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synced 2025-03-14 11:08:36 +01:00

- Major rewrite of ddl_log.cc and ddl_log.h - ddl_log.cc described in the beginning how the recovery works. - ddl_log.log has unique signature and is dynamic. It's easy to add more information to the header and other ddl blocks while still being able to execute old ddl entries. - IO_SIZE for ddl blocks is now dynamic. Can be changed without affecting recovery of old logs. - Code is more modular and is now usable outside of partition handling. - Renamed log file to dll_recovery.log and added option --log-ddl-recovery to allow one to specify the path & filename. - Added ddl_log_entry_phase[], number of phases for each DDL action, which allowed me to greatly simply set_global_from_ddl_log_entry() - Changed how strings are stored in log entries, which allows us to store much more information in a log entry. - ddl log is now always created at start and deleted on normal shutdown. This simplices things notable. - Added probes debug_crash_here() and debug_simulate_error() to simply crash testing and allow crash after a given number of times a probe is executed. See comments in debug_sync.cc and rename_table.test for how this can be used. - Reverting failed table and view renames is done trough the ddl log. This ensures that the ddl log is tested also outside of recovery. - Added helper function 'handler::needs_lower_case_filenames()' - Extend binary log with Q_XID events. ddl log handling is using this to check if a ddl log entry was logged to the binary log (if yes, it will be deleted from the log during ddl_log_close_binlogged_events() - If a DDL entry fails 3 time, disable it. This is to ensure that if we have a crash in ddl recovery code the server will not get stuck in a forever crash-restart-crash loop. mysqltest.cc changes: - --die will now replace $variables with their values - $error will contain the error of the last failed statement storage engine changes: - maria_rename() was changed to be more robust against crashes during rename.
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# This tests tries cover most of the recovery cases in
# This test does not intend to crash the server
# It's a complement to main.rename
create database test2;
--echo #
--echo # Testing rename error in different places
--echo #
create table t1 (a int);
create table t2 (b int);
create table t3 (c int);
create table t4 (d int);
insert into t1 values(1);
insert into t2 values(2);
insert into t3 values(3);
insert into t4 values(4);
create temporary table tmp1 (a int);
create temporary table tmp2 (b int);
create temporary table tmp3 (c int);
create temporary table tmp4 (d int);
insert into tmp1 values(11);
insert into tmp2 values(22);
insert into tmp3 values(33);
insert into tmp4 values(44);
rename table t3 to t4, t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t3 to t4, t2 to t1, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t3 to t4, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, t3 to t4;
--echo # Try failed rename using two databases
rename table test.t1 to test2.t5, test.t2 to test.t1, t5 to test.t2;
select t1.a+t2.b+t3.c+t4.d from t1,t2,t3,t4;
select * from t5;
--echo #
--echo # Testing rename error in different places with temporary tables
--echo #
rename table tmp3 to tmp4, tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1;
rename table tmp1 to t5, tmp3 to tmp4, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1;
rename table tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, tmp3 to tmp4, t5 to tmp1;
rename table tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1, tmp3 to tmp4;
select tmp1.a+tmp2.b+tmp3.c+tmp4.d from tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4;
select * from t5;
--echo #
--echo # Testing combinations of rename normal and temporary tables
--echo #
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, tmp3 to tmp4, tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, tmp1 to t5, tmp3 to tmp4, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, tmp3 to tmp4, t5 to tmp1;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, tmp1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to tmp1, t3 to t4;
rename table t1 to t5, tmp2 to tmp5, t2 to t1, tmp2 to tmp1, t5 to t2, tmp5 to tmp1, t8 to t9;
select t1.a+t2.b+t3.c+t4.d from t1,t2,t3,t4;
select tmp1.a+tmp2.b+tmp3.c+tmp4.d from tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4;
drop table tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4;
--echo #
--echo # Similar tests with triggers
--echo #
delimiter |;
create trigger t1_trg before insert on t1 for each row
if isnull(new.a) then
set new.a:= 10;
end if;
create trigger t2_trg before insert on t2 for each row
if isnull(new.b) then
set new.b:= 100;
end if;
create trigger t3_trg before insert on t3 for each row
if isnull(new.c) then
set new.c:= 1000;
end if;
delimiter ;|
rename table t3 to t4, t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t3 to t4, t2 to t1, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t3 to t4, t5 to t2;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1, t5 to t2, t3 to t4;
--echo # Test of move table between databases
rename table t4 to test2.t5, t2 to t4, test2.t5 to t2, t1 to test2.t6;
--replace_column 6 #
show triggers;
select t1.a+t2.b+t3.c+t4.d from t1,t2,t3,t4;
insert into t1 values(null);
insert into t2 values(null);
insert into t3 values(null);
select (select sum(t1.a) from t1)+ (select sum(t2.b) from t2) + (select sum(t3.c) from t3)+ (select sum(t4.d) from t4);
drop trigger t1_trg;
drop trigger t2_trg;
drop trigger t3_trg;
--echo #
--echo # Test with views
--echo #
create view v1 as select * from t1;
create view v2 as select * from t2;
create view v3 as select * from t3;
create view v4 as select * from t4;
rename table v3 to v4, v1 to t5, v2 to v1, t5 to v2;
rename table v1 to t5, v3 to v4, v2 to v1, t5 to v2;
rename table v1 to t5, v2 to v1, v3 to v4, t5 to v2;
rename table v1 to t5, v2 to v1, t5 to v2, v3 to v4;
--echo # Try failed rename using two databases
rename table test.v1 to test.v5, test.v2 to test.v1, test.v3 to test2.v2, non_existing_view to another_non_existing_view;
select (select sum(v1.a) from v1)+ (select sum(v2.b) from v2) + (select sum(v3.c) from v3)+ (select sum(v4.d) from v4);
drop view v1,v2,v3,v4;
# Clean up
drop table t1, t2, t3, t4;
drop database test2;