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The InnoDB internal tables SYS_TABLESPACES and SYS_DATAFILES as well as the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES and INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES were introduced in MySQL 5.6 for no good reason in mysql/mysql-server/commit/e9255a22ef16d612a8076bc0b34002bc5a784627 when the InnoDB support for the DATA DIRECTORY attribute was introduced. The file system should be the authoritative source of information on files. Storing information about file system paths in the file system (symlinks, or even the .isl files that were unfortunately chosen as the solution) is sufficient. If information is additionally stored in some hidden tables inside the InnoDB system tablespace, everything unnecessarily becomes more complicated, because more copies of data mean more opportunity for the copies to be out of sync, and because modifying the data in the system tablespace in the desired way might not be possible at all without modifying the InnoDB source code. So, the copy in the system tablespace basically is a redundant, non-authoritative source of information. We will stop creating or accessing the system tables SYS_TABLESPACES and SYS_DATAFILES. We will also remove the view INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES along with SYS_DATAFILES. The view INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES will be repurposed to directly reflect fil_system.space_list. The column PAGE_SIZE, which would always contain the value of the GLOBAL read-only variable innodb_page_size, is removed. The column ZIP_PAGE_SIZE, which would actually contain the physical page size of a page, is renamed to PAGE_SIZE. Finally, a new column FILENAME is added, as a replacement of SYS_DATAFILES.PATH. This will also address MDEV-21801 (files that were created before upgrading to MySQL 5.6 or MariaDB 10.0 or later were never registered in SYS_TABLESPACES or SYS_DATAFILES) and MDEV-21801 (information about the system tablespace is not stored in SYS_TABLESPACES or SYS_DATAFILES).
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# WL#6469: Optimizing CREATE/DROP performance for temporary tables
--source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc
--source include/have_innodb.inc
# #
# Will test following scenarios: #
# 1. Create/Drop of temp-table. (with and w/o explicit pk) #
# 2. Truncate temp-table (result in table drop and recreate). #
# 3. Alter of temp-table. #
# 4. Import/Discard of temp-table (to check blocked action) #
# 5. Renaming of temp-table #
# 6. Creating temp-table with large prefix. #
# 7. Check Temp table info not stored in InnoDB system tables #
# 1. Create/Drop of temp-table. (with and w/o explicit pk) #
create temporary table t1 (i int) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i = 4;
drop table t1;
# recreate table wih same name to ensure entries are removed.
create temporary table t1 (i int) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i = 4;
drop table t1;
create temporary table t2 (i int) engine = innodb;
insert into t2 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from t2;
select * from t2 where i = 4;
drop table t2;
# 2. Truncate temp-table (result in table drop and recreate). #
create temporary table t1
(keyc int, c1 char(100), c2 char(100),
primary key(keyc)) engine = innodb;
delimiter |;
create procedure populate_t1()
declare i int default 1;
while (i <= 200) DO
insert into t1 values (i, 'a', 'b');
set i = i + 1;
end while;
delimiter ;|
set autocommit=0;
select count(*) from t1;
call populate_t1();
select count(*) from t1;
select * from t1 limit 10;
set autocommit=1;
truncate table t1;
select count(*) from t1;
drop table t1;
# recreate table wih same name to ensure entries are removed.
create temporary table t1 (i int) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i = 4;
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1
(keyc int, c1 char(100), c2 char(100),
primary key(keyc))
engine = innodb;
select count(*) from t1;
call populate_t1();
select count(*) from t1;
select count(*) from t1;
call populate_t1();
select count(*) from t1;
truncate table t1;
select count(*) from t1;
drop table t1;
drop procedure populate_t1;
# 3. Alter of temp-table.
create temporary table t1 (t1_i int, t1_f float) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values (1, 1.1), (2, 2.5), (3, 2.5), (4, 4.4);
explain select * from t1 where t1_i = 1;
alter table t1 add unique index pri_index(t1_i);
explain select * from t1 where t1_i = 1;
select * from t1 where t1_i = 1;
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
alter table t1 add unique index sec_index(t1_f);
alter table t1 add index sec_index(t1_f);
explain select * from t1 where t1_f >= 2.5;
select * from t1 where t1_f >= 2.5;
alter table t1 add column (t1_c char(10));
select * from t1;
insert into t1 values (5, 5.5, 'krunal');
alter table t1 drop column t1_f;
show create table t1;
select * from t1 where t1_f >= 2.5;
alter table t1 add index sec_index2(t1_c), algorithm=inplace;
drop table t1;
# 4. Import/Discard of temp-table (to check blocked action)
create temporary table t1 (i int, f float) engine = innodb;
insert into t1 values (10, 1.1), (20, 2.2);
select * from t1;
alter table t1 discard tablespace;
alter table t1 import tablespace;
drop table t1;
# 5. Renaming of temp-table #
create temporary table t1 (i int) engine=innodb;
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3);
select * from t1;
alter table t1 rename t2;
select * from t1;
select * from t2;
insert into t2 values (1), (2), (6), (7);
select * from t2;
drop table t2;
# 6. Creating temp-table with large prefix. #
# This will lead to warnings on innodb_page_size=8k or 4k:
# 8k: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1536 bytes
# 4k: Specified key was too long; max key length is 768 bytes
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = dynamic engine=innodb;
drop table t;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = dynamic engine=innodb;
drop table t;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = dynamic engine=innodb;
drop table t;
SET innodb_strict_mode=OFF;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = compact engine=innodb;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = dynamic engine=innodb;
drop table t;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = compressed engine=innodb;
drop table t;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = compact engine=innodb;
create temporary table t (
a int not null,
b blob not null,
index sk (b(3021))
) row_format = dynamic engine=innodb;
drop table t;
# 7. Temp table info not stored in I_S
CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT ) ENGINE = Innodb;
CREATE TEMPORARY table t3 ( i INT ) ENGINE = Innodb;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;