/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #include "filesort_utils.h" #include "sql_const.h" #include "sql_sort.h" #include "table.h" #include "my_sys.h" namespace { /** A local helper function. See comments for get_merge_buffers_cost(). */ double get_merge_cost(ha_rows num_elements, ha_rows num_buffers, uint elem_size) { return 2.0 * ((double) num_elements * elem_size) / IO_SIZE + (double) num_elements * log((double) num_buffers) / (TIME_FOR_COMPARE_ROWID * M_LN2); } } /** This is a simplified, and faster version of @see get_merge_many_buffs_cost(). We calculate the cost of merging buffers, by simulating the actions of @see merge_many_buff. For explanations of formulas below, see comments for get_merge_buffers_cost(). TODO: Use this function for Unique::get_use_cost(). */ double get_merge_many_buffs_cost_fast(ha_rows num_rows, ha_rows num_keys_per_buffer, uint elem_size) { ha_rows num_buffers= num_rows / num_keys_per_buffer; ha_rows last_n_elems= num_rows % num_keys_per_buffer; double total_cost; // Calculate CPU cost of sorting buffers. total_cost= ( num_buffers * num_keys_per_buffer * log(1.0 + num_keys_per_buffer) + last_n_elems * log(1.0 + last_n_elems) ) / TIME_FOR_COMPARE_ROWID; // Simulate behavior of merge_many_buff(). while (num_buffers >= MERGEBUFF2) { // Calculate # of calls to merge_buffers(). const ha_rows loop_limit= num_buffers - MERGEBUFF*3/2; const ha_rows num_merge_calls= 1 + loop_limit/MERGEBUFF; const ha_rows num_remaining_buffs= num_buffers - num_merge_calls * MERGEBUFF; // Cost of merge sort 'num_merge_calls'. total_cost+= num_merge_calls * get_merge_cost(num_keys_per_buffer * MERGEBUFF, MERGEBUFF, elem_size); // # of records in remaining buffers. last_n_elems+= num_remaining_buffs * num_keys_per_buffer; // Cost of merge sort of remaining buffers. total_cost+= get_merge_cost(last_n_elems, 1 + num_remaining_buffs, elem_size); num_buffers= num_merge_calls; num_keys_per_buffer*= MERGEBUFF; } // Simulate final merge_buff call. last_n_elems+= num_keys_per_buffer * num_buffers; total_cost+= get_merge_cost(last_n_elems, 1 + num_buffers, elem_size); return total_cost; } uchar **Filesort_buffer::alloc_sort_buffer(uint num_records, uint record_length) { ulong sort_buff_sz; DBUG_ENTER("alloc_sort_buffer"); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("alloc_sort_buffer_fail", DBUG_SET("+d,simulate_out_of_memory");); if (m_idx_array.is_null()) { sort_buff_sz= ((size_t)num_records) * (record_length + sizeof(uchar*)); set_if_bigger(sort_buff_sz, record_length * MERGEBUFF2); uchar **sort_keys= (uchar**) my_malloc(sort_buff_sz, MYF(MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC)); m_idx_array= Idx_array(sort_keys, num_records); m_record_length= record_length; uchar **start_of_data= m_idx_array.array() + m_idx_array.size(); m_start_of_data= reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(start_of_data); } else { DBUG_ASSERT(num_records == m_idx_array.size()); DBUG_ASSERT(record_length == m_record_length); } DBUG_RETURN(m_idx_array.array()); } void Filesort_buffer::free_sort_buffer() { my_free(m_idx_array.array()); m_idx_array= Idx_array(); m_record_length= 0; m_start_of_data= NULL; } void Filesort_buffer::sort_buffer(const Sort_param *param, uint count) { size_t size= param->sort_length; if (count <= 1 || size == 0) return; uchar **keys= get_sort_keys(); uchar **buffer= NULL; if (radixsort_is_appliccable(count, param->sort_length) && (buffer= (uchar**) my_malloc(count*sizeof(char*), MYF(MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC)))) { radixsort_for_str_ptr(keys, count, param->sort_length, buffer); my_free(buffer); return; } my_qsort2(keys, count, sizeof(uchar*), get_ptr_compare(size), &size); }