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synced 2025-03-20 14:08:37 +01:00

Updated tests: cases with bugs or which cannot be run with the cursor-protocol were excluded with "--disable_cursor_protocol"/"--enable_cursor_protocol" Fix for v.10.5
217 lines
7.3 KiB
217 lines
7.3 KiB
--source include/have_innodb.inc
--source include/innodb_row_format.inc
# TC to test temp-table DML optimization changes for correctness #
# Sceanrio covered in single testcase : #
# - Tables with row format(redundant,dynamic,compact) #
# - Table with primary,composite,prefix,secondary index #
# - Insert/delete/update with transactioons #
# - Transaction with commit,rollback,savepoint statements #
# - Concurrency by execution of two clients creating tables with #
# same names #
# - Inserting data using #
# - Insert into .. , Load data infile..,insert ignore #
# - Insert into .. on duplicate update #
# - Check basic delete and update [ignore] #
# - Check constraints like duplicate key,default value #
# - Alter add column , add primary key #
# - with prepare and execute statement #
# Create procedure to perform
# 1. Create temp table with row types , index , sufficent data types
# 2. Perform DML with transaction
delimiter |;
create procedure populate_tables()
declare n int default 20;
declare inner_loop int default 100;
create temporary table t5(c1 int not null,
c2 int not null,
c3 char(255) not null,
c4 text(6000) not null,
c5 blob(6000) not null,
c6 varchar(2000) not null,
c7 varchar(2000) not null,
c8 datetime,
c9 decimal(6,3),
primary key (c1),
index (c3,c4(50),c5(50)),
index (c2))
create temporary table t6 ( a int ) engine = innodb;
insert into t6 values (50),(100),(150),(190);
while (n > 0) do
start transaction;
insert ignore into t5 values(n,n,repeat(concat(' tc3_',n),30),
repeat(concat(' tc4_',n),800),repeat(concat(' tc_',n),800),
repeat(concat(' tc6_',n),800),repeat(concat(' tc7_',n),800),
if (n > 10) then
delete from t5 where c1 > 10 ;
start transaction;
update t5 set c1 = c1 + 1000 where c1 > 10;
end if;
start transaction;
insert ignore into t5 values(n+inner_loop,n+inner_loop,repeat(concat(' tc3_',n+inner_loop),30),
repeat(concat(' tc4_',n+inner_loop),800),repeat(concat(' tc_',n+inner_loop),800),
repeat(concat(' tc6_',n+inner_loop),245),repeat(concat(' tc7_',n+inner_loop),245),
delete from t5 where c1 between 100 and 110;
update t5 set c1 = c1+1 where c1>110;
savepoint a;
insert ignore into t5 values(300+n+inner_loop,n+inner_loop,repeat(concat(' tc3_',n+inner_loop),30),
repeat(concat(' tc4_',n+inner_loop),800),repeat(concat(' tc_',n+inner_loop),800),
repeat(concat(' tc6_',n+inner_loop),245),repeat(concat(' tc7_',n+inner_loop),245),
savepoint b;
insert into t5 values(400+n+inner_loop,n+inner_loop,repeat(concat(' tc3_',n+inner_loop),30),
repeat(concat(' tc4_',n+inner_loop),800),repeat(concat(' tc_',n+inner_loop),800),
repeat(concat(' tc6_',n+inner_loop),245),repeat(concat(' tc7_',n+inner_loop),245),
savepoint c;
rollback to b;
rollback to a;
set n = n - 1;
end while;
delimiter ;|
# Create two client for concurrent execution
connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
--send call populate_tables();
connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
--send call populate_tables();
connection con1;
# 20 rows expected
select c1 from t5;
connection con2;
# 20 rows expected
select c1 from t5;
connection con1;
set autocommit = 0;
# Check duplicate key constraint + insert ignore
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t5 values (20,1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55);
insert ignore into t5 values (20,1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55);
# check rollback due to duplicate value in second record of insert
--error ER_DUP_ENTRY
insert into t5 values (1,1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55),
set autocommit = 1;
select c1,c2 from t5 where c1 in (20,1);
#replace statement
replace into t5 values (20,1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55);
# verify row is replaced from (20,20) to (20,1)
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c9 from t5 where c1 = 20;
# Update ignore. statement is ignored as 20 value exists
update ignore t5 set c1 = 20 where c1 = 140 ;
# see record 140 is present as last update ignored
select count(*) from t5 where c1 = 140;
eval select * into outfile "$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/t5.outfile" from t5;
create temporary table temp_1 engine = innodb as select * from t5 where 1=2;
select count(*) from temp_1;
eval load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/t5.outfile' into table temp_1;
select count(*) from temp_1;
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/t5.outfile
# Alter table to add column and primary key
alter table temp_1 add column c10 int default 99 ,
add column c11 varchar(100) default 'test';
alter table temp_1 add primary key (c1);
insert into temp_1 (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9) values (-1,-1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55);
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c9,c10,c11 from temp_1 where c1 < 0;
select count(*) from temp_1 where c10 = 99 and c11 like 'test';
# insert on duplicate key update
insert into temp_1 (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9) values (-1,-1,'a','a','a','a','a',now(),100.55)
on duplicate key update c1=-2,c2=-2;
select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c9,c10,c11 from temp_1 where c1 < 0;
disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;
connection default;
drop procedure populate_tables;
# case 2 - with prepare and execute
let $prep_loop= 5;
create temporary table prep_1(c1 int not null,
c2 int not null,
c3 char(255) not null,
c4 text(6000) not null,
c5 blob(6000) not null,
c6 varchar(2000) not null,
c7 varchar(2000) not null,
c8 datetime,
c9 decimal(6,3),
index (c3,c4(50),c5(50)),
index (c2))
PREPARE stm FROM "insert into prep_1 values(?,?,repeat(concat(' tc3_',?),30),repeat(concat(' tc4_',?),800),repeat(concat(' tc_',?),800),repeat(concat(' tc6_',?),245),repeat(concat(' tc7_',?),245),now(),(100.55+?))";
set @var = 5;
set @var_static = 5;
while ($prep_loop>0)
eval EXECUTE stm USING @var,@var,@var,@var,@var,@var,@var,@var;
eval EXECUTE stm USING @var_static,@var_static,@var_static,@var_static,@var_static,@var_static,@var_static,@var_static;
dec $prep_loop;
set @var = @var - 1;
select c1,left(c3,15) from prep_1 order by c1 ;
select count(*) from prep_1;
PREPARE stm_1 FROM "UPDATE prep_1 SET c1 = c1 + 1";
EXECUTE stm_1;
EXECUTE stm_1;
select c1,left(c3,15) from prep_1 order by c1 ;
select count(*) from prep_1;
EXECUTE stm_2;
EXECUTE stm_2;
select c1,left(c3,15) from prep_1 order by c1 ;
select count(*) from prep_1;
drop prepare stm;
drop prepare stm_1;
drop prepare stm_2;