# # Test of date format functions # --disable-warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable-warnings SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "%_format%"; SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE "%_format%"; # # Test setting a lot of different formats to see which formats are accepted and # which aren't # SET time_format='%H%i%s'; SET time_format='%H:%i:%s.%f'; SET time_format='%h-%i-%s.%f%p'; SET time_format='%h:%i:%s.%f %p'; SET time_format='%h:%i:%s%p'; SET date_format='%Y%m%d'; SET date_format='%Y.%m.%d'; SET date_format='%d.%m.%Y'; SET date_format='%m-%d-%Y'; set datetime_format= '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'; set datetime_format= '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'; set datetime_format= '%m-%d-%y %H:%i:%s.%f'; set datetime_format= '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s%p'; set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s %Y-%m-%d'; set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s.%f %m-%d-%Y'; set datetime_format= '%h:%i:%s %p %Y-%m-%d'; set datetime_format= '%h:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d'; SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE "%format"; --error 1231 SET time_format='%h:%i:%s'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H %i:%s'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H::%i:%s'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H:%i:%s%f'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H:%i.%f:%s'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H:%i:%s%p'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%h:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H%i%s.%f'; --error 1231 SET time_format='%H:%i-%s.%f'; --error 1231 SET date_format='%d.%m.%d'; --error 1231 SET datetime_format='%h.%m.%y %d.%i.%s'; --error 1231 set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d'; # # Test GLOBAL values set GLOBAL datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s %Y-%m-%d'; SET SESSION datetime_format=default; select @@global.datetime_format, @@session.datetime_format; SET GLOBAL datetime_format=default; SET SESSION datetime_format=default; select @@global.datetime_format, @@session.datetime_format; SET GLOBAL date_format=default; SET GLOBAL time_format=default; SET GLOBAL datetime_format=default; SET time_format=default; SET date_format=default; SET datetime_format=default; # # The following tests will work only when we at some point will enable # dynamic changing of formats # # SET date_format='%d.%m.%Y'; # select CAST('01.01.2001' as DATE) as a; # SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%Y %H.%i.%s'; # select CAST('01.01.2001 05.12.06' as DATETIME) as a; # SET time_format='%H.%i.%s'; # select CAST('05.12.06' as TIME) as a; # # SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%Y %h:%i:%s %p'; # select CAST('01.01.2001 05:12:06AM' as DATETIME) as a; # select CAST('01.01.2001 05:12:06 PM' as DATETIME) as a; # # SET time_format='%h:%i:%s %p'; # select CAST('05:12:06 AM' as TIME) as a; # select CAST('05:12:06.1234PM' as TIME) as a; # # SET time_format='%h.%i.%s %p'; # SET date_format='%d.%m.%y'; # SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%y %h.%i.%s %p'; # select CAST('12-12-06' as DATE) as a; # # select adddate('01.01.97 PM', 10); # select datediff('31.12.97 11.59:59.000001 PM','01.01.98'); # select weekofyear('31.11.97 11:59:59.000001 PM'); # select makedate(1997,1); # select addtime('31.12.97 PM', '1'); # select maketime(23,11,12); # select timediff('01.01.97 11:59:59.000001 PM','31.12.95 11:59:59.000002 PM'); # # SET time_format='%i:%s:%H'; # select cast(str_to_date('15-01-2001 12:59:59', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S') as TIME); # # Test of str_to_date # select str_to_date(concat('15-01-2001',' 2:59:58.999'), concat('%d-%m-%Y',' ','%H:%i:%s.%f')); create table t1 (date char(30), format char(30) not null); insert into t1 values ('2003-01-02 10:11:12', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'), ('03-01-02 8:11:2.123456', '%y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p'), ('2003-01-02 01:11:12.12345AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f%p'), ('2003-01-02 02:11:12.12345AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f %p'), ('2003-01-02 12:11:12.12345 am', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f%p'), ('2003-01-02 11:11:12Pm', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S%p'), ('10:20:10', '%H:%i:%s'), ('10:20:10', '%h:%i:%s.%f'), ('10:20:10AM', '%h:%i:%s%p'), ('10:20:10.44AM', '%h:%i:%s.%f%p'), ('15-01-2001 12:59:58', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S'), ('15 September 2001', '%d %M %Y'), ('15 SEPTEMB 2001', '%d %M %Y'), ('15 MAY 2001', '%d %b %Y'), ('Sunday 15 MAY 2001', '%W %d %b %Y'), ('Sund 15 MAY 2001', '%W %d %b %Y'), ('Tuesday 00 2002', '%W %U %Y'), ('Thursday 53 1998', '%W %u %Y'), ('15-01-2001', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S'), ('15-01-20', '%d-%m-%y'), ('15-2001-1', '%d-%Y-%c'); # Use through protocol functions select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1; # Use as a string select date,format,concat('',str_to_date(date, format)) as con from t1; # Use as datetime select date,format,cast(str_to_date(date, format) as datetime) as datetime from t1; select date,format,DATE(str_to_date(date, format)) as date2 from t1; select date,format,TIME(str_to_date(date, format)) as time from t1; select date,format,concat(TIME(str_to_date(date, format))) as time2 from t1; # Test wrong dates truncate table t1; insert into t1 values ('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S %p'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12.123456', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f %p'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12AN', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S%p'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S %p'), ('10:20:10AM', '%H:%i:%s%p'), ('15 Septembei 2001', '%d %M %Y'), ('15 Ju 2001', '%d %M %Y'), ('Sund 15 MA', '%W %d %b %Y'), ('Sunday 01 2001', '%W %V %X'), ('Thursdai 12 1998', '%W %u %Y'), (NULL, get_format(DATE,'USA')), ('Tuesday 52 2001', '%W %V %X'); select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1; select date,format,concat(str_to_date(date, format),'') as con from t1; # Test 'maybe' date formats and 'strange but correct' results truncate table t1; insert into t1 values ('10:20:10AM', '%h:%i:%s'), ('2003-01-02 10:11:12', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S'), ('03-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p'); select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1; select date,format,concat(str_to_date(date, format),'') as con from t1; drop table t1; # # Test of get_format # select get_format(DATE, 'USA') as a; select get_format(TIME, 'internal') as a; select get_format(DATETIME, 'eur') as a; select get_format(DATE, 'TEST') as a; select str_to_date('15-01-2001 12:59:59', GET_FORMAT(DATE,'USA')); explain extended select makedate(1997,1), addtime("31.12.97 PM", "1"),subtime("31.12.97 PM", "1"),timediff("01.01.97 11:59:59.000001 PM","31.12.95 11:59:59.000002 PM"),cast(str_to_date("15-01-2001 12:59:59", "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S") as TIME), maketime(23,11,12),microsecond("1997-12-31 23:59:59.000001"); # # Test of date_format() # create table t1 (d date); insert into t1 values ('2004-07-14'),('2005-07-14'); select date_format(d,"%d") from t1 order by 1; drop table t1;