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install soname "password_reuse_check";
set global password_reuse_check_interval= 0;
# Default value (sould be unlimited i.e. 0)
SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES like "password_reuse_check%";
Variable_name Value
password_reuse_check_interval 0
# insert user
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
ERROR HY000: Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Warning 1819 password_reuse_check: The password was already used
Error 1819 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
alter user user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
ERROR HY000: Operation ALTER USER failed for 'user_name'@'localhost'
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Warning 1819 password_reuse_check: The password was already used
Error 1819 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
Error 1396 Operation ALTER USER failed for 'user_name'@'localhost'
# check exparation
set global password_reuse_check_interval= 10;
alter user user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
ERROR HY000: Operation ALTER USER failed for 'user_name'@'localhost'
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Warning 1819 password_reuse_check: The password was already used
Error 1819 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
Error 1396 Operation ALTER USER failed for 'user_name'@'localhost'
select hex(hash) from mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
# emulate old password
update mysql.password_reuse_check_history set time= date_sub(now(), interval
11 day);
alter user user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
show warnings;
Level Code Message
drop user user_name@localhost;
show create table mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
Table Create Table
password_reuse_check_history CREATE TABLE `password_reuse_check_history` (
`hash` binary(64) NOT NULL,
`time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
PRIMARY KEY (`hash`),
KEY `tm` (`time`)
select count(*) from mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
drop table mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
# test error messages
set global password_reuse_check_interval= 0;
drop table if exists mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
Note 1051 Unknown table 'mysql.password_reuse_check_history'
# test error messages
create table mysql.password_reuse_check_history (wrong_structure int);
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
ERROR HY000: Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Warning 1105 password_reuse_check:[1054] Unknown column 'hash' in 'INSERT INTO'
Error 1819 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
set global password_reuse_check_interval= 10;
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
ERROR HY000: Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
show warnings;
Level Code Message
Warning 1105 password_reuse_check:[1054] Unknown column 'time' in 'WHERE'
Error 1819 Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements (password_reuse_check)
drop table mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
# MDEV-28838: password_reuse_check plugin mixes username and password
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
grant select on *.* to user_nam@localhost identified by 'etest_pwd';
show warnings;
Level Code Message
drop user user_name@localhost;
drop user user_nam@localhost;
drop table mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
grant select on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by 'test_pwd';
grant select on *.* to tuser_name@localhos identified by 'test_pwd';
show warnings;
Level Code Message
drop user user_name@localhost;
drop user tuser_name@localhos;
# End of 10.7 tests
drop table mysql.password_reuse_check_history;
uninstall plugin password_reuse_check;