields
/* TODO make this protected member again. */
Item *substitution;
/* engine that perform execution of subselect (single select or union) */
/* TODO make this protected member again. */
subselect_engine *engine;
/* unit of subquery */
st_select_lex_unit *unit;
/* Cached buffers used when calling filesort in sub queries */
Filesort_buffer filesort_buffer;
LEX_STRING sortbuffer;
/* A reference from inside subquery predicate to somewhere outside of it */
class Ref_to_outside : public Sql_alloc
st_select_lex *select; /* Select where the reference is pointing to */
What is being referred. This may be NULL when we're referring to an
aggregate function.
Item *item;
References from within this subquery to somewhere outside of it (i.e. to
parent select, grandparent select, etc)
List<Ref_to_outside> upper_refs;
st_select_lex *parent_select;
TRUE<=>Table Elimination has made it redundant to evaluate this select
(and so it is not part of QEP, etc)
bool eliminated;
/* subquery is transformed */
bool changed;
/* TRUE <=> The underlying SELECT is correlated w.r.t some ancestor select */
bool is_correlated;
TRUE <=> the subquery contains a recursive reference in the FROM list
of one of its selects. In this case some of subquery optimization
strategies cannot be applied for the subquery;
bool with_recursive_reference;
/* To link Item_subselects containing references to the same recursive CTE */
Item_subselect *next_with_rec_ref;
Item_subselect(THD *thd);
virtual subs_type substype() { return UNKNOWN_SUBS; }
bool is_exists_predicate()
return substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS;
bool is_in_predicate()
return get_IN_subquery() != NULL;
We need this method, because some compilers do not allow 'this'
pointer in constructor initialization list, but we need to pass a pointer
to subselect Item class to select_result_interceptor's constructor.
virtual void init (st_select_lex *select_lex,
select_result_interceptor *result);
void cleanup() override;
virtual void reset()
eliminated= FALSE;
null_value= 1;
Set the subquery result to a default value consistent with the semantics of
the result row produced for queries with implicit grouping.
void no_rows_in_result() override= 0;
virtual bool select_transformer(JOIN *join);
bool assigned() { return value_assigned; }
void assigned(bool a) { value_assigned= a; }
enum Type type() const override;
bool is_null() override
return null_value;
bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) override;
bool mark_as_dependent(THD *thd, st_select_lex *select, Item *item);
void fix_after_pullout(st_select_lex *new_parent, Item **ref,
bool merge) override;
void recalc_used_tables(st_select_lex *new_parent, bool after_pullout);
virtual bool exec();
If subquery optimization or execution determines that the subquery has
an empty result, mark the subquery predicate as a constant value.
void make_const()
used_tables_cache= 0;
const_item_cache= 0;
forced_const= TRUE;
virtual bool fix_length_and_dec();
table_map used_tables() const override;
table_map not_null_tables() const override { return 0; }
bool const_item() const override;
inline table_map get_used_tables_cache() { return used_tables_cache; }
Item *get_tmp_table_item(THD *thd) override;
void update_used_tables() override;
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
virtual bool have_guarded_conds() { return FALSE; }
bool change_engine(subselect_engine *eng)
old_engine= engine;
engine= eng;
return eng == 0;
bool engine_changed(subselect_engine *eng) { return engine != eng; }
True if this subquery has been already evaluated. Implemented only for
single select and union subqueries only.
bool is_evaluated() const;
bool is_uncacheable() const;
bool is_expensive() override;
Used by max/min subquery to initialize value presence registration
mechanism. Engine call this method before reexecution query.
virtual void reset_value_registration() {}
enum_parsing_place place() { return parsing_place; }
bool walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery, void *arg) override;
bool unknown_splocal_processor(void *arg) override;
bool mark_as_eliminated_processor(void *arg) override;
bool eliminate_subselect_processor(void *arg) override;
bool enumerate_field_refs_processor(void *arg) override;
bool check_vcol_func_processor(void *arg) override
return mark_unsupported_function("select ...", arg, VCOL_IMPOSSIBLE);
Callback to test if an IN predicate is expensive.
The return value affects the behavior of make_cond_for_table().
@retval TRUE if the predicate is expensive
@retval FALSE otherwise
bool is_expensive_processor(void *arg) override { return is_expensive(); }
bool update_table_bitmaps_processor(void *arg) override;
Get the SELECT_LEX structure associated with this Item.
@return the SELECT_LEX structure associated with this Item
st_select_lex* get_select_lex();
bool expr_cache_is_needed(THD *) override;
void get_cache_parameters(List<Item> ¶meters) override;
bool is_subquery_processor (void *opt_arg) override { return 1; }
bool exists2in_processor(void *opt_arg) override { return 0; }
bool limit_index_condition_pushdown_processor(void *opt_arg) override
return TRUE;
void register_as_with_rec_ref(With_element *with_elem);
void init_expr_cache_tracker(THD *thd);
Item* do_build_clone(THD *thd) const override { return nullptr; }
Item *do_get_copy(THD *thd) const override { return 0; }
st_select_lex *wrap_tvc_into_select(THD *thd, st_select_lex *tvc_sl);
friend class select_result_interceptor;
friend class Item_in_optimizer;
friend bool Item_field::fix_fields(THD *, Item **);
friend int Item_field::fix_outer_field(THD *, Field **, Item **);
friend bool Item_ref::fix_fields(THD *, Item **);
friend void mark_select_range_as_dependent(THD*,
st_select_lex*, st_select_lex*,
Field*, Item*, Item_ident*,
friend bool convert_join_subqueries_to_semijoins(JOIN *join);
/* single value subselect */
class Item_cache;
class Item_singlerow_subselect :public Item_subselect,
public Type_extra_attributes
Item_cache *value, **row;
Item_singlerow_subselect(THD *thd_arg, st_select_lex *select_lex);
Item_singlerow_subselect(THD *thd_arg): Item_subselect(thd_arg), value(0), row (0)
void cleanup() override;
subs_type substype() override { return SINGLEROW_SUBS; }
void reset() override;
void no_rows_in_result() override;
bool select_transformer(JOIN *join) override;
void store(uint i, Item* item);
double val_real() override;
longlong val_int() override;
String *val_str(String *) override;
bool val_native(THD *thd, Native *) override;
my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *) override;
bool val_bool() override;
bool get_date(THD *thd, MYSQL_TIME *ltime, date_mode_t fuzzydate) override;
const Type_handler *type_handler() const override;
bool fix_length_and_dec() override;
Type_extra_attributes *type_extra_attributes_addr() override
return this;
const Type_extra_attributes type_extra_attributes() const override
return *this;
uint cols() const override;
Item* element_index(uint i) override
{ return reinterpret_cast<Item*>(row[i]); }
Item** addr(uint i) override { return (Item**)row + i; }
bool check_cols(uint c) override;
bool null_inside() override;
void bring_value() override;
This method is used to implement a special case of semantic tree
rewriting, mandated by a SQL:2003 exception in the specification.
The only caller of this method is handle_sql2003_note184_exception(),
see the code there for more details.
Note that this method breaks the object internal integrity, by
removing it's association with the corresponding SELECT_LEX,
making this object orphan from the parse tree.
No other method, beside the destructor, should be called on this
object, as it is now invalid.
@return the SELECT_LEX structure that was given in the constructor.
st_select_lex* invalidate_and_restore_select_lex();
Item* expr_cache_insert_transformer(THD *thd, uchar *unused) override;
friend class select_singlerow_subselect;
/* used in static ALL/ANY optimization */
class select_max_min_finder_subselect;
class Item_maxmin_subselect :public Item_singlerow_subselect
bool max;
bool was_values; // Set if we have found at least one row
Item_maxmin_subselect(THD *thd, Item_subselect *parent,
st_select_lex *select_lex, bool max);
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
void cleanup() override;
bool any_value() { return was_values; }
void register_value() { was_values= TRUE; }
void reset_value_registration() override { was_values= FALSE; }
void no_rows_in_result() override;
/* exists subselect */
class Item_exists_subselect :public Item_subselect
Item_func_not *upper_not;
bool value; /* value of this item (boolean: exists/not-exists) */
void init_length_and_dec();
bool select_prepare_to_be_in();
Used by subquery optimizations to keep track about in which clause this
subquery predicate is located:
NO_JOIN_NEST - the predicate is an AND-part of the WHERE
join nest pointer - the predicate is an AND-part of ON expression
of a join nest
NULL - for all other locations
TABLE_LIST *emb_on_expr_nest;
Reference on the Item_in_optimizer wrapper of this subquery
Item_in_optimizer *optimizer;
/* true if we got this from EXISTS or to IN */
bool exists_transformed;
Item_exists_subselect(THD *thd_arg, st_select_lex *select_lex);
Item_exists_subselect(THD *thd_arg):
Item_subselect(thd_arg), upper_not(NULL),
emb_on_expr_nest(NULL), optimizer(0), exists_transformed(0)
subs_type substype() override { return EXISTS_SUBS; }
void reset() override
eliminated= FALSE;
value= 0;
void no_rows_in_result() override;
const Type_handler *type_handler() const override
return &type_handler_bool;
longlong val_int() override;
double val_real() override;
String *val_str(String*) override;
my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *) override;
bool val_bool() override;
bool get_date(THD *thd, MYSQL_TIME *ltime, date_mode_t fuzzydate) override
{ return get_date_from_int(thd, ltime, fuzzydate); }
bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) override;
bool fix_length_and_dec() override;
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
bool select_transformer(JOIN *join) override;
bool exists2in_processor(void *opt_arg) override;
Item* expr_cache_insert_transformer(THD *thd, uchar *unused) override;
void mark_as_condition_AND_part(TABLE_LIST *embedding) override
emb_on_expr_nest= embedding;
void under_not(Item_func_not *upper) override { upper_not= upper; };
void set_exists_transformed() { exists_transformed= TRUE; }
friend class select_exists_subselect;
friend class subselect_uniquesubquery_engine;
friend class subselect_indexsubquery_engine;
Possible methods to execute an IN predicate. These are set by the optimizer
based on user-set optimizer switches, semantic analysis and cost comparison.
#define SUBS_NOT_TRANSFORMED 0 /* No execution method was chosen for this IN. */
/* The Final decision about the strategy is made. */
#define SUBS_SEMI_JOIN 2 /* IN was converted to semi-join. */
#define SUBS_IN_TO_EXISTS 4 /* IN was converted to correlated EXISTS. */
#define SUBS_MATERIALIZATION 8 /* Execute IN via subquery materialization. */
/* Partial matching substrategies of MATERIALIZATION. */
/* ALL/ANY will be transformed with max/min optimization */
/* The subquery has not aggregates, transform it into a MAX/MIN query. */
/* The subquery has aggregates, use a special max/min subselect engine. */
Representation of IN subquery predicates of the form
"left_expr IN (SELECT ...)".
This class has:
- A "subquery execution engine" (as a subclass of Item_subselect) that allows
it to evaluate subqueries. (and this class participates in execution by
having was_null variable where part of execution result is stored.
- Transformation methods (todo: more on this).
This class is not used directly, it is "wrapped" into Item_in_optimizer
which provides some small bits of subquery evaluation.
class Item_in_subselect :public Item_exists_subselect
Cache of the left operand of the subquery predicate. Allocated in the
runtime memory root, for each execution, thus need not be freed.
List<Cached_item> *left_expr_cache;
bool first_execution;
expr & optimizer used in subselect rewriting to store Item for
Item *expr;
bool was_null;
/* A bitmap of possible execution strategies for an IN predicate. */
uchar in_strategy;
/* Tracker collecting execution parameters of a materialized subquery */
Subq_materialization_tracker *materialization_tracker;
/* Used to trigger on/off conditions that were pushed down to subselect */
bool *pushed_cond_guards;
Comp_creator *func;
bool init_cond_guards();
bool select_in_like_transformer(JOIN *join);
bool single_value_transformer(JOIN *join);
bool row_value_transformer(JOIN * join);
bool fix_having(Item *having, st_select_lex *select_lex);
bool create_single_in_to_exists_cond(JOIN * join,
Item **where_item,
Item **having_item);
bool create_row_in_to_exists_cond(JOIN * join,
Item **where_item,
Item **having_item);
Item *left_expr;
Important for PS/SP: left_expr_orig is the item that left_expr originally
pointed at. That item is allocated on the statement arena, while
left_expr could later be changed to something on the execution arena.
Item *left_expr_orig;
/* Priority of this predicate in the convert-to-semi-join-nest process. */
int sj_convert_priority;
/* May be TRUE only for the candidates to semi-join conversion */
bool do_not_convert_to_sj;
Types of left_expr and subquery's select list allow to perform subquery
materialization. Currently, we set this to FALSE when it as well could
be TRUE. This is to be properly addressed with fix for BUG#36752.
bool types_allow_materialization;
Same as above, but they also allow to scan the materialized table.
bool sjm_scan_allowed;
JoinTaB Materialization (JTBM) members
TRUE <=> This subselect has been converted into non-mergeable semi-join
bool is_jtbm_merged;
/* (Applicable if is_jtbm_merged==TRUE) Time required to run the materialized join */
double jtbm_read_time;
/* (Applicable if is_jtbm_merged==TRUE) Number of output rows in materialized join */
double jtbm_record_count;
(Applicable if is_jtbm_merged==TRUE) TRUE <=> The materialized subselect is
a degenerate subselect which produces 0 or 1 rows, which we know at
optimization phase.
1. subquery has "Impossible WHERE":
SELECT * FROM ot WHERE ot.column IN (SELECT it.col FROM it WHERE 2 > 3)
2. Subquery produces one row which opt_sum.cc is able to get with one lookup:
SELECT * FROM ot WHERE ot.column IN (SELECT MAX(it.key_col) FROM it)
bool is_jtbm_const_tab;
(Applicable if is_jtbm_const_tab==TRUE) Whether the subquery has produced
the row (or not)
bool jtbm_const_row_found;
TRUE<=>this is a flattenable semi-join, false otherwise.
bool is_flattenable_semijoin;
TRUE<=>registered in the list of semijoins in outer select
bool is_registered_semijoin;
List<Field_pair> corresponding_fields;
Used to determine how this subselect item is represented in the item tree,
in case there is a need to locate it there and replace with something else.
Two options are possible:
1. This item is there 'as-is'.
1. This item is wrapped within Item_in_optimizer.
Item *original_item()
return (is_flattenable_semijoin && !exists_transformed ?
(Item*)this :
bool *get_cond_guard(int i)
return pushed_cond_guards ? pushed_cond_guards + i : NULL;
void set_cond_guard_var(int i, bool v)
if ( pushed_cond_guards)
pushed_cond_guards[i]= v;
bool have_guarded_conds() override { return MY_TEST(pushed_cond_guards); }
Item_func_not_all *upper_item; // point on NOT/NOP before ALL/SOME subquery
SET to TRUE if IN subquery is converted from an IN predicate
bool converted_from_in_predicate;
Item_in_subselect(THD *thd_arg, Item * left_expr, st_select_lex *select_lex);
Item_in_subselect(THD *thd_arg):
Item_exists_subselect(thd_arg), left_expr_cache(0), first_execution(TRUE),
in_strategy(SUBS_NOT_TRANSFORMED), materialization_tracker(NULL),
pushed_cond_guards(NULL), func(NULL), do_not_convert_to_sj(FALSE),
is_jtbm_merged(FALSE), is_jtbm_const_tab(FALSE), upper_item(0),
converted_from_in_predicate(FALSE) {}
void cleanup() override;
subs_type substype() override { return IN_SUBS; }
void reset() override
eliminated= FALSE;
value= 0;
null_value= 0;
was_null= 0;
bool select_transformer(JOIN *join) override;
bool create_in_to_exists_cond(JOIN *join_arg);
bool inject_in_to_exists_cond(JOIN *join_arg);
bool exec() override;
longlong val_int() override;
double val_real() override;
String *val_str(String*) override;
my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *) override;
bool val_bool() override;
bool test_limit(st_select_lex_unit *unit);
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
enum precedence precedence() const override { return IN_PRECEDENCE; }
bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) override;
bool fix_length_and_dec() override;
void fix_after_pullout(st_select_lex *new_parent, Item **ref,
bool merge) override;
bool const_item() const override
return Item_subselect::const_item() && left_expr->const_item();
void update_used_tables() override;
bool setup_mat_engine();
bool init_left_expr_cache();
/* Inform 'this' that it was computed, and contains a valid result. */
void set_first_execution() { if (first_execution) first_execution= FALSE; }
bool expr_cache_is_needed(THD *thd) override;
inline bool left_expr_has_null();
void disable_cond_guard_for_const_null_left_expr(int i)
if (left_expr->can_eval_in_optimize())
if (left_expr->element_index(i)->is_null())
int optimize(double *out_rows, double *cost);
Return the identifier that we could use to identify the subquery for the
int get_identifier();
void block_conversion_to_sj () { do_not_convert_to_sj= TRUE; }
bool test_strategy(uchar strategy)
{ return MY_TEST(in_strategy & strategy); }
Test that the IN strategy was chosen for execution. This is so
when the CHOSEN flag is ON, and there is no other strategy.
bool test_set_strategy(uchar strategy)
strategy == SUBS_IN_TO_EXISTS ||
strategy == SUBS_MAXMIN_ENGINE);
return ((in_strategy & SUBS_STRATEGY_CHOSEN) &&
(in_strategy & ~SUBS_STRATEGY_CHOSEN) == strategy);
bool is_set_strategy()
{ return MY_TEST(in_strategy & SUBS_STRATEGY_CHOSEN); }
bool has_strategy()
{ return in_strategy != SUBS_NOT_TRANSFORMED; }
void add_strategy (uchar strategy)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("current: %u add: %u",
(uint) in_strategy, (uint) strategy));
TODO: PS re-execution breaks this condition, because
check_and_do_in_subquery_rewrites() is called for each reexecution
and re-adds the same strategies.
in_strategy|= strategy;
void reset_strategy(uchar strategy)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("current: %u new: %u",
(uint) in_strategy, (uint) strategy));
in_strategy= strategy;
void set_strategy(uchar strategy)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("current: %u set: %u",
(uint) in_strategy,
(uint) (SUBS_STRATEGY_CHOSEN | strategy)));
/* Check that only one strategy is set for execution. */
strategy == SUBS_IN_TO_EXISTS ||
strategy == SUBS_MAXMIN_ENGINE);
in_strategy= (SUBS_STRATEGY_CHOSEN | strategy);
bool walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery, void *arg) override
return left_expr->walk(processor, walk_subquery, arg) ||
Item_subselect::walk(processor, walk_subquery, arg);
bool exists2in_processor(void *opt_arg __attribute__((unused))) override
return 0;
bool pushdown_cond_for_in_subquery(THD *thd, Item *cond);
Item_in_subselect *get_IN_subquery() override
{ return this; }
inline Item** left_exp_ptr()
{ return &left_expr; }
inline Item* left_exp() const
{ return left_expr; }
inline Item* left_exp_orig() const
{ return left_expr_orig; }
void init_subq_materialization_tracker(THD *thd);
Subq_materialization_tracker *get_materialization_tracker() const
{ return materialization_tracker; }
friend class Item_ref_null_helper;
friend class Item_is_not_null_test;
friend class Item_in_optimizer;
friend class subselect_indexsubquery_engine;
friend class subselect_hash_sj_engine;
friend class subselect_partial_match_engine;
friend class Item_exists_subselect;
/* ALL/ANY/SOME subselect */
class Item_allany_subselect :public Item_in_subselect
chooser_compare_func_creator func_creator;
bool all;
Item_allany_subselect(THD *thd_arg, Item * left_expr,
chooser_compare_func_creator fc,
st_select_lex *select_lex, bool all);
void cleanup() override;
// only ALL subquery has upper not
subs_type substype() override { return all?ALL_SUBS:ANY_SUBS; }
bool select_transformer(JOIN *join) override;
void create_comp_func(bool invert) { func= func_creator(invert); }
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
enum precedence precedence() const override { return CMP_PRECEDENCE; }
bool is_maxmin_applicable(JOIN *join);
bool transform_into_max_min(JOIN *join);
void no_rows_in_result() override;
class subselect_engine: public Sql_alloc,
public Type_handler_hybrid_field_type
select_result_interceptor *result; /* results storage class */
THD *thd; /* pointer to current THD */
Item_subselect *item; /* item, that use this engine */
bool maybe_null; /* may be null (first item in select) */
subselect_engine(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *res):
result= res;
item= si;
maybe_null= 0;
virtual ~subselect_engine() = default;; // to satisfy compiler
virtual void cleanup()= 0;
Also sets "thd" for subselect_engine::result.
Should be called before prepare().
void set_thd(THD *thd_arg);
THD * get_thd() { return thd ? thd : current_thd; }
virtual int prepare(THD *)= 0;
virtual bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row)= 0;
Execute the engine
Execute the engine. The result of execution is subquery value that is
either captured by previously set up select_result-based 'sink' or
stored somewhere by the exec() method itself.
A required side effect: If at least one pushed-down predicate is
disabled, subselect_engine->no_rows() must return correct result after
the exec() call.
0 - OK
1 - Either an execution error, or the engine was "changed", and the
caller should call exec() again for the new engine.
virtual int exec()= 0;
virtual uint cols() const= 0; /* return number of columns in select */
virtual uint8 uncacheable()= 0; /* query is uncacheable */
virtual void exclude()= 0;
virtual bool may_be_null() { return maybe_null; };
virtual table_map upper_select_const_tables()= 0;
static table_map calc_const_tables(TABLE_LIST *);
static table_map calc_const_tables(List<TABLE_LIST> &list);
virtual void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type)= 0;
virtual bool change_result(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *result,
bool temp= FALSE)= 0;
virtual bool no_tables() const = 0;
Return true we can guarantee that the subquery will always return one row.
virtual bool always_returns_one_row() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_executed() const { return FALSE; }
/* Check if subquery produced any rows during last query execution */
virtual bool no_rows() = 0;
virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return ABSTRACT_ENGINE; }
virtual int get_identifier() { DBUG_ASSERT(0); return 0; }
virtual void force_reexecution() {}
bool set_row(List<Item> &item_list, Item_cache **row);
class subselect_single_select_engine: public subselect_engine
bool prepared; /* simple subselect is prepared */
bool executed; /* simple subselect is executed */
st_select_lex *select_lex; /* corresponding select_lex */
JOIN * join; /* corresponding JOIN structure */
subselect_single_select_engine(st_select_lex *select,
select_result_interceptor *result,
Item_subselect *item);
void cleanup() override;
int prepare(THD *thd) override;
bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row) override;
int exec() override;
uint cols() const override;
uint8 uncacheable() override;
void exclude() override;
table_map upper_select_const_tables() override;
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
bool change_result(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *result,
bool temp) override;
bool no_tables() const override;
bool always_returns_one_row() const override;
bool may_be_null() override;
bool is_executed() const override { return executed; }
bool no_rows() override;
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return SINGLE_SELECT_ENGINE; }
int get_identifier() override;
void force_reexecution() override;
void change_select(st_select_lex *new_select) { select_lex= new_select; }
friend class subselect_hash_sj_engine;
friend class Item_in_subselect;
friend bool execute_degenerate_jtbm_semi_join(THD *thd,
Item_in_subselect *subq_pred,
List<Item> &eq_list);
class subselect_union_engine: public subselect_engine
st_select_lex_unit *unit; /* corresponding unit structure */
subselect_union_engine(st_select_lex_unit *u,
select_result_interceptor *result,
Item_subselect *item);
void cleanup() override;
int prepare(THD *) override;
bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row) override;
int exec() override;
uint cols() const override;
uint8 uncacheable() override;
void exclude() override;
table_map upper_select_const_tables() override;
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
bool change_result(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *result,
bool temp= FALSE) override;
bool no_tables() const override;
bool is_executed() const override;
void force_reexecution() override;
bool no_rows() override;
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return UNION_ENGINE; }
struct st_join_table;
A subquery execution engine that evaluates the subquery by doing one index
lookup in a unique index.
This engine is used to resolve subqueries in forms
outer_expr IN (SELECT tbl.unique_key FROM tbl WHERE subq_where)
or, tuple-based:
(oe1, .. oeN) IN (SELECT uniq_key_part1, ... uniq_key_partK
FROM tbl WHERE subqwhere)
i.e. the subquery is a single table SELECT without GROUP BY, aggregate
functions, etc.
class subselect_uniquesubquery_engine: public subselect_engine
st_join_table *tab;
Item *cond; /* The WHERE condition of subselect */
TRUE<=> last execution produced empty set. Valid only when left
expression is NULL.
bool empty_result_set;
// constructor can assign THD because it will be called after JOIN::prepare
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine(THD *thd_arg, st_join_table *tab_arg,
Item_in_subselect *subs, Item *where)
:subselect_engine(subs, 0), tab(tab_arg), cond(where)
thd= thd_arg;
void cleanup() override;
int prepare(THD *) override;
bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row) override;
int exec() override;
uint cols() const override { return 1; }
uint8 uncacheable() override { return UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT_INJECTED; }
void exclude() override;
table_map upper_select_const_tables() override { return 0; }
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
bool change_result(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *result,
bool temp= FALSE) override;
bool no_tables() const override;
int index_lookup(); /* TIMOUR: this method needs refactoring. */
int scan_table();
bool copy_ref_key(bool skip_constants);
bool no_rows() override { return empty_result_set; }
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return UNIQUESUBQUERY_ENGINE; }
class subselect_indexsubquery_engine: public subselect_uniquesubquery_engine
/* FALSE for 'ref', TRUE for 'ref-or-null'. */
bool check_null;
The "having" clause. This clause (further referred to as "artificial
having") was inserted by subquery transformation code. It contains
Item(s) that have a side-effect: they record whether the subquery has
produced a row with NULL certain components. We need to use it for cases
(oe1, oe2) IN (SELECT t.key, t.no_key FROM t1)
where we do index lookup on t.key=oe1 but need also to check if there
was a row such that t.no_key IS NULL.
NOTE: This is currently here and not in the uniquesubquery_engine. Ideally
it should have been in uniquesubquery_engine in order to allow execution of
subqueries like
(oe1, oe2) IN (SELECT primary_key, non_key_maybe_null_field FROM tbl)
We could use uniquesubquery_engine for the first component and let
Item_is_not_null_test( non_key_maybe_null_field) to handle the second.
However, subqueries like the above are currently not handled by index
lookup-based subquery engines, the engine applicability check misses
them: it doesn't switch the engine for case of artificial having and
[eq_]ref access (only for artificial having + ref_or_null or no having).
The above example subquery is handled as a full-blown SELECT with eq_ref
access to one table.
Due to this limitation, the "artificial having" currently needs to be
checked by only in indexsubquery_engine.
Item *having;
// constructor can assign THD because it will be called after JOIN::prepare
subselect_indexsubquery_engine(THD *thd_arg, st_join_table *tab_arg,
Item_in_subselect *subs, Item *where,
Item *having_arg, bool chk_null)
:subselect_uniquesubquery_engine(thd_arg, tab_arg, subs, where),
{ DBUG_ASSERT(subs); }
int exec() override;
void print (String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return INDEXSUBQUERY_ENGINE; }
This function is actually defined in sql_parse.cc, but it depends on
chooser_compare_func_creator defined in this file.
Item * all_any_subquery_creator(THD *thd, Item *left_expr,
chooser_compare_func_creator cmp,
bool all,
SELECT_LEX *select_lex);
inline bool Item_subselect::is_evaluated() const
return engine->is_executed();
inline bool Item_subselect::is_uncacheable() const
return engine->uncacheable();
Compute an IN predicate via a hash semi-join. This class is responsible for
the materialization of the subquery, and the selection of the correct and
optimal execution method (e.g. direct index lookup, or partial matching) for
the IN predicate.
class subselect_hash_sj_engine : public subselect_engine
/* The table into which the subquery is materialized. */
TABLE *tmp_table;
/* TRUE if the subquery was materialized into a temp table. */
bool is_materialized;
The old engine already chosen at parse time and stored in permanent memory.
Through this member we can re-create and re-prepare materialize_join for
each execution of a prepared statement. We also reuse the functionality
of subselect_single_select_engine::[prepare | cols].
subselect_single_select_engine *materialize_engine;
QEP to execute the subquery and materialize its result into a
temporary table. Created during the first call to exec().
JOIN *materialize_join;
A conjunction of all the equality conditions between all pairs of expressions
that are arguments of an IN predicate. We need these to post-filter some
IN results because index lookups sometimes match values that are actually
not equal to the search key in SQL terms.
Item_cond_and *semi_join_conds;
Name_resolution_context *semi_join_conds_context;
subselect_hash_sj_engine(THD *thd_arg, Item_in_subselect *in_predicate,
subselect_single_select_engine *old_engine)
: subselect_engine(in_predicate, NULL),
tmp_table(NULL), is_materialized(FALSE), materialize_engine(old_engine),
materialize_join(NULL), semi_join_conds(NULL), lookup_engine(NULL),
count_partial_match_columns(0), count_null_only_columns(0),
count_columns_with_nulls(0), strategy(UNDEFINED)
{ DBUG_ASSERT(in_predicate); }
bool init(List<Item> *tmp_columns, uint subquery_id);
void cleanup() override;
int prepare(THD *) override;
int exec() override;
void print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
uint cols() const override { return materialize_engine->cols(); }
uint8 uncacheable() override { return materialize_engine->uncacheable(); }
table_map upper_select_const_tables() override { return 0; }
bool no_rows() override { return !tmp_table->file->stats.records; }
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return HASH_SJ_ENGINE; }
TODO: factor out all these methods in a base subselect_index_engine class
because all of them have dummy implementations and should never be called.
bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row) override;//=>base class
void exclude() override; //=>base class
//=>base class
bool change_result(Item_subselect *si,
select_result_interceptor *result,
bool temp= FALSE) override;
bool no_tables() const override;//=>base class
/* Possible execution strategies that can be used to compute hash semi-join.*/
enum exec_strategy {
COMPLETE_MATCH, /* Use regular index lookups. */
PARTIAL_MATCH, /* Use some partial matching strategy. */
PARTIAL_MATCH_MERGE, /* Use partial matching through index merging. */
PARTIAL_MATCH_SCAN, /* Use partial matching through table scan. */
SINGLE_COLUMN_MATCH, /* Use simplified matching when there is only
one field involved. */
CONST_RETURN_NULL, /* The result of IN predicate is constant NULL */
IMPOSSIBLE /* Subquery materialization is not applicable. */
/* The engine used to compute the IN predicate. */
subselect_engine *lookup_engine;
/* Keyparts of the only non-NULL composite index in a rowid merge. */
MY_BITMAP non_null_key_parts;
/* Keyparts of the single column indexes with NULL, one keypart per index. */
MY_BITMAP partial_match_key_parts;
uint count_partial_match_columns;
uint count_null_only_columns;
uint count_columns_with_nulls;
/* The chosen execution strategy. Computed after materialization. */
exec_strategy strategy;
exec_strategy get_strategy_using_schema();
exec_strategy get_strategy_using_data();
ulonglong rowid_merge_buff_size(bool has_non_null_key,
bool has_covering_null_row,
MY_BITMAP *partial_match_key_parts);
void choose_partial_match_strategy(uint field_count,
bool has_non_null_key,
bool has_covering_null_row,
MY_BITMAP *partial_match_key_parts);
bool make_semi_join_conds();
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine* make_unique_engine();
Distinguish the type of (0-based) row numbers from the type of the index into
an array of row numbers.
typedef ha_rows rownum_t;
An Ordered_key is an in-memory table index that allows O(log(N)) time
lookups of a multi-part key.
If the index is over a single column, then this column may contain NULLs, and
the NULLs are stored and tested separately for NULL in O(1) via is_null().
Multi-part indexes assume that the indexed columns do not contain NULLs.
= Due to the unnatural assymetry between single and multi-part indexes, it
makes sense to somehow refactor or extend the class.
= This class can be refactored into a base abstract interface, and two
- one to represent single-column indexes, and
- another to represent multi-column indexes.
Such separation would allow slightly more efficient implementation of
the single-column indexes.
= The current design requires such indexes to be fully recreated for each
PS (re)execution, however most of the comprising objects can be reused.
class Ordered_key : public Sql_alloc
Index of the key in an array of keys. This index allows to
construct (sub)sets of keys represented by bitmaps.
uint keyid;
/* The table being indexed. */
TABLE *tbl;
/* The columns being indexed. */
Item_field **key_columns;
/* Number of elements in 'key_columns' (number of key parts). */
uint key_column_count;
An expression, or sequence of expressions that forms the search key.
The search key is a sequence when it is Item_row. Each element of the
sequence is accessible via Item::element_index(int i).
Item *search_key;
/* Value index related members. */
The actual value index, consists of a sorted sequence of row numbers.
rownum_t *key_buff;
/* Number of elements in key_buff. */
ha_rows key_buff_elements;
/* Current element in 'key_buff'. */
ha_rows cur_key_idx;
Mapping from row numbers to row ids. The element row_num_to_rowid[i]
contains a buffer with the rowid for the row numbered 'i'.
The memory for this member is not maintained by this class because
all Ordered_key indexes of the same table share the same mapping.
uchar *row_num_to_rowid;
A sequence of predicates to compare the search key with the corresponding
columns of a table row from the index.
Item_func_lt **compare_pred;
/* Null index related members. */
MY_BITMAP null_key;
/* Count of NULLs per column. */
ha_rows null_count;
/* The row number that contains the first NULL in a column. */
rownum_t min_null_row;
/* The row number that contains the last NULL in a column. */
rownum_t max_null_row;
bool alloc_keys_buffers();
Quick sort comparison function that compares two rows of the same table
indentfied with their row numbers.
int cmp_keys_by_row_data(const rownum_t a, const rownum_t b) const;
static int cmp_keys_by_row_data_and_rownum(void *key, const void *a,
const void *b);
int cmp_key_with_search_key(rownum_t row_num);
Ordered_key(uint keyid_arg, TABLE *tbl_arg,
Item *search_key_arg, ha_rows null_count_arg,
ha_rows min_null_row_arg, ha_rows max_null_row_arg,
uchar *row_num_to_rowid_arg);
void cleanup();
/* Initialize a multi-column index. */
bool init(MY_BITMAP *columns_to_index);
/* Initialize a single-column index. */
bool init(int col_idx);
uint get_column_count() const { return key_column_count; }
uint get_keyid() const { return keyid; }
Field *get_field(uint i) const
DBUG_ASSERT(i < key_column_count);
return key_columns[i]->field;
rownum_t get_min_null_row() const { return min_null_row; }
rownum_t get_max_null_row() const { return max_null_row; }
MY_BITMAP * get_null_key() { return &null_key; }
ha_rows get_null_count() const { return null_count; }
ha_rows get_key_buff_elements() const { return key_buff_elements; }
Get the search key element that corresponds to the i-th key part of this
Item *get_search_key(uint i) const
return search_key->element_index(key_columns[i]->field->field_index);
void add_key(rownum_t row_num)
/* The caller must know how many elements to add. */
DBUG_ASSERT(key_buff_elements && cur_key_idx < key_buff_elements);
key_buff[cur_key_idx]= row_num;
bool sort_keys();
inline double null_selectivity() const;
Position the current element at the first row that matches the key.
The key itself is propagated by evaluating the current value(s) of
bool lookup();
/* Move the current index cursor to the first key. */
void first()
cur_key_idx= 0;
/* TODO */
bool next_same();
/* Move the current index cursor to the next key. */
bool next()
if (cur_key_idx < key_buff_elements - 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Return the current index element. */
rownum_t current() const
DBUG_ASSERT(key_buff_elements && cur_key_idx < key_buff_elements);
return key_buff[cur_key_idx];
void set_null(rownum_t row_num)
bitmap_set_bit(&null_key, (uint)row_num);
bool is_null(rownum_t row_num) const
Indexes consisting of only NULLs do not have a bitmap buffer at all.
Their only initialized member is 'n_bits', which is equal to the number
of temp table rows.
if (null_count == tbl->file->stats.records)
DBUG_ASSERT(tbl->file->stats.records == null_key.n_bits);
return TRUE;
if (row_num > max_null_row || row_num < min_null_row)
return FALSE;
return bitmap_is_set(&null_key, (uint)row_num);
void print(String *str) const;
class subselect_partial_match_engine : public subselect_engine
/* The temporary table that contains a materialized subquery. */
TABLE *tmp_table;
The engine used to check whether an IN predicate is TRUE or not. If not
TRUE, then subselect_rowid_merge_engine further distinguishes between
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine *lookup_engine;
/* A list of equalities between each pair of IN operands. */
List<Item> *equi_join_conds;
True if there is an all NULL row in tmp_table. If so, then if there is
no complete match, there is a guaranteed partial match.
bool has_covering_null_row;
True if all nullable columns of tmp_table consist of only NULL values.
If so, then if there is a match in the non-null columns, there is a
guaranteed partial match.
bool has_covering_null_columns;
uint count_columns_with_nulls;
virtual bool partial_match()= 0;
subselect_partial_match_engine(THD *thd,
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine *engine_arg,
TABLE *tmp_table_arg, Item_subselect *item_arg,
select_result_interceptor *result_arg,
List<Item> *equi_join_conds_arg,
bool has_covering_null_row_arg,
bool has_covering_null_columns_arg,
uint count_columns_with_nulls_arg);
int prepare(THD *thd_arg) override { set_thd(thd_arg); return 0; }
int exec() override;
bool fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache**) override { return FALSE; }
uint cols() const override
{ /* TODO: what is the correct value? */ return 1; }
uint8 uncacheable() override { return UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT; }
void exclude() override {}
table_map upper_select_const_tables() override { return 0; }
bool change_result(Item_subselect*,
bool temp= FALSE) override
{ DBUG_ASSERT(FALSE); return false; }
bool no_tables() const override { return false; }
bool no_rows() override
TODO: It is completely unclear what is the semantics of this
method. The current result is computed so that the call to no_rows()
from Item_in_optimizer::val_int() sets Item_in_optimizer::null_value
return !(item->get_IN_subquery()->null_value);
void print(String*, enum_query_type) override;
friend void subselect_hash_sj_engine::cleanup();
class subselect_rowid_merge_engine: public subselect_partial_match_engine
Mapping from row numbers to row ids. The rowids are stored sequentially
in the array - rowid[i] is located in row_num_to_rowid + i * rowid_length.
uchar *row_num_to_rowid;
A subset of all the keys for which there is a match for the same row.
Used during execution. Computed for each outer reference
MY_BITMAP matching_keys;
The columns of the outer reference that are NULL. Computed for each
outer reference.
MY_BITMAP matching_outer_cols;
Indexes of row numbers, sorted by <column_value, row_number>. If an
index may contain NULLs, the NULLs are stored efficiently in a bitmap.
The indexes are sorted by the selectivity of their NULL sub-indexes, the
one with the fewer NULLs is first. Thus, if there is any index on
non-NULL columns, it is contained in keys[0].
Ordered_key **merge_keys;
/* The number of elements in merge_keys. */
uint merge_keys_count;
/* The NULL bitmaps of merge keys.*/
MY_BITMAP **null_bitmaps;
An index on all non-NULL columns of 'tmp_table'. The index has the
logical form: <[v_i1 | ... | v_ik], rownum>. It allows to find the row
number where the columns c_i1,...,c1_k contain the values v_i1,...,v_ik.
If such an index exists, it is always the first element of 'merge_keys'.
Ordered_key *non_null_key;
Priority queue of Ordered_key indexes, one per NULLable column.
This queue is used by the partial match algorithm in method exec().
Queue<Ordered_key> pq;
Comparison function to compare keys in order of decreasing bitmap
static int cmp_keys_by_null_selectivity(const void *k1, const void *k2);
Comparison function used by the priority queue pq, the 'smaller' key
is the one with the smaller current row number.
static int cmp_keys_by_cur_rownum(void *, const void *k1, const void *k2);
bool test_null_row(rownum_t row_num);
bool exists_complementing_null_row(MY_BITMAP *keys_to_complement);
bool partial_match() override;
subselect_rowid_merge_engine(THD *thd,
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine *engine_arg,
TABLE *tmp_table_arg, uint merge_keys_count_arg,
bool has_covering_null_row_arg,
bool has_covering_null_columns_arg,
uint count_columns_with_nulls_arg,
Item_subselect *item_arg,
select_result_interceptor *result_arg,
List<Item> *equi_join_conds_arg)
:subselect_partial_match_engine(thd, engine_arg, tmp_table_arg,
item_arg, result_arg, equi_join_conds_arg,
merge_keys_count(merge_keys_count_arg), non_null_key(NULL)
bool init(MY_BITMAP *non_null_key_parts, MY_BITMAP *partial_match_key_parts);
void cleanup() override;
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return ROWID_MERGE_ENGINE; }
class subselect_table_scan_engine: public subselect_partial_match_engine
bool partial_match() override;
subselect_table_scan_engine(THD *thd,
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine *engine_arg,
TABLE *tmp_table_arg, Item_subselect *item_arg,
select_result_interceptor *result_arg,
List<Item> *equi_join_conds_arg,
bool has_covering_null_row_arg,
bool has_covering_null_columns_arg,
uint count_columns_with_nulls_arg);
void cleanup() override;
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return TABLE_SCAN_ENGINE; }
An engine to handle NULL-aware Materialization for subqueries
that compare one column:
col1 IN (SELECT t2.col2 FROM t2 ...)
When only one column is used, we need to handle NULL values of
col1 and col2 but don't need to perform "partial" matches when only
a subset of compared columns is NULL.
This allows to save on some data structures.
class subselect_single_column_match_engine:
public subselect_partial_match_engine
bool partial_match() override;
subselect_single_column_match_engine(THD *thd,
subselect_uniquesubquery_engine *engine_arg,
TABLE *tmp_table_arg, Item_subselect *item_arg,
select_result_interceptor *result_arg,
List<Item> *equi_join_conds_arg,
bool has_covering_null_row_arg,
bool has_covering_null_columns_arg,
uint count_columns_with_nulls_arg);
void cleanup() override {}
enum_engine_type engine_type() override { return SINGLE_COLUMN_ENGINE; }
@brief Subquery materialization tracker
Used to track various parameters of the materialized subquery execution,
such as the execution strategy, sizes of buffers employed, etc
class Subq_materialization_tracker
using Strategy = subselect_hash_sj_engine::exec_strategy;
Subq_materialization_tracker(MEM_ROOT *mem_root)
: exec_strategy(Strategy::UNDEFINED),
void report_partial_merge_keys(Ordered_key **merge_keys,
uint merge_keys_count);
void report_exec_strategy(Strategy es)
exec_strategy= es;
void report_partial_match_buffer_size(longlong sz)
partial_match_buffer_size= sz;
void increment_loops_count()
void increment_index_lookups()
void increment_partial_matches()
void print_json_members(Json_writer *writer) const;
Strategy exec_strategy;
ulonglong partial_match_buffer_size;
Dynamic_array<ha_rows> partial_match_array_sizes;
/* Number of times subquery predicate was evaluated */
ulonglong loops_count;
Number of times we made a lookup in the materialized temptable
(we do this when all parts of left_expr are not NULLs)
ulonglong index_lookups_count;
Number of times we had to check for a partial match (either by
scanning the materialized subquery or by doing a merge)
ulonglong partial_matches_count;
const char *get_exec_strategy() const
switch (exec_strategy)
case Strategy::UNDEFINED:
return "undefined";
case Strategy::COMPLETE_MATCH:
return "index_lookup";
return "index_lookup;array merge for partial match";
case Strategy::PARTIAL_MATCH_SCAN:
return "index_lookup;full scan for partial match";
return "null-aware index_lookup";
case Strategy::CONST_RETURN_NULL:
return "return NULL";
return "unsupported";