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synced 2025-03-26 08:58:40 +01:00

Problem: ======== When using sequences, the function sequence_definition::write(TABLE *table, bool all_fields) is used to save DML/DDL updates to sequence tables (e.g. nextval, setval, and alter). Prior to this patch, the value all_fields was always false when invoked via nextval and setval, which forced the bitmap to only include changed columns. Solution: ======== Change all_fields when invoked via nextval and setval to be reliant on binlog_row_image, such that it is false when binlog_row_image is MINIMAL, and true otherwise. Reviewed By: =========== Andrei Elkin <andrei.elkin@mariadb.com>
72 lines
2.2 KiB
72 lines
2.2 KiB
# Helper file to ensure that a binary log file properly writes the expected
# fields based on the binlog_row_image value.
# ==== Usage ====
# --let $expected_columns= (COLUMN_IDS)
# --let $binlog_filename= FILENAME
# --source include/count_binlog_row_event_columns.inc
# Parameters:
# expected_columns (list<uint>, in) : A list of positive integers which
# correspond to the column numbers that should be output in a binary
# log's write_rows event
# binlog_filename (string, in) : Name of the binary log file to analyze
if (!$expected_columns)
--die expected_columns parameter is required but was not set
if (!$binlog_filename)
--die binlog_filename parameter is required but was not set
--let $include_filename= ensure_binlog_row_event_columns.inc [$expected_columns]
--source include/begin_include_file.inc
--let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/binlog_decoded.out
--let mysqld_datadir=`select @@datadir`
--echo # MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
--exec $MYSQL_BINLOG $mysqld_datadir/$binlog_filename -vv > $assert_file
--echo # Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
--let num_cols_found=0
--let last_expected_col= `SELECT GREATEST $expected_columns`
--let i= 1
while($i <= $last_expected_col)
# By default, assume the column is not expected to be in the binary log.
# If the column id is set in expected_columns, then override assertion
# parameters.
--let assert_count= 0
--let assert_text= Column @$i should not be in binary log
if (`SELECT $i IN $expected_columns`)
--let assert_count= 1
--let assert_text= Column @$i should be in binary log
--inc $num_cols_found
--let assert_select= @$i
--source include/assert_grep.inc
--inc $i
--echo # ..success
--echo # Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
--let assert_count= $num_cols_found
--let assert_text= The binlog event should only have $num_cols_found columns
--let assert_select= @[\d]+
--source include/assert_grep.inc
--echo # ..success
--let $include_filename= ensure_binlog_row_event_columns.inc [$expected_columns]
--source include/end_include_file.inc