mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 02:15:32 +01:00

--skip-not-found switch tells mtr to skip not found tests instead of aborting. But it failed to skip the test if the suite name was not found. This problem also made the *last-N-failed builbot builders fail to run `mtr --skip-not-found` if the last commit removed a file in the mysql-test/include/ directory. This commit fixes it, now the not found test is properly skipped, no matter what component of the test name was not found: $ ./mtr main.foo --skip-not-found foo.main ... ============================================================================== TEST WORKER RESULT TIME (ms) or COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foo.main [ skipped ] not found main.foo [ skipped ] not found --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1198 lines
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1198 lines
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# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Monty Program Ab
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
# This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run,
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.
package mtr_cases;
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT= qw(collect_option collect_test_cases collect_default_suites);
use Carp;
use mtr_report;
use mtr_match;
# Options used for the collect phase
our $skip_rpl;
our $do_test;
our $skip_test;
our $binlog_format;
our $enable_disabled;
sub collect_option {
my ($opt, $value)= @_;
# Evaluate $opt as string to use "Getopt::Long::Callback legacy API"
my $opt_name = "$opt";
# Convert - to _ in option name
$opt_name =~ s/-/_/g;
no strict 'refs';
${$opt_name}= $value;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec::Functions qw /splitdir/;
use IO::File();
use My::Config;
use My::Platform;
use My::Test;
use My::Find;
use My::Suite;
# locate plugin suites, depending on whether it's a build tree or installed
my @plugin_suitedirs;
my $plugin_suitedir_regex;
my $overlay_regex;
if (-d '../sql') {
@plugin_suitedirs= ('storage/*/mysql-test', 'plugin/*/mysql-test', 'storage/*/*/mysql-test', );
$overlay_regex= '\b(?:storage|plugin|storage[/][^/]*)/(\w+)/mysql-test\b';
} else {
@plugin_suitedirs= ('mysql-test/plugin/*');
$overlay_regex= '\bmysql-test/plugin/(\w+)\b';
$plugin_suitedir_regex= $overlay_regex;
$plugin_suitedir_regex=~ s/\Q(\w+)\E/\\w+/;
# Precompiled regex's for tests to do or skip
my $do_test_reg;
my $skip_test_reg;
my %suites;
sub init_pattern {
my ($from, $what)= @_;
return undef unless defined $from;
if ( $from =~ /^[a-z0-9\.]*$/ ) {
# Does not contain any regex (except . that we allow as
# separator betwen suite and testname), make the pattern match
# beginning of string
$from= "^$from";
# Check that pattern is a valid regex
eval { "" =~/$from/; 1 } or
mtr_error("Invalid regex '$from' passed to $what\nPerl says: $@");
return $from;
# Collect information about test cases to be run
sub collect_test_cases ($$$$) {
my $opt_reorder= shift; # True if we're reordering tests
my $suites= shift; # Semicolon separated list of test suites
my $opt_cases= shift;
my $opt_skip_test_list= shift;
my $cases= []; # Array of hash(one hash for each testcase)
$do_test_reg= init_pattern($do_test, "--do-test");
$skip_test_reg= init_pattern($skip_test, "--skip-test");
parse_disabled($_) for @$opt_skip_test_list;
# If not reordering, we also shouldn't group by suites, unless
# no test cases were named.
# This also affects some logic in the loop following this.
if ($opt_reorder or !@$opt_cases)
foreach my $suite (split(",", $suites))
push(@$cases, collect_suite_name($suite, $opt_cases));
if ( @$opt_cases )
# A list of tests was specified on the command line
# Check that the tests specified were found
# in at least one suite
foreach my $test_name_spec ( @$opt_cases )
my $found= 0;
my ($sname, $tname)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
foreach my $test ( @$cases )
last unless $opt_reorder;
# test->{name} is always in suite.name format
if ( $test->{name} =~ /^$sname.*\.$tname$/ )
$found= 1;
if ( not $found )
$sname= "main" if !$opt_reorder and !$sname;
mtr_error("Could not find '$tname' in '$suites' suite(s)") unless $sname;
# If suite was part of name, find it there, may come with combinations
my @this_case = collect_suite_name($sname, [ $test_name_spec ]);
if (@this_case)
push (@$cases, @this_case);
elsif ($::opt_skip_not_found)
push @$cases, My::Test->new
name => "$sname.$tname",
shortname => $tname,
skip => 1,
comment => 'not found',
mtr_error("Could not find '$tname' in '$sname' suite");
if ( $opt_reorder )
# Make a mapping of test name to a string that represents how that test
# should be sorted among the other tests. Put the most important criterion
# first, then a sub-criterion, then sub-sub-criterion, etc.
foreach my $tinfo (@$cases)
my @criteria = ();
# Collect the criteria for sorting, in order of importance.
# Note that criteria are also used in mysql-test-run.pl to
# schedule tests to workers, and it preferres tests that have
# *identical* criteria. That is, test name is *not* part of
# the criteria, but it's part of the sorting function below.
push(@criteria, $tinfo->{template_path});
for (qw(master_opt slave_opt)) {
# Group test with equal options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
my $opts= $tinfo->{$_} ? $tinfo->{$_} : [];
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$opts}) . "~");
$tinfo->{criteria}= join(" ", @criteria);
@$cases = sort { # ORDER BY
$b->{skip} <=> $a->{skip} || # skipped DESC,
$a->{criteria} cmp $b->{criteria} || # criteria ASC,
$b->{long_test} <=> $a->{long_test} || # long_test DESC,
$a->{name} cmp $b->{name} # name ASC
} @$cases;
return $cases;
# Returns (suitename, testname, combinations....)
sub split_testname {
my ($test_name)= @_;
# If .test file name is used, get rid of directory part
$test_name= basename($test_name) if $test_name =~ /\.test$/;
# Then, get the combinations:
my ($test_name, @combs) = split /,/, $test_name;
# Now split name on .'s
my @parts= split(/\./, $test_name);
if (@parts == 1){
# Only testname given, ex: alias
return (undef , $parts[0], @combs);
} elsif (@parts == 2) {
# Either testname.test or suite.testname given
# Ex. main.alias or alias.test
if ($parts[1] eq "test")
return (undef , $parts[0], @combs);
return ($parts[0], $parts[1], @combs);
mtr_error("Illegal format of test name: $test_name");
our %file_to_tags;
our %file_to_master_opts;
our %file_to_slave_opts;
our %file_combinations;
our %skip_combinations;
our %file_in_overlay;
sub load_suite_object {
my ($suitename, $suitedir) = @_;
my $suite;
unless (defined $suites{$suitename}) {
if (-f "$suitedir/suite.pm") {
$suite= do "$suitedir/suite.pm";
mtr_error("Cannot load $suitedir/suite.pm: $@") if $@;
unless (ref $suite) {
my $comment = $suite;
$suite = My::Suite->new();
$suite->{skip} = $comment;
} else {
$suite = My::Suite->new();
$suites{$suitename} = $suite;
# add suite skiplist to a global hash, so that we can check it
# with only one lookup
my %suite_skiplist = $suite->skip_combinations();
while (my ($file, $skiplist) = each %suite_skiplist) {
$file =~ s/\.\w+$/\.combinations/;
if (ref $skiplist) {
$skip_combinations{"$suitedir/$file => $_"} = 1 for (@$skiplist);
} else {
$skip_combinations{"$suitedir/$file"} = $skiplist;
return $suites{$suitename};
# returns a pair of (suite, suitedir)
sub suite_for_file($) {
my ($file) = @_;
return ($2, $1) if $file =~ m@^(.*/$plugin_suitedir_regex/(\w+))/@o;
return ($2, $1) if $file =~ m@^(.*/mysql-test/suite/(\w+))/@;
return ('main', $1) if $file =~ m@^(.*/mysql-test)/@;
mtr_error("Cannot determine suite for $file");
sub combinations_from_file($$)
my ($in_overlay, $filename) = @_;
my @combs;
if ($skip_combinations{$filename}) {
@combs = ({ skip => $skip_combinations{$filename} });
} else {
return () if @::opt_combinations or not -f $filename;
return () if ::using_extern();
# Read combinations file in my.cnf format
mtr_verbose2("Read combinations file $filename");
my $config= My::Config->new($filename);
foreach my $group ($config->option_groups()) {
my $comb= { name => $group->name(), comb_opt => [] };
next if $skip_combinations{"$filename => $comb->{name}"};
foreach my $option ( $group->options() ) {
push(@{$comb->{comb_opt}}, $option->option());
$comb->{in_overlay} = 1 if $in_overlay;
push @combs, $comb;
@combs = ({ skip => 'Requires: ' . basename($filename, '.combinations') }) unless @combs;
our %disabled;
our %disabled_wildcards;
sub parse_disabled {
my ($filename, $suitename) = @_;
if (open(DISABLED, $filename)) {
while (<DISABLED>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
mtr_error("Syntax error in $filename line $.")
unless /^\s*(?:([-0-9A-Za-z_\/]+)\.)?([-0-9A-Za-z_#\*]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/;
mtr_error("Wrong suite name in $filename line $.: suitename = $suitename but the file says $1")
if defined $1 and defined $suitename and $1 ne $suitename;
my ($sname, $casename, $text)= (($1 || $suitename || ''), $2, $3);
if ($casename =~ /\*/) {
# Wildcard
$disabled_wildcards{$sname . ".$casename"}= $text;
else {
$disabled{$sname . ".$casename"}= $text;
# load suite.pm files from plugin suites
# collect the list of default plugin suites.
# XXX currently it does not support nested suites
sub collect_default_suites(@)
use File::Find;
my @dirs;
find(sub {
push @dirs, [$File::Find::topdir, $File::Find::name]
if -d and -f "$File::Find::name/suite.pm";
}, my_find_dir(dirname($::glob_mysql_test_dir), \@plugin_suitedirs));
for (@dirs) {
my ($plugin_root, $dir) = @$_;
my $sname= substr $dir, 1 + length $plugin_root;
# ignore overlays here, otherwise we'd need accurate
# duplicate detection with overlay support for the default suite list
next if $sname eq 'main' or -d "$::glob_mysql_test_dir/suite/$sname";
my $s = load_suite_object($sname, $dir);
push @_, $sname if $s->is_default();
return @_;
# processes one user-specified suite name.
# it could contain wildcards, e.g engines/*
sub collect_suite_name($$)
my $suitename= shift; # Test suite name
my $opt_cases= shift;
my $over;
my %suites;
($suitename, $over) = split '-', $suitename;
if ( $suitename ne "main" )
# Allow suite to be path to "some dir" if $suitename has at least
# one directory part
if ( -d $suitename and splitdir($suitename) > 1 ) {
$suites{$suitename} = [ $suitename ];
mtr_report(" - from '$suitename'");
my @dirs = my_find_dir(dirname($::glob_mysql_test_dir),
["mysql-test/suite", @plugin_suitedirs ],
$::opt_skip_not_found ? NOT_REQUIRED : undef);
# if $suitename contained wildcards, we'll have many suites and
# their overlays here. Let's group them appropriately.
for (@dirs) {
m@^.*/(?:mysql-test/suite|$plugin_suitedir_regex)/(.*)$@o or confess $_;
push @{$suites{$1}}, $_;
} else {
$suites{$suitename} = [ $::glob_mysql_test_dir . "/main",
[ @plugin_suitedirs ],
'main', NOT_REQUIRED) ];
my @cases;
while (my ($name, $dirs) = each %suites) {
# XXX at the moment, for simplicity, we will not fully support one
# plugin overlaying a suite of another plugin. Only suites in the main
# mysql-test directory can be safely overlayed. To be fixed, when
# needed. To fix it we'll need a smarter overlay detection (that is,
# detection of what is an overlay and what is the "original" suite)
# than simply "prefer directories with more files".
if ($dirs->[0] !~ m@/mysql-test/suite/$name$@) {
# prefer directories with more files
@$dirs = sort { scalar(<$a/*>) <=> scalar(<$b/*>) } @$dirs;
push @cases, collect_one_suite($opt_cases, $name, $over, @$dirs);
return @cases;
sub collect_one_suite {
my ($opt_cases, $suitename, $over, $suitedir, @overlays) = @_;
mtr_verbose2("Collecting: $suitename");
mtr_verbose2("suitedir: $suitedir");
mtr_verbose2("overlays: @overlays") if @overlays;
# we always need to process the parent suite, even if we won't use any
# test from it.
my @cases= process_suite($suitename, undef, $suitedir,
$over ? [ '*BOGUS*' ] : $opt_cases);
# when working with overlays we cannot use global caches like
# %file_to_tags. Because the same file may have different tags
# with and without overlays. For example, when a.test includes
# b.inc, which includes c.inc, and an overlay replaces c.inc.
# In this case b.inc may have different tags in the overlay,
# despite the fact that b.inc itself is not replaced.
for (@overlays) {
local %file_to_tags = ();
local %file_to_master_opts = ();
local %file_to_slave_opts = ();
local %file_combinations = ();
local %file_in_overlay = ();
confess $_ unless m@/$overlay_regex/@o;
next unless defined $over and ($over eq '' or $over eq $1);
push @cases,
# don't add cases that take *all* data from the parent suite
grep { $_->{in_overlay} } process_suite($suitename, $1, $_, $opt_cases);
return @cases;
sub process_suite {
my ($basename, $overname, $suitedir, $opt_cases) = @_;
my $suitename;
my $parent;
if ($overname) {
$parent = $suites{$basename};
confess unless $parent;
$suitename = $basename . '-' . $overname;
} else {
$suitename = $basename;
my $suite = load_suite_object($suitename, (($suitename eq "main") ?
$::glob_mysql_test_dir :
# Read suite config files, unless it was done aleady
unless (defined $suite->{name}) {
$suite->{name} = $suitename;
$suite->{dir} = $suitedir;
# First, we need to find where the test files and result files are.
# test files are usually in a t/ dir inside suite dir. Or directly in the
# suite dir. result files are in a r/ dir or in the suite dir.
# Overlay uses t/ and r/ if and only if its parent does.
if ($parent) {
$suite->{parent} = $parent;
my $tdir = $parent->{tdir};
my $rdir = $parent->{rdir};
substr($tdir, 0, length $parent->{dir}) = $suitedir;
substr($rdir, 0, length $parent->{dir}) = $suitedir;
$suite->{tdir} = $tdir if -d $tdir;
$suite->{rdir} = $rdir if -d $rdir;
} else {
my $tdir= "$suitedir/t";
my $rdir= "$suitedir/r";
$suite->{tdir} = -d $tdir ? $tdir : $suitedir;
$suite->{rdir} = -d $rdir ? $rdir : $suite->{tdir};
mtr_verbose2("testdir: " . $suite->{tdir});
mtr_verbose2( "resdir: " . $suite->{rdir});
# disabled.def
parse_disabled($suite->{dir} .'/disabled.def', $suitename);
parse_disabled($suite->{dir} .'/t/disabled.def', $suitename);
# combinations
if (@::opt_combinations)
# take the combination from command-line
mtr_verbose2("Take the combination from command line");
foreach my $combination (@::opt_combinations) {
my $comb= {};
$comb->{name}= $combination;
push(@{$comb->{comb_opt}}, $combination);
push @{$suite->{combinations}}, $comb;
my @combs;
my $from = "$suitedir/combinations";
@combs = combinations_from_file($parent, $from) unless $suite->{skip};
$suite->{combinations} = [ @combs ];
# in overlays it's a union of parent's and overlay's files.
unshift @{$suite->{combinations}},
grep { not $skip_combinations{"$from => $_->{name}"} }
@{$parent->{combinations}} if $parent;
# suite.opt
# in overlays it's a union of parent's and overlay's files.
$suite->{opts} = [ opts_from_file("$suitedir/suite.opt") ];
$suite->{in_overlay} = 1 if $parent and @{$suite->{opts}};
unshift @{$suite->{opts}}, @{$parent->{opts}} if $parent;
$suite->{cases} = [ $suite->list_cases($suite->{tdir}) ];
my %all_cases;
%all_cases = map { $_ => $parent->{tdir} } @{$parent->{cases}} if $parent;
$all_cases{$_} = $suite->{tdir} for @{$suite->{cases}};
my @cases;
if (@$opt_cases) {
# Collect in specified order
foreach my $test_name_spec ( @$opt_cases )
my ($sname, $tname, @combs)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
# Check correct suite if suitename is defined
next if defined $sname and $sname ne $suitename
and $sname ne "$basename-";
next unless $all_cases{$tname};
push @cases, collect_one_test_case($suite, $all_cases{$tname}, $tname, @combs);
} else {
for (sort keys %all_cases)
# Skip tests that do not match the --do-test= filter
next if $do_test_reg and not /$do_test_reg/o;
push @cases, collect_one_test_case($suite, $all_cases{$_}, $_);
# Read options from the given opt file and append them as an array
# to $tinfo->{$opt_name}
sub process_opts {
my ($tinfo, $opt_name)= @_;
my @opts= @{$tinfo->{$opt_name}};
$tinfo->{$opt_name} = [];
foreach my $opt (@opts)
my $value;
# The opt file is used both to send special options to the mysqld
# as well as pass special test case specific options to this
# script
$value= mtr_match_prefix($opt, "--timezone=");
if ( defined $value )
$tinfo->{'timezone'}= $value;
# If we set default time zone, remove the one we have
$value= mtr_match_prefix($opt, "--default-time-zone=");
if ( defined $value )
# Set timezone for this test case to something different
$tinfo->{'timezone'}= "GMT-8";
# Fallthrough, add the --default-time-zone option
# Ok, this was a real option, add it
push(@{$tinfo->{$opt_name}}, $opt);
sub make_combinations($$@)
my ($test, $test_combs, @combinations) = @_;
return ($test) unless @combinations;
if ($combinations[0]->{skip}) {
$test->{skip} = 1;
$test->{comment} = $combinations[0]->{skip} unless $test->{comment};
confess unless @combinations == 1;
return ($test);
foreach my $comb (@combinations)
# Skip all other combinations if the values they change
# are already fixed in master_opt or slave_opt
# (empty combinations are not considered a subset of anything)
if (@{$comb->{comb_opt}} &&
My::Options::is_subset($test->{master_opt}, $comb->{comb_opt}) &&
My::Options::is_subset($test->{slave_opt}, $comb->{comb_opt}) ){
$test_combs->{$comb->{name}} = 2;
# Add combination name short name
push @{$test->{combinations}}, $comb->{name};
return ($test);
# Skip all other combinations, if this combination is forced
if ($test_combs->{$comb->{name}}) {
@combinations = ($comb); # run the loop below only for this combination
$test_combs->{$comb->{name}} = 2;
return ($test) if $test->{'skip'};
my @cases;
foreach my $comb (@combinations)
# Copy test options
my $new_test= $test->copy();
# Prepend the combination options to master_opt and slave_opt
# (on the command line combinations go *before* .opt files)
unshift @{$new_test->{master_opt}}, @{$comb->{comb_opt}};
unshift @{$new_test->{slave_opt}}, @{$comb->{comb_opt}};
# Add combination name short name
push @{$new_test->{combinations}}, $comb->{name};
$new_test->{in_overlay} = 1 if $comb->{in_overlay};
# Add the new test to new test cases list
push(@cases, $new_test);
return @cases;
sub find_file_in_dirs
my ($tinfo, $slot, $filename) = @_;
my $parent = $tinfo->{suite}->{parent};
my $f = $tinfo->{suite}->{$slot} . '/' . $filename;
if (-f $f) {
$tinfo->{in_overlay} = 1 if $parent;
return $f;
return undef unless $parent;
$f = $parent->{$slot} . '/' . $filename;
return -f $f ? $f : undef;
# Collect information about a single test case
sub collect_one_test_case {
my $suite = shift;
my $tpath = shift;
my $tname = shift;
my %test_combs = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
my $suitename = $suite->{name};
my $name = "$suitename.$tname";
my $filename = "$tpath/${tname}.test";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set defaults
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $tinfo= My::Test->new
name => $name,
shortname => $tname,
path => $filename,
suite => $suite,
in_overlay => $suite->{in_overlay},
master_opt => [ @{$suite->{opts}} ],
slave_opt => [ @{$suite->{opts}} ],
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skip some tests but include in list, just mark them as skipped
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $skip_test_reg and ($tname =~ /$skip_test_reg/o or
$name =~ /$skip_test_reg/o))
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
return $tinfo;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check for disabled tests
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $disable = $disabled{".$tname"} || $disabled{$name};
if (not $disable) {
foreach my $w (keys %disabled_wildcards) {
if ($name =~ /^$w/) {
$disable= $disabled_wildcards{$w};
if (not defined $disable and $suite->{parent}) {
$disable = $disabled{$suite->{parent}->{name} . ".$tname"};
if (defined $disable)
$tinfo->{comment}= $disable;
if ( $enable_disabled )
# User has selected to run all disabled tests
mtr_report(" - $tinfo->{name} will be run although it's been disabled\n",
" due to '$disable'");
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'disable'}= 1; # Sub type of 'skip'
# we can stop test file processing early if the test if disabled, but
# only if we're not in the overlay. for overlays we want to know exactly
# whether the test is ignored (in_overlay=0) or disabled.
return $tinfo unless $suite->{parent};
if ($suite->{skip}) {
$tinfo->{skip}= 1;
$tinfo->{comment}= $suite->{skip} unless $tinfo->{comment};
return $tinfo unless $suite->{parent};
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check for test specific config file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $test_cnf_file= find_file_in_dirs($tinfo, tdir => "$tname.cnf");
if ($test_cnf_file ) {
# Specifies the configuration file to use for this test
$tinfo->{'template_path'}= $test_cnf_file;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# master sh
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $master_sh= find_file_in_dirs($tinfo, tdir => "$tname-master.sh");
if ($master_sh)
if ( IS_WIN32PERL )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "No tests with sh scripts on Windows";
return $tinfo;
$tinfo->{'master_sh'}= $master_sh;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# slave sh
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $slave_sh= find_file_in_dirs($tinfo, tdir => "$tname-slave.sh");
if ($slave_sh)
if ( IS_WIN32PERL )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "No tests with sh scripts on Windows";
return $tinfo;
$tinfo->{'slave_sh'}= $slave_sh;
my ($master_opts, $slave_opts)= tags_from_test_file($tinfo);
$tinfo->{in_overlay} = 1 if $file_in_overlay{$filename};
if ( $tinfo->{'big_test'} and ! $::opt_big_test )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Test needs --big-test";
return $tinfo
if ( $tinfo->{'big_test'} )
# All 'big_test' takes a long time to run
$tinfo->{'long_test'}= 1;
if ( ! $tinfo->{'big_test'} and $::opt_big_test > 1 )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Small test";
return $tinfo
if ( $tinfo->{'rpl_test'} )
if ( $skip_rpl )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "No replication tests";
return $tinfo;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find config file to use if not already selected in <testname>.opt file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (not $tinfo->{template_path} )
my $config= find_file_in_dirs($tinfo, dir => 'my.cnf');
if (not $config)
# Suite has no config, autodetect which one to use
if ($tinfo->{rpl_test}) {
$config= "suite/rpl/my.cnf";
} else {
$config= "include/default_my.cnf";
$tinfo->{template_path}= $config;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Append mysqld extra options to master and slave, as appropriate
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
push @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}, @$master_opts, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
push @{$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}}, @$slave_opts, @::opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
process_opts($tinfo, 'master_opt');
process_opts($tinfo, 'slave_opt');
my @cases = ($tinfo);
for my $comb ($suite->{combinations}, @{$file_combinations{$filename}})
@cases = map make_combinations($_, \%test_combs, @{$comb}), @cases;
my @no_combs = grep { $test_combs{$_} == 1 } keys %test_combs;
if (@no_combs) {
if ($::opt_skip_not_found) {
push @{$tinfo->{combinations}}, @no_combs;
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "combination not found";
return $tinfo;
mtr_error("Could not run $name with '".(
join(',', sort @no_combs))."' combination(s)");
for $tinfo (@cases) {
# Now we find a result file for every test file. It's a bit complicated.
# For a test foobar.test in the combination pair {aa,bb}, and in the
# overlay "rty" to the suite "qwe", in other words, for the
# that that mtr prints as
# ...
# qwe-rty.foobar 'aa,bb' [ pass ]
# ...
# the result can be expected in
# * either .rdiff or .result file
# * either in the overlay or in the original suite
# * with or without combinations in the file name.
# which means any of the following 15 file names can be used:
# 1 rty/r/foo,aa,bb.result
# 2 rty/r/foo,aa,bb.rdiff
# 3 qwe/r/foo,aa,bb.result
# 4 qwe/r/foo,aa,bb.rdiff
# 5 rty/r/foo,aa.result
# 6 rty/r/foo,aa.rdiff
# 7 qwe/r/foo,aa.result
# 8 qwe/r/foo,aa.rdiff
# 9 rty/r/foo,bb.result
# 10 rty/r/foo,bb.rdiff
# 11 qwe/r/foo,bb.result
# 12 qwe/r/foo,bb.rdiff
# 13 rty/r/foo.result
# 14 rty/r/foo.rdiff
# 15 qwe/r/foo.result
# They are listed, precisely, in the order of preference.
# mtr will walk that list from top to bottom and the first file that
# is found will be used.
# If this found file is a .rdiff, mtr continues walking down the list
# until the first .result file is found.
# A .rdiff is applied to that .result.
my $re ='';
if ($tinfo->{combinations}) {
$re = '(?:' . join('|', @{$tinfo->{combinations}}) . ')';
my $resdirglob = $suite->{rdir};
$resdirglob.= ',' . $suite->{parent}->{rdir} if $suite->{parent};
my %files;
for (<{$resdirglob}/$tname*.{rdiff,result}>) {
my ($path, $combs, $ext) =
m@^(.*)/$tname((?:,$re)*)\.(rdiff|result)$@ or next;
my @combs = sort split /,/, $combs;
$files{$_} = join '~', ( # sort files by
99 - scalar(@combs), # number of combinations DESC
join(',', sort @combs), # combination names ASC
$path eq $suite->{rdir} ? 1 : 2, # overlay first
$ext eq 'result' ? 1 : 2 # result before rdiff
my @results = sort { $files{$a} cmp $files{$b} } keys %files;
if (@results) {
my $result_file = shift @results;
$tinfo->{result_file} = $result_file;
if ($result_file =~ /\.rdiff$/) {
shift @results while $results[0] =~ /\.rdiff$/;
mtr_error ("$result_file has no corresponding .result file")
unless @results;
$tinfo->{base_result} = $results[0];
if (not $::exe_patch) {
$tinfo->{skip} = 1;
$tinfo->{comment} = "requires patch executable";
} else {
# No .result file exist
# Remember the path where it should be
# saved in case of --record
$tinfo->{record_file}= $suite->{rdir} . "/$tname.result";
return @cases;
my $tags_map= {'big_test' => ['big_test', 1],
'master-slave' => ['rpl_test', 1],
'long_test' => ['long_test', 1],
my $tags_regex_string= join('|', keys %$tags_map);
my $tags_regex= qr:include/($tags_regex_string)\.inc:o;
# Get various tags from a file, recursively scanning also included files.
# And get options from .opt file, also recursively for included files.
# Return a list of [TAG_TO_SET, VALUE_TO_SET_TO] of found tags.
# Also returns lists of options for master and slave found in .opt files.
# Each include file is scanned only once, and subsequent calls just look up the
# cached result.
# We need to be a bit careful about speed here; previous version of this code
# took forever to scan the full test suite.
sub get_tags_from_file($$) {
my ($file, $suite)= @_;
return @{$file_to_tags{$file}} if exists $file_to_tags{$file};
my $F= IO::File->new($file)
or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my $tags= [];
my $master_opts= [];
my $slave_opts= [];
my @combinations;
my $over = defined $suite->{parent};
my $sdir = $suite->{dir};
my $pdir = $suite->{parent}->{dir} if $over;
my $in_overlay = 0;
my $suffix = $file;
my @prefix = ('');
# to be able to look up all auxillary files in the overlay
# we split the file path in a prefix and a suffix
if ($file =~ m@^$sdir/(.*)$@) {
$suffix = $1;
@prefix = ("$sdir/");
push @prefix, "$pdir/" if $over;
$in_overlay = $over;
} elsif ($over and $file =~ m@^$pdir/(.*)$@) {
$suffix = $1;
@prefix = map { "$_/" } $sdir, $pdir;
} else {
$over = 0; # file neither in $sdir nor in $pdir
while (my $line= <$F>)
# Ignore comments.
next if $line =~ /^\#/;
# Add any tag we find.
if ($line =~ /$tags_regex/o)
my $to_set= $tags_map->{$1};
for (my $i= 0; $i < @$to_set; $i+= 2)
push @$tags, [$to_set->[$i], $to_set->[$i+1]];
# Check for a sourced include file.
if ($line =~ /^[[:space:]]*(--)?[[:space:]]*source[[:space:]]+([^;[:space:]]+)/)
my $include= $2;
# The rules below must match open_file() function of mysqltest.cc
# Note that for the purpose of tag collection we ignore
# non-existing files, and let mysqltest handle the error
# (e.g. mysqltest.test needs this)
for ((map { dirname("$_$suffix") } @prefix),
$sdir, $pdir, $::glob_mysql_test_dir)
next unless defined $_;
my $sourced_file = "$_/$include";
next if $sourced_file eq $file;
if (-e $sourced_file)
push @$tags, get_tags_from_file($sourced_file, $suite);
push @$master_opts, @{$file_to_master_opts{$sourced_file}};
push @$slave_opts, @{$file_to_slave_opts{$sourced_file}};
push @combinations, @{$file_combinations{$sourced_file}};
$file_in_overlay{$file} ||= $file_in_overlay{$sourced_file};
# Add options from main file _after_ those of any includes; this allows a
# test file to override options set by includes (eg. rpl.rpl_ddl uses this
# to enable innodb, then disable innodb in the slave.
$suffix =~ s/\.\w+$//;
for (qw(.opt -master.opt -slave.opt)) {
my @res;
push @res, opts_from_file("$prefix[1]$suffix$_") if $over;
if (-f "$prefix[0]$suffix$_") {
$in_overlay = $over;
push @res, opts_from_file("$prefix[0]$suffix$_");
push @$master_opts, @res unless /slave/;
push @$slave_opts, @res unless /master/;
# for combinations we need to make sure that its suite object is loaded,
# even if this file does not belong to a current suite!
my $comb_file = "$suffix.combinations";
$suite = load_suite_object(suite_for_file($comb_file)) if $prefix[0] eq '';
my @comb;
unless ($suite->{skip}) {
my $from = "$prefix[0]$comb_file";
@comb = combinations_from_file($over, $from);
push @comb,
grep { not $skip_combinations{"$from => $_->{name}"} }
combinations_from_file(undef, "$prefix[1]$comb_file") if $over;
push @combinations, [ @comb ];
# Save results so we can reuse without parsing if seen again.
$file_to_tags{$file}= $tags;
$file_to_master_opts{$file}= $master_opts;
$file_to_slave_opts{$file}= $slave_opts;
$file_combinations{$file}= [ ::uniq(@combinations) ];
$file_in_overlay{$file} = 1 if $in_overlay;
return @{$tags};
sub tags_from_test_file {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
my $file = $tinfo->{path};
# a suite may generate tests that don't map to real *.test files
# see unit suite for an example.
return ([], []) unless -f $file;
for (get_tags_from_file($file, $tinfo->{suite}))
$tinfo->{$_->[0]}= $_->[1];
return ($file_to_master_opts{$file}, $file_to_slave_opts{$file});
sub unspace {
my $string= shift;
my $quote= shift;
$string =~ s/[ \t]/\x11/g;
return "$quote$string$quote";
sub opts_from_file ($) {
my $file= shift;
local $_;
return () unless -f $file;
open(FILE, '<', $file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my @args;
while ( <FILE> )
# --init_connect=set @a='a\\0c'
s/^\s+//; # Remove leading space
s/\s+$//; # Remove ending space
# This is strange, but we need to fill whitespace inside
# quotes with something, to remove later. We do this to
# be able to split on space. Else, we have trouble with
# options like
# --someopt="--insideopt1 --insideopt2"
# But still with this, we are not 100% sure it is right,
# we need a shell to do it right.
foreach my $arg (split(/[ \t]+/))
$arg =~ tr/\x11\x0a\x0b/ \'\"/; # Put back real chars
# The outermost quotes has to go
$arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\'(.*)\'([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/
or $arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\"(.*)\"([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/;
$arg =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
# Do not pass empty string since my_getopt is not capable to handle it.
if (length($arg)) {
push(@args, $arg);
close FILE;
return @args;