/* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "maria_def.h" /** @brief calculate crc of the page avoiding special values @param start The value to start CRC (we use page number here) @param data data pointer @param length length of the data @return crc of the page without special values */ static uint32 maria_page_crc(uint32 start, uchar *data, uint length) { uint32 crc= crc32(start, data, length); /* we need this assert to get following comparison working */ compile_time_assert(MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE == MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE - 1 && MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE == 0xffffffff); if (crc >= MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE) crc= MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE - 1; return(crc); } /** @brief Maria pages read callback (checks the page CRC) @param page The page data to check @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr pointer to MARIA_SHARE @param no_crc_val Value which means CRC absence (MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE or MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE) @param data_length length of data to calculate CRC @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ static my_bool maria_page_crc_check(uchar *page, pgcache_page_no_t page_no, MARIA_SHARE *share, uint32 no_crc_val, int data_length) { uint32 crc= uint4korr(page + share->block_size - CRC_SIZE), new_crc; my_bool res; DBUG_ENTER("maria_page_crc_check"); DBUG_ASSERT((uint)data_length <= share->block_size - CRC_SIZE); /* we need this assert to get following comparison working */ compile_time_assert(MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE == MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE - 1 && MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE == 0xffffffff); /* If crc is no_crc_val then the page has no crc, so there is nothing to check. */ if (crc >= MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("No crc: %lu crc: %lu page: %lu ", (ulong) no_crc_val, (ulong) crc, (ulong) page_no)); if (crc != no_crc_val) { my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_CRC; DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Wrong no CRC value")); DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } new_crc= maria_page_crc((uint32) page_no, page, data_length); DBUG_ASSERT(new_crc != no_crc_val); res= MY_TEST(new_crc != crc); if (res) { /* Bitmap pages may be totally zero filled in some cases. This happens when we get a crash after the pagecache has written out a page that is on a newly created bitmap page and we get a crash before the bitmap page is written out. We handle this case with the following logic: When reading, approve of bitmap pages where all bytes are zero (This is after all a bitmap pages where no data is reserved and the CRC will be corrected at next write) */ if (no_crc_val == MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE && crc == 0 && _ma_check_if_zero(page, data_length)) { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Found bitmap page that was not initialized")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Page: %lu crc: %lu calculated crc: %lu", (ulong) page_no, (ulong) crc, (ulong) new_crc)); my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_CRC; } DBUG_RETURN(res); } /** @brief Maria pages write callback (sets the page CRC for data and index files) @param page The page data to set @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK */ my_bool maria_page_crc_set_normal(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; int data_length= share->block_size - CRC_SIZE; uint32 crc= maria_page_crc((uint32) page_no, page, data_length); DBUG_ENTER("maria_page_crc_set_normal"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Page %lu crc: %lu", (ulong) page_no, (ulong)crc)); /* crc is on the stack so it is aligned, pagecache buffer is aligned, too */ int4store_aligned(page + data_length, crc); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** @brief Maria pages write callback (sets the page CRC for keys) @param page The page data to set @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK */ my_bool maria_page_crc_set_index(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; int data_length= _ma_get_page_used(share, page); uint32 crc= maria_page_crc((uint32) page_no, page, data_length); DBUG_ENTER("maria_page_crc_set_index"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Page %lu crc: %lu", (ulong) page_no, (ulong) crc)); DBUG_ASSERT((uint)data_length <= share->block_size - CRC_SIZE); /* crc is on the stack so it is aligned, pagecache buffer is aligned, too */ int4store_aligned(page + share->block_size - CRC_SIZE, crc); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* interface functions */ /** @brief Maria pages read callback (checks the page CRC) for index/data pages @param page The page data to check @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Read callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ my_bool maria_page_crc_check_data(int res, PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; if (res) { return 1; } return (maria_page_crc_check(page, (uint32) page_no, share, MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE, share->block_size - CRC_SIZE)); } /** @brief Maria pages read callback (checks the page CRC) for bitmap pages @param page The page data to check @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Read callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ my_bool maria_page_crc_check_bitmap(int res, PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; if (res) { return 1; } return (maria_page_crc_check(page, (uint32) page_no, share, MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE, share->block_size - CRC_SIZE)); } /** @brief Maria pages read callback (checks the page CRC) for index pages @param page The page data to check @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Read callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ my_bool maria_page_crc_check_index(int res, PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; uint length= _ma_get_page_used(share, page); if (res) { return 1; } if (length > share->block_size - CRC_SIZE) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Wrong page length: %u", length)); return (my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_CRC); } return maria_page_crc_check(page, (uint32) page_no, share, MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE, length); } /** @brief Maria pages dumme read callback for temporary tables @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ my_bool maria_page_crc_check_none(int res, PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args __attribute__((unused))) { return res != 0; } /** @brief Maria pages write callback (sets the page filler for index/data) @param page The page data to set @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK */ my_bool maria_page_filler_set_normal(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; #ifndef DBUG_OFF pgcache_page_no_t page_no= args->pageno; #endif MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; DBUG_ENTER("maria_page_filler_set_normal"); DBUG_ASSERT(page_no != 0); /* Catches some simple bugs */ int4store_aligned(page + share->block_size - CRC_SIZE, MARIA_NO_CRC_NORMAL_PAGE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** @brief Maria pages write callback (sets the page filler for bitmap) @param page The page data to set @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK */ my_bool maria_page_filler_set_bitmap(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { uchar *page= args->page; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; DBUG_ENTER("maria_page_filler_set_bitmap"); int4store_aligned(page + share->block_size - CRC_SIZE, MARIA_NO_CRC_BITMAP_PAGE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** @brief Maria pages dummy write callback for temporary tables @retval 0 OK */ my_bool maria_page_filler_set_none(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args __attribute__((unused))) { #ifdef HAVE_valgrind uchar *page= args->page; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; int4store_aligned(page + share->block_size - CRC_SIZE, 0); #endif return 0; } /** @brief Write failure callback (mark table as corrupted) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) */ void maria_page_write_failure(int error, PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { if (error) maria_mark_crashed_share((MARIA_SHARE *)args->data); } /** @brief Maria flush log log if needed @param page The page data to set @param page_no The page number (<offset>/<page length>) @param data_ptr Write callback data pointer (pointer to MARIA_SHARE) @retval 0 OK @retval 1 error */ my_bool maria_flush_log_for_page(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args) { LSN lsn; uchar *page= args->page; MARIA_SHARE *share= (MARIA_SHARE *)args->data; DBUG_ENTER("maria_flush_log_for_page"); /* share is 0 here only in unittest */ DBUG_ASSERT(!share || share->page_type == PAGECACHE_LSN_PAGE); lsn= lsn_korr(page); if (translog_flush(lsn)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Now when log is written, it's safe to incremented 'open' counter for the table so that we know it was not closed properly. */ if (share && !share->global_changed) _ma_mark_file_changed_now(share); DBUG_RETURN(0); } my_bool maria_flush_log_for_page_none(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args __attribute__((unused))) { return 0; } my_bool maria_page_null_pre_read_hook(PAGECACHE_IO_HOOK_ARGS *args __attribute__((unused))) { return 0; }