/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Write some debug info */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include <hash.h> #include <thr_alarm.h> #if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(HAVE_MALLOC_H) #include <malloc.h> #elif defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H) #include <sys/malloc.h> #endif /* Intern key cache variables */ extern "C" pthread_mutex_t THR_LOCK_keycache; #ifndef DBUG_OFF void print_where(COND *cond,const char *info) { if (cond) { char buff[256]; String str(buff,(uint32) sizeof(buff)); str.length(0); cond->print(&str); str.append('\0'); DBUG_LOCK_FILE; (void) fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"\nWHERE:(%s) ",info); (void) fputs(str.ptr(),DBUG_FILE); (void) fputc('\n',DBUG_FILE); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; } } /* This is for debugging purposes */ extern HASH open_cache; extern TABLE *unused_tables; void print_cached_tables(void) { uint idx,count,unused; TABLE *start_link,*lnk; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open)); puts("DB Table Version Thread L.thread Open"); for (idx=unused=0 ; idx < open_cache.records ; idx++) { TABLE *entry=(TABLE*) hash_element(&open_cache,idx); printf("%-14.14s %-32s%6ld%8ld%10ld%6d\n", entry->table_cache_key,entry->real_name,entry->version, entry->in_use ? entry->in_use->thread_id : 0L, entry->in_use ? entry->in_use->dbug_thread_id : 0L, entry->db_stat ? 1 : 0); if (!entry->in_use) unused++; } count=0; if ((start_link=lnk=unused_tables)) { do { if (lnk != lnk->next->prev || lnk != lnk->prev->next) { printf("unused_links isn't linked properly\n"); return; } } while (count++ < open_cache.records && (lnk=lnk->next) != start_link); if (lnk != start_link) { printf("Unused_links aren't connected\n"); } } if (count != unused) printf("Unused_links (%d) doesn't match open_cache: %d\n", count,unused); printf("\nCurrent refresh version: %ld\n",refresh_version); if (hash_check(&open_cache)) printf("Error: File hash table is corrupted\n"); fflush(stdout); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open)); return; } void TEST_filesort(SORT_FIELD *sortorder,uint s_length, ha_rows special) { char buff[256],buff2[256]; String str(buff,sizeof(buff)),out(buff2,sizeof(buff2)); const char *sep; DBUG_ENTER("TEST_filesort"); out.length(0); for (sep=""; s_length-- ; sortorder++, sep=" ") { out.append(sep); if (sortorder->reverse) out.append('-'); if (sortorder->field) { if (sortorder->field->table_name) { out.append(sortorder->field->table_name); out.append('.'); } out.append(sortorder->field->field_name ? sortorder->field->field_name: "tmp_table_column"); } else { str.length(0); sortorder->item->print(&str); out.append(str); } } out.append('\0'); // Purify doesn't like c_ptr() DBUG_LOCK_FILE; VOID(fputs("\nInfo about FILESORT\n",DBUG_FILE)); if (special) fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"Records to sort: %lu\n",(ulong) special); fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"Sortorder: %s\n",out.ptr()); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void TEST_join(JOIN *join) { uint i,ref; DBUG_ENTER("TEST_join"); DBUG_LOCK_FILE; VOID(fputs("\nInfo about JOIN\n",DBUG_FILE)); for (i=0 ; i < join->tables ; i++) { JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i; TABLE *form=tab->table; fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%-16.16s type: %-7s q_keys: %4d refs: %d key: %d len: %d\n", form->table_name, join_type_str[tab->type], tab->keys, tab->ref.key_parts, tab->ref.key, tab->ref.key_length); if (tab->select) { if (tab->use_quick == 2) fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " quick select checked for each record (keys: %d)\n", (int) tab->select->quick_keys); else if (tab->select->quick) fprintf(DBUG_FILE," quick select used on key %s, length: %d\n", form->key_info[tab->select->quick->index].name, tab->select->quick->max_used_key_length); else VOID(fputs(" select used\n",DBUG_FILE)); } if (tab->ref.key_parts) { VOID(fputs(" refs: ",DBUG_FILE)); for (ref=0 ; ref < tab->ref.key_parts ; ref++) { Item *item=tab->ref.items[ref]; fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%s ", item->full_name()); } VOID(fputc('\n',DBUG_FILE)); } } DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #endif void mysql_print_status(THD *thd) { char current_dir[FN_REFLEN]; char llbuff[22]; printf("\nStatus information:\n\n"); my_getwd(current_dir, sizeof(current_dir),MYF(0)); printf("Current dir: %s\n", current_dir); printf("Running threads: %d Stack size: %ld\n", thread_count, (long) thread_stack); if (thd) thd->proc_info="locks"; thr_print_locks(); // Write some debug info #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (thd) thd->proc_info="table cache"; print_cached_tables(); #endif /* Print key cache status */ if (thd) thd->proc_info="key cache"; pthread_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_keycache); printf("key_cache status:\n\ blocks used:%10lu\n\ not flushed:%10lu\n", _my_blocks_used, _my_blocks_changed); printf("w_requests: %10s\n", llstr(_my_cache_w_requests, llbuff)); printf("writes: %10s\n", llstr(_my_cache_write, llbuff)); printf("r_requests: %10s\n", llstr(_my_cache_r_requests, llbuff)); printf("reads: %10s\n", llstr(_my_cache_read, llbuff)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_keycache); if (thd) thd->proc_info="status"; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); printf("\nhandler status:\n\ read_key: %10lu\n\ read_next: %10lu\n\ read_rnd %10lu\n\ read_first: %10lu\n\ write: %10lu\n\ delete %10lu\n\ update: %10lu\n", ha_read_key_count, ha_read_next_count, ha_read_rnd_count, ha_read_first_count, ha_write_count, ha_delete_count, ha_update_count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); printf("\nTable status:\n\ Opened tables: %10lu\n\ Open tables: %10lu\n\ Open files: %10lu\n\ Open streams: %10lu\n", opened_tables, (ulong) cached_tables(), (ulong) my_file_opened, (ulong) my_stream_opened); ALARM_INFO alarm_info; #ifndef DONT_USE_THR_ALARM thr_alarm_info(&alarm_info); printf("\nAlarm status:\n\ Active alarms: %u\n\ Max used alarms: %u\n\ Next alarm time: %lu\n", alarm_info.active_alarms, alarm_info.max_used_alarms, alarm_info.next_alarm_time); #endif fflush(stdout); if (thd) thd->proc_info="malloc"; my_checkmalloc(); TERMINATE(stdout); // Write malloc information #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO struct mallinfo info= mallinfo(); printf("\nMemory status:\n\ Non-mmapped space allocated from system: %d\n\ Number of free chunks: %d\n\ Number of fastbin blocks: %d\n\ Number of mmapped regions: %d\n\ Space in mmapped regions: %d\n\ Maximum total allocated space: %d\n\ Space available in freed fastbin blocks: %d\n\ Total allocated space: %d\n\ Total free space: %d\n\ Top-most, releasable space: %d\n\ Estimated memory (with thread stack): %ld\n", (int) info.arena , (int) info.ordblks, (int) info.smblks, (int) info.hblks, (int) info.hblkhd, (int) info.usmblks, (int) info.fsmblks, (int) info.uordblks, (int) info.fordblks, (int) info.keepcost, (long) (thread_count * thread_stack + info.hblkhd + info.arena)); #endif puts(""); if (thd) thd->proc_info=0; }