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synced 2025-03-20 14:08:37 +01:00

innodb_log_file_mmap: Use a constant documentation string that refers to persistent memory also when it is not available in the build. HAVE_INNODB_MMAP: Remove, and unconditionally enable this code. log_mmap(): On 32-bit systems, ensure that the size fits in 32 bits. log_t::resize_start(), log_t::resize_abort(): Only handle memory-mapping if HAVE_PMEM is defined. The generic memory-mapped interface is only for reading the log in recovery. Writable memory mappings are only for persistent memory, that is, Linux file systems with mount -o dax. Reviewed by: Debarun Banerjee, Otto Kekäläinen
515 lines
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515 lines
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Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017, 2022, MariaDB Corporation.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
@file include/log0recv.h
Created 9/20/1997 Heikki Tuuri
#pragma once
#include "ut0new.h"
#include "buf0types.h"
#include "log0log.h"
#include "mtr0types.h"
#include <deque>
#include <map>
/** @return whether recovery is currently running. */
#define recv_recovery_is_on() UNIV_UNLIKELY(recv_sys.recovery_on)
ATTRIBUTE_COLD MY_ATTRIBUTE((nonnull, warn_unused_result))
/** Apply any buffered redo log to a page.
@param space tablespace
@param bpage buffer pool page
@return whether the page was recovered correctly */
bool recv_recover_page(fil_space_t* space, buf_page_t* bpage);
/** Read the latest checkpoint information from log file
and store it in log_sys.next_checkpoint and recv_sys.file_checkpoint
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
dberr_t recv_recovery_read_checkpoint();
/** Start recovering from a redo log checkpoint.
of first system tablespace page
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
dberr_t recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start();
/** Report an operation to create, delete, or rename a file during backup.
@param[in] space_id tablespace identifier
@param[in] type file operation redo log type
@param[in] name file name (not NUL-terminated)
@param[in] len length of name, in bytes
@param[in] new_name new file name (NULL if not rename)
@param[in] new_len length of new_name, in bytes (0 if NULL) */
extern void (*log_file_op)(uint32_t space_id, int type,
const byte* name, ulint len,
const byte* new_name, ulint new_len);
/** Report an operation which does undo log tablespace truncation
during backup
@param space_id undo tablespace identifier */
extern void (*undo_space_trunc)(uint32_t space_id);
/** Report an operation which does INIT_PAGE for page0 during backup.
@param space_id tablespace identifier */
extern void (*first_page_init)(uint32_t space_id);
/** Stored redo log record */
struct log_rec_t
log_rec_t(lsn_t lsn) : next(nullptr), lsn(lsn) { ut_ad(lsn); }
log_rec_t()= delete;
log_rec_t(const log_rec_t&)= delete;
log_rec_t &operator=(const log_rec_t&)= delete;
/** next record */
log_rec_t *next;
/** mtr_t::commit_lsn() of the mini-transaction */
const lsn_t lsn;
struct recv_dblwr_t
/** Add a page frame to the doublewrite recovery buffer. */
void add(byte *page) { pages.push_front(page); }
/** Validate the page.
@param page_id page identifier
@param max_lsn the maximum allowed LSN
@param space the tablespace of the page (not available for page 0)
@param page page contents
@param tmp_buf 2*srv_page_size for decrypting and decompressing any
page_compressed or encrypted pages
@return whether the page is valid */
bool validate_page(const page_id_t page_id, lsn_t max_lsn,
const fil_space_t *space,
const byte *page, byte *tmp_buf) const noexcept;
/** Find a doublewrite copy of a page with the smallest FIL_PAGE_LSN
that is large enough for recovery.
@param page_id page identifier
@param max_lsn the maximum allowed LSN
@param space tablespace (nullptr for page_id.page_no()==0)
@param tmp_buf 2*srv_page_size for decrypting and decompressing any
page_compressed or encrypted pages
@return page frame
@retval nullptr if no valid page for page_id was found */
const byte *find_page(const page_id_t page_id, lsn_t max_lsn,
const fil_space_t *space= nullptr,
byte *tmp_buf= nullptr) const noexcept;
/** Find the doublewrite copy of an encrypted page with the
smallest FIL_PAGE_LSN that is large enough for recovery.
@param space tablespace object
@param page_no page number to find
@param buf buffer for unencrypted page
@return buf
@retval nullptr if the page was not found in doublewrite buffer */
byte *find_encrypted_page(const fil_node_t &space, uint32_t page_no,
byte *buf) noexcept;
/** Restore the first page of the given tablespace from
doublewrite buffer.
1) Find the page which has page_no as 0
2) Read first 3 pages from tablespace file
3) Compare the space_ids from the pages with page0 which
was retrieved from doublewrite buffer
@param name tablespace filepath
@param file tablespace file handle
@return space_id or 0 in case of error */
inline uint32_t find_first_page(const char *name, pfs_os_file_t file)
const noexcept;
typedef std::deque<byte*, ut_allocator<byte*> > list;
/** Recovered doublewrite buffer page frames */
list pages;
/** recv_sys.pages entry; protected by recv_sys.mutex */
struct page_recv_t
/** Recovery status: 0=not in progress, 1=log is being applied,
-1=log has been applied and the entry may be erased.
Transitions from 1 to -1 are NOT protected by recv_sys.mutex. */
Atomic_relaxed<int8_t> being_processed{0};
/** Whether reading the page will be skipped */
bool skip_read= false;
/** Latest written byte offset when applying the log records.
@see mtr_t::m_last_offset */
uint16_t last_offset= 1;
/** log records for a page */
class recs_t
/** The first log record */
log_rec_t *head= nullptr;
/** The last log record */
log_rec_t *tail= nullptr;
friend struct page_recv_t;
/** Append a redo log snippet for the page
@param recs log snippet */
void append(log_rec_t* recs)
if (tail)
tail->next= recs;
head= recs;
tail= recs;
/** Remove the last records for the page
@param start_lsn start of the removed log */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void rewind(lsn_t start_lsn);
/** @return the last log snippet */
const log_rec_t* last() const { return tail; }
/** @return the last log snippet */
log_rec_t* last() { return tail; }
class iterator
log_rec_t *cur;
iterator(log_rec_t* rec) : cur(rec) {}
log_rec_t* operator*() const { return cur; }
iterator &operator++() { cur= cur->next; return *this; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& i) const { return cur != i.cur; }
iterator begin() { return head; }
iterator end() { return NULL; }
bool empty() const { ut_ad(!head == !tail); return !head; }
/** Clear and free the records; @see recv_sys_t::add() */
void clear();
} log;
/** Trim old log records for a page.
@param start_lsn oldest log sequence number to preserve
@return whether all the log for the page was trimmed */
inline bool trim(lsn_t start_lsn);
/** Ignore any earlier redo log records for this page. */
inline void will_not_read();
/** A page initialization operation that was parsed from the redo log */
struct recv_init
/** log sequence number of the page initialization */
lsn_t lsn;
/** Whether btr_page_create() avoided a read of the page.
At the end of the last recovery batch, mark_ibuf_exist()
will mark pages for which this flag is set. */
bool created;
/** Recovery system data structure */
struct recv_sys_t
using init= recv_init;
/** mutex protecting this as well as some of page_recv_t */
alignas(CPU_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE) mysql_mutex_t mutex;
/** set when finding a corrupt log block or record, or there is a
log parsing buffer overflow */
bool found_corrupt_log;
/** set when an inconsistency with the file system contents is detected
during log scan or apply */
bool found_corrupt_fs;
/** @return maximum guaranteed size of a mini-transaction on recovery */
static constexpr size_t MTR_SIZE_MAX{1U << 20};
/** whether we are applying redo log records during crash recovery.
This can be cleared when holding mutex, or when pages.empty() and
we are holding exclusive log_sys.latch. */
Atomic_relaxed<bool> recovery_on= false;
/** whether recv_recover_page(), invoked from buf_page_t::read_complete(),
should apply log records*/
bool apply_log_recs;
/** number of bytes in log_sys.buf */
size_t len;
/** start offset of non-parsed log records in log_sys.buf */
size_t offset;
/** log sequence number of the first non-parsed record */
lsn_t lsn;
/** log sequence number of the last parsed mini-transaction */
lsn_t scanned_lsn;
/** log sequence number at the end of the FILE_CHECKPOINT record, or 0 */
lsn_t file_checkpoint;
/** the time when progress was last reported */
time_t progress_time;
using map = std::map<const page_id_t, page_recv_t,
std::less<const page_id_t>,
ut_allocator<std::pair<const page_id_t, page_recv_t>>>;
/** buffered records waiting to be applied to pages */
map pages;
/** iterator to pages, used by parse() */
map::iterator pages_it;
/** Process a record that indicates that a tablespace size is being shrunk.
@param page_id first page that is not in the file
@param lsn log sequence number of the shrink operation */
inline void trim(const page_id_t page_id, lsn_t lsn);
/** Undo tablespaces for which truncate has been logged
(indexed by page_id_t::space() - srv_undo_space_id_start) */
struct trunc
/** log sequence number of FILE_CREATE, or 0 if none */
lsn_t lsn;
/** truncated size of the tablespace, or 0 if not truncated */
unsigned pages;
} truncated_undo_spaces[127];
/** The contents of the doublewrite buffer */
recv_dblwr_t dblwr;
inline dberr_t read(os_offset_t offset, span<byte> buf);
inline size_t files_size();
void close_files();
/** Advance pages_it if it matches the iterator */
void pages_it_invalidate(const map::iterator &p)
if (pages_it == p)
/** Invalidate pages_it if it points to the given tablespace */
void pages_it_invalidate(uint32_t space_id)
if (pages_it != pages.end() && pages_it->first.space() == space_id)
pages_it= pages.end();
/** Attempt to initialize a page based on redo log records.
@param p iterator
@param mtr mini-transaction
@param b pre-allocated buffer pool block
@param init page initialization
@return the recovered block
@retval nullptr if the page cannot be initialized based on log records
@retval -1 if the page cannot be recovered due to corruption */
inline buf_block_t *recover_low(const map::iterator &p, mtr_t &mtr,
buf_block_t *b, init &init);
/** Attempt to initialize a page based on redo log records.
@param page_id page identifier
@return the recovered block
@retval nullptr if the page cannot be initialized based on log records
@retval -1 if the page cannot be recovered due to corruption */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD buf_block_t *recover_low(const page_id_t page_id);
/** All found log files (multiple ones are possible if we are upgrading
from before MariaDB Server 10.5.1) */
std::vector<log_file_t> files;
/** Base node of the redo block list.
List elements are linked via buf_block_t::unzip_LRU. */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) blocks;
/** Allocate a block from the buffer pool for recv_sys.pages */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD buf_block_t *add_block();
/** Wait for buffer pool to become available.
@param pages number of buffer pool pages needed */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void wait_for_pool(size_t pages);
/** Free log for processed pages. */
void garbage_collect();
/** Apply a recovery batch.
@param space_id current tablespace identifier
@param space current tablespace
@param free_block spare buffer block
@param last_batch whether it is possible to write more redo log
@return whether the caller must provide a new free_block */
bool apply_batch(uint32_t space_id, fil_space_t *&space,
buf_block_t *&free_block, bool last_batch);
/** Apply buffered log to persistent data pages.
@param last_batch whether it is possible to write more redo log */
void apply(bool last_batch);
/** whether all redo log in the current batch has been applied */
bool after_apply= false;
/** Initialize the redo log recovery subsystem. */
void create();
/** Free most recovery data structures. */
void debug_free();
/** Clean up after create() */
void close();
bool is_initialised() const { return scanned_lsn != 0; }
/** Find the latest checkpoint.
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
dberr_t find_checkpoint();
/** Register a redo log snippet for a page.
@param it page iterator
@param start_lsn start LSN of the mini-transaction
@param lsn @see mtr_t::commit_lsn()
@param l redo log snippet
@param len length of l, in bytes
@return whether we ran out of memory */
bool add(map::iterator it, lsn_t start_lsn, lsn_t lsn,
const byte *l, size_t len);
/** Parsing result */
enum parse_mtr_result {
/** a record was successfully parsed */
/** the log ended prematurely (need to read more) */
/** the end of the log was reached */
/** parse<true>(l, false) ran out of memory */
/** Whether to store parsed log records */
enum store{NO,BACKUP,YES};
/** Parse and register one log_t::FORMAT_10_8 mini-transaction.
@tparam storing whether to store the records
@param l log data source
@param if_exists if store: whether to check if the tablespace exists */
template<typename source,store storing>
inline parse_mtr_result parse(source &l, bool if_exists) noexcept;
/** Rewind a mini-transaction when parse() runs out of memory.
@param l log data source
@param begin start of the mini-transaction */
template<typename source>
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void rewind(source &l, source &begin) noexcept;
/** Report progress in terms of LSN or pages remaining */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void report_progress() const;
/** Parse and register one log_t::FORMAT_10_8 mini-transaction,
without handling any log_sys.is_mmap() buffer wrap-around.
@tparam storing whether to store the records
@param if_exists storing=YES: whether to check if the tablespace exists */
template<store storing>
static parse_mtr_result parse_mtr(bool if_exists) noexcept;
/** Parse and register one log_t::FORMAT_10_8 mini-transaction,
handling log_sys.is_mmap() buffer wrap-around.
@tparam storing whether to store the records
@param if_exists storing=YES: whether to check if the tablespace exists */
template<store storing>
static parse_mtr_result parse_mmap(bool if_exists) noexcept;
/** Erase log records for a page. */
void erase(map::iterator p);
/** Clear a fully processed set of stored redo log records. */
void clear();
/** Determine whether redo log recovery progress should be reported.
@param time the current time
@return whether progress should be reported
(the last report was at least 15 seconds ago) */
bool report(time_t time);
/** The alloc() memory alignment, in bytes */
static constexpr size_t ALIGNMENT= sizeof(size_t);
/** Free a redo log snippet.
@param data buffer allocated in add() */
inline void free(const void *data);
/** Remove records for a corrupted page.
@param page_id corrupted page identifier
@param node file for which an error is to be reported
@return whether an error message was reported */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD bool free_corrupted_page(page_id_t page_id,
const fil_node_t &node) noexcept;
/** Flag data file corruption during recovery. */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void set_corrupt_fs() noexcept;
/** Flag log file corruption during recovery. */
ATTRIBUTE_COLD void set_corrupt_log() noexcept;
/** @return whether data file corruption was found */
bool is_corrupt_fs() const { return UNIV_UNLIKELY(found_corrupt_fs); }
/** @return whether log file corruption was found */
bool is_corrupt_log() const { return UNIV_UNLIKELY(found_corrupt_log); }
/** Check if recovery reached a consistent log sequence number.
@return whether the recovery failed to process enough log */
inline bool validate_checkpoint() const noexcept;
/** Attempt to initialize a page based on redo log records.
@param page_id page identifier
@return the recovered block
@retval nullptr if the page cannot be initialized based on log records
@retval -1 if the page cannot be recovered due to corruption */
buf_block_t *recover(const page_id_t page_id)
return UNIV_UNLIKELY(recovery_on) ? recover_low(page_id) : nullptr;
/** Try to recover a tablespace that was not readable earlier
@param p iterator
@param name tablespace file name
@param free_block spare buffer block
@return recovered tablespace
@retval nullptr if recovery failed */
fil_space_t *recover_deferred(const map::iterator &p,
const std::string &name,
buf_block_t *&free_block);
/** The recovery system */
extern recv_sys_t recv_sys;
/** If the following is TRUE, the buffer pool file pages must be invalidated
after recovery and no ibuf operations are allowed; this will be set if
recv_sys.pages becomes too full, and log records must be merged
to file pages already before the recovery is finished: in this case no
ibuf operations are allowed, as they could modify the pages read in the
buffer pool before the pages have been recovered to the up-to-date state.
TRUE means that recovery is running and no operations on the log files
are allowed yet: the variable name is misleading. */
extern bool recv_no_ibuf_operations;
/** TRUE when recv_init_crash_recovery() has been called. */
extern bool recv_needed_recovery;
/** whether writing to the redo log is forbidden;
protected by exclusive log_sys.latch. */
extern bool recv_no_log_write;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */