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@file include/trx0purge.h
Purge old versions
Created 3/26/1996 Heikki Tuuri
#pragma once
#include "trx0sys.h"
#include "que0types.h"
#include "srw_lock.h"
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
/** Prepend the history list with an undo log.
Remove the undo log segment from the rseg slot if it is too big for reuse.
@param[in] trx transaction
@param[in,out] undo undo log
@param[in,out] mtr mini-transaction */
trx_purge_add_undo_to_history(const trx_t* trx, trx_undo_t*& undo, mtr_t* mtr);
Remove unnecessary history data from rollback segments. NOTE that when this
function is called, the caller (purge_coordinator_callback)
must not have any latches on undo log pages!
void trx_purge_truncate_history();
Run a purge batch.
@param n_tasks number of purge tasks to submit to the queue
@param history_size trx_sys.history_size()
@return number of undo log pages handled in the batch */
ulint trx_purge(ulint n_tasks, ulint history_size);
/** The control structure used in the purge operation */
class purge_sys_t
/** Min-heap based priority queue of (trx_no, trx_sys.rseg_array index)
pairs, ordered on trx_no. The highest 64-TRX_NO_SHIFT bits of each element is
trx_no, the lowest 8 bits is rseg's index in trx_sys.rseg_array. */
class purge_queue
typedef std::vector<uint64_t, ut_allocator<uint64_t>> container_type;
/** Number of bits reseved to shift trx_no in purge queue element */
static constexpr unsigned TRX_NO_SHIFT= 8;
bool empty() const { return m_array.empty(); }
void clear() { m_array.clear(); }
/** Push (trx_no, trx_sys.rseg_array index) into min-heap.
@param trx_no_rseg (trx_no << TRX_NO_SHIFT | (trx_sys.rseg_array index)) */
void push_trx_no_rseg(container_type::value_type trx_no_rseg)
std::push_heap(m_array.begin(), m_array.end(),
/** Push rseg to priority queue.
@param trx_no trx_no of committed transaction
@param rseg rseg of committed transaction*/
void push(trx_id_t trx_no, const trx_rseg_t &rseg)
ut_ad(trx_no < 1ULL << (DATA_TRX_ID_LEN * CHAR_BIT));
ut_ad(&rseg >= trx_sys.rseg_array);
ut_ad(&rseg < trx_sys.rseg_array + TRX_SYS_N_RSEGS);
push_trx_no_rseg(trx_no << TRX_NO_SHIFT |
byte(&rseg - trx_sys.rseg_array));
/** Extracts rseg from (trx_no, trx_sys.rseg_array index) pair.
@param trx_no_rseg (trx_no << TRX_NO_SHIFT | (trx_sys.rseg_array index)
@return pointer to rseg in trx_sys.rseg_array */
static trx_rseg_t *rseg(container_type::value_type trx_no_rseg) {
byte i= static_cast<byte>(trx_no_rseg);
ut_ad(i < TRX_SYS_N_RSEGS);
return &trx_sys.rseg_array[i];
/** Pop rseg from priority queue.
@return pointer to popped trx_rseg_t object */
trx_rseg_t *pop()
std::pop_heap(m_array.begin(), m_array.end(),
trx_rseg_t *r = rseg(m_array.back());
return r;
/** Clone m_array.
@return m_array clone */
container_type clone_container() const{ return m_array; }
/** Array of (trx_no, trx_sys.rseg_array index) pairs. */
container_type m_array;
/** latch protecting view, m_enabled */
mutable IF_DBUG(srw_lock_debug,srw_spin_lock) latch;
/** Read view at the start of a purge batch. Any encountered index records
that are older than view will be removed. */
ReadViewBase view;
/** whether the subsystem has been initialized */
bool m_initialized{false};
/** whether purge is enabled; protected by latch and std::atomic */
std::atomic<bool> m_enabled{false};
/** The primary candidate for iterator::free_history() is
rseg=trx_sys.rseg_array[skipped_rseg]. This field may be changed
after invoking rseg.set_skip_allocation() and rseg.clear_skip_allocation()
and while holding the exclusive rseg.latch.
This may only be 0 if innodb_undo_tablespaces=0, because rollback segment
0 always resides in the system tablespace and would never be used when
dedicated undo tablespaces are in use. */
Atomic_relaxed<uint8_t> skipped_rseg;
/** whether purge is active (may hold table handles) */
std::atomic<bool> m_active{false};
/** number of pending stop() calls without resume() */
Atomic_counter<uint32_t> m_paused;
/** PAUSED_SYS * number of stop_SYS() calls without resume_SYS() +
number of stop_FTS() calls without resume_FTS() */
Atomic_relaxed<uint32_t> m_FTS_paused;
/** The stop_SYS() multiplier in m_FTS_paused */
static constexpr const uint32_t PAUSED_SYS= 1U << 16;
/** latch protecting end_view */
alignas(CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE) srw_spin_lock_low end_latch;
/** Read view at the end of a purge batch (copied from view). Any undo pages
containing records older than end_view may be freed. */
ReadViewBase end_view;
struct hasher
size_t operator()(const page_id_t &id) const { return size_t(id.raw()); }
using unordered_map =
std::unordered_map<const page_id_t, buf_block_t*, hasher,
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8
/* GCC 4.8.5 would fail to find a matching allocator */
ut_allocator<std::pair<const page_id_t, buf_block_t*>>
/** map of buffer-fixed undo log pages processed during a purge batch */
unordered_map pages;
/** @return the number of processed undo pages */
size_t n_pages_handled() const { return pages.size(); }
/** Look up an undo log page.
@param id undo page identifier
@return undo page
@retval nullptr in case the page is corrupted */
buf_block_t *get_page(page_id_t id);
que_t* query; /*!< The query graph which will do the
parallelized purge operation */
/** Iterator to the undo log records of committed transactions */
struct iterator
bool operator<=(const iterator& other) const
if (trx_no < other.trx_no) return true;
if (trx_no > other.trx_no) return false;
return undo_no <= other.undo_no;
/** Remove unnecessary history data from a rollback segment.
@param rseg rollback segment
@return error code */
inline dberr_t free_history_rseg(trx_rseg_t &rseg) const;
/** Free the undo pages up to this. */
dberr_t free_history() const;
/** trx_t::no of the committed transaction */
trx_id_t trx_no;
/** The record number within the committed transaction's undo
log, increasing, purged from from 0 onwards */
undo_no_t undo_no;
/** The tail of the purge queue; the last parsed undo log of a
committed transaction. */
iterator tail;
/** The head of the purge queue; any older undo logs of committed
transactions may be discarded (history list truncation).
Protected by latch. */
iterator head;
bool next_stored; /*!< whether rseg holds the next record
to purge */
trx_rseg_t* rseg; /*!< Rollback segment for the next undo
record to purge */
uint32_t page_no; /*!< Page number for the next undo
record to purge, page number of the
log header, if dummy record */
uint32_t hdr_page_no; /*!< Header page of the undo log where
the next record to purge belongs */
uint16_t offset; /*!< Page offset for the next undo
record to purge, 0 if the dummy
record */
uint16_t hdr_offset; /*!< Header byte offset on the page */
/** Binary min-heap of (trx_no, trx_sys.rseg_array index) pairs, ordered on
trx_no. It is protected by the pq_mutex */
purge_queue purge_queue;
/** Mutex protecting purge_queue */
mysql_mutex_t pq_mutex;
void enqueue(trx_id_t trx_no, const trx_rseg_t &rseg) {
purge_queue.push(trx_no, rseg);
/** Push to purge queue without acquiring pq_mutex.
@param rseg rseg to push */
void enqueue(const trx_rseg_t &rseg) { enqueue(rseg.last_trx_no(), rseg); }
/** Clone purge queue container.
@return purge queue container clone */
purge_queue::container_type clone_queue_container() const {
return purge_queue.clone_container();
/** Acquare purge_queue_mutex */
void queue_lock() { mysql_mutex_lock(&pq_mutex); }
/** Release purge queue mutex */
void queue_unlock() { mysql_mutex_unlock(&pq_mutex); }
/** innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON state;
only modified by purge_coordinator_callback() */
struct {
/** The undo tablespace that is currently being truncated */
Atomic_relaxed<fil_space_t*> current;
/** The number of the undo tablespace that was last truncated,
relative from srv_undo_space_id_start */
uint32_t last;
} truncate_undo_space;
/** Create the instance */
void create();
/** Close the purge system on shutdown */
void close();
/** @return whether purge is enabled */
bool enabled() { return m_enabled.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
/** @return whether the purge coordinator is paused */
bool paused()
{ return m_paused != 0; }
/** Enable purge at startup. */
void coordinator_startup()
m_enabled.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
/** Disable purge at shutdown */
void coordinator_shutdown()
m_enabled.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed);
/** @return whether the purge tasks are active */
static bool running();
/** Stop purge during FLUSH TABLES FOR EXPORT. */
void stop();
/** Resume purge at UNLOCK TABLES after FLUSH TABLES FOR EXPORT */
void resume();
/** Close and reopen all tables in case of a MDL conflict with DDL */
dict_table_t *close_and_reopen(table_id_t id, THD *thd, MDL_ticket **mdl);
/** Suspend purge during a DDL operation on FULLTEXT INDEX tables */
void wait_FTS(bool also_sys);
/** Suspend purge in data dictionary tables */
void stop_SYS()
ut_d(const auto p=) m_FTS_paused.fetch_add(PAUSED_SYS);
ut_ad(p < p + PAUSED_SYS);
/** Resume purge in data dictionary tables */
static void resume_SYS(void *);
/** Pause purge during a DDL operation that could drop FTS_ tables. */
void stop_FTS();
/** Resume purge after stop_FTS(). */
void resume_FTS()
{ ut_d(const auto p=) m_FTS_paused.fetch_sub(1); ut_ad(p & ~PAUSED_SYS); }
/** @return whether stop_SYS() is in effect */
bool must_wait_FTS() const { return m_FTS_paused & ~PAUSED_SYS; }
Get the next record to purge and update the info in the purge system.
@param roll_ptr undo log pointer to the record
@return buffer-fixed reference to undo log record
@retval {nullptr,1} if the whole undo log can skipped in purge
@retval {nullptr,0} if nothing is left, or on corruption */
inline trx_purge_rec_t get_next_rec(roll_ptr_t roll_ptr);
/** Choose the next undo log to purge.
@return whether anything is to be purged */
bool choose_next_log();
/** Update the last not yet purged history log info in rseg when
we have purged a whole undo log. Advances also purge_trx_no
past the purged log.
@return whether anything is to be purged */
bool rseg_get_next_history_log();
Fetch the next undo log record from the history list to purge.
@return buffer-fixed reference to undo log record
@retval {nullptr,1} if the whole undo log can skipped in purge
@retval {nullptr,0} if nothing is left, or on corruption */
inline trx_purge_rec_t fetch_next_rec();
/** Determine if the history of a transaction is purgeable.
@param trx_id transaction identifier
@return whether the history is purgeable */
TRANSACTIONAL_TARGET bool is_purgeable(trx_id_t trx_id) const;
/** A wrapper around ReadView::low_limit_no(). */
trx_id_t low_limit_no() const
/* This function may only be called by purge_coordinator_callback().
The purge coordinator task may call this without holding any latch,
because it is the only thread that may modify purge_sys.view.
Any other threads that access purge_sys.view must hold purge_sys.latch,
typically via purge_sys_t::view_guard. */
return view.low_limit_no();
/** A wrapper around ReadView::sees(). */
trx_id_t sees(trx_id_t id) const
/* This function may only be called by purge_coordinator_callback().
The purge coordinator task may call this without holding any latch,
because it is the only thread that may modify purge_sys.view.
Any other threads that access purge_sys.view must hold purge_sys.latch,
typically via purge_sys_t::view_guard. */
return view.sees(id);
/** Enable the use of a rollback segment and advance skipped_rseg,
after iterator::free_history_rseg() had invoked
rseg.set_skip_allocation(). */
inline void rseg_enable(trx_rseg_t &rseg);
/** Try to start truncating a tablespace.
@param id undo tablespace identifier
@param size the maximum desired undo tablespace size, in pages
@return undo tablespace whose truncation was started
@retval nullptr if truncation is not currently possible */
inline fil_space_t *undo_truncate_try(uint32_t id, uint32_t size);
/** Check if innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON needs to be handled.
This is only to be called by purge_coordinator_callback().
@return undo tablespace chosen by innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON
@retval nullptr if truncation is not currently possible */
fil_space_t *truncating_tablespace();
/** A wrapper around trx_sys_t::clone_oldest_view(). */
template<bool also_end_view= false>
void clone_oldest_view()
if (!also_end_view)
if (also_end_view)
(end_view= view).
clamp_low_limit_id(head.trx_no ? head.trx_no : tail.trx_no);
/** Wake up the purge threads if there is work to do. */
void wake_if_not_active();
/** Release undo pages and update end_view at the end of a purge batch.
@retval false when nothing is to be purged
@retval true when purge_sys.rseg->latch was locked */
inline void batch_cleanup(const iterator &head);
struct view_guard
enum guard { END_VIEW= -1, PURGE= 0, VIEW= 1};
guard latch;
inline view_guard(guard latch);
inline ~view_guard();
/** Fetch an undo log page.
@param id page identifier
@param mtr mini-transaction
@return reference to buffer page, possibly buffer-fixed in mtr */
inline const buf_block_t *get(const page_id_t id, mtr_t *mtr);
/** @return purge_sys.view or purge_sys.end_view */
inline const ReadViewBase &view() const;
struct end_view_guard
inline end_view_guard();
inline ~end_view_guard();
/** @return purge_sys.end_view */
inline const ReadViewBase &view() const;
/** Stop the purge thread and check n_ref_count of all auxiliary
and common table associated with the fts table.
@param table parent FTS table
@param already_stopped True indicates purge threads were
already stopped */
void stop_FTS(const dict_table_t &table, bool already_stopped=false);
/** Cleanse purge queue to remove the rseg that reside in undo-tablespace
marked for truncate.
@param space undo tablespace being truncated */
void cleanse_purge_queue(const fil_space_t &space);
/** The global data structure coordinating a purge */
extern purge_sys_t purge_sys;
purge_sys_t::view_guard::view_guard(purge_sys_t::view_guard::guard latch) :
switch (latch) {
case VIEW:
case END_VIEW:
case PURGE:
/* the access is within a purge batch; purge_coordinator_task
will wait for all workers to complete before updating the views */
switch (latch) {
case VIEW:
case END_VIEW:
case PURGE:
const ReadViewBase &purge_sys_t::view_guard::view() const
{ return latch == END_VIEW ? purge_sys.end_view : purge_sys.view; }
{ purge_sys.end_latch.rd_lock(); }
{ purge_sys.end_latch.rd_unlock(); }
const ReadViewBase &purge_sys_t::end_view_guard::view() const
{ return purge_sys.end_view; }