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synced 2025-03-19 13:38:39 +01:00

When running the ./mtr tests and getting failures, rather than provide a dead-link to mysql.com, this points developers to the Jira instance. Signed-off-by: Eric Herman <eric@freesa.org>
776 lines
20 KiB
776 lines
20 KiB
# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Monty Program Ab
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
# This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run,
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.
package mtr_report;
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT= qw(report_option mtr_print_line mtr_print_thick_line
mtr_print_header mtr_report mtr_report_stats
mtr_warning mtr_error mtr_debug mtr_verbose mtr_verbose2
mtr_verbose_restart mtr_report_test_passed
mtr_report_test_skipped mtr_print
mtr_report_test isotime);
use mtr_match;
use My::Platform;
use POSIX qw[ _exit ];
use IO::Handle qw[ flush ];
use mtr_results;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use English;
my $tot_real_time= 0;
my $tests_done= 0;
my $tests_failed= 0;
our $timestamp= 0;
our $timediff= 0;
our $name;
our $verbose;
# TODO: no option for that? Why is it different from $verbose?
our $verbose_restart= 0;
our $timer= 1;
our $tests_total;
my %color_map = qw/pass green
retry-pass green
fail red
retry-fail red
disabled bright_black
skipped yellow
reset reset/;
my $set_titlebar;
my $set_color= sub { };
if (-t STDOUT) {
eval {
require Win32::Console;
$set_titlebar = sub { &Win32::Console::Title($_[0]);};
} elsif ($ENV{TERM} =~ /xterm/) {
$set_titlebar = sub { syswrite STDOUT, "\e]0;$_[0]\a"; };
$set_color = sub { syswrite STDOUT, color($color_map{$_[0]}); }
# On Windows, stdio does not support line buffering
# This can make MTR output from multiple forked processes interleaved, messed up.
# Below is DYI stdout line buffering.
my $out_line="";
# Flush buffered line
sub flush_out {
print $out_line;
$out_line = "";
use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads::shared";
our $flush_lock :shared;
# Print to stdout
sub print_out {
if(IS_WIN32PERL) {
$out_line .= $_[0];
# Flush buffered output on new lines.
if (rindex($_[0], "\n") != -1) {
} else {
sub titlebar_stat($) {
sub time_format($) {
sprintf '%d:%02d:%02d', $_[0]/3600, ($_[0]/60)%60, $_[0]%60;
$tests_failed++ if $_[0] =~ /fail/;
$tests_total++ if $_[0] =~ /retry/;
my $spent = time - $BASETIME;
my $left = $tests_total - $tests_done;
&$set_titlebar(sprintf "mtr: spent %s on %d tests. %s (%d tests) left, %d failed",
time_format($spent), $tests_done,
time_format($spent/$tests_done * $left), $left, $tests_failed);
sub report_option {
my ($opt, $value)= @_;
# Evaluate $opt as string to use "Getopt::Long::Callback legacy API"
my $opt_name = "$opt";
# Convert - to _ in option name
$opt_name =~ s/-/_/g;
no strict 'refs';
${$opt_name}= $value;
sub _name {
return $name ? $name." " : undef;
sub _mtr_report_test_name ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $tname= $tinfo->fullname();
return unless defined $verbose;
print_out _name(). _timestamp();
print_out (sprintf "%-40s ", $tname);
my $worker = $tinfo->{worker};
print_out "w$worker " if defined $worker;
return $tname;
sub mtr_report_test_skipped ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED';
sub mtr_report_test_passed ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
# Save the timer value
my $timer_str= "";
if ( $timer and -f "$::opt_vardir/log/timer" )
$timer_str= ::mtr_fromfile("$::opt_vardir/log/timer");
$tinfo->{timer}= $timer_str;
resfile_test_info('duration', $timer_str) if $::opt_resfile;
# Big warning if status already set
if ( $tinfo->{'result'} ){
mtr_warning("mtr_report_test_passed: Test result",
"already set to '", $tinfo->{'result'}, ",");
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED';
resfile_global("endtime ", isotime (time));
sub mtr_report_test ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
my $test_name = _mtr_report_test_name($tinfo);
my $comment= $tinfo->{'comment'};
my $logfile= $tinfo->{'logfile'};
my $warnings= $tinfo->{'warnings'};
my $result= $tinfo->{'result'};
my $retry= $tinfo->{'retries'} ? "retry-" : $tinfo->{'repeat'} ? "$tinfo->{'repeat'} " : "";
if ($result eq 'MTR_RES_FAILED'){
my $timest = format_time();
my $fail = "fail";
if ( @$::experimental_test_cases )
# Find out if this test case is an experimental one, so we can treat
# the failure as an expected failure instead of a regression.
for my $exp ( @$::experimental_test_cases ) {
# Include pattern match for combinations
if ( $exp ne $test_name && $test_name !~ /^$exp / ) {
# if the expression is not the name of this test case, but has
# an asterisk at the end, determine if the characters up to
# but excluding the asterisk are the same
if ( $exp ne "" && substr($exp, -1, 1) eq "*" ) {
my $nexp = substr($exp, 0, length($exp) - 1);
if ( substr($test_name, 0, length($nexp)) ne $nexp ) {
# no match, try next entry
# if yes, fall through to set the exp-fail status
} else {
# no match, try next entry
$fail = "exp-fail";
$tinfo->{exp_fail}= 1;
if ( $warnings )
mtr_report("[ $retry$fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file!");
mtr_report(" Test ended at $timest");
my $timeout= $tinfo->{'timeout'};
if ( $timeout )
mtr_report("[ $retry$fail ] timeout after $timeout seconds");
mtr_report(" Test ended at $timest");
mtr_report("[ $retry$fail ]\n Test ended at $timest");
if ( $logfile )
# Test failure was detected by test tool and its report
# about what failed has been saved to file. Display the report.
if ( $comment )
# The test failure has been detected by mysql-test-run.pl
# when starting the servers or due to other error, the reason for
# failing the test is saved in "comment"
if ( !$logfile and !$comment )
# Neither this script or the test tool has recorded info
# about why the test has failed. Should be debugged.
mtr_report("\nUnknown result, neither 'comment' or 'logfile' set");
elsif ($result eq 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED')
if ( $tinfo->{'disable'} )
mtr_report("[ disabled ] $comment");
elsif ( $comment )
mtr_report("[ skipped ] $comment");
mtr_report("[ skipped ]");
if ( $tinfo->{'warnings'} )
elsif ($result eq 'MTR_RES_PASSED')
my $timer_str= $tinfo->{timer} || "";
$tot_real_time += ($timer_str/1000);
mtr_report("[ ${retry}pass ] ", sprintf("%5s", $timer_str));
# Show any problems check-testcase found
if ( defined $tinfo->{'check'} )
sub mtr_report_stats ($$$$) {
my $prefix= shift;
my $fail= shift;
my $tests= shift;
my $extra_warnings= shift;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find out how we where doing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $tot_disabled = 0;
my $tot_skipped= 0;
my $tot_skipdetect= 0;
my $tot_passed= 0;
my $tot_failed= 0;
my $tot_tests= 0;
my $tot_restarts= 0;
my $found_problems= 0;
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
if ( $tinfo->{failures} )
# Test has failed at least one time
elsif ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED' )
# Test was skipped (disabled not counted)
$tot_skipped++ unless $tinfo->{'disable'};
$tot_disabled++ if $tinfo->{'disable'};
$tot_skipdetect++ if $tinfo->{'skip_detected_by_test'};
elsif ( $tinfo->{'result'} eq 'MTR_RES_PASSED' )
# Test passed
if ( $tinfo->{'restarted'} )
# Servers was restarted
# Add counts for repeated runs, if any.
# Note that the last run has already been counted above.
my $num_repeat = $tinfo->{'repeat'} - 1;
if ( $num_repeat > 0 )
$tot_tests += $num_repeat;
my $rep_failed = $tinfo->{'rep_failures'} || 0;
$tot_failed += $rep_failed;
$tot_passed += $num_repeat - $rep_failed;
# Look for warnings produced by mysqltest
my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($tinfo->{'result_file'},
"result"); # Trim extension
my $warning_file= "$base_file.warnings";
if ( -f $warning_file )
$found_problems= 1;
mtr_warning("Check myqltest warnings in '$warning_file'");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print out a summary report to screen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
print "The servers were restarted $tot_restarts times\n";
if ( $timer )
mtr_report("Spent", sprintf("%.3f", $tot_real_time),"of",
time - $BASETIME, "seconds executing testcases");
resfile_global("duration", time - $BASETIME) if $::opt_resfile;
my $warnlog= "$::opt_vardir/log/warnings";
if ( ! $::glob_use_running_server && !$::opt_extern && -f $warnlog)
mtr_warning("Got errors/warnings while running tests, please examine",
"'$warnlog' for details.");
print "\n";
# Print a list of check_testcases that failed(if any)
if ( $::opt_check_testcases )
my %check_testcases;
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
if ( defined $tinfo->{'check_testcase_failed'} )
$check_testcases{$tinfo->{'name'}}= 1;
if ( keys %check_testcases )
print "Check of testcase failed for: ";
print join(" ", keys %check_testcases);
print "\n\n";
# Print summary line prefix
print "$prefix: ";
# Print a list of testcases that failed
if ( $tot_failed != 0 )
# Print each failed test, again
#foreach my $test ( @$tests ){
# if ( $test->{failures} ) {
# mtr_report_test($test);
# }
my $ratio= $tot_passed * 100 / $tot_tests;
print "Failed $tot_failed/$tot_tests tests, ";
printf("%.2f", $ratio);
print "\% were successful.\n\n";
# Print the list of test that failed in a format
# that can be copy pasted to rerun only failing tests
print "Failing test(s):";
my %seen= ();
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
my $tname= $tinfo->{'name'};
if ( ($tinfo->{failures} || $tinfo->{rep_failures}) and ! $seen{$tname})
print " $tname";
$seen{$tname}= 1;
print "\n\n";
# Print info about reporting the error
"The log files in var/log may give you some hint of what went wrong.\n\n",
"If you want to report this error, MariaDB's bug tracker is found at\n",
print "All $tot_tests tests were successful.\n\n";
if ($::opt_xml_report) {
my $xml_report = "";
my @sorted_tests = sort {$a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'}} @$tests;
my $last_suite = "";
my $current_suite = "";
my $timest = isotime(time);
my %suite_totals;
my %suite_time;
my %suite_tests;
my %suite_failed;
my %suite_disabled;
my %suite_skipped;
my $host = hostname;
my $suiteNo = 0;
# loop through test results to count totals
foreach my $test ( @sorted_tests ) {
$current_suite = $test->{'suite'}->{'name'};
if ($test->{'timer'} eq "") {
$test->{'timer'} = 0;
$suite_time{$current_suite} = $suite_time{$current_suite} + $test->{'timer'};
$suite_tests{$current_suite} = $suite_tests{$current_suite} + 1;
if ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_FAILED") {
$suite_failed{$current_suite} = $suite_failed{$current_suite} + 1;
} elsif ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_SKIPPED" && $test->{'disable'}) {
$suite_disabled{$current_suite} = $suite_disabled{$current_suite} + 1;
} elsif ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_SKIPPED") {
$suite_skipped{$current_suite} = $suite_skipped{$current_suite} + 1;
$suite_totals{"all_time"} = $suite_totals{"all_time"} + $test->{'timer'};
my $all_time = sprintf("%.3f", $suite_totals{"all_time"} / 1000);
my $suite_time = 0;
my $test_time = 0;
# generate xml
$xml_report = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
$xml_report .= qq(<testsuites disabled="$tot_disabled" errors="" failures="$tot_failed" name="" tests="$tot_tests" time="$all_time">\n);
foreach my $test ( @sorted_tests ) {
$current_suite = $test->{'suite'}->{'name'};
if ($current_suite ne $last_suite) {
if ($last_suite ne "") {
$xml_report .= "\t</testsuite>\n";
$suite_time = sprintf("%.3f", $suite_time{$current_suite} / 1000);
$xml_report .= qq(\t<testsuite disabled="$suite_disabled{$current_suite}" errors="" failures="$suite_failed{$current_suite}" hostname="$host" id="$suiteNo" name="$current_suite" package="" skipped="$suite_skipped{$current_suite}" tests="$suite_tests{$current_suite}" time="$suite_time" timestamp="$timest">\n);
$last_suite = $current_suite;
$test_time = sprintf("%.3f", $test->{timer} / 1000);
$test->{'name'} =~ s/$current_suite\.//;
my $combinations;
if (defined($test->{combinations})){
$combinations = join ',', sort @{$test->{combinations}};
} else {
$combinations = "";
$xml_report .= qq(\t\t<testcase assertions="" classname="$current_suite" name="$test->{'name'}" ).
qq(status="$test->{'result'}" time="$test_time" combinations="$combinations");
my $comment= replace_special_symbols($test->{'comment'});
if ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_FAILED") {
my $logcontents = $test->{'logfile-failed'} || $test->{'logfile'};
$logcontents= $logcontents.$test->{'warnings'}."\n";
# remove any double ] that would end the cdata
$logcontents =~ s/]]/\x{fffd}/g;
# replace wide characters that aren't allowed in XML 1.0
$logcontents =~ s/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/\x{fffd}/g;
$xml_report .= qq(>\n\t\t\t<failure message="" type="MTR_RES_FAILED">\n<![CDATA[$logcontents]]>\n\t\t\t</failure>\n\t\t</testcase>\n);
} elsif ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_SKIPPED" && $test->{'disable'}) {
$xml_report .= qq(>\n\t\t\t<disabled message="$comment" type="MTR_RES_SKIPPED"/>\n\t\t</testcase>\n);
} elsif ($test->{'result'} eq "MTR_RES_SKIPPED") {
$xml_report .= qq(>\n\t\t\t<skipped message="$comment" type="MTR_RES_SKIPPED"/>\n\t\t</testcase>\n);
} else {
$xml_report .= " />\n";
$xml_report .= "\t</testsuite>\n</testsuites>\n";
# save to file
my $xml_file = $::opt_xml_report;
open (my $XML_UFILE, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $xml_file) or die 'Cannot create file $xml_file: $!';
print $XML_UFILE $xml_report;
close $XML_UFILE or warn "File close failed!";
if (@$extra_warnings)
print <<MSG;
Errors/warnings were found in logfiles during server shutdown after running the
following sequence(s) of tests:
print " $_\n" for @$extra_warnings;
print "$tot_skipped tests were skipped, ".
"$tot_skipdetect by the test itself.\n\n" if $tot_skipped;
if ( $tot_failed != 0 || $found_problems)
mtr_error("there were failing test cases");
elsif (@$extra_warnings)
mtr_error("There where errors/warnings in server logs after running test cases.");
elsif ($fail)
mtr_error("Test suite failure, see messages above for possible cause(s).");
# Text formatting
sub mtr_print_line () {
print '-' x 74 . "\n";
sub replace_special_symbols($) {
my $text= shift;
$text =~ s/&/&/g;
$text =~ s/'/'/g;
$text =~ s/"/"/g;
$text =~ s/</</g;
$text =~ s/>/>/g;
return $text;
sub mtr_print_thick_line {
my $char= shift || '=';
print $char x 78 . "\n";
sub mtr_print_header ($) {
my ($wid) = @_;
print "\n";
printf "TEST";
if ($wid) {
print " " x 34 . "WORKER ";
} else {
print " " x 38;
print "RESULT ";
print "TIME (ms) or " if $timer;
print "COMMENT\n";
print "\n";
# Log and reporting functions
use Time::localtime;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
sub format_time {
my $tm= localtime();
return sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$tm->year + 1900, $tm->mon+1, $tm->mday,
$tm->hour, $tm->min, $tm->sec);
my $t0= gettimeofday();
sub _timestamp {
return "" unless $timestamp;
my $diff;
if ($timediff){
my $t1= gettimeofday();
my $elapsed= $t1 - $t0;
$diff= sprintf(" +%02.3f", $elapsed);
# Save current time for next lap
$t0= $t1;
my $tm= localtime();
return sprintf("%02d%02d%02d %2d:%02d:%02d%s ",
$tm->year % 100, $tm->mon+1, $tm->mday,
$tm->hour, $tm->min, $tm->sec, $diff);
# Always print message to screen
sub mtr_print (@) {
print _name(). join(" ", @_). "\n";
# Print message to screen if verbose is defined
sub mtr_report (@) {
if (defined $verbose)
my @s = split /\[ (\S+) \]/, _name() . "@_\n";
if (@s > 1) {
print_out $s[0];
print_out "[ $s[1] ]";
print_out $s[2];
titlebar_stat($s[1]) if $set_titlebar;
} else {
print_out $s[0];
# Print warning to screen
sub mtr_warning (@) {
print STDERR _name(). _timestamp().
"mysql-test-run: WARNING: ". join(" ", @_). "\n";
# Print error to screen and then exit
sub mtr_error (@) {
print STDERR _name(). _timestamp().
"mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: ". join(" ", @_). "\n";
use Carp qw(cluck);
cluck "Error happened" if $verbose > 0;
sub mtr_debug (@) {
if ( $verbose > 2 )
print STDERR _name().
_timestamp(). "####: ". join(" ", @_). "\n";
sub mtr_verbose (@) {
if ( $verbose )
print STDERR _name(). _timestamp().
"> ".join(" ", @_)."\n";
sub mtr_verbose2 (@) {
if ( $verbose > 1 )
print STDERR _name(). _timestamp().
"> ".join(" ", @_)."\n";
sub mtr_verbose_restart (@) {
my ($server, @args)= @_;
my $proc= $server->{proc};
if ( $verbose_restart )
print STDERR _name()._timestamp().
"> Restart $proc - ".join(" ", @args)."\n";
# Used by --result-file for for formatting times
sub isotime($) {
my ($sec,$min,$hr,$day,$mon,$yr)= gmtime($_[0]);
return sprintf "%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ",
$yr+1900, $mon+1, $day, $hr, $min, $sec;