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Portions Copyright (c) 2016-Present, Facebook, Inc.
Portions Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Monty Program Ab
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <stdlib.h>
#define htobe64 _byteswap_uint64
#define be64toh _byteswap_uint64
#define htobe32 _byteswap_ulong
#define be32toh _byteswap_ulong
#define htobe16 _byteswap_ushort
#define be16toh _byteswap_ushort
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#define htobe64(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt64(x)
#define be64toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt64(x)
#define htobe32(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt32(x)
#define be32toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt32(x)
#define htobe16(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt16(x)
#define be16toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt16(x)
/* MySQL header files */
#include "./my_global.h"
/* MyRocks header files */
#include "./rdb_global.h"
#include "./rdb_utils.h"
/* RocksDB header files */
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
namespace myrocks {
Basic composition functions for a network buffer presented as a MySQL String
("netstr") which stores data in Network Byte Order (Big Endian).
inline void rdb_netstr_append_uint64(my_core::String *const out_netstr,
const uint64 val) {
DBUG_ASSERT(out_netstr != nullptr);
// Convert from host machine byte order (usually Little Endian) to network
// byte order (Big Endian).
uint64 net_val = htobe64(val);
out_netstr->append(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&net_val), sizeof(net_val));
inline void rdb_netstr_append_uint32(my_core::String *const out_netstr,
const uint32 val) {
DBUG_ASSERT(out_netstr != nullptr);
// Convert from host machine byte order (usually Little Endian) to network
// byte order (Big Endian).
uint32 net_val = htobe32(val);
out_netstr->append(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&net_val), sizeof(net_val));
inline void rdb_netstr_append_uint16(my_core::String *const out_netstr,
const uint16 val) {
DBUG_ASSERT(out_netstr != nullptr);
// Convert from host machine byte order (usually Little Endian) to network
// byte order (Big Endian).
uint16 net_val = htobe16(val);
out_netstr->append(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&net_val), sizeof(net_val));
Basic network buffer ("netbuf") write helper functions.
inline void rdb_netbuf_store_uint64(uchar *const dst_netbuf, const uint64 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(dst_netbuf != nullptr);
// Convert from host byte order (usually Little Endian) to network byte order
// (Big Endian).
uint64 net_val = htobe64(n);
memcpy(dst_netbuf, &net_val, sizeof(net_val));
inline void rdb_netbuf_store_uint32(uchar *const dst_netbuf, const uint32 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(dst_netbuf != nullptr);
// Convert from host byte order (usually Little Endian) to network byte order
// (Big Endian).
uint32 net_val = htobe32(n);
memcpy(dst_netbuf, &net_val, sizeof(net_val));
inline void rdb_netbuf_store_uint16(uchar *const dst_netbuf, const uint16 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(dst_netbuf != nullptr);
// Convert from host byte order (usually Little Endian) to network byte order
// (Big Endian).
uint16 net_val = htobe16(n);
memcpy(dst_netbuf, &net_val, sizeof(net_val));
inline void rdb_netbuf_store_byte(uchar *const dst_netbuf, const uchar c) {
DBUG_ASSERT(dst_netbuf != nullptr);
*dst_netbuf = c;
inline void rdb_netbuf_store_index(uchar *const dst_netbuf,
const uint32 number) {
DBUG_ASSERT(dst_netbuf != nullptr);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint32(dst_netbuf, number);
Basic conversion helper functions from network byte order (Big Endian) to host
machine byte order (usually Little Endian).
inline uint64 rdb_netbuf_to_uint64(const uchar *const netbuf) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf != nullptr);
uint64 net_val;
memcpy(&net_val, netbuf, sizeof(net_val));
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
return be64toh(net_val);
inline uint32 rdb_netbuf_to_uint32(const uchar *const netbuf) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf != nullptr);
uint32 net_val;
memcpy(&net_val, netbuf, sizeof(net_val));
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
return be32toh(net_val);
inline uint16 rdb_netbuf_to_uint16(const uchar *const netbuf) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf != nullptr);
uint16 net_val;
memcpy(&net_val, netbuf, sizeof(net_val));
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
return be16toh(net_val);
inline uchar rdb_netbuf_to_byte(const uchar *const netbuf) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf != nullptr);
return (uchar)netbuf[0];
Basic network buffer ("netbuf") read helper functions.
Network buffer stores data in Network Byte Order (Big Endian).
NB: The netbuf is passed as an input/output param, hence after reading,
the netbuf pointer gets advanced to the following byte.
inline uint64 rdb_netbuf_read_uint64(const uchar **netbuf_ptr) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf_ptr != nullptr);
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
const uint64 host_val = rdb_netbuf_to_uint64(*netbuf_ptr);
// Advance pointer.
*netbuf_ptr += sizeof(host_val);
return host_val;
inline uint32 rdb_netbuf_read_uint32(const uchar **netbuf_ptr) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf_ptr != nullptr);
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
const uint32 host_val = rdb_netbuf_to_uint32(*netbuf_ptr);
// Advance pointer.
*netbuf_ptr += sizeof(host_val);
return host_val;
inline uint16 rdb_netbuf_read_uint16(const uchar **netbuf_ptr) {
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf_ptr != nullptr);
// Convert from network byte order (Big Endian) to host machine byte order
// (usually Little Endian).
const uint16 host_val = rdb_netbuf_to_uint16(*netbuf_ptr);
// Advance pointer.
*netbuf_ptr += sizeof(host_val);
return host_val;
inline void rdb_netbuf_read_gl_index(const uchar **netbuf_ptr,
GL_INDEX_ID *const gl_index_id) {
DBUG_ASSERT(gl_index_id != nullptr);
DBUG_ASSERT(netbuf_ptr != nullptr);
gl_index_id->cf_id = rdb_netbuf_read_uint32(netbuf_ptr);
gl_index_id->index_id = rdb_netbuf_read_uint32(netbuf_ptr);
A simple string reader:
- it keeps position within the string that we read from
- it prevents one from reading beyond the end of the string.
class Rdb_string_reader {
const char *m_ptr;
uint m_len;
Rdb_string_reader &operator=(const Rdb_string_reader &) = default;
Rdb_string_reader(const Rdb_string_reader &) = default;
/* named constructor */
static Rdb_string_reader read_or_empty(const rocksdb::Slice *const slice) {
if (!slice) {
return Rdb_string_reader("");
} else {
return Rdb_string_reader(slice);
explicit Rdb_string_reader(const std::string &str) {
m_len = str.length();
if (m_len) {
m_ptr = &str.at(0);
} else {
One can a create a Rdb_string_reader for reading from an empty string
(although attempts to read anything will fail).
We must not access str.at(0), since len==0, we can set ptr to any
m_ptr = nullptr;
explicit Rdb_string_reader(const rocksdb::Slice *const slice) {
m_ptr = slice->data();
m_len = slice->size();
Read the next @param size bytes. Returns pointer to the bytes read, or
nullptr if the remaining string doesn't have that many bytes.
const char *read(const uint size) {
const char *res;
if (m_len < size) {
res = nullptr;
} else {
res = m_ptr;
m_ptr += size;
m_len -= size;
return res;
bool read_uint8(uint *const res) {
const uchar *p;
if (!(p = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(read(1)))) {
return true; // error
} else {
*res = *p;
return false; // Ok
bool read_uint16(uint *const res) {
const uchar *p;
if (!(p = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(read(2)))) {
return true; // error
} else {
*res = rdb_netbuf_to_uint16(p);
return false; // Ok
bool read_uint64(uint64 *const res) {
const uchar *p;
if (!(p = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(read(sizeof(uint64))))) {
return true; // error
} else {
*res = rdb_netbuf_to_uint64(p);
return false; // Ok
uint remaining_bytes() const { return m_len; }
Return pointer to data that will be read by next read() call (if there is
nothing left to read, returns pointer to beyond the end of previous read()
const char *get_current_ptr() const { return m_ptr; }
A buffer one can write the data to.
Suggested usage pattern:
// Ok, writer->ptr() points to the data written so far,
// and writer->get_current_pos() is the length of the data
class Rdb_string_writer {
std::vector<uchar> m_data;
Rdb_string_writer(const Rdb_string_writer &) = delete;
Rdb_string_writer &operator=(const Rdb_string_writer &) = delete;
Rdb_string_writer() = default;
void clear() { m_data.clear(); }
void write_uint8(const uint val) {
void write_uint16(const uint val) {
const auto size = m_data.size();
m_data.resize(size + 2);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint16(m_data.data() + size, val);
void write_uint32(const uint val) {
const auto size = m_data.size();
m_data.resize(size + 4);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint32(m_data.data() + size, val);
void write(const uchar *const new_data, const size_t len) {
DBUG_ASSERT(new_data != nullptr);
m_data.insert(m_data.end(), new_data, new_data + len);
uchar *ptr() { return m_data.data(); }
size_t get_current_pos() const { return m_data.size(); }
void write_uint8_at(const size_t pos, const uint new_val) {
// This function will only overwrite what was written
DBUG_ASSERT(pos < get_current_pos());
m_data.data()[pos] = new_val;
void write_uint16_at(const size_t pos, const uint new_val) {
// This function will only overwrite what was written
DBUG_ASSERT(pos < get_current_pos() && (pos + 1) < get_current_pos());
rdb_netbuf_store_uint16(m_data.data() + pos, new_val);
void truncate(const size_t pos) {
DBUG_ASSERT(pos < m_data.size());
void allocate(const size_t len, const uchar val = 0) {
DBUG_ASSERT(len > 0);
m_data.resize(m_data.size() + len, val);
An awful hack to deallocate the buffer without relying on the deconstructor.
This is needed to suppress valgrind errors in rocksdb.partition
void free() { std::vector<uchar>().swap(m_data); }
A helper class for writing bits into Rdb_string_writer.
The class assumes (but doesn't check) that nobody tries to write
anything to the Rdb_string_writer that it is writing to.
class Rdb_bit_writer {
Rdb_string_writer *m_writer;
uchar m_offset;
Rdb_bit_writer(const Rdb_bit_writer &) = delete;
Rdb_bit_writer &operator=(const Rdb_bit_writer &) = delete;
explicit Rdb_bit_writer(Rdb_string_writer *writer_arg)
: m_writer(writer_arg), m_offset(0) {}
void write(uint size, const uint value) {
DBUG_ASSERT((value & ((1 << size) - 1)) == value);
while (size > 0) {
if (m_offset == 0) {
// number of bits to put in this byte
const uint bits = std::min(size, (uint)(8 - m_offset));
uchar *const last_byte =
m_writer->ptr() + m_writer->get_current_pos() - 1;
*last_byte |= (uchar)((value >> (size - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1))
<< m_offset;
size -= bits;
m_offset = (m_offset + bits) & 0x7;
class Rdb_bit_reader {
const uchar *m_cur;
uchar m_offset;
uint m_ret;
Rdb_string_reader *const m_reader;
Rdb_bit_reader(const Rdb_bit_reader &) = delete;
Rdb_bit_reader &operator=(const Rdb_bit_reader &) = delete;
explicit Rdb_bit_reader(Rdb_string_reader *const reader)
: m_cur(nullptr), m_offset(0), m_reader(reader) {}
// Returns a pointer to an uint containing the bits read. On subsequent
// reads, the value being pointed to will be overwritten. Returns nullptr
// on failure.
uint *read(uint size) {
m_ret = 0;
DBUG_ASSERT(size <= 32);
while (size > 0) {
if (m_offset == 0) {
m_cur = (const uchar *)m_reader->read(1);
if (m_cur == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// how many bits from the current byte?
const uint bits = std::min((uint)(8 - m_offset), size);
m_ret <<= bits;
m_ret |= (*m_cur >> m_offset) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
size -= bits;
m_offset = (m_offset + bits) & 0x7;
return &m_ret;
template <size_t buf_length>
class Rdb_buf_writer {
Rdb_buf_writer(const Rdb_buf_writer &) = delete;
Rdb_buf_writer &operator=(const Rdb_buf_writer &) = delete;
Rdb_buf_writer() { reset(); }
void write_uint32(const uint32 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + sizeof(n) <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint32(m_ptr, n);
m_ptr += sizeof(n);
void write_uint64(const uint64 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + sizeof(n) <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint64(m_ptr, n);
m_ptr += sizeof(n);
void write_uint16(const uint16 n) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + sizeof(n) <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
rdb_netbuf_store_uint16(m_ptr, n);
m_ptr += sizeof(n);
void write_byte(const uchar c) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + sizeof(c) <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
rdb_netbuf_store_byte(m_ptr, c);
m_ptr += sizeof(c);
void write_index(const uint32 n) { write_uint32(n); }
void write(const char *buf, const size_t size) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + size <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
memcpy(m_ptr, buf, size);
m_ptr += size;
void write(const uchar *buf, const size_t size) {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr + size <= m_buf.data() + buf_length);
memcpy(m_ptr, buf, size);
m_ptr += size;
void reset() { m_ptr = m_buf.data(); }
const char *data() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(m_buf.data());
size_t capacity() { return buf_length; }
/** Returns actual size of the buffer that has data */
size_t size() { return m_ptr - m_buf.data(); }
rocksdb::Slice to_slice() { return rocksdb::Slice(data(), size()); }
std::array<uchar, buf_length> m_buf;
uchar *m_ptr;
} // namespace myrocks