mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 00:18:42 +01:00

This patch is the result of running run-clang-tidy -fix -header-filter=.* -checks='-*,modernize-use-equals-default' . Code style changes have been done on top. The result of this change leads to the following improvements: 1. Binary size reduction. * For a -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release build, the binary size is reduced by ~400kb. * A raw -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release reduces the binary size by ~1.4kb. 2. Compiler can better understand the intent of the code, thus it leads to more optimization possibilities. Additionally it enabled detecting unused variables that had an empty default constructor but not marked so explicitly. Particular change required following this patch in sql/opt_range.cc result_keys, an unused template class Bitmap now correctly issues unused variable warnings. Setting Bitmap template class constructor to default allows the compiler to identify that there are no side-effects when instantiating the class. Previously the compiler could not issue the warning as it assumed Bitmap class (being a template) would not be performing a NO-OP for its default constructor. This prevented the "unused variable warning".
207 lines
7.7 KiB
207 lines
7.7 KiB
/**************** bson H Declares Source Code File (.H) ****************/
/* Name: bson.h Version 1.0 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2020 */
/* */
/* This file contains the BSON classe declares. */
#pragma once
#include <mysql_com.h>
#include "json.h"
#include "xobject.h"
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define X assert(false);
#define X
#define ARGS MY_MIN(24,(int)len-i),s+MY_MAX(i-3,0)
class BDOC;
class BOUT;
class BJSON;
typedef class BDOC* PBDOC;
typedef class BJSON* PBJSON;
typedef uint OFFSET;
/* Structure BVAL. Binary representation of a JVALUE. */
typedef struct _jvalue {
union {
OFFSET To_Val; // Offset to a value
int N; // An integer value
float F; // A float value
bool B; // A boolean value True or false (0)
short Nd; // Number of decimals
short Type; // The value type
OFFSET Next; // Offset to the next value in array
} BVAL, *PBVAL; // end of struct BVALUE
/* Structure BPAIR. The pairs of a json Object. */
typedef struct _jpair {
OFFSET Key; // Offset to this pair key name
BVAL Vlp; // The value of the pair
} BPAIR, *PBPR; // end of struct BPAIR
char* NextChr(PSZ s, char sep);
char* GetJsonNull(void);
const char* GetFmt(int type, bool un);
DllExport bool IsNum(PSZ s);
/* Class BJSON. The class handling all BJSON operations. */
class BJSON : public BLOCK {
// Constructor
{ G = g, Base = G->Sarea; Bvp = vp; Throw = true; }
// Utility functions
inline OFFSET MOF(void *p) {return MakeOff(Base, p);}
inline void *MP(OFFSET o) {return MakePtr(Base, o);}
inline PBPR MPP(OFFSET o) {return (PBPR)MakePtr(Base, o);}
inline PBVAL MVP(OFFSET o) {return (PBVAL)MakePtr(Base, o);}
inline PSZ MZP(OFFSET o) {return (PSZ)MakePtr(Base, o);}
inline longlong LLN(OFFSET o) {return *(longlong*)MakePtr(Base, o);}
inline double DBL(OFFSET o) {return *(double*)MakePtr(Base, o);}
void Reset(void) {Base = G->Sarea;}
void* GetBase(void) { return Base; }
void SubSet(bool b = false);
void MemSave(void) {G->Saved_Size = ((PPOOLHEADER)G->Sarea)->To_Free;}
void MemSet(size_t size);
void GetMsg(PGLOBAL g) { if (g != G) strcpy(g->Message, G->Message); }
// SubAlloc functions
void* BsonSubAlloc(size_t size);
PBPR NewPair(OFFSET key, int type = TYPE_NULL);
OFFSET NewPair(PSZ key, int type = TYPE_NULL)
{return MOF(NewPair(DupStr(key), type));}
PBVAL NewVal(int type = TYPE_NULL);
PBVAL NewVal(PVAL valp);
PBVAL SubAllocVal(OFFSET toval, int type = TYPE_NULL, short nd = 0);
PBVAL SubAllocVal(PBVAL toval, int type = TYPE_NULL, short nd = 0)
{return SubAllocVal(MOF(toval), type, nd);}
PBVAL SubAllocStr(OFFSET str, short nd = 0);
PBVAL SubAllocStr(PSZ str, short nd = 0)
{return SubAllocStr(DupStr(str), nd);}
PBVAL DupVal(PBVAL bvp);
OFFSET DupStr(PSZ str) { return MOF(NewStr(str)); }
PSZ NewStr(PSZ str);
// Array functions
inline PBVAL GetArray(PBVAL vlp) {return MVP(vlp->To_Val);}
int GetArraySize(PBVAL bap, bool b = false);
PBVAL GetArrayValue(PBVAL bap, int i);
PSZ GetArrayText(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bap, PSTRG text);
void MergeArray(PBVAL bap1,PBVAL bap2);
bool DeleteValue(PBVAL bap, int n);
void AddArrayValue(PBVAL bap, OFFSET nvp = 0, int* x = NULL);
inline void AddArrayValue(PBVAL bap, PBVAL nvp = NULL, int* x = NULL)
{AddArrayValue(bap, MOF(nvp), x);}
void SetArrayValue(PBVAL bap, PBVAL nvp, int n);
bool IsArrayNull(PBVAL bap);
// Object functions
inline PBPR GetObject(PBVAL bop) {return MPP(bop->To_Val);}
inline PBPR GetNext(PBPR brp) { return MPP(brp->Vlp.Next); }
void SetPairValue(PBPR brp, PBVAL bvp);
int GetObjectSize(PBVAL bop, bool b = false);
PSZ GetObjectText(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bop, PSTRG text);
PBVAL MergeObject(PBVAL bop1, PBVAL bop2);
PBVAL AddPair(PBVAL bop, PSZ key, int type = TYPE_NULL);
PSZ GetKey(PBPR prp) {return prp ? MZP(prp->Key) : NULL;}
PBVAL GetTo_Val(PBPR prp) {return prp ? MVP(prp->Vlp.To_Val) : NULL;}
PBVAL GetVlp(PBPR prp) {return prp ? (PBVAL)&prp->Vlp : NULL;}
PBVAL GetKeyValue(PBVAL bop, PSZ key);
PBVAL GetKeyList(PBVAL bop);
PBVAL GetObjectValList(PBVAL bop);
void SetKeyValue(PBVAL bop, OFFSET bvp, PSZ key);
inline void SetKeyValue(PBVAL bop, PBVAL vlp, PSZ key)
{SetKeyValue(bop, MOF(vlp), key);}
bool DeleteKey(PBVAL bop, PCSZ k);
bool IsObjectNull(PBVAL bop);
// Value functions
int GetSize(PBVAL vlp, bool b = false);
PBVAL GetNext(PBVAL vlp) {return MVP(vlp->Next);}
//PJSON GetJsp(void) { return (DataType == TYPE_JSON ? Jsp : NULL); }
PSZ GetValueText(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL vlp, PSTRG text);
PBVAL GetBson(PBVAL bvp);
PSZ GetString(PBVAL vp, char* buff = NULL);
int GetInteger(PBVAL vp);
long long GetBigint(PBVAL vp);
double GetDouble(PBVAL vp);
void SetValueObj(PBVAL vlp, PBVAL bop);
void SetValueArr(PBVAL vlp, PBVAL bap);
void SetValueVal(PBVAL vlp, PBVAL vp);
PBVAL SetValue(PBVAL vlp, PVAL valp);
void SetString(PBVAL vlp, PSZ s, int ci = 0);
void SetInteger(PBVAL vlp, int n);
void SetBigint(PBVAL vlp, longlong ll);
void SetFloat(PBVAL vlp, double f, int nd = -1);
void SetFloat(PBVAL vlp, PSZ s);
void SetBool(PBVAL vlp, bool b);
void Clear(PBVAL vlp) { vlp->N = 0; vlp->Nd = 0; vlp->Next = 0; }
bool IsValueNull(PBVAL vlp);
bool IsJson(PBVAL vlp) {return vlp ? vlp->Type == TYPE_JAR ||
vlp->Type == TYPE_JOB ||
vlp->Type == TYPE_JVAL : false;}
// Members
void *Base;
bool Throw;
// Default constructor not to be used
BJSON(void) = default;
}; // end of class BJSON
/* Class JDOC. The class for parsing and serializing json documents. */
class BDOC : public BJSON {
bool GetComma(void) { return comma; }
int GetPretty(void) { return pretty; }
void SetPretty(int pty) { pretty = pty; }
// Methods
PBVAL ParseJson(PGLOBAL g, char* s, size_t n);
PSZ Serialize(PGLOBAL g, PBVAL bvp, char* fn, int pretty);
OFFSET ParseArray(size_t& i);
OFFSET ParseObject(size_t& i);
PBVAL ParseValue(size_t& i, PBVAL bvp);
OFFSET ParseString(size_t& i);
void ParseNumeric(size_t& i, PBVAL bvp);
OFFSET ParseAsArray(size_t& i);
bool SerializeArray(OFFSET arp, bool b);
bool SerializeObject(OFFSET obp);
bool SerializeValue(PBVAL vp, bool b = false);
// Members used when parsing and serializing
JOUT* jp; // Used with serialize
char* s; // The Json string to parse
size_t len; // The Json string length
int pretty; // The pretty style of the file to parse
bool pty[3]; // Used to guess what pretty is
bool comma; // True if Pretty = 1
// Default constructor not to be used
BDOC(void) = default;
}; // end of class BDOC