/* Copyright (C) Olivier Bertrand 2004 - 2016 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*************** Mycat CC Program Source Code File (.CC) ***************/ /* PROGRAM NAME: MYCAT */ /* ------------- */ /* Version 1.4 */ /* */ /* Author: Olivier Bertrand 2012 - 2016 */ /* */ /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES: */ /* ----------------------- */ /* This program are the DB description related routines. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include <my_config.h> #if defined(__WIN__) //#include <windows.h> //#include <sqlext.h> #elif defined(UNIX) #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #endif #define DONT_DEFINE_VOID //#include <mysql/plugin.h> #include "handler.h" #undef OFFSET /***********************************************************************/ /* Include application header files */ /* */ /* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */ /* plgdbsem.h is header containing DB application declarations. */ /* tabdos.h is header containing TDBDOS classes declarations. */ /* MYCAT.h is header containing DB description declarations. */ /***********************************************************************/ #if defined(UNIX) #include "osutil.h" #endif // UNIX #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "reldef.h" #include "tabcol.h" #include "xtable.h" #include "filamtxt.h" #include "tabdos.h" #include "tabfmt.h" #include "tabvct.h" #include "tabsys.h" #if defined(__WIN__) #include "tabmac.h" #include "tabwmi.h" #endif // __WIN__ //#include "tabtbl.h" #include "tabxcl.h" #include "tabtbl.h" #include "taboccur.h" #include "tabmul.h" #include "tabmysql.h" #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT) #define NODBC #include "tabodbc.h" #endif // ODBC_SUPPORT #if defined(JDBC_SUPPORT) #define NJDBC #include "tabjdbc.h" #endif // ODBC_SUPPORT #if defined(PIVOT_SUPPORT) #include "tabpivot.h" #endif // PIVOT_SUPPORT #include "tabvir.h" #include "tabjson.h" #include "ha_connect.h" #if defined(XML_SUPPORT) #include "tabxml.h" #endif // XML_SUPPORT #include "mycat.h" /***********************************************************************/ /* Extern static variables. */ /***********************************************************************/ #if defined(__WIN__) extern "C" HINSTANCE s_hModule; // Saved module handle #endif // !__WIN__ PQRYRES OEMColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info); /***********************************************************************/ /* Get the plugin directory. */ /***********************************************************************/ char *GetPluginDir(void) { return opt_plugin_dir; } // end of GetPluginDir /***********************************************************************/ /* Get a unique enum table type ID. */ /***********************************************************************/ TABTYPE GetTypeID(const char *type) { return (!type) ? TAB_UNDEF : (!stricmp(type, "DOS")) ? TAB_DOS : (!stricmp(type, "FIX")) ? TAB_FIX : (!stricmp(type, "BIN")) ? TAB_BIN : (!stricmp(type, "CSV")) ? TAB_CSV : (!stricmp(type, "FMT")) ? TAB_FMT : (!stricmp(type, "DBF")) ? TAB_DBF #ifdef XML_SUPPORT : (!stricmp(type, "XML")) ? TAB_XML #endif : (!stricmp(type, "INI")) ? TAB_INI : (!stricmp(type, "VEC")) ? TAB_VEC #ifdef ODBC_SUPPORT : (!stricmp(type, "ODBC")) ? TAB_ODBC #endif #ifdef JDBC_SUPPORT : (!stricmp(type, "JDBC")) ? TAB_JDBC #endif : (!stricmp(type, "MYSQL")) ? TAB_MYSQL : (!stricmp(type, "MYPRX")) ? TAB_MYSQL : (!stricmp(type, "DIR")) ? TAB_DIR #ifdef __WIN__ : (!stricmp(type, "MAC")) ? TAB_MAC : (!stricmp(type, "WMI")) ? TAB_WMI #endif : (!stricmp(type, "TBL")) ? TAB_TBL : (!stricmp(type, "XCOL")) ? TAB_XCL : (!stricmp(type, "OCCUR")) ? TAB_OCCUR : (!stricmp(type, "CATLG")) ? TAB_PRX // Legacy : (!stricmp(type, "PROXY")) ? TAB_PRX #ifdef PIVOT_SUPPORT : (!stricmp(type, "PIVOT")) ? TAB_PIVOT #endif : (!stricmp(type, "VIR")) ? TAB_VIR : (!stricmp(type, "JSON")) ? TAB_JSON : (!stricmp(type, "OEM")) ? TAB_OEM : TAB_NIY; } // end of GetTypeID /***********************************************************************/ /* Return true for table types based on file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool IsFileType(TABTYPE type) { bool isfile; switch (type) { case TAB_DOS: case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_CSV: case TAB_FMT: case TAB_DBF: case TAB_XML: case TAB_INI: case TAB_VEC: case TAB_JSON: isfile= true; break; default: isfile= false; break; } // endswitch type return isfile; } // end of IsFileType /***********************************************************************/ /* Return true for table types returning exact row count. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool IsExactType(TABTYPE type) { bool exact; switch (type) { case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_DBF: // case TAB_XML: depends on Multiple || Xpand || Coltype // case TAB_JSON: depends on Multiple || Xpand || Coltype case TAB_VEC: case TAB_VIR: exact= true; break; default: exact= false; break; } // endswitch type return exact; } // end of IsExactType /***********************************************************************/ /* Return true for table types accepting null fields. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool IsTypeNullable(TABTYPE type) { bool nullable; switch (type) { case TAB_MAC: case TAB_DIR: nullable= false; break; default: nullable= true; break; } // endswitch type return nullable; } // end of IsTypeNullable /***********************************************************************/ /* Return true for fixed record length tables. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool IsTypeFixed(TABTYPE type) { bool fix; switch (type) { case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_VEC: // case TAB_DBF: ??? fix= true; break; default: fix= false; break; } // endswitch type return fix; } // end of IsTypeFixed /***********************************************************************/ /* Return true for table indexable by XINDEX. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool IsTypeIndexable(TABTYPE type) { bool idx; switch (type) { case TAB_DOS: case TAB_CSV: case TAB_FMT: case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_VEC: case TAB_DBF: case TAB_JSON: idx= true; break; default: idx= false; break; } // endswitch type return idx; } // end of IsTypeIndexable /***********************************************************************/ /* Return index type: 0 NO, 1 XINDEX, 2 REMOTE. */ /***********************************************************************/ int GetIndexType(TABTYPE type) { int xtyp; switch (type) { case TAB_DOS: case TAB_CSV: case TAB_FMT: case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_VEC: case TAB_DBF: case TAB_JSON: xtyp= 1; break; case TAB_MYSQL: case TAB_ODBC: case TAB_JDBC: xtyp= 2; break; case TAB_VIR: xtyp= 3; break; default: xtyp= 0; break; } // endswitch type return xtyp; } // end of GetIndexType /***********************************************************************/ /* Get a unique enum catalog function ID. */ /***********************************************************************/ uint GetFuncID(const char *func) { uint fnc; if (!func) fnc= FNC_NO; else if (!strnicmp(func, "col", 3)) fnc= FNC_COL; else if (!strnicmp(func, "tab", 3)) fnc= FNC_TABLE; else if (!stricmp(func, "dsn") || !strnicmp(func, "datasource", 10) || !strnicmp(func, "source", 6) || !strnicmp(func, "sqldatasource", 13)) fnc= FNC_DSN; else if (!strnicmp(func, "driver", 6) || !strnicmp(func, "sqldriver", 9)) fnc= FNC_DRIVER; else fnc= FNC_NIY; return fnc; } // end of GetFuncID /***********************************************************************/ /* OEMColumn: Get table column info for an OEM table. */ /***********************************************************************/ PQRYRES OEMColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info) { typedef PQRYRES (__stdcall *XCOLDEF) (PGLOBAL, void*, char*, char*, bool); const char *module, *subtype; char c, soname[_MAX_PATH], getname[40] = "Col"; #if defined(__WIN__) HANDLE hdll; /* Handle to the external DLL */ #else // !__WIN__ void *hdll; /* Handle for the loaded shared library */ #endif // !__WIN__ XCOLDEF coldef = NULL; PQRYRES qrp = NULL; module = topt->module; subtype = topt->subtype; if (!module || !subtype) return NULL; /*********************************************************************/ /* Ensure that the .dll doesn't have a path. */ /* This is done to ensure that only approved dll from the system */ /* directories are used (to make this even remotely secure). */ /*********************************************************************/ if (check_valid_path(module, strlen(module))) { strcpy(g->Message, "Module cannot contain a path"); return NULL; } else PlugSetPath(soname, module, GetPluginDir()); // The exported name is always in uppercase for (int i = 0; ; i++) { c = subtype[i]; getname[i + 3] = toupper(c); if (!c) break; } // endfor i #if defined(__WIN__) // Load the Dll implementing the table if (!(hdll = LoadLibrary(soname))) { char buf[256]; DWORD rc = GetLastError(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(DLL_LOAD_ERROR), rc, soname); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, rc, 0, (LPTSTR)buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), buf); return NULL; } // endif hDll // Get the function returning an instance of the external DEF class if (!(coldef = (XCOLDEF)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hdll, getname))) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), GetLastError(), getname); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hdll); return NULL; } // endif coldef #else // !__WIN__ const char *error = NULL; // Load the desired shared library if (!(hdll = dlopen(soname, RTLD_LAZY))) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(SHARED_LIB_ERR), soname, SVP(error)); return NULL; } // endif Hdll // Get the function returning an instance of the external DEF class if (!(coldef = (XCOLDEF)dlsym(hdll, getname))) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(GET_FUNC_ERR), getname, SVP(error)); dlclose(hdll); return NULL; } // endif coldef #endif // !__WIN__ // Just in case the external Get function does not set error messages sprintf(g->Message, "Error getting column info from %s", subtype); // Get the table column definition qrp = coldef(g, topt, tab, db, info); #if defined(__WIN__) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hdll); #else // !__WIN__ dlclose(hdll); #endif // !__WIN__ return qrp; } // end of OEMColumns /* ------------------------- Class CATALOG --------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* CATALOG Constructor. */ /***********************************************************************/ CATALOG::CATALOG(void) { #if defined(__WIN__) //DataPath= ".\\"; #else // !__WIN__ //DataPath= "./"; #endif // !__WIN__ memset(&Ctb, 0, sizeof(CURTAB)); Cbuf= NULL; Cblen= 0; DefHuge= false; } // end of CATALOG constructor /* -------------------------- Class MYCAT ---------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* MYCAT Constructor. */ /***********************************************************************/ MYCAT::MYCAT(PHC hc) : CATALOG() { Hc= hc; DefHuge= false; } // end of MYCAT constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Nothing to do for CONNECT. */ /***********************************************************************/ void MYCAT::Reset(void) { } // end of Reset #if 0 /***********************************************************************/ /* This function sets the current database path. */ /***********************************************************************/ void MYCAT::SetPath(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR *datapath, const char *path) { if (path) { size_t len= strlen(path) + (*path != '.' ? 4 : 1); char *buf= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, len); if (PlugIsAbsolutePath(path)) { strcpy(buf, path); *datapath= buf; return; } if (*path != '.') { #if defined(__WIN__) char *s= "\\"; #else // !__WIN__ char *s= "/"; #endif // !__WIN__ strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(buf, "."), s), path), s); } else strcpy(buf, path); *datapath= buf; } // endif path } // end of SetDataPath #endif // 0 /***********************************************************************/ /* GetTableDesc: retrieve a table descriptor. */ /* Look for a table descriptor matching the name and type. */ /***********************************************************************/ PRELDEF MYCAT::GetTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, LPCSTR type, PRELDEF *) { if (trace) printf("GetTableDesc: name=%s am=%s\n", tablep->GetName(), SVP(type)); // If not specified get the type of this table if (!type) type= Hc->GetStringOption("Type","*"); return MakeTableDesc(g, tablep, type); } // end of GetTableDesc /***********************************************************************/ /* MakeTableDesc: make a table/view description. */ /* Note: caller must check if name already exists before calling it. */ /***********************************************************************/ PRELDEF MYCAT::MakeTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, LPCSTR am) { TABTYPE tc; LPCSTR name = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetName()); LPCSTR schema = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetSchema()); PRELDEF tdp= NULL; if (trace) printf("MakeTableDesc: name=%s schema=%s am=%s\n", name, SVP(schema), SVP(am)); /*********************************************************************/ /* Get a unique enum identifier for types. */ /*********************************************************************/ tc= GetTypeID(am); switch (tc) { case TAB_FIX: case TAB_BIN: case TAB_DBF: case TAB_DOS: tdp= new(g) DOSDEF; break; case TAB_CSV: case TAB_FMT: tdp= new(g) CSVDEF; break; case TAB_INI: tdp= new(g) INIDEF; break; case TAB_DIR: tdp= new(g) DIRDEF; break; #if defined(XML_SUPPORT) case TAB_XML: tdp= new(g) XMLDEF; break; #endif // XML_SUPPORT case TAB_VEC: tdp= new(g) VCTDEF; break; #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT) case TAB_ODBC: tdp= new(g) ODBCDEF; break; #endif // ODBC_SUPPORT #if defined(JDBC_SUPPORT) case TAB_JDBC: tdp= new(g)JDBCDEF; break; #endif // JDBC_SUPPORT #if defined(__WIN__) case TAB_MAC: tdp= new(g) MACDEF; break; case TAB_WMI: tdp= new(g) WMIDEF; break; #endif // __WIN__ case TAB_OEM: tdp= new(g) OEMDEF; break; case TAB_TBL: tdp= new(g) TBLDEF; break; case TAB_XCL: tdp= new(g) XCLDEF; break; case TAB_PRX: tdp= new(g) PRXDEF; break; case TAB_OCCUR: tdp= new(g) OCCURDEF; break; case TAB_MYSQL: tdp= new(g) MYSQLDEF; break; #if defined(PIVOT_SUPPORT) case TAB_PIVOT: tdp= new(g) PIVOTDEF; break; #endif // PIVOT_SUPPORT case TAB_VIR: tdp= new(g) VIRDEF; break; case TAB_JSON: tdp= new(g) JSONDEF; break; default: sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_TABLE_TYPE), am, name); } // endswitch // Do make the table/view definition if (tdp && tdp->Define(g, this, name, schema, am)) tdp= NULL; return tdp; } // end of MakeTableDesc /***********************************************************************/ /* Initialize a Table Description Block construction. */ /***********************************************************************/ PTDB MYCAT::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, MODE mode, LPCSTR type) { PRELDEF tdp; PTDB tdbp= NULL; // LPCSTR name= tablep->GetName(); if (trace) printf("GetTableDB: name=%s\n", tablep->GetName()); // Look for the description of the requested table tdp= GetTableDesc(g, tablep, type); if (tdp) { if (trace) printf("tdb=%p type=%s\n", tdp, tdp->GetType()); if (tablep->GetSchema()) tdp->Database = SetPath(g, tablep->GetSchema()); tdbp= tdp->GetTable(g, mode); } // endif tdp if (tdbp) { if (trace) printf("tdbp=%p name=%s amtype=%d\n", tdbp, tdbp->GetName(), tdbp->GetAmType()); tablep->SetTo_Tdb(tdbp); tdbp->SetTable(tablep); tdbp->SetMode(mode); } // endif tdbp return (tdbp); } // end of GetTable /***********************************************************************/ /* ClearDB: Terminates Database usage. */ /***********************************************************************/ void MYCAT::ClearDB(PGLOBAL) { } // end of ClearDB /* ------------------------ End of MYCAT --------------------------- */